problems with CICS Request Node CCSID - cics

i got this problem:
i got a message flow developed in WMB7 fix 6, for integrated with CICS. My CICS CCSID is 037. The broker is running in a z/Linux with locale = en_US.UTF-8 and locale charmap = UTF-8. The MQSeries is in 1208. I got problems with special characters like (ñ,Ñ, á etc etc)
In my message flow i got this code:
SET CICSRespMsg = InputRoot.BLOB.BLOB;
I tried changing from 850 to 819 and i got the same issue. Hope you can help me. Thanks so much!. ;(

So I'm not allowed to ask for clarification in my "answer", so I'll show you how to debug your problem as I can't provide you with an exact solution with the information provided.
You've shown a snippet of ESQL which is converting from ibm-037 to ibm-850 via Unicode. As ibm-850 doesn't support ñ I would expect the conversion to fail. However ibm-819, a.k.a latin-1, a.k.a iso-8859-1 does support the character and the conversion of ñ should succeed.
I don't know what you're doing after the compute node, so look at your input and output nodes, and look at the CCSID in the Properties folder. You say the MQSeries is in 1208 which I assume you mean the queue managers default CCSID is set to 1208. If this is being used on the output node then you'll have a problem as utf-8 (ibm-1208) is incompatible with latin-1 for these characters.
Place a trace node after your input node and trace to a file with ${Root} as the trace expression, place another trace node before your output node tracing the same to a different file. Look at the bytes:
ñ in 037 is 0x49
ñ in 819 is 0xf1
ñ in 1208 is 0xc3b1
if you see 0x1a it's been replaced with a substitution character.
If you want the output to be UTF-8 ensure that you use 1208 instead of 850/819 above and make sure that OutputRoot.Properties.CodedCharSetId is set to 1208.
If you want the output to be in latin-1, use 819 above and ensure that OutputRoot.Properties.CodedCharSetId is set to 819.
Hope this helps,


Convert a string in PowerShell (in Europe) to UTF-8

For a REST call I need the German "Stück" in UTF-8 as read from an access database with
$conn = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=$filename;Persist Security Info=False;")
and try to convert it.
I have found out that PowerShell ISE seems to encode string constants in ANSI.
So I tried as a minimum test without database and got the same result:
$Text1 = "Stück" # entered via ISE, this is also what I get from the database
# ($StringFromDatabase -eq $Test1) shows $true
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes($Text1)
# also tried [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1") # = 28591
$Text1 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($enc)
$Text1 = "Stück" # = UTF-8, entered here with Notepad++, encoding set to UTF-8
"must see: $Text1"
So I get two outputs - the converted one (showing "St?ck") but I need to see "Stück".
that PowerShell ISE seems to encode string constants in ANSI.
That only applies when communicating with external programs, whereas you're using in-process .NET APIs.
As an aside: this discrepancy with regular console windows, which use the active OEM code page is one of the reasons that make the obsolescent ISE problematic - see the bottom section of this answer for more information.
String literals in memory are always .NET strings, which are UTF-16-encoded (composed of 16-bit Unicode code units), capable of representing all Unicode characters.[1]
Character encoding in web-service calls (Invoke-RestMethod, Invoke-WebRequest):
To send UTF-8 strings, specify charset=utf-8 as part of the -ContentType argument; e.g.:
Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' ...
On receiving strings, PowerShell automatically decodes them either based on an explicitly specified charset field (character encoding) in the response's content header or, in its absence using ISO-8859-1 (which is closely related to, but in effect a subset of Windows-1252).
If a given response doesn't specify a charset but in actually uses a different encoding from ISO-8859-1 - say UTF-8 - PowerShell will misinterpret the strings received, which requires re-encoding after the fact - see this answer.
Character encoding when communicating with external programs:
If you need to send a string with a particular encoding to an external program (via the pipeline, which the target program receives via stdin), set the $OutputEncoding preference variable to that encoding, and PowerShell will automatically convert your .NET strings to the specified encoding.
To send UTF-8-encoded strings to external programs via the pipeline:
$OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()
Note, however, that this alone isn't sufficient in order to correctly receive UTF-8 output from external programs; for that, you need to set [Console]::OutputEncoding to the same encoding.
To make your PowerShell session fully UTF-8-aware (irrespective of whether in the ISE or a regular console window):
# Needed in the ISE only:
chcp >$null # Dummy console-program call that ensures that a console is allocated.
# Set all encodings relevant to communicating with external programs to UTF-8.
$OutputEncoding = [Console]::InputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding =
See this answer for more information.
[1] Note, however, that Unicode characters with a code point greater than 0xFFFF, i.e. those outside the so-called BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane), must be represented with two 16-bit code units ([char]), namely so-called surrogate pairs.

