How to prevent multiples instances of a shell script ? - linux

using centos5
below is my shell script. I want to prevent it from multiple instance.. but it doesn't work with if I fir "kill -9" option. also I doubt It will work on reboot.
Is there anyway to apply this logic ? which can also handle kill -9 or reboot or any signal which cause manual exit of the script ?
[root#manage aaa]# cat
set -e
scriptname=$(basename $0)
# lock it
exec 200>$pidfile
flock -n 200 || exit 1
echo $pid 1>&200

Try using the flock command. From the man page:
flock -n 9 || exit 1
# ... commands executed under lock ...
) 9>/var/lock/mylockfile

You can resolv this problens using this logic.
Start the lock
verify, is locked? no continue, or stop...
My script.
control_c () {
echo -e "\nScript stoped: `date +%d/%m/%Y%t%T`" >> $LOG
rm $LOCK &>/dev/null
exit 0
trap control_c INT HUP TERM
if [ ! -f $LOCK ]
touch $LOCK
# Your code....
echo "This script is running"
exit 0
Sorry my bad english ;/


can shell script make itself run in background after running some steps?

I have BBB based custom Embedded Linux based board with busybox shell(ash)
I have a situation where my script must run in background with following condition
There must only one instance of the script.
wrapper script need to know if script started successfully in background or not.
There is another wrapper script which starts and stops my script, wrapper script is as mentioned below.
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
readonly TEST_SCRIPT_PATH="/home/"
readonly TEST_SCRIPT_LOCK_PATH="/var/run/${TEST_SCRIPT_PATH##*/}.lock"
local pid_of_testscript=0
local status=0
#Run test script in background
#---------Now When this point is hit, lock file must be created.-----
if [ -f "${TEST_SCRIPT_LOCK_PATH}" ];then
pid_of_testscript=$(head -n1 ${TEST_SCRIPT_LOCK_PATH})
if [ -n "${pid_of_testscript}" ];then
kill -0 ${pid_of_testscript} &> /dev/null || status="${?}"
if [ ${status} -ne 0 ];then
echo "Error starting testscript"
echo "testscript start successfully"
echo "Error starting"
local pid_of_testscript=0
local status=0
if [ -f "${TEST_SCRIPT_LOCK_PATH}" ];then
pid_of_testscript=$(head -n1 ${TEST_SCRIPT_LOCK_PATH})
if [ -n "${pid_of_testscript}" ];then
kill -0 ${pid_of_testscript} &> /dev/null || status="${?}"
if [ ${status} -ne 0 ];then
echo "testscript not running"
#send SIGTERM signal
kill -SIGTERM "${pid_of_testscript}"
#Script starts from here.
case ${1} in
echo "Usage: ${0} [start|stop]"
exit 1
Now actual script "" looks something like this,
#Filename :
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
set -eu
eval "exec ${FLOCK_ID}>>${LOCK_FILE}"
"${FLOCK_CMD}" -n "${FLOCK_ID}" || exit 0
echo "${$}" > "${LOCK_FILE}"
# >>>>>>>>>>-----Now run the code in background---<<<<<<
# cleanup
"${FLOCK_CMD}" -u "${FLOCK_ID}"
if [ -f "${LOCK_FILE}" ];then
rm "${LOCK_FILE}"
trap handle_sigterm SIGTERM
while true
echo "do something"
sleep 10
Now in above script you can see "---Now run the code in background--" at that point I am sure that either lock file is successfully created or instance of this script is already running. So Then I can safely run other code in background and wrapper script can check for lockfile and find out if the process mentioned in the lock file is running or not.
can shellscript itself make it to run in background ?
if not is there a better way to meet all the conditions ?
I think you can look into job control built-in, specifically bg.
Job Control Commands
When processes say they background themselves, what they actually do is fork and exit the parent. You can do the same by running whichever commands, functions or statements you want with & and then exiting.
echo "This runs in the foreground"
sleep 3
while true
sleep 10
echo "doing background things"
done &

Shell scripts and how to avoid running the same script at the same time on a Linux machine

