How do I point a domain name to a specific URL - .htaccess

I have a website that every customer can have a personal profile page. A sample page address is :
and I want to point a domain name to this specific url. For example when visiting it shows the content of the above address (without changing the address).
How can I do this?


How do I route a domain name to specific page on a different domain name? Both domains are registered on the same account

My client recently purchased a new domain name and wants it to link to an interior page on the current website. Both domains are registered on the same account. The main site is currently hosted on a Media Temple Grid account and I see no option for "forwarding." There is an option to "Point the domain to another server." Not sure if this is more of a DNS record change or an .htaccess redirect?
The main website is:
The new domain name that needs routing is:
The interior page that I'm trying to route to is:
I selected "Point the domain to another server" which made the DNS for the same as the main website. I then tried multiple different redirects in the .htaccess file that's on the root of the server but nothing seems to be working.

Redirect Domain Name Dynamically With Name Servers

I'm trying to redirect multiple domain names to their corresponding landing pages on my website using name servers, but don't know where to start.
I have two domain names 1) 2) I want to set the name servers of each domain to forward them to the landing page on my website, so would redirect to and would redirect to
Any help as to where I could a general direction to make this happen?
DNS is solely responsible for the name to address mapping. It has no concept of anything that happens beyond that. Via DNS you would need to point both names to the address of the web server.
Then on the web server, configure a site at and, with each site being redirected the appropriate place.
This way, the HTTP software will detect which domain name is requested and redirect it as required.
You basically need to follow the link shared in comments, but do that for each domain. - How do I redirect a domain to a specific "landing page"?

Google Domains forward a server website and don't change browser url bar

I have a DigitalOcean server with a website that is accessible from an IP with a port (ex., this is not the real url but an example) and I have a Google Domain (ex.
I am trying to make it so that if a user navigates to the Google Domain URL, the URL accesses the website from the server. On Google Domains I have forwarded a subdomain, used a custom name server, and have followed all instructions from DigitalOcean's guide. However, when I try navigating to the Google Domain URL in browser, the page redirects to the raw server url (I type in "" in the browser and the page switches to "", correctly displaying the content. However, I want the page to not redirect and keep "" in the address bar.)
Basically my end goal is being able to do the following with a Google Domain:
User types in "" in the address bar
The content from the site on "" appears, and the url in the address bar remains "", with no ip or port.

Implementing 3rd level domain name hosting

Say, you have a 2nd level domain name of your home town: and you want to give away 3rd level domain names (like automatically and for free to anyone requested (i.e. implement 3rd level domain hosting). How would you go about implementing it?
I thought about using wildcard DNS record * to point to a web app, which would make a redirect based on requested url. But that would not be any good, because redirect will, well, redirect instead of using the desired domain
You should delegate subdomains, just like the domain was delegated to you.
Just like you supplied contact information and a list of nameservers when you registered, they should supply contact information and a list of nameservers to you. You then list these nameservers as NS records in the parent zone.

pointing my blogger domain to my own webhost

I just purchased a domain for my blogger blog through google(goDaddy)
Currently, it is pointed to blogger web host.
I'd like to point it to my own web host as well, so i can host files, while not losing my blog stuffs from blogger.
Is this possible? for a domain to have 2 web host?
I'm sorry, i'm really new to these domain and hosting, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You can keep your domain on your site and then setup a subdomain-- like blog.YOURDOMAIN.COM-- and point that to your blogger account.
Go to, replacing domainname with your domain name.
Now you will need to login to your Google account utilizing a username and password you previously created specifically for Google Apps for your domain. If you do not know this information, click 'Can't access your account.'
Once logged in, click the 'Domain Settings' tab.
Click on "Advanced DNS Settings".
You will now see listed your Sign-In Name, Password, and PIN.
Click Sign-In to DNS Console and use the Sign-In Name and Password to login.
You should now be in the Domain Control Center. Click Forward, and then select Forward Subdomain.
In the Add subdomain field, enter the subdomain.
Select http:// or https:// depending on your server settings.
In Forward this subdomain to, enter the URL you want to forward the subdomain to. This will be the URL for your Blogger blog.
To view additional options, click Advanced Options, and then select one of the following:
Forward Only — Specifies the length of time for this forwarding setting. Select one of the following redirect types:
I am permanently forwarding my domain — Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a "301 Moved Permanently" HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) the location has permanently moved.
I am only temporarily forwarding my domain — Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a "302 Found" HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.
Forward with Masking
Title — Displays at the top of the browser window and in search results.
Description — A short description of your website to display in search engine results.
Keyword — A list of comma-separated keywords that describe the content and purpose of your website.
Click OK.
The main domain you just continue to point to the IP of your web host.
