I'm looking for simple approach for converting the
public javax.portlet.PortletPreferences convert(long companyId, com.liferay.portal.model.PortletPreferences obj) throws Exception {
long ownerId = obj.getOwnerId();
int ownerType = obj.getOwnerType();
long plid = obj.getPlid();
String portletId = obj.getPortletId();
return PortletPreferencesLocalServiceUtil.getPreferences(companyId, ownerId, ownerType, plid, portletId);
im trying to do a simple code for a login page, and this method is not returning nothing, because proB some error halfway.
public boolean test(String mail,String nome) throws DataMapperException {
boolean Flag=false;
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("chessbookdb");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();//abre a bd
TypedQuery<Long> query = em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PLAYER c WHERE c.EMAIL = :emailDef AND c.NAME = :nomeDef", Long.class);
query.setParameter("emailDef", mail);
query.setParameter("nomeDef", nome);
Flag=query.getSingleResult() > 0;
return Flag;
i tried to make a entity manager connec to my database and then make a typed query to match the login entries.
sorry for my bad english
I am using Liferay 6.2 and I want to modify GetPageAttachmentAction.
I want to add the following code in strutsExecute to include the title in the file name:
public ActionForward strutsExecute(
ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
long nodeId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "nodeId");
String title = ParamUtil.getString(request, "title");
String fileName = ParamUtil.getString(request, "fileName");
// Here my change:
int pos = fileName.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH);
if (pos >= 0) {
title = fileName.substring(0, pos);
fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);
If I create a hook plugin for this change by extending BaseStrutsPortletAction with a custom class then it does not provide strutsExecute() to override.
Should I go with an Ext plugin instead? If yes, then suggest me the configuration of the Ext plugin to modify GetPageAttachmentAction.
You can do either: Hook plugin or Ext plugin.
But a hook seems to make more sense here:
public class MyGetPageAttachmentAction extends BaseStrutsPortletAction {
public void processAction(
StrutsPortletAction originalStrutsPortletAction,
PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest,
ActionResponse actionResponse)
throws Exception {
String title = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "title");
String fileName = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "fileName");
// Your code:
int pos = fileName.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH);
if (pos >= 0) {
title = fileName.substring(0, pos);
fileName = fileName.substring(pos + 1);
// Wrap request to add your new parameters (the original request parameters are immutable)
DynamicActionRequest dynamicActionRequest = new DynamicActionRequest(actionRequest, true);
dynamicActionRequest.setParameter("fileName", fileName);
dynamicActionRequest.setParameter("title", title);
// And delegate to original action
originalStrutsPortletAction.processAction(portletConfig, dynamicActionRequest, actionResponse);
(From your question I guess that you already have the correct settings in liferay-hook.xml)
Under Web content I set my structure to have an application field: "Documents an media".
Through this field user can add various files which are then displayed in my .xhtml.
User can make this "Documents and media" field repeatable to add more files.
How could I iterate through all added files and get their relative paths.
If my Documents and media field is not repeatable I can get relative path like this:
public String getWebContentTitle(String title, String nodeName) throws PortalException, SystemException {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
long groupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId();
JournalArticle article = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, formatUrlTitle(title));
String languageKey = context.getExternalContext().getRequestLocale().toString();
JournalArticleDisplay articleDisplay = JournalContentUtil.getDisplay(groupId, article.getArticleId(), article.getTemplateId(), languageKey, themeDisplay);
JournalArticle journalArticle = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticle(groupId, article.getArticleId());
String myContent = journalArticle.getContentByLocale(languageKey);
if (nodeName != null) {
String nodeText=getParseValue(nodeName, journalArticle, myContent);
return nodeText;
} else
String ret=articleDisplay.getContent();
return ret;
private String getParseValue(String fieldname, JournalArticle article, String locale) {
String nodeText = "";
try {
Document document = SAXReaderUtil.read(article.getContentByLocale(locale));
Node node = document.selectSingleNode("/root/dynamic-element[#name='" + fieldname +"']/dynamic-content");
nodeText = node.getText();
} catch(Exception e){
return nodeText;
This method return relative path to my added document (say horses.pdf).
How could I get relative paths to more documents added through "Documents and media field", which is repeatable and has defined specific Variable name (say HorsesPdfs?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You could try
DLAppLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntries(REPOSITORY_ID, FOLDER_ID), probably better than DLFileEntry as its the new approach that takes workflows in consideration.