I have Linux centralize server – Linux 5.X.
In some cases on my Linux server the get_hosts.ksh script could be run from some other different hosts.
For example get_hosts.ksh could run on my Linux machine three or more times at the same time.
My question:
How to avoid running multiple instances of process/script?
A common solution for your problem on *nix systems is to check for a lock file existence.
Usually lock file contains current process PID.
This is an example ksh script:
trap "rm -f $pid" SIGSEGV
trap "rm -f $pid" SIGINT
if [ -e $pid ]; then
exit # pid file exists, another instance is running, so now we politely exit
echo $$ > $pid # pid file doesn't exit, create one and go on
# your normal workflow here...
rm -f $pid # remove pid file just before exiting
UPDATE: Answering to OP comment, I add handling program interruptions and segfaults with trap command.
The normal way of doing this is to write the process id into a file. The first thing the script does is check for the existence of the file, read the pid, check if a process with that pid exists, and for extra paranoia points, if that process actually runs the script. If yes, the script exits.
Here's a simple example. The process in question is a binary, and this script makes sure the binary runs only once. This is not exactly what you need, but you should be able to adapt this:
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]
ps -eo pid | grep $PID >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
if [ $RUNNING -ne 1 ]
echo $PID > $PIDFILE
This is not very elaborate but should get you on the right track.
You can use a pid file to keep track of when the process is running. At the top of the script, check for the existence of the pid file and if it doesn't exist, create it and run the script, otherwise return.
Some sample code can be seen in this answer to a similar question.
You might consider using the (optional) lockfile(1) command (provided by procmail package on Debian).
I have a lot of scripts, and using this below code for prevent multiple/simulate run:
PID="/var/scripts/PID.txt" # Temp file
if [ ! -f "$PID" ]; then
echo $$ > "$PID" # Print actual PID into a file
ps -p $(cat "$PID") > /dev/null && exit || echo $$ > "$PID"
Building on wallenborn's answer I also added a "staleness" check just in case the PID lock file is beyond a certain expected age in seconds.
# prevent simultaneous executions within an hourish
if [ -f $pid_file ]; then
pid="$(cat "$pid_file")"
let age_in_seconds="$(date +%s) - $(date -r "$pid_file" +%s)"
if ps $pid >/dev/null && [ $age_in_seconds -lt $max_stale_seconds ]; then
exit 1
echo $$>"$pid_file"
trap "rm -f \"$pid_file\"" SIGSEGV
trap "rm -f \"$pid_file\"" SIGINT
This could be made "smarter" to kill off the other executions should the PID be valid but this would be dangerous. Consider a sudden power failure and reset situation where the PID file contains a number that may now reference a completely different process.

Can I detect early exit from a long-running, backgrounded process?

I'm trying to improve the startup scripts for several servers running in a cluster environment. The server processes should run indefinitely but occasionally fails on startup issuing e.g., Address already in use exceptions.
I'd like the exit code for the startup script to reflect these early terminations by, say, waiting for 1 second and telling me if the server seems to have started okay. I also need the server PID echoed.
Here's my best shot so far:
$ cat
# start the server in the bg but if it fails in the first second,
# then kill
CMD="start_server -option1 foo -option2 bar"
eval "($CMD >> cc.log 2>&1 || kill -9 $$ &)"
# the `kill` above only has 1 second to kill me-- otherwise my exit code is 0
sleep 1
The exit code works fine but two problems remain:
If the server is long-running but eventually encounters an error, the parent will have exited already and the $$ PID may have been reused by an unrelated process which this script will then kill off.
The SERVER_PID isn't correct since it's the PID of the subshell rather than the start_server command (which in this case is a grandchild of the script.
Is there a simpler way to background the start_server process, get its PID, and use a timeout'ed check for error codes? I looked into bash builtins wait and timeout but they don't seem to work for processes that shouldn't exit in the end.
I can't change the server code and the startup script should not run indefinitely.
You can also use coproc (and look, I'm putting the command in an array, and also with proper quoting!):
cmd=( start_server -option1 foo -option2 bar )
coproc mycoprocfd { "${cmd[#]}" >> cc.log 2>&1 ; }
sleep 1
if [[ -z "${mycoprocfd[#]}" ]]; then
echo >&2 "Failure detected when starting server! Server died before 1 second."
exit 1
echo $server_pid
The trick is that coproc puts the file descriptors of the redirections of stdin and stdout in a prescribed array (here mycoprocfd) and empties the array when the process exits. So you don't need to do clumsy stuff with the PID itself.
You can hence check for the server to never exit as so:
cmd=( start_server -option1 foo -option2 bar )
coproc mycoprocfd { "${cmd[#]}" >> cc.log 2>&1 ; }
read -u "${mycoprocfd[0]}"
echo >&2 "Oh dear, the server with PID $server_pid died after $SECONDS seconds."
exit 1
That's because read will read on the file descriptor given by coproc (but nothing is ever read here, since the stdout of your command has been redirected to a file!), and read exits when the file descriptor is closed, i.e., when the command launched by coproc exits.
I'd say this is a really elegant solution!
Now, this script will live as long as the coproc lives. I understood that's not what you want. In this case, you can timeout the read with its -t option, and then you'll use the fact that return's exit status is greater than 128 if it timed out. E.g., for a 4.5 seconds timeout
cmd=( start_server -option1 foo -option2 bar )
coproc mycoprocfd { "${cmd[#]}" >> cc.log 2>&1 ; }
read -t $timeout -u "${mycoprocfd[0]}"
if (($?>128)); then
echo "$server_pid <-- all is good, it's still alive after $timeout seconds."
echo >&2 "Oh dear, the server with PID $server_pid died after $timeout seconds."
exit 1
exit 0 # Yay
This is also very elegant :).
Use, extend, and adapt to your needs! (but with good practices!)
Hope this helps!
coproc is a bash-builtin that appeared in bash 4.0. The solutions shown here are 100% pure bash (except the first one, with sleep, which is not the best one at all!).
The use of coproc in scripts is almost always superior to putting jobs in background with & and doing clumsy and awkward stuff with sleep and checking $!.
If you want coproc to keep quiet, whatever happens (e.g., if there's an error launching the command, which is fine here since you're handling everything yourself), do:
coproc mycoprocfd { "${cmd[#]}" >> cc.log 2>&1 ; } > /dev/null 2>&1
20 minutes of more googling revealed and kill -0 $PID from
So it seems I can use:
$ cat
CMD="start_server -option1 foo -option2 bar"
eval "$CMD >> cc.log 2>&1 &"
sleep 1
kill -0 $SERVER_PID
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Failure detected when starting server! PID $SERVER_PID doesn't exist!" 1>&2
exit 1
This wouldn't work for processes that I can't send signals to but works well enough in my case (where starts the server itself).

