Display SecondaryCommands programmatically? - winrt-xaml

How can I display SecondaryCommands programmatically?
By default, a user must tap the ellipses button to view the secondary commands.
In my case, I need to display the secondary commands on the bottom appbar based on a user-interaction?

If you want to show SecondaryCommands which means open application bar then just set IsOpen property:
BottomAppBar.IsOpen = true;


Android Studio: I want to create a filter icon on my toolbar on specific activity/fragment only, using recycle view

This is the result that I want:
I want to create the filter icon however, I'm not sure if it's even possible. I've searched on youtube however, it's all regarding the search icon. I want the filter icon to be able to open a drawer, in which I'll be able to select what I want to filter. e.g alphabetical order/year, within the recycle view.
you can create menu xml and can load those to the toolbar . onCreateOptionsMenu can be used to inflate the menu and onOptionsItemSelected will help to identify the click of the menu.
Refer : here

Use "Create" command in LiveCode

I use the create command in livecode to dynamically create several objects (graphic, field, button) depending of some conditions. I use "lock screen" and set up all properties: width, height, textSize and many many more... Then "unlock screen".
Here is the problem:
The syntax create btn "Rider1" creates a standard button, but I need an ption menu button. In the project browser, there is also an option menu "Button: Rider2Number", but trying to modify the button that was created by script fails: there is no option menu or popup menu in the list of button types. There are opaque and standard and some variations. It seems like the standard button and the option menu are two different objects. Which prefix (like btn) I should use to create an option menu by script?
You have to first the the style of the button, then set its menuMode:
set the style of last button to "menu"
set the menuMode of last button to "comboBox"
There are two ways to fully set the required properties:
1- If you already have an option button (call it "XYZ"), you can:
create button
set the properties of last button to the properties of btn "XYZ"
You then will need to modify things, like its name and contents.
2- You can set the properties of the "templateButton" as required, perhaps, again, to the properties of btn "XYZ". Then all new buttons will start off that way. You will still have to modify a bit as in the above case.
This is all so that you need not set the many properties that distinguish one type from another; that is tedious. Look up the "templateButton" in the dictionary. This property can be set on the fly, to any number of different types of buttons. Do you see? If you had a suite of button styles, you set the properties of the templateButton to any of those on the fly, and then any newly created button will be of that type.
There is only one button object class. The difference between the many types you are interested in is the "menuMode". Check this out in the dictionary.

How do I get a vertical scroll bar on an XPages iNotes List View component?

As the title says. I created an iNotes List view component in my XPage and it renders great.
The problem is that I have more fields then I can view on screen, and it does not appear to have a vertical scroll bar.
Is there a setting to switch that on?
Doesn't appear to have a vertical scroll bar. I have created SPR SODY92NLB5 for development to investigate.

Change command menu background in LWUIT

Can we change Command's background color of the menu in LWUIT ?
and how can I set an icon to the "Menu" generated Command ?
I will try to explain better than the other post. You can change the style of the Menu using and UIID.
There are two ways to do that.
Easy way. Use the LWUIT Resource editor and create in the Unselected tab, and UIID called Menu. In this UIID you should configure the background color as you wish. You can change more things (like text color, size of the font, etc)
Hard way, by code. Create a Style object and set it to the Menu.

Selecting and Deselecting segment on UISegmentedControl?

I've added a segmented control as the right bar button item of my navigation bar. The control has two segments and I'm attempting to use the control as bar button items. So I was wondering haw can I deselect a selected segment once the user preses it. I've already tried setting the selectedSegmentIndex property to -1 when the action method is called but that is preventing the segment from even being highlighted. Any idea on how can can get the segments to behave like bar button item?
do segmentedControl.momentary = YES; during setup or if using IB, select the Momentary checkbox in the Attributes Inspector.
