Using VBA to get data from SAS and limit the data set - excel

I need to import data from SAS to excel via VBA. The import needs to run eg. on workbookOpen or Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick or it can be called in any macro. This is solved in the below code:
Sub GetSASdata()
Dim obConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim obRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Set obConnection = New ADODB.Connection
' Do not get stuck on the choice of connection provider.
obConnection.Provider = "sas.LocalProvider"
obConnection.Properties("Data Source") = "C:\path\"
Set obRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
obRecordset.Open "MySAStable", obConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, ADODB.adCmdTableDirect
'add header row
Cells(1, 1).Select
For i = 0 To obRecordset.Fields.Count - 1
ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).Value = obRecordset.Fields(i).Name
Next i
obRecordset.Filter = "Weight > 0"
Cells(2, 1).Select
ActiveCell.CopyFromRecordset obRecordset, 100
Set obRecordset = Nothing
Set obConnection = Nothing
End Sub
In this example I have restricted the output to be only the first 100 rows. However, the original data set is 1.4 m rows and 150 columns, and I want to be able to restrict the data import to only take columns that I define and rows which meet certain criteria. In sql terms:
select col1, col2, col10, col11 from MySAStable where code = MyCode and Date > MyDate
But I cannot find a way to do it. The first criteria is that the code should run entirely from Excel.
I have experimented some with obRecordset.Filter but the performance is poor. It takes forever. So idealy I would like to import only the data that I need. Is there a way to do this?
obConnection.Provider = "sas.LocalProvider"
is arbitrary. I found an example online, tested it and it worked. If someone has an answer to my problem that involves a different connection type, i am still interested to know. Very idealy the code can also be run by users who do not have SAS installed on their computer (but have access to the folder where data is placed.)
Thank you for any help

I have used two methods to read SAS data from within Excel.
The first uses SAS Add-In to MS Office. Do you have this product?
You can define the source with filters, and when the user opens the workbook, it will automatically refresh agains the datasource. You can also automate the refresh task with VBA code.
Secondly, I have done it with a Stored Process. If you have a stored process server, you can set up a web query in Excel and read the Stored Process that way, using any filter you need.


VBA multiple users to update same table in a shared MS-Access database using DAO

Excel crashes, VBA raises Error 3218 “Could Not Update” Record Locking Errors when multiple users try to update same table in a shared MS-Access database using DAO.
I have a special configuration like this: a MS-Access database located in shared network folder, multiple user connect to update that database using VBA DAO build on Excel file. The VBA code in each Excel file is the same. The problem happens when there are 2 users click on update button at the same time. User Excel file turn hanging, or showing error 3218 "Could not update".
Sub ExportToAccess()
Dim oSelect As Range, i As Long, j As Integer, sPath As String
Set oSelect = Application.InputBox("Range", , Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address, , , , , 8)
Dim oDAO As DAO.DBEngine, oDB As DAO.Database, oRS As DAO.Recordset
sPath = "\\sharedfolder\Database.accdb"
Set oDAO = New DAO.DBEngine
Set oDB = oDAO.OpenDatabase(sPath)
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("tblSuppliers")
For i = 2 To oSelect.Rows.Count 'skip label row
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count 'Field(0) is Auto#
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Next i
MsgBox ("Updated Done!")
End Sub
I know my configuration is not good for database application, however I have to stick with this for a while. Could you please advise any solutions to avoid error when multiple users update Access database in this case ? Is there a way to detect if database is being updating by others and script to wait until that process to finish first. Any technical solution for this issue is welcome!
Thank you!
You need some type of flag to tell if anyone is updating the table or not. Examples of what this flag can be:
An Excel file cell (that is probably the easiest in your case; if multiple excel files are used, just link to the one cell)
A field in an Access table (even a table with a single field and a single record dedicated just for that)
A (text) file in your shared drive (the flag can be the content of the file or even whether the file exists or not)
Then your update process would be:
- Check the flag, if set, loop until flag is cleared
- Set the flag
- Update the table
- Clear the flag
You will probably also need some way for the users (or just you) to clear the flag manually, in case something else goes wrong while updating the table and the flag gets stuck raised.
Well , this is not probably the most elegant solution
but you may create a field in a table , and ask for it before working with the table
something like this :
Set LockedStatus= oDB.OpenRecordset("mycontroltable")
if LockedStatus("lockedSuppiers")=False then
oDB.Execute"update mycontroltable set lockedSuppiers=true"
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("tblSuppliers")
For i = 2 To oSelect.Rows.Count 'skip label row
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count 'Field(0) is Auto#
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
oDB.Execute"update mycontroltable set lockedSuppiers=false"
end if

