Azure Media Services or simple Storage Account for video storage for STA - azure

We are developing a "multi tenant application" (MTA) on AZURE. In addition we develop "single tenant applications" (STA) for customers that utilise MTA data via a REST API end point i.e so the STA can be hosted anywhere.
A specific STA uploads and stores video files. Security for these video files is important and 1xVideo 1xConcurrentUser most likely consumption use case. It not clear at this stage the user will consume the content by streaming or download.
Using Azure MEDIA SERVICES account/keys its easy to upload , store and download media content. What are the benefits of using MEDIA SERVICES over a standard Azure STORAGE ACCOUNT ? ? I understand MEDIA SERVICES use a STORAGE ACCOUNT.
Does isolating a STA into a new Azure subscription makes sense to isolate video related costs categorically ? the itemised bill contains 6000+ rows. Difficult to extract the relevant data for an STA each month. In theory a STA customer could in future take control of this account management and costs.
Is there a max number of CONTAINERS that can be added to a STORAGE ACCOUNT ?
Should the CONTAINER be of type PRIVATE to secure the content but still allow access for the STA?
Thank you

Media Services is good if you're looking to accept incoming video and process it to serve in other formats or to leverage streaming media playback. Serving video directly out of an Azure Blob Storage Account is possible but it will not provide smooth streaming or transcoding (no streaming playback may mean stop / start of video for users with high latency connections).
I would advise against putting each STA into their own subscription. While it will give you a degree of control over the management of charging back usage to the STA user it will be a big overhead to manage. Your best bet would be to use an appropriate storage account / container setup to allow you track calls some other way and provide estimated costs. Don't forget that Azure is always changing and it may be that future features give you the ability to tag and track costs inside a subscription more effectively.
There is no limit on number of containers in a storage account. The limits are 50 storage accounts per subscription and a maximum of 500TB of storage per account. Storage and Subscription Limits are documented here:
You can use Shared Access Signatures to control access to Blobs in Azure Blob Storage. See here for how to create and use them: and here for guidance on setting permissions on Blob Storage containers:

I will try to answer the first question:
Using Azure MEDIA SERVICES account/keys its easy to upload , store and download media content. What are the benefits of using MEDIA SERVICES over a standard Azure STORAGE ACCOUNT ? ? I understand MEDIA SERVICES use a STORAGE ACCOUNT.
Answer: Azure Media Services origin server is the IIS media service in the cloud. All video contents are stored in Azure Blob storage and there is a mapping between the media service and storage. There are many advantages of using media server rather than directly downloading from storage: (1) Media server has the intelligent to forward the right data fragment(right bitrate, time stamp) to your client efficiently. (2) our origin server dynamically package multiple bitrate MP4 from storage account into multiple streaming format (HLS, Smooth streaming and MPEGDASH), which get to played on various devices and platform. Hence, you save on the cost for encoding your video into multiple formats. (3) Our origin server supports live streaming.
I think this question goes into why we invent media server. I have a blog explains how video streaming works for your reference:


Azure architecture design for image platform

I want to build a image sharing platform for customers to use. This platform will take an image provided by a user, create copies of it at multiple resolutions, and store them ready to be shared or downloaded. How to achieve this using azure in a cost effective ways
Im thinking to use Azure functions(for the api calls) storage blobs , event grid and cosmos db for the same.
To keep the costs low keep it simple:
Store data in Blob storage. Price varies based on redundancy, speed of access and location
Azure functions for processing images, consumption plan gives 1M free requests per month
Azure app service to host web site for uploading images, there is a free tier

What is the best way of hosting a video on Azure?

To clarify: I have a website hosted in Azure. I want to add a 1.5 minute howto video. I can't imagine it will get shown more than a few tens or hundreds a month (maybe a few thousand if the site takes off).
I was planning on using Azure Media Player to play the video.
In relation to this I thought the video would sit in a streaming endpoint.
But this seems an expensive way of doing this. Are there better ways (especially cheaper)?
EDIT: is it possible to host the video elsewhere and have it embedded in Azure?
The cheap way to do this would be to place the video in a blob storage then play it using a web page.
There is a video explaining how to do this here:
I would recommended to use Media Service: video-on-demand, content delivery service with an Azure Media Services application in the Azure portal.
Azure Media Services lets you deliver any media, on virtually any device, to anywhere in the world using the cloud. The collection of services provide encoding, live or on-demand streaming, content protection and indexing for video and audio content.
The Windows Azure Media Services platform has four types of services: content uploading, encoding, encrypting content and streaming.
Media Service Pricing:
Additional information : Streaming Videos from Azure ( Blob or Media Services)

