How to concatenate query result executed in Excel - excel

I have an Excel that collects product data from an Oracle database. This process is executed once a day and one of its columns is the execution date.
The problem is that every time I run the query data is updated. What I want is to append the result below the existing data, so I can generate graphs showing some product information through the time.
How could I do that?
Thanks is advance!

Can you not just change the date in your query to a specific date that you would like to set as the begin date for your data pool? You would probably have to batch it occasionally as the file would probably get rather large, but just a suggestion if I'm understanding the question correctly. Otherwise, you could take #Dank advice and just copy the data into another worksheet to create a "master file" to populate your graphs.


Memory issue using DAX query in python script

I am having memory issue when I execute DAX query inside the code in ref picture. If its like 10000 row it works however more than that it create memory issue. My query may return up to 50 Millions of data.
Question 1: What should be the efficient way to execute the query.
Question 2: What settings or properties might change to adjust huge amount of data.
Question 3: Is that possible to use partition and split data to fill into data table?
I am new in python coding. Please suggest me if code needs to change or any other efficient way to pull the data and send to data frame? my end goal is to send all data to CSV format into data lake. Its currently working however, for smaller amount of rows. I have tested till 10k is working in few min. its super inefficient seems to me.
Thanks in Advance!
I'm not sure how I would automate it, but the Export Data function from DAX Studio works really fast. I just did 500k rows in under a minute. It works against tables in the model, so if you are working with a DAX Expression, you would have to create it as a DAX Table in the model first.

Can I generate new excel files from one template based on one column /constant/ with variable data

I have this [excel] file:
I The customers every day are different (because they may paid some of documents)...and the rows with data for every of them.
Can I create from this .xls file for every customer new excel (or word) file with the rows with doc.#, paid..?
I need some help because I have to create [letters] every day for the clients (they are more than 500) or some other idea how to make the task more fast?
Thank You : )
P.S. I'm not programmer
[excel-vba][word] [excel-formula]
If you have a fixed format. I strongly recommend using "Power query" (
if you want it to look more professional use "PowerBI"). You can link the customer files to your main file. You can update your tables with one click.
Useful links:
for unchangeable customer filter
for changeable customer filter
Don't panic, you don't have to know software to use it.

Microsoft Access: How to create a single report with multiple totals rows (totaling based on date)

I am very new to microsoft access. I work in an Immunization program where I routinely collect data about vaccinated children. I used to have excel spreadsheets (different spreadsheet for every campaign) but as the number of spreadsheets grew, comparison between data of different campaigns became difficult.
Now I am trying to get all the data into a database program in which I can bring data from multiple campaigns into a single report easily.
After jumping into access, first I need to get the basic things done that excel could do very easily. e.g.
This is sample data from day 1 and day 2 of the campaign. In access I can create a query which shows data from day 1 only and a totals row at the end. But how do I create a single query/report which shows separate totals row for each day. In other words, how do I reproduce the data in pictures above in a single access report.
I am planning a single table that contains data from all the campaigns in various columns.
The table in microsoft access looks like this:
Link to the access database file:
link to access database file
June7 has provided the correct advice - though it is cryptic.
Your table structure appears correct - you want a single table with the identity of the campaign and date (or whatever parameters you seek to differentiate them).
Your query is to collect those records into a record set. (Although there is an aggregate query type - it is not meant for what you seek to do.) You don't want to report on the entire database each time probably so one uses a query rather than the table itself to be the record set of the report. How that query is delimited is up to you.
The report object is where one then groups - and a group can have a total. You will want to look into online/text instructions on this for actual implementation.

Import Excel to SQL Server with Insert and Update Using Entity Framework

I have an excel file and I want to import the excel file basing on the existing database table using entity framework. Right now I firstly convert the excel sheet to a DataTable and have a loop to loop through each row of the DataTable. Each row has an id field and if the id exists in the database table I need to update it otherwise I need to insert this row to the database table. I want to use entity framework to wrap my loop into one transaction for roll back purpose in case of error. But I run into a scenario of two rows with the same id but different values. The first row is checked and added my entity collection, but the second row might be mistakenly updated the firstly added row because the firstly is not actually added due to the delayed context.SaveChanges() called after the loop. How can I update the previously added row in the entity collection without repeatedly calling context.SaveChanges() inside my loop? Thanks.
I don't think I have done it over the past decade or so, but I have used Microsoft Word's Mail Merge to create the SQL statement that I needed (SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE) for each line in an Excel sheet. Once I got the long SQL statement in text I simply copy-paste it into the console and the statement was executed and the job was done. I am confident that there are better ways of doing this but it worked at the time with limited knowledge but a need. This answer is probably in the category "don't try this at work, but it is fine to do it at home if it does the job".

Excel output in pentaho showing last month

I´m working with PDI 4.1. I´ve created transformations and jobs, and I have an excel file with data from database. The columns in my excel file are name, date and hour, and I need to bring the data from last month. Can I do something like this?
Thanks in advance.
You've likely figured this out by now, but what you need to do is flow the data from last month's Excel file into a transform with a Microsoft Excel Input step. Then you can do what ever you want with it (aggregate it, join it with another file, join it with a database table, ... whatever) before writing it to the new month's file with the Excel Writer Step.