Read data from excel in vb6 and put in a datatable

Is there any way to read all the data from excel and put it in the datatable or any other container so that i can filter the data based on the conditions required. As shown in attached image i want to get the CuValue of a Partnumber whose status is Success and i want the latest record based on the Calculation date(Latest calculation date). In the below example i want the CuValue 11292 as it is the latest record with status Success..lue.
Thanks in advance
Your question seems very broad, but you're right to ask because there are many different possibilities and pitfalls.
As you don't provide any sample code, i assume you are looking for a strategy, so here is it.
In short: create a database, a table and a stored procedure. Copy the
data you need in this table, and then query the table to get the
You may use ADO for this task. If it is not available on your machine you can download and install the MDAC redistributable from the Microsoft web site.
The advantage vs. OLE Automation is that you doesn't need to install Excel on the target machine where the import shall be executed, so you can execute the import also server-side.
With ADO installed, you will need to create two Connection objects, a Recordset object to read the data from the Excel file and a Command object to execute a stored procedure which will do the INSERT or the UPDATE of the subset of the source fields in the destination table.
Following is a guideline which you should expand and adjust, if you find it useful for your task:
Option Explicit
Dim PartNo as String, CuValue as Long, Status as String, CalcDate as Date
' objects you need:
Dim srcConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim dstConn As New ADODB.Connection
' Example connection with your destination database
dstConn.Open *your connection string*
'Example connection with Excel - HDR is discussed below
srcConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\Scripts\Test.xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0; HDR=NO;"";"
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", _
srcConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
' Import
Do Until rs.EOF
PartNo = rs.Fields.Item(0);
CuValue = rs.Fields.Item(1);
CalcDate = rs.Fields.Item(6);
Status = rs.Fields.Item(7);
If Status = "Success" Then
'NumSuccess = NumSuccess + 1
' copy data to your database
' using a stored procedure
cmd.CommandText = "InsertWithDateCheck"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd(1) = PartNo
cmd(2) = CuValue
cmd(3) = CalcDate
cmd.ActiveConnection = dstConn
'NumFail = NumFail + 1
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set srcConn = Nothing
Set dstConn = Nothing
By using a stored procedure to check the data and execute the insert or update in your new table, you will be able to read from Excel in fast forward-only mode and write a copy of the data with the minimum of time loss, delegating to the database engine half the work.
You see, the stored procedure will receive three values. Inside the stored procedure you should insert or update this values. Primary key of the table shall be PartNo. Check the Calculation Date and, if more recent, update CuValue.
By googling on the net you will find enough samples to write such a stored procedure.
After your table is populated, just use another recordset to get the data and whatever tool you need to display the values.
Pitfalls reading from Excel:
The provider of your Excel file shall agree to remove the first two or three rows, otherwise you will have some more work for the creation of a fictitious recordset, because the intelligent datatype recognition of Excel may fail.
As you know, Excel cells are not constrained to the same data type per-column as in almost all databases.
If you maintain the field names, use HDR=YES, without all the first three rows, use HDR=NO.
Always keep a log of the "Success" and "Fail" number of records read
in your program, then compare these values with the original overall
number of rows in Excel.
Feel free to ask for more details, anyway i think this should be enough for you to start.
There are lots ways you can do this.
1. You can create an access DB table and import by saving your sheet as can file first, into the access table. Then you can write queries.
2. You can create a sql DB and a table, write some code to import the sheet into that table.
3. You can Write some code in VBA and accomplish that task if your data is not very big.
4. You can write c# code to access the sheet using excel.application and office objects, create a data table and query that data table
Depends on what skills you want to employ to accomplish your task.