Linux using command file -i return wrong value charset=unknow-8bit for a windows-1252 encoded file

Using nodejs and iconv-lite to create a http response file in xml with charset windows-1252, the file -i command cannot identify it as windows-1252.
Server side:
r.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=teste.xml');
r.header('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=iso8859-1');
r.write(ICONVLITE.encode(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?><x>€Àáção</x>`, "win1252")); //euro symbol and portuguese accentuated vogals
The browser donwloads the file and then i check it in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
file -i teste.xml
/tmp/teste.xml: text/xml; charset=unknown-8bit
When i use gedit to open it, the accentuated vogal appear fine but the euro symbol it does not (all characters from 128 to 159 get messed up).
I checked in a windows 10 vm and in there all goes well. Both in Windows and Linux web browsers, it also shows all fine.
So, is it a problem in file command? How to check the right charsert of a file in Linux?
Thank you
The result file can be get here
2nd EDIT
I found one error! The code line:
r.header('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=iso8859-1');
must be:
r.header('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=Windows-1252');
It's important to understand what a character encoding is and isn't.
A text file is actually just a stream of bits; or, since we've mostly agreed that there are 8 bits in a byte, a stream of bytes. A character encoding is a lookup table (and sometimes a more complicated algorithm) for deciding what characters to show to a human for that stream of bytes.
For instance, the character "€" encoded in Windows-1252 is the string of bits 10000000. That same string of bits will mean other things in other encodings - most encodings assign some meaning to all 256 possible bytes.
If a piece of software knows that the file is supposed to be read as Windows-1252, it can look up a mapping for that encoding and show you a "€". This is how browsers are displaying the right thing: you've told them in the Content-Type header to use the Windows-1252 lookup table.
Once you save the file to disk, that "Windows-1252" label form the Content-Type header isn't stored anywhere. So any program looking at that file can see that it contains the string of bits 10000000 but it doesn't know what mapping table to look that up in. Nothing you do in the HTTP headers is going to change that - none of those are going to affect how it's saved on disk.
In this particular case the "file" command could look at the "encoding" marker inside the XML document, and find the "windows-1252" there. My guess is that it simply doesn't have that functionality. So instead it uses its general logic for guessing an encoding: it's probably something ASCII-compatible, because it starts with the bytes that spell <?xml in ASCII; but it's not ASCII itself, because it has bytes outside the range 00000000 to 01111111; anything beyond that is hard to guess, so output "unknown-8bit".

Ghost blog RSS feed broken: Input is not proper UTF-8

When accessing /rss I see an error:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 6 at column 575: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0x08 0x75 0x74 0x20
I checked the settings in index.js and they seem to be right. Is this a template issue or something that is related to Ghost's core?
Issue resolved! There was some invisible character that was hidden in one of the blog posts that destroyed the feed. Go find it!