Call to daemon in a /etc/init.d script is blocking, not running in background

I have a Perl script that I want to daemonize. Basically this perl script will read a directory every 30 seconds, read the files that it finds and then process the data. To keep it simple here consider the following Perl script (called synpipe_server, there is a symbolic link of this script in /usr/sbin/) :
use strict;
use warnings;
my $continue = 1;
$SIG{'TERM'} = sub { $continue = 0; print "Caught TERM signal\n"; };
$SIG{'INT'} = sub { $continue = 0; print "Caught INT signal\n"; };
my $i = 0;
while ($continue) {
#do stuff
print "Hello, I am running " . ++$i . "\n";
sleep 3;
So this script basically prints something every 3 seconds.
Then, as I want to daemonize this script, I've also put this bash script (also called synpipe_server) in /etc/init.d/ :
# synpipe_server : This starts and stops synpipe_server
# chkconfig: 12345 12 88
# description: Monitors all production pipelines
# processname: synpipe_server
# pidfile: /var/run/
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
[ -x $exe ] || exit 0
start() {
echo -n "Starting $pname : "
daemon ${exe}
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch ${lockfile}
echo $PID > ${pidfile}
stop() {
echo -n "Shutting down $pname : "
killproc ${exe}
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
rm -f ${lockfile}
rm -f ${pidfile}
restart() {
echo -n "Restarting $pname : "
sleep 2
case "$1" in
status ${pname}
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
;; esac
exit 0
So, (if I have well understood the doc for daemon) the Perl script should run in the background and the output should be redirected to /dev/null if I execute :
service synpipe_server start
But here is what I get instead :
[root#master init.d]# service synpipe_server start
Starting synpipe_server : Hello, I am running 1
Hello, I am running 2
Hello, I am running 3
Hello, I am running 4
Caught INT signal
[ OK ]
[root#master init.d]#
So it starts the Perl script but runs it without detaching it from the current terminal session, and I can see the output printed in my console ... which is not really what I was expecting. Moreover, the PID file is empty (or with a line feed only, no pid returned by daemon).
Does anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong ?
EDIT : maybe I should say that I am on a Red Hat machine.
Scientific Linux SL release 5.4 (Boron)
I finally re-wrote the start function in the bash init script, and I am not using daemon anymore.
start() {
echo -n "Starting $pname : "
#daemon ${exe} # Not working ...
if [ -s ${pidfile} ]; then
echo -n "Already running !" && warning
nohup ${exe} >/dev/null 2>&1 &
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch ${lockfile} && success || failure
echo $PID > ${pidfile}
I check that the pid file is not existing already (if so, just write a warning). If not, I use
nohup ${exe} >/dev/null 2>&1 &
to start the script.
I don't know if it is safe this way (?) but it works.
The proper way to daemonize a process is have it detach from the terminal by itself. This is how most larger software suites do it, for instance, apache.
The rationale behind daemon not doing what you would expect from its name, and how to make a unix process detach into the background, can be found here in section 1.7 How do I get my program to act like a daemon?
Simply invoking a program in the background isn't really adequate for
these long-running programs; that does not correctly detach the
process from the terminal session that started it. Also, the
conventional way of starting daemons is simply to issue the command
manually or from an rc script; the daemon is expected to put itself
into the background.
For further reading on this topic: What's the difference between nohup and a daemon?
According to man daemon correct syntax is
daemon [options] -- [command] [command args]
Your init script startup should run something like:
daemon --pidfile ${pidfile} -- ${exe}
As said here, it seems that the process needs to be sent to the background using &.
Daemon don’t do it for you.