Copying Tables from Outlook Email to Excel File - VBA

I am currently working on a Outlook 2010 VBA macro to pull information from a email messages and place it into an Excel file. The idea is that each email has the same fields in tables embedded in the email message every time (name, order number, date, etc.) and that data is put into a spreadsheet. To do this, I have currently used the following code to get the table and move it into Excel:
'This code is inside a for each loop for each message
Set excelWorksheet2 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.item(2)
Set excelWorksheet3 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.item(3)
Set excelWorksheet4 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(After:=excelWorkbook.Sheets(excelWorkbook.Sheets.count))
Dim mailObj As Outlook.MailItem
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set doc = mailObj.GetInspector.WordEditor
Dim table1, table2, table3 As Object
Set table3 = doc.Tables(4).Range
Set table2 = doc.Tables(3).Range
Set table1 = doc.Tables(2).Range
Set table1 = Nothing
Set table2 = Nothing
Set table3 = Nothing
'I do much more of this to get the data from each table and put it into a master worksheet...
excelWorksheet.Cells(rows, cols + 1).Value = excelWorksheet2.Cells(4, 2).Value 'Contract Number
excelWorksheet.Cells(rows, cols + 2).Value = excelWorksheet2.Cells(4, 4).Value 'Contractor Name
Set doc = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet2 = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet3 = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet4 = Nothing
I get the following errors every so often, but it doesn't occur on the same data, it is sort of random and seems to occur on the Outlook/email side only:
"The requested member of the collection does not exist." (Error code
5941) at the .Range line
"Method 'Copy' of object 'Range' failed" at the .Copy
Sometimes both of these errors occur if I step through, if the copy fails, the macro will crash.
I have tried:
Putting in 2 second delays
Go through fewer emails (this code usually fails when I select > 10
emails to process)
Clearing the clipboard after every email
Close/deallocate objects through Nothing (not sure if
this is the best practice as I'm more of a C/C++/C#/Java guy)
None of these seemed to remotely fix this issue as both errors pop up frequently, but intermittently.
I'm truly at a loss as to what the next step would be in debugging this issue, any help would be much appreciated!
Based on research I have been doing on the issue of the WordEditor tables, it seems as the amount of copy/paste operations and the searching HTML tables just simply do not allow for reliable behavior. One possible solution to this could be to copy the entire email into Excel and parse the tables that way (this still requires copy/paste).
What I did to solve this problem (indirectly) is to save all the emails as HTML files (through Outlook.Application running in Excel: email.SaveAs folderPath + fileName + ".html", olHTML) in a temporary directory and have Excel open the HTML files in a workbook and work with the data that way. This has been much more reliable (added overhead though) and allows for large volumes of emails to be exported to Excel properly.
If anyone wants the exact code to my problem, message me (vindansam at, it's a tad long and has some proprietary information in it).
It's too bad that the WordEditor seems to not handle the information well, maybe Microsoft will beef things up in the next version of Office.

