Date is not converted exactly when read from excel - excel

I have an Excel spreadsheet that is being read.
The value in the spreadsheet is 7/24/2014 10:43:33 AM
The cell value after being read using OpenXML is 41844.446908680555.
When I do this calculation to convert to a date:
dte = DateTime.FromOADate(double.Parse(value));
I get 7/24/2014 10:43:32 AM
Is this typical when converting date/time or am I missing something?

It seems that DateTime.FromOADate(double.Parse(value)); is truncating rather than rounding the fractional seconds. Excel stores date/time as days and fractions of days since 1 Jan 1900 (with the intentional error of calling 1900 a leap year, supposedly for compatibility with Lotus 123 at the time).
Therefore, the number 41844.446908680555 translates to, given Excel's level of precision
7/24/2014 10:43:32.910
(actually: 7/24/2014 10:43:32.9099949030205)

Just format the cells as Dates. 41844.446908680555 is Excel's way of serializing the date value.

When Excel stores a date or time in stores it in a number format with the date January 1, 1900 = 1
so really when you’re storing a date with the date format you’re really just storing the numeric value of difference between the date and January 1, 1900
So for example 365 = jan-30-1900
And fractions of a number equal parts of the day so .5 = half a day or 12 hours.
And for the fun of it right now = 41885.75 or sept-3-2014 at 6PM or 41885.75 from jan 1 1900.
The reason why this is done is to now allowed dates to be used in mathematical functions. And it deals with a lot of problems that pop-up with dates such as leap year and also provides for easier ways to deal with time zones as well.


Convert Modified Julian Date to UTC Date in Excel

I am looking for a formula where I can put a 5 digit Modified Julian Date and have it convert it to today's date for me.
I did it in a way where I have a separate sheet with a table but although it works, I am looking for a way without the need of a separate table. Here is some information:
00000 should translate to 11-17-1858
58890 should translate to 02-11-2020
Every time the number goes up 1, it should go up 1 day. This needs to have leap years in consideration as well. Any help will be appreciated.
Here is a website that currently does the conversions:
This has to be done without macros, literally need it in formula format.
Just subtract 15018 and format the result as a date.
Why 15018 and not 15020?
In Excel, 1-Jan-1900 value is 1
In your date scheme 15020 = 1-Jan-1900
But, if you had the number 15020 to convert and subtracted 15020 it would --> 0, not the desired 1.
Therefore we reduce the 15020 by 1 to 15019.
Next, there is a deliberate "bug" in Excel, widely discussed both on SO and the internet, whereby the year 1900 is erroneously classified as a leap year.
So for any date equivalent that is after 28-Feb-1900, we have to subtract an extra 1.
If you might be dealing with dates between 1/1/1900 and 2/28/1900 you will need to modify the formula to take that into account.

Excel - Convert JavaScript/Unix timestamp to date

I'm wondering how to convert a timestamp to a date in Excel.
JavaScript timestamp:
Unix timestamp
What Excel function / formula can convert to something like:
2/11/2017 11:26 AM (or any human readable date)
I did see this answer, but I can't get this to work for me (on Mac OS X / Excel 2011).
When I create a new cell and set it's value to the following formula:
= (MsValueCellReference / 86400000) + DATE(1970,1,1)
The result is: 41315.47696
I am using the current formula =(<javascriptTimestamp>)/(1000*60*60*24)+25569 and then formatting the cell with dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
To explain the terms in the formula, the Javascript timestamp has milliseconds which accounts for the 1000. There are 60*60*24 seconds in one day.
Finally, Excel dates start on Jan 1 1900, and Javascript starts on Jan 1 1970. There are 25569 days between Jan 1 1900 and Jan 1 1970.
Excel is pretty happy to interconvert between dates and numbers, as you noticed. However, afaict, it can't always guess correctly which of the two you want to see.
So, to ensure that a value is rendered as a date, you'd need to open the Format Cells dialog, go to the first tab Number, and set the cell's format Category to one of the Date types.