J2ME - PNG created in PhotoShop not displaying in emulator

My midlet is showing some images fine, but not others.
They are all 8-bit PNGs, but the ones that aren't displaying are the ones I have created myself in PhotoShop.
So I am thinking maybe my PhotoShop (CS6) settings are wrong...
PNG-8, Selective, Diffusion, Colors: 256, Dither: 100%, Matte: None, Web
Snap: 0%, Convert to sRGB: ticked, Width: 48, Height: 48, Percent: 100%,
Quality: Bicubic.
I've experimented with a few of these settings, but to no avail.
Any ideas?
There is a similar problem here but this is opposite to mine in that PhotoShop mends things in that case, rather than breaks things...
My code is...
image = Image.createImage("/img/loading1.png");
...and here is my stack trace:
at com.sun.kvem.png.PNGImageReader.parse_iTXt_chunk(
at com.sun.kvem.png.PNGImageReader.readMetadata(
at com.sun.kvem.png.PNGImageReader.readImage(
at com.sun.kvem.midp.GraphicsBridge.loadImage(
at com.sun.kvem.midp.GraphicsBridge.createImageFromData(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sun.kvem.sublime.MethodExecution.process(
at com.sun.kvem.sublime.SublimeExecutor.processRequest(
at javax.microedition.lcdui.Image.createImage(
The image in question does exist - both in the project and in the jar that is built.
Here is the image in question:
According to the crash log, the PNG decoder in J2ME fails inside the non-critical chunk iTXt:1
> com.sun.kvem.png.PNGImageReader.readMetadata
> com.sun.kvem.png.PNGImageReader.parse_iTXt_chunk
According to libpng documentation, the text part of an iTXt chunk must be valid UTF8:
... The remaining chunk data is the main UTF-8 text, either zlib-compressed or not, according to the compression flag. Since its length can be determined from the chunk length, it is not null-terminated. As with the other two text chunks, newlines should be represented by single line-feed characters (decimal 10), and all other control characters (1-9, 11-31, and 127-159) are discouraged.
and so normally this would indicate that the stream read is not valid UTF8 text - it contains 'raw' bytes higher than the plain ASCII range 0..127 that do not conform to UTF8 rules.
I found that not to be the case in the sample image. There is only one set of consecutive bytes that form a UTF8 code sequence, and it is a valid one:
<?xpacket begin="EFBBBF" id=" ..
(the bolded section represents 3 data bytes in hexadecimal notation). I first suspected this was the error:
If the BOM character appears in the middle of a data stream, Unicode says it should be interpreted as a "zero-width non-breaking space" (inhibits line-breaking between word-glyphs). In Unicode 3.2, this usage is deprecated in favour of the "Word Joiner" character, U+2060.[1] This allows U+FEFF to be only used as a BOM.
.. and so a fully conforming UTF8 reader should inspect its bytes and throw an UTFDataFormatException when it encounters a BOM anywhere else than as the very first value. Surprisingly, this does not seem to be the problem! First of all, there is no indication any of the readUTF sources do anything else than only verify if the UTF8 code is valid on its own, irrespective of its value. There are lots of 'invalid' Unicode code points (values that do not represent a valid Unicode character or instruction), but it appears to me they are all silently ignored. But I noticed the common readUTF functions only implement a small subset of UTF8/Unicode (see, e.g., Modified UTF-8 in Oracle's documentation).
So the problem lies elsewhere. Another clue to this is that the error thrown is not UTFDataFormatException but rather EOFException, indicating the read buffer ran out of the number of bytes it was promised to contain.
(warning: pure conjecture follows)
Looking at a source of DataInputStream, I find this snippet of code:
588 public final static String readUTF(DataInput in) throws IOException {
589 int utflen = in.readUnsignedShort();
followed by a loop to read utflen bytes (not "Unicode characters"). This is wrong for an iTXt chunk, as it does not have a 'first word' to indicate its length. The number of bytes in the plain text can be derived from the chunk length (which is, per PNG convention, the total data length excluding the length long word, the iTXt signature itself, and the final CRC32 code) minus the length of the zero-terminated keyword name, language, and "translated keyword" strings, and the two bytes which indicate compression of the full plain text.
As a work-around, remove the iTXt chunks from your PNG images. The data itself -- XMP Metadata -- is most likely not interesting at all for your purposes (but feel free to read what benefits Adobe thinks it has). And if your workflow does not use it, it's just a useless hunk of uncompressed text, taking up 814 bytes of the total of 981 bytes in your sample image -- a whopping 83%!
You can use an external utility to remove extraneous data chunks; the command line for the popular pngcrush, for example, is
pngcrush -rem alla -rem text InputFile.png OutputFile.png
Or directly from Photoshop: if you save a PNG 'the usual way' with the "Save As" menu option, the metadata goes in and there is no checkbox to get rid of it. If you use "Save for Web & Devices" instead, you get a large dialog with a lot of handy options, such as a drop down list labelled "Metadata".
Choosing "All" I got an even larger file; my version of Photoshop creates a massive 3K chunk of XMP Metadata, including a 2K totally empty 'filler' block...
Selecting "Copyright" or "None" finally got rid of all the crud (presumably because I did not fill in any copyright information), and then you get a nice 169 bytes long PNG, in which the only metadata is that software used is called "Adobe ImageReady".
1 Which is kind of ironic. Per PNG specifications,
.. A decoder encountering an unknown chunk in which the ancillary bit is 1 can safely ignore the chunk and proceed to display the image.
This "ancillary bit" is the 5th bit of the first byte of the chunk ID: 0 (uppercase) = critical, 1 (lowercase) = ancillary, i.e., if the first character of the chunk ID is a capital, a PNG reader must read and interpret its data correctly, and if it's not, it can be skipped silently.
So technically, the writers of J2ME could safely have ignored this entire chunk. But they messed it up, attempt to read it, and now the code crashes on all programs that merely try to read the image data in PNGs which happen to contain iTXt chunks.