REPOSITORY_ID = parent group, which is by default LR´s one GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(COMPANY_ID, GroupConstants.GUEST).getGroupId()
COMPANY_ID = PortalUtil.getDefaultCompanyId(); //If just one instance, if not, better to play with CompanyLocalServiceUtil to match your Id
For FOLDER ID, you can use root older of LR´s Doc & Media which is
FOLDER_ID = DLFolderConstants.DEFAULT_PARENT_FOLDER_ID; //or find it e.g DLAppLocalServiceUtil.getFolder( repositoryId, DLFolderConstants.DEFAULT_PARENT_FOLDER_ID, FOLDER_NAME).getFolderId(); if you programtically used addFolder(long userId, long repositoryId, long parentFolderId, String name, String description, ServiceContext serviceContext)
I am using this code to try and render a razor partial view as a string for the purposes of sending an email.
public static string RenderPartialToString(
string userControlPath,
object viewModel,
ControllerContext controllerContext,
TempDataDictionary tempData)
using (var writer = new StringWriter())
var viewDataDictionary = new ViewDataDictionary(viewModel);
var view = new WebFormView(controllerContext, userControlPath);
var viewContext = new ViewContext(
viewContext.View.Render(viewContext, writer);
return writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
The problem is that I get the follow error:
must derive from ViewPage, ViewPage<TModel>, ViewUserControl, or ViewUserControl<TModel>. Stack Trace: at System.Web.Mvc.WebFormView.RenderView(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer, Object instance) at .... RenderPartialToString
How would I fix that ?
Indeed, WebFormView doesn't inherit from the mentioned classes, just IView. I did a little Google research and got a prototype working. This page was the most helpful.
I created an empty MVC3 application and created the following HomeController. When I run the application, the page shows the rendered string. The resultAsString variable shows how to capture the rendering as a string.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var result = RenderPartial(this.ControllerContext, "This is #DateTime.Now right now");
var resultAsString = result.Content;
return result;
private ContentResult RenderPartial(ControllerContext controllerContext, string template)
var temporaryViewPath = string.Format("~/Views/{0}.cshtml", Guid.NewGuid());
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(Server.MapPath(temporaryViewPath)))
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream))
var razor = new RazorView(controllerContext, temporaryViewPath, null, false, null);
razor.Render(new ViewContext(controllerContext, razor, new ViewDataDictionary(), new TempDataDictionary(), stringWriter), stringWriter);
return Content(stringWriter.ToString());
We have a problem with SharePoint's search box. Whenever we try to search for something we get:
Unable to validate data. at
fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier,
Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType
ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo)
inputString) exeption.
Does any one know the reason for this exception, or a way to work around it?
New entry:
I'm using a SPGridView where i use the datakeys property in a web part. The webpart works, but we found that using the datakeys property breaks seach in that if you try to use the search textbox and click the seach button it gets this exception:
Unable to validate data. at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.EncryptOrDecryptData(Boolean fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo)
at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString)
This is what i have tryed to do:
Make the gridview not spgridview and set autogenerate true (works)
Remove the datakeynames (works)
Test with a empty gridvew (failes)
Test with a non-empty gridview (failes)
Change Machine Keys (failes)
Turn of view state on the gridvew (failes)
Move the gridview ti a ascx file (failes)
I can't seem to figure this one out. Have enyone got this error and been able to work around it?
EDit 10.09.2009
This is the last code I tested. I used a MSDN excample as referance. I have also tried without Data table MSDN Example
public class TestErrorGridView : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
Control ascxToAdd;
protected DataTable PropertyCollection = new DataTable();
private DataColumn key;
public TestErrorGridView()
key = PropertyCollection.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
PropertyCollection.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
public void AddProperty(TestBindObject data)
DataRow newRow = PropertyCollection.Rows.Add();
newRow["ID "] = data.ID;
newRow["Name"] = data.Name;
public void BindGrid(SPGridView grid)
SPBoundField fldPropertyName = new SPBoundField();
fldPropertyName.HeaderText = "ID";
fldPropertyName.DataField = "ID";
SPBoundField fldPropertyValue = new SPBoundField();
fldPropertyValue.HeaderText = "Name";
fldPropertyValue.DataField = "Name";
PropertyCollection.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { key };
grid.DataSource = PropertyCollection.DefaultView;
grid.DataKeyNames = new string[] { key.ColumnName };
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void CreateChildControls()
TestBindObject t1 = new TestBindObject() { ID = 1, Name = "Test3" };
SPGridView testGrid = new SPGridView() { AutoGenerateColumns = false };
public class TestBindObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
From the error message I'd say that you are operating in a web-farm environment. Have you set the same machineKey in each of the SharePoint web.config files? See this link for a little more info.