Azure Media Services - creating a small video player

If I was to use Azure Media Services to consume encoding of small video files and then playing back on a web app and mobile app, do i need to turn on the 'Streaming Endpoint' option? I am getting charged ~$65 a month just to have streaming endpoint, not sure if i need it.
The pricing doesn't quite make sense because I can get the same basic features from Vimeo for $7 a month.
Am I consuming this correctly?
If I was to use Azure Media Services to consume encoding of small video files and then playing back on a web app and mobile app, do i need to turn on the 'Streaming Endpoint' option?
Yes, the official documentation explains that a streaming endpoint is the service that delivers content directly to the client application for live-streaming, video on demand, or progressive download.
So this means that you would need at least one streaming endpoint to be able to serve your videos to a client. A Media Services account already includes a default standard streaming endpoint. According to the documentation, this default streaming endpoint would be enough for the vast majority of workloads.
Take a look at the pricing page for more info:
According to the pricing page, the default streaming endpoint does cost ~$65/mo.
In regards to your comparison with Vimeo, the service that you end up using really depends on your particular case. While I understand pricing is a big factor when building an application, you should still consider the security of your videos at rest and in transit, scalability, availability of services, support, etc.

Microsoft Azure cdn vs media streaming services

So, I'm working on an application where admins will be able to upload videos, for others to view on different platforms (mobile devices, computers etc). It is to be hosted on Azure, and I'm having a bit difficulty figuring out if I need to use Media services or simply a CDN.
When does it make sense to use the Media services over simply uploading to a blob and viewing through CDN? What are the advantages of using one over another?
Microsoft Azure CDN pulls content from Azure Media Services streaming server, so you could stream your content from the edge. You don't have to use a CDN if you don't need to deliver content in a large scale at a time. Rather, you could directly streaming content from streaming server offered by Azure Media Services.
The reason you maybe confused is because there are CDN vendors in the market (such as Akamai) offers streaming server capability. But by CDN itself, the edge network was just for caching the bits, not acting like a streaming server.
Mingfei Yan

Storage Transaction Profiler for Windows Azure Web Deploy Accelerator

I've recently begun using the Web Deployment Accelerator for my Windows Azure account. It is providing an immediate return in time saved and is an excellent offering.
However since "everything" is now stored to Azure Storage rather to the regular E:Drive I am immediately seeing a cost consequence for using the tool.
In one day I have racked up a mighty 4 cent NZD charge. In order to do that I had to burn through about 80,000 storage transactions and frankly i cant figure where they all went.
I uploaded 6 sites that are very small wouldn't have more than 300 files each. So I'm wondering:
a. is there is a profiling tool for the Web Deployment Accelerator that will allow me to see where and how 80,000 storage transactions were used for such a small offering. Is it storage transaction intensive tool? Has any cost analysis been carried out in terms of how this tool operates? Has it been optimised with cost in mind?
b. If I'm using this tool do i pay for 2 storage transactions per http request to a site? As since the tool now writes the web server logs to table storage, that would be one storage request to pull the http request resource (img, script, etc) and a storage request to write the log entry as well would it not?
I'm not concerned about current charges I 'm concerned about the future if i start rolling all my hosted business into the cloud. I mean Im now being charged even just to "look" at my data right? If i list the contents of a storage folder using a tool like Azure Storage Explorer that's x number of storage transactions where x = number of files in the folder?
Not sure of a 3rd-party profiler tool, but Windows Azure Storage logging and metrics will give you very detailed info regarding both individual accesses and hourly rollups. It's pretty straightforward to enable, and the November 2011 SDK includes support for the API calls required for enabling. See here for an overview of what's offered for metrics and logging.
My team worked with Fullscale180 to build a storage library, Azure Store XRay, to demonstrate how to enable and query storage metrics and logging. Note: This was published before the SDK had logging and metrics support, so it uses the REST API calls instead. But that won't impact you if you try to use the library.
You can also look at another code demo, Cloud Ninja, which calls the XRay library for its metrics display (see here for running demo).
Regarding querying storage for objects in blob containers: that's not a 1:1 transaction:file scenario. You can specify the maximum number of blobs to return when listing items in a container. It's possible that all blobs are returned in one transaction. Of course, if you then grab each blob, each of these will be at least one transaction (depending on blob size). See here for details about listing blobs.