The XML parser detected error code 302

I am using the XML-INTO op-code to parse a web service request. Every now and then I get errors in the logs
(RNX0351 - "The XML parser detected error code 302").
The help for a 302 is
302 The parser does not support the requested CCSID value or
the first character of the XML document was not '<'
To the best of my knowledge, the first character is "<" and the request is generated from a previous web service call so I would be very suprised if the CCSID has changed.
The error is repeatable, for the specific query so it is almost certainly data related, I am just unsure how I would go about identifying the offending item.
Any thoughts on how to determine the issue, or better yet, how to overcome it?
CCSID is an AS400/iSeries/Power System attribute, and it applies to the whole IFS.It's like a declaration of what inside the file is, or in other words what its internal encoding "should be".
It's supposed that data content encoding in the file and the file one (the envelope) match, and the box uses this attribute to show and handle corresponding characters.
It sounds like you receive data under one encoding, but CCSID file doesn't match.
Try changing CCSID on your file (only the envelope). E.G.: 37 (american), 500 (latin-1), 819 (utf-8), 850 (dos), 1252 (win) and display file after.You can check first using ls -Sla yourfile in QSH or QP2TERM, or EDTF as well. CHGATTR allows you to change CCSID, as well as setccsid in QSH (again).
This way helped me to find related issues. Remember that although data may be visible in the four hundred, they may not be visible through a share folder in Win. It means that CCSID file, an content encoding don't match.
Hope it helps.
Hi I've seen this error with XML data uploaded to AS400/iSeries/IBM i with FTP and the CCSID 819 (ISO 8859-1 ASCII) and it has some binary garbage in first few positions of file. Changed encoding to CCSID 1208 (UTF-8 with IBM PUA) using FTP "quote type c 1208" and the problem cleared and XML-INTO was successful.
So, suggestion about XML parser error 302 received when using XML-INTO is to look at the file (wrklnk ...) and if first character is not "<" but instead some binary garbage then try CCSID 1208 for utf-8.
Statements in this answer about what 819 is and what ccsid represents utf-8 do not agree with previous answer but are correct, according to IBM documentation:
I'm working on this problem a couple hours,
for me the solution was use option ccsid=UCS2 when you use data structure or variable to store xml.
something like that :
XML-INTO customer %XML( xmlSource : 'ccsid=UCS2');
I have the program running on ccsid = 870, every conversion to ccsid on the xmlSource field don't work,
The strange thing that when I use the file with ccsid = 850, every thing work fine
I mention that becouse this is the first page when you looking about this problem.
Maybe this help someone.