Use Excel spreadsheet from within Access

I have an Excel Spreadsheet that calculates a risk (of perioperative mortality after aneurysm repair) based on various test results.
The user inputs the test results into the spreadsheet (into cells) and then out comes a set of figures (about 6 results) for the various models that predict mortality. The spreadsheet acts as a complex function to produce the results one patient at a time.
I also have a (separate) access database holding data on multiple patients - including all the data on test results that go into the spreadsheet. At the moment I have to manually input this data into the spreadsheet, get the results out and then manually enter them onto the database.
Is there a way of doing this automatically. Ie can I export data1, data2, data3... from Access into the spreadsheet to the cells where the data needs to be input and then get the results (result1, result2, result3...) from the cells where the results are displayed ported back into access.
Ideally this could be done live.
I suppose I could try to program the functionality of the spreadheet into a complex function in access, but if I'm honest, I am not really sure how the algorithm in the spreadsheet works. It was designed by anaesthetists who are much cleverer than me....
Hope this makes sense. Any help much appreciated.
Chris Hammond
It's possible to automate Excel from Access.
Const cstrFile As String = "C:\SomeFolder\foo.xls"
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWrkBk As Object
Dim xlWrkSt As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Workbooks.Open cstrFile, ReadOnly:=True
Set xlWrkBk = xlApp.Workbooks(1)
Set xlWrkSt = xlWrkBk.Worksheets(1)
With xlWrkSt
.Range("A1") = 2
.Range("A2") = 19
Debug.Print .Range("A3")
End With
xlWrkBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
However, that seems like it would be cumbersome to repeat for each row of an Access table and I'm uncertain whether doing that live is reasonable.
I would try to adapt the Excel calculations to Access VBA functions and use those custom functions in an Access query. But I don't know how big of a task that would be. I suggest you shouldn't be scared off the the anaesthetists' cleverness; that doesn't mean they actually know much more about VBA than you. At least look to see whether you can tackle it.
To push the data back to Access, you can insert data from within the Excel VBA as follows:
dim val as variant
dim db as DAO.Database
set db=OpenDatabase("c:\myAccessDB.accdb")
db.execute "insert into patientData (someField) values (" & val & ")",dbFailOnError
You'll need to add a reference to the Microsoft Office Access Database Engine Object Library.
Not sure to perfectly understand what you want, but if you just want to export the results of a query to a spreadsheet, you could use the following:
Private Sub ExportAccessDataToExcel()
Dim SqlString As String
SqlString = "CREATE TABLE testMeasurements (TestName TEXT, Status TEXT)"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SqlString)
SqlString = "INSERT INTO testMeasurements VALUES('Average Power','PASS')"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SqlString)
SqlString = "INSERT INTO testMeasurements VALUES('Power Vs Time','FAIL')"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SqlString)
SqlString = "SELECT testMeasurements.TestName, testMeasurements.Status INTO exportToExcel "
SqlString = SqlString & "FROM testMeasurements "
SqlString = SqlString & "WHERE (((testMeasurements.TestName)='Average Power'));"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SqlString)
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7, "exportToExcel", "C:\TestMeasurements.xls", True, "A1:G12"
End Sub
This could be done either directly from the database or from Excel (you would need to open the database with Excel VBA to do so, but most of the Office Suite products interact well with each other).
If you want to push the data of your spreadsheet into an Access database, that's different. You just have to open the database and loop through INSERT query. Here is a quick example, you just need to add the loop:
Dim db as DAO.Database
Set db = OpenDatabase(myDataBase.mdb)
Call db.Execute("INSERT INTO myTable (Field1, Field2) VALUES('Value1', 'Value2')")

MS Access & Excel: Turning a query with dynamic parameters into something useful

I got stuck in the problem beneath, because I don´t use Access or Excel much and I have some basic programming language. So here's the deal:
I just made a fairly simple database in MS Access (2007) with a nice query to retrieve data, depending on which parameters you pass. In Excel (2007), I have this big 'template' which basically has parameters for the query. These parameters change per column & per row!
Perhaps superfluously, e.g.
column A contains paramA (10 different options)
column B contains paramB (8 different options)
column C contains paramC (2 different options)
What I'd like to do is to fill this template with dynamic data from Access, minding the continously changing parameters.
column D contains Query (ParamA, ParamB, ParamC)
Best way to go I think is to make a (inline?) function that retrieves results from the query, also passing the parameters depending on the relative cell position. And this function is then copied as a normal inline excel function (like: SUM()).
I just don't know how to call /execute an MS Access query from inside an Excel Macro function.
Could someone help me with it? Thank you very much in advance!
A few notes.
Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object
strFile = "C:\Docs\AccessDB.mdb"
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
& ";User Id=admin;Password=;"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open strCon
strSQL = "SELECT SomeField, OtherField FROM SomeTable " _
& "WHERE SomeText='" & Range("A1") & "'"
rs.Open strSQL, cn
s = rs.GetString
MsgBox s
'' Or
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
To add to Remou's answer also see
Modules: Sample Excel Automation - cell by cell which is slow and
Modules: Transferring Records to Excel with Automation
Late binding means you can safely remove the reference and only have an error when the app executes lines of code in question. Rather than erroring out while starting up the app and not allowing the users in the app at all. Or when hitting a mid, left or trim function call.
This also is very useful when you don't know version of the external application will reside on the target system. Or if your organization is in the middle of moving from one version to another.
For more information including additional text and some detailed links see the "Late Binding in Microsoft Access" page