How to recreate excel's Long type to Date type conversion in scala

I did a paste special of date column as values in excel. I want to convert the resulted long values back to dates in spark (using scala api).
Example: converting 41088.96389 to date in excel results in 6/29/16 23:08
same when did through cast(DataTypes.TimestampType) in spark, it gives 01 Jan 1970 11:24:48 GMT
Any links to how excel handles long type when converting to date will be appreciated.
Excel's number is the amount of days elapsed since 1st of January, 1900.
DateTime or Date usually accepts a UNIX epoch timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds (or sometimes seconds, depends on the implementation) elapsed since the 1st of January, 1970.
Converting between the two is not so easy, since you have to count for leap years, and maybe even time zones.
You can find multiple implementations for this in different languages, maybe you can port one of those:
Or maybe just try to normalize the Excel output if you have access to the sheet:

Difference between date and time w/out work week Excel

I am trying to determine the amount of time a procedure takes. I have the Start Date and Start Time as well as End Date and End Time. What I need to do is display the result in hours:minutes:seconds BUT I need to use a 7 day work week rather than a 5 day work week. Here is a sample data point:
Cell A1 and C1 are both formatted as short dates. Cell B1 and D1 are formatted as times. The formula in E1 is =((C1+D1)-(A1+B1)) and E1 is formatted as a custom number [h]:mm:ss . The problem I am having is calculating through a weekend. The times just don't add up and I think it is because of the type of work week that Excel uses.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
First, you need to know / understand that any number is a potential date / time for Excel and that Excel knows only datetime (and not date and time separately).
Here is why: anything before the decimals-placeholder are the days since December 31, 1899. So, the number 42,000.00 is also a date. It is the 42.000th day after December 31, 1899 which is December 27, 2014.
Anything after the decimal-placeholder is considered a fraction of a day. So, the value 0.5 is half a day and therefore the time 12 noon while 0.75 is 6 in the afternoon (pm).
Hence, all of the dates you are showing in your above examples may have also times associated with them and all the times you are showing might also have a date associated to them. Just change the number format on all of these cells to general numbers and you should see only Integer values for the dates (without any decimal places) while all the times should contain only be a fraction of 1 and should all have a 0 before the decimal-placeholder.
If that is not the case, then you have just found your culprit.
With the above knowledge it is also easy to calculate the difference between two dates or times. The difference is a simple addition or subtraction: 42,000.00 + 100 + 0.5 = 100 days after December 27, 2014 at 12 noon = April 6th, 2015 # noon. So, you can just add the numbers and subtract them as you have done. If you wish to subtract two days to account for a weekend then you can simple subtract 2.
Now, let's have a look at your above example:
June 23, 2016 converts to 42,544 while 07:41 in the morning converts to 0.32. So, we have here 42,544.32 while the ending datetime converts to 42,545.47.
The difference is calculated correctly as 1.15. That means that there is a difference of one day and the fraction of a day of 0.15 * 24 (hours in a day) = 3 hours and 36 minutes.
I guess the real problem you are having is to show the result correctly. If you show it as a date then it is one day after December 31, 1899 = January 1st, 1900. If you show the result as a time then you only get to see the 03:36:00. The best is probably to show the difference as a number only as 1.15. If you want to see the result differently then you will have to adjust the resulting view to your needs. For example:
= 1.15 * 24 = 27.6 hours difference between the start date/time and the end date/time.
Let me know if you have any further questions.

Excel parsing (xls) date error

I'm working on a project where I have to parse excel files for a client to extract data. An odd thing is popping up here: when I parse a date in the format of 5/9 (may 9th) in the excel sheet, I get 39577 in my program. I'm not sure if the year is encoded here (it is 2008 for these sheets).
Are these dates the number of days since some sort of epoch?
Does anyone know how to convert these numbers to something meaningful? I'm not looking for a solution that would convert these properly at time of parsing from the excel file (we already have thousands of extracted files that required a human to select relevant information - re-doing the extraction is not an option).
Excel stores dates as the number of days since 0-JAN-1900 (so 1-JAN-1900 would have a value of "1"). You can find a really good breakdown of how Excel handles dates and times here:
Dates And Times In Excel
When dates appear on screen in Excel as "5/9", "May 9th", or some such, it is a trick of the formatting and is not representative of the underlying data value. It sounds like your parsing program is pulling the underlying value, not the formatted date. In order to suggest a fix, though, I need to know what your parsing program is (Excel macro, formula, outside code, etc.).
DateTime.FromOADate (if you're using .NET) is the method you want. Excel dates are stored as doubles. If you have dates in the first two months of 1900 you might get bit by the Excel 1900 leap year bug.
Double-precision floating-point number
that represents a date as the number
of days before or after the base date,
midnight, 30 December 1899. The sign
and integral part of d encode the date
as a positive or negative day
displacement from 30 December 1899,
and the absolute value of the
fractional part of d encodes the time
of day as a fraction of a day
displacement from midnight. d must be
a value between negative 657435.0
through positive 2958466.0.
All you need to do is format the cells correctly. Or am I misunderstanding your question -- are you saying you want to do it OUTSIDE of Excel? I wasn't sure. I'll delete this answer if it turns out to be stupid.
