Need an updated Twitter stream nodejs api - node.js

can you help me with a better updated twitter stream api in nodejs? Currently I am trying out the ntwitter API but its pretty old and some of its methods aren't working. So please suggest a good streaming api for twitter in nodejs.

Kindly check below Twitter API Client for node:-
Twit API //Supports both the REST and Streaming API.


Calling secured API from NodeJS Lambda

I have an API that is secured using OAuth (IdentityServer 4). I need to call this from an AWS Lambda function. I cant figure out how to do this in Node (noob to node). I can see an example of using oidc-client package but it seems to be designed for browser based clients. I just need the access token to call the api. Ive done this from a .Net console app, but Im lost in Node. Does anyone know of an example of doing this?
#Jonesie have you tried example from AWS repository? Request you to take a look

How to use Node.Js twit (Github) for direct message Twitter API

I use Twit for testing the API of Twitter and see the usage here:
I wanted to know if it's possible to do direct message with Twit, cause nothing to speak about in the usage.

Streaming microphone input to Google Speech API

I have looked into Google Cloud Speech API and got streaming my microphone working on a Node server.
I was then wondering what would be best practice for streaming my microphone from a web frontend? Is it sending an audiostream from getUserMedia to the Node server and pipe it to the API with the Node API client? Or is is simply saving the voice input to a file that I then transmit to the API?
The intent is to "transcribe" instructions (one or two sentences long) and send the result to another API.
I'm aware this question is over a year old and the OP has probably either found an answer or given up, but I spent long enough trying in vain to google this before I figured it out that I wanted to help anyone following in my footsteps: I wrote up a tutorial for basically this exact situation here.

query mongodb using node and facebook token

I am using the Facebook SDK on a mobile app. After the login, I get a token (long string) from facebook. I want to use this to connect to a remove mongodb database and update or query the database there.
Am I correct in understanding that:
I need to run node.js on the remote server and then
make a connection from the app to the remote node.js, and then
have node.js query the mongodb
If yes, can someone please point me to a simple example that demonstrates this?
What you require is API(mostly REST which understands JSON), much like the Facebook api your mobile app is already talking to. Your mobile app will also communicate with this API, which in turn connects to MongoDB and preforms desired operation.
Look here to get basic understanding of REST API
Look here for sample REST API implementation using nodejs.
I found a solution which is in line with what I need:

Using Twilio with Meteor to respond to SMS

I have recently started learning how to use node.js and Meteor. I am trying to create a small app that I can query via a client built in meteor, but also query that same MongoDB via SMS using the Twilio API. I can see that this can be done with Express: How can I respond to incoming Twilio calls and SMS messages using node.js? but I wanted to use Meteor because of its apparent ease-of-use and integration with a database. I've been reading various questions about routing templates and serving static html pages in Meteor, but is there a solid way someone think I can make this work? Should I just go back to plain Express?
Twilio expects you to give them the URL where the XML response will be hosted:
My earlier response is outdated. Today one should use iron:router and create a server-side route.
