Elasticsearch deployment in a 2 server load balanced node js application setting - node.js

I have the following production setup for my Node JS application:
I am now going to integrate Elasticsearch in this setup. My question is regarding the best practices for deploying Elasticsearch in a production environment. All my instances are virtual machines, and I understand that Elasticsearch uses a lot of memory.
Should I therefore set up Elasticsearch on its own server (server 3), set it up on both server 1 and server 2 as a cluster (much like the Mongo DB replica set) or install it as a separate instance on each server.
What would be the benefits of the chosen method?
Many thanks!

Option 2.
Briefly.. I would definitely set this up on both servers - giving you two nodes. Given the options you have stated, this will provide the maximum distribution, load balancing, performance and fault tolerance.
Ensure that you manually configure your memory allocation carefully, assigning 50% of the total allocated to heap on each node, and leave the rest to Lucene for indexing.


How to run two service with different node with voltdb

I have a three node cluster configured for voltdb. Currently 2 applications are running and all the traffic is going to only single node. ( Only one server)
As we have 3 cluster ( 3 nodes) and data is replicated around all the nodes. Can i run one service on one Node and other service on another node? Is that possible?
Yes, as long as both these services use the same database, they can both point to different nodes in the cluster, and VoltDB will reroute the data to the proper partition accordingly.
However, it is recommended to connect applications to all of the nodes in a cluster, so they can send requests to the cluster more evenly. Depending on which client is being used, there are optimizations that send each request to the optimal server based on which partition is involved. This is often called "client affinity". Clients can also simply send to each node in a round-robin style. Both client affinity and round-robin are much more efficient than simply sending all traffic to 1 node.
Also, be cautious of running applications on the same hosts as VoltDB nodes, because they could unpredictably starve the VoltDB process of resources that it needs. However, for applications that behave well and on servers where there are adequate resources, they can be co-located and many VoltDB customers do this.
Full Disclosure: I work at VoltDB.

Is Imap.get() expensive in Hazelcast if Hazelcast cluster is running in the Cloud?

I have a distributed map stored in hazelcast. My hazelcast cluster run in a cloud either private or public. My app may not run on the same network where hazelcast cluster is running.
My app tries to access distributed map using IMap.get() may be thousands per second. I tried to major performance of the above operation on the local cluster by running hazelcast cluster on my local machine. I could read everything in 15-20ms. But I am not getting the same performance if hazelcast cluster runs in the cloud.
If you are reading a map, more frequently, Will it increase the load on hazelcast in the cloud environment?, yes any reasons?
Performance of running software locally will always be different than running in a distributed environment, more so when servers are located elsewhere - network latencies being the most prominent factor.
Servers in cloud, app on local = not the recipe for best performance. Either move all cluster components- servers and app clients, in one network (aim for same availability zone if looking for best performance) or expect delays. Its not the cloud in particular that deteriorates the performance, its the way VMs are setup in cloud. For example, if one VM is in us-east-1 and other in London and your app is in Tokyo then expect inferior performance numbers.

Preventing Cassandra Node from Being Overwhelemed

When in Java, I create a Cassandra cluster builder, I provide a list of multiple Cassandra nodes as shown below:
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(host1, host2, host3, host4).build();
But from what I understand, the connector connects only to the first host in the list that is available, and that host becomes my connection point to the Cassandra cluster.
Now, my question is if my Java application reads/writes huge amount of data from/to Cassandra, then doesn't my Java application overwhelm the node that it is connected to?
Is there a way to configure my connection such that it uses multiple nodes of Cassandra for its reads/writes? What is the common practice?
It uses the contact point to find the rest of the nodes in the cluster, then creates a pool of connections to all the hosts and balances the requests among them. It doesn't only connect to the hosts you provide unless you use the whitelist load balancing policy or a custom one.
If your worried about overwhelming nodes use the RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy (DC aware if multiple DCs) and it will distribute it amongst all of them evenly. If you have hot spots of data and use the TokenAware policy you may have it uneven, but you shouldn't need to worry about it.

clustering in node.js using mesos

I'm working on a project with Node.js that involves a server. Now due to large number of jobs, I need to perform clustering to divide the jobs between different servers (different physical machines). Note that my jobs has nothing to do do with internet, so I cannot use stateless connection (or redis to keep state) and a load balancer in front of the servers to distribute the connection.
I already read about the "cluster" module, but, from what i understood, it seems to scale only on multiprocessors on the same machine.
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work? What about Apache mesos? I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct? If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work?
Don't know.
I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct?
Yes. Almost. It allows you to pool resources (CPU, RAM, DISK) across multiple machines, gives you ability to allocate resources for your applications, run and manage the said applications. So you can ask Mesos to run X instances of node.js and specify how much resource does each instance needs.
If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
Admittedly, I don't know anything about node.js or clustering in node.js. Going by http://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html, it just forks off a bunch of child workers and then round robins the connection between them. You have 2 options off the top of my head:
Run node.js on Mesos using an existing framework such as Marathon. This will be fastest way to get something going on Mesos. https://github.com/mesosphere/marathon
Create a Mesos framework for node.js, which essentially does what cluster node.js is doing, but across the machines. http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/app-framework-development-guide/
In both these solutions, you have the option of letting Mesos create as many instances of node.js as you need, or, use Mesos to run cluster node.js on each machine and let it manage all the workers on that machine.
I didn't google, but there might already be a node.js mesos framework out there!

How to run Couchbase on multiple server or multiple AWS instances?

I am trying to evaluate couchbase`s performance on multiple nodes. I have a Client that generates data for me based on some schema(for 1 node currently, local). But I want to know how I can horizontally scale Couchbase and how it works. Like If I have multiple machines or AWS instances or Windows Azure how can I configure Couchbase to shard the data and than I can evaluate its performance for multiple nodes. Any suggestions and details as to how I can do this?
I am not (yet) familiar with Azure but you can find a very good white paper about Couchbase on AWS:
Running Couchbase on AWS
Let's talk about the cluster itself, you just need to
install Couchbase on multiple nodes
create a "cluster" on one of then
then you simply have to add other nodes to the cluster and rebalance.
I have created an Ansible script that use exactly the steps to create a cluster from command line, see
Create a Couchbase cluster with Ansible
Once you have done that your application will leverage all the nodes automatically, and you can add/remove nodes as you need.
Finally if you want to learn more about Couchbase architecture, how sharding, failover, data consistency, indexing work, I am inviting your to look at this white paper:
Couchbase Server: An Architectural Overview