bash: silently kill background function process

shell gurus,
I have a bash shell script, in which I launch a background function, say foo(), to display a progress bar for a boring and long command:
while [ 1 ]
#massively cool progress bar display code
sleep 1
foo &
kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
now, when foo dies, I see the following text:
/home/user/script: line XXX: 30290 Killed foo
This totally destroys the awesomeness of my, otherwise massively cool, progress bar display.
How do I get rid of this message?
kill $foo_pid
wait $foo_pid 2>/dev/null
BTW, I don't know about your massively cool progress bar, but have you seen Pipe Viewer (pv)?
Just came across this myself, and realised "disown" is what we are looking for.
foo &
kill $foo_pid
sleep 10
The death message is being printed because the process is still in the shells list of watched "jobs". The disown command will remove the most recently spawned process from this list so that no debug message will be generated when it is killed, even with SIGKILL (-9).
Try to replace your line kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1 with the line:
(kill $foo_pid 2>&1) >/dev/null
This answer is not correct for the reason explained by #mklement0 in his comment:
The reason this answer isn't effective with background jobs is that
Bash itself asynchronously, after the kill command has completed,
outputs a status message about the killed job, which you cannot
suppress directly - unless you use wait, as in the accepted answer.
This "hack" seems to work:
# Some trickery to hide killed message
exec 3>&2 # 3 is now a copy of 2
exec 2> /dev/null # 2 now points to /dev/null
kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1 # sleep to wait for process to die
exec 2>&3 # restore stderr to saved
exec 3>&- # close saved version
and it was inspired from here. World order has been restored.
This is a solution I came up with for a similar problem (wanted to display a timestamp during long running processes). This implements a killsub function that allows you to kill any subshell quietly as long as you know the pid. Note, that the trap instructions are important to include: in case the script is interrupted, the subshell will not continue to run.
while [ 1 ]
#massively cool progress bar display code
sleep 1
#Kills the sub process quietly
function killsub()
kill -9 ${1} 2>/dev/null
wait ${1} 2>/dev/null
foo &
#Add a trap incase of unexpected interruptions
trap 'killsub ${foo_pid}; exit' INT TERM EXIT
#Kill foo after finished
killsub ${foo_pid}
#Reset trap
Add at the start of the function:
trap 'exit 0' TERM
You can use set +m before to suppress that. More information on that here
Another way to do it:
[[ "$(pidof ${1})" ]] && killall ${1}
sleep 2
[[ "$(pidof ${1})" ]] && kill -9 "$(pidof ${1})"
call it with
func_terminate_service "firefox"
Yet another way to disable job notifications is to put your command to be backgrounded in a sh -c 'cmd &' construct.
while [ 1 ]
sleep 1
#foo &
export -f foo
foo_pid=`sh -c 'foo & echo ${!}' | head -1`
# if shell does not support exporting functions (export -f foo)
#arg1='foo() { while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; done; }'
#foo_pid=`sh -c 'eval "$1"; foo & echo ${!}' _ "$arg1" | head -1`
sleep 3
echo kill ${foo_pid}
kill ${foo_pid}
sleep 3
The error message should come from the default signal handler which dump the signal source in the script. I met the similar errors only on bash 3.x and 4.x. To always quietly kill the child process everywhere(tested on bash 3/4/5, dash, ash, zsh), we could trap the TERM signal at the very first of child process:
## assume script name is
foo() {
trap 'exit 0' TERM ## here is the key
while true; do sleep 1; done
echo before child
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
foo &
sleep 1 # wait trap is done
echo before kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
kill $foo_pid
sleep 1 # wait kill is done
echo after kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
