I am sending an envelope with sign in anywhere option provided by docusign API.
I would like to request minimum 3 signs with sign in anywhere option.
Is that possible with Docusign API ?
I already google this but I am not able to find exact solution what I want.
If you're allowing the signer to sign anywhere (i.e., using "free form signing" instead of placing DocuSign Signature tabs within the Envelope), then it's not possible to require a specific number of signatures. To require a specific number of signatures, you'd need to place (required) Signature tabs at specific locations within the Envelope, and the signer would not be able to complete/submit the Envelope until they signed in all "required" locations.
I'm trying to find out if it is possible using the DocuSign API to create a signing request that is sent to multiple parties for signature with nobody seeing the other parties signatures until they have all signed?
Once all parties have signed I would download the final PDF and review this then send to all parties, but not sure if it's possible to hide these as it goes from one recipient to another?
Well, one technique would be for each signer to have their own signature page for the document set. The signature page would actually be a separate document within the envelope. (But signers are not particularly aware of the fact that there can be multiple documents in an envelope since they all flow together.)
You'd use the document visibility feature so each signer would only see the main document(s) and their own signing page.
Try it out first via the web tool, docs within the developer sandbox. Then automate via the API.
We are using SOAP API with Document option. In regular way we do attach Recipient Id to Signature Tab to send a document for Signature, in this case only one signer can do sign on Signature tab.
We need to send a Document to group of people where anyone in the group should be able to sign on it.
I have come across a concept in DocuSign call it as "Signing Group" for this we need create group manually in the DocuSign account using all required email addresses.
But as per our requirement Email addresses are not static, Email addresses are dynamic that will vary every time we do send the document.
*Signing group option is might not relevant to our requirement. Is there any other go to achieve it...?
Based upon the current DocuSign API Documentation, it seems that the SOAP API does not support management of signing groups (create/delete/get/list/update) at this time. However, the DocuSign REST API does provide that type of functionality: https://docs.docusign.com/esign/restapi/SigningGroups/SigningGroups/
We are using the DocuSign REST services and currently passing in the recipients required to sign the document from two People columns in a SharePoint document library. The client would now like to have it that they have secondary signers, e.g. the original users could sign but if they are not available their assistant must do so. What would be the best solution for this?
I noticed mention of something similar here:
Docusign multiple signers for one signature line
They want this to happen at run time though, so the email addresses get sent on the original request to create the envelope and this solution above speaks more to the concept of creating them via the DocuSign interface which is not ideal for them. Has anyone else tried this?
Do the assistants sign as themselves or on behalf of the original signer? I'm making some assumptions here, but most assistants would have access to their boss' emails, so presumably they'd have access to the DocuSign notifications that comes though. In that case, the assistant could simply sign as the original signer by clicking through to the envelope from the email. While this is usually a bit of an eyebrow raising move in terms of security, the reality is that many partners in law firms already delegate their authority to their PAs to sign on their behalf, and today these PAs have copies of all their bosses' signature images to place on documents.
A slightly better move, if the requirement is for the assistant to sign under their own name, is to go into the envelope from their boss' email and reassign the envelope to themselves. Then they will receive an email and they can sign under their own name and all of this will show in the audit trail.
Either way there isn't anything you need to do from an API perspective apart from ensuring the right features are turned on to allow signers to reassign.
The other option is using Signing Groups, but the groups need to be set up beforehand in the DocuSign account and your API call will enter the signing group ID (under the "signingGroupId" parameter) instead of the recipient name and email. This means either the boss or their assistant could sign if they are in the same signing group, but does not enforce one over the other.
I want to 2 recipient [ user and witness] to use the same device or ip address to sign the document sent via docusign.
Please let me know if i can achieve this in docusign
Have you considered using in-person signing? That would require the "host" of the signing session to be a DocuSign user in your account though, but process operates under the assumption that the signer and witness are at the same location.
Alternatively, this question is asked quite often and what you need to have a serious think about is whether the witness is required at all. In most use cases, DocuSign effectively replaces the need for a witness as DocuSign itself is witnessing the signature, authenticating the recipient and recording all the actions of the recipient for you. In all but legal use cases (like notarization) it's usually found that the traditional witness signature is no longer required as a result.
We are using the REST API v2.
Consider this scenario:
Our system creates an envelope with two signers. The second signer
doesn’t have any kind of authentication via Docusign. In terms of the
API that means setting signer.requireIdLookup = false (no RSAID verification).
The first signer signs ok.
BEFORE the second signer signs the system
determines that authentication via RSAID is required after all. I
tried updating signer 2 to enable RSAID, but it doesn’t work. By
reading the documentation here it looks like changing the
requireIdLookup on a sent envelope is not supported.
Any ideas on how to do this? Voiding the envelope and starting again is not a good option because we don't want signer 1 to sign again.
As mentioned in the above comments, this is currently not supported. You need to determine if you will be using RSA ID check - which is controlled through the requireIDLookup property - at the time you are adding your recipients to the envelope, which might not necessarily be at the time of envelope creation. It's possible to create the envelope and save it as a draft envelope, then add recipients at a later time.