UICollectionview SelectItem programmatically not changing background - xamarin.ios

I have a UICollectionView with images. The user can select (multiselect) the images. When the user taps a single image, everything works fine. The SelectedBackgroundView is visible and on tap again, the normal image is visible.
But my problem is, I have a option for the user "Select all". In that i want to select all items programmatically. With following code:
for (int i = 0; i < CollectionView.NumberOfItemsInSection(0); i++)
var ip = NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(i, 0);
CollectionView.SelectItem(ip, false, UICollectionViewScrollPosition.None);
The following method returns the correct number for the selected items:
var number = CollectionView.GetIndexPathsForSelectedItems().Length;
But the UI is not changing to the SelectedBackgroundView.
Can anyone help me? Thanks.

Calling SelectItem does not cause the display to be updated; it just changes the Selected property of the UICollectionViewCell therefore updating the selected index set in the collection view.
What I do is override the Selected property of my UICollectionViewCell implementation and adjust the UI at that point:
public class MyCell : UICollectionViewCell
// ...
public override bool Selected
get { return base.Selected; }
base.Selected = value;
// change the state of the selected background
imageBackground.Image = LoadAnImage(value ? "BackgroundOn" : "BackgroundOff");
This way ensures that the UI is updated at all possible points when the selected state of the cell changes, either by user interaction or programmatically calling SelectItem or DeselectItem on the collection view.
I do not personally use the SelectedBackgroundView property on a cell (I do my own layering, most of the time), but you may have to manually bring that view to the front yourself in a similar Selected property override.


How can I filter records for the Generate Recurring Entries (GL504000) screen

I'm trying to modify the Generate Recurring Transactions (GL504000) screen, and I want to add a user field to filter the grid. I've added a UsrRecurringClass user field to DAC extensions of both the 'Parameters' DAC for the header, and the 'Schedule' DAC for the grid. Now I want to filter that grid by the selection I've added to the header (The UsrRecurringClass field I've added to both)
The problem is, I can't add that field to the View select (Schedule_List) and have it make any difference (I did set the CommitChanges to true on the header filter field).
I've added this to graph extension of the 'ScheduleRun' BLC, as follows, but it doesn't seem to make any difference...
public PXFilteredProcessing<Schedule, ScheduleRun.Parameters,
Where2<Where<ParametersExt.usrRecurringClass, IsNull, Or<ScheduleExt.usrRecurringClass, Equal<Current<ParametersExt.usrRecurringClass>>>>,
And2<Where<Schedule.active, Equal<True>>,
And<Schedule.nextRunDate, LessEqual<Current<ScheduleRun.Parameters.executionDate>>>>>> Schedule_List;
Maybe I'm not doing the BQL correctly, or there's a better way, using the View delegate - I'm not sure.
Any ideas?
I have done a similar customization, maybe the pattern will help you.
public class ARCreateWriteOff_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARCreateWriteOff>
#region Event Handlers
// First expose the PXFilterable view in the extension
[PX.SM.PXViewDetailsButton(typeof(ARRegisterEx.refNbr), WindowMode = PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow)]
public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<ARRegisterEx> ARDocumentList;
// the ARDocumentList view is a long BQL statement I just removed most of it for the example
// Over write the IEnumerabel
protected virtual IEnumerable aRDocumentList()
// Get the current row and its extention
ARWriteOffFilter aRWriteOffFilter = Base.Filter.Current;
ARWriteOffFilterExt aRWriteOffFilterExt = aRWriteOffFilter.GetExtension<ARWriteOffFilterExt>();
// loop the values
foreach (ARRegisterEx item in Base.ARDocumentList.Select())
//check if the field is Null to return all data
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aRWriteOffFilterExt.UsrEmployeeID))
yield return item;
// Here you will check if your filter matches the row level
if (aRWriteOffFilterExt.UsrEmployeeID == bAccountExt.UsrEmployeeID)
yield return item;

How to get all selected rows data in javafx

there is a problem!!
In javafx table view i applied multiple selected mode by Shift+mouseClick or Clt+MouseClick. By This
tblViewCurrentStore.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
it's ok on GUI but problem is, if i use this code it give me the last selection cell's value,
private void btnDeleteOnAction(ActionEvent event) {
but when i use this code it give this!
private void btnDeleteOnAction(ActionEvent event) {
It Give me This types of output
[List.ListProduct#3a22ea22, List.ListProduct#6d99efa2, List.ListProduct#40fd0f67]
But i need when i select multiple row then press delete it will show all selected data like first one.
Hear is my GUI(With multiple selection)
You can even use this :
ArrayList<YourModel> products = new ArrayList<>(table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems());
for (YourModel model : models) {
final List<YourModel> collect = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
There are multiple problems with your code:
tblViewCurrentStore.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);only needs to be set once (thus its a setter). Do it after your TableView has been initialized and not on every click.
SelectionModel#getSelectedItem() clearly says what it does:
Returns the currently selected object (which resides in the selected index position). If there are multiple items selected, this will return the object contained at the index returned by getSelectedIndex() (which is always the index to the most recently selected item).
And finally SelectionModel#getSelectedItems returns all selected objects (as in Java Objects).
So if you want the names, you can something like this:
List<String> names = tblViewCurrentStore.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().stream()

Disable TableRow based on data

I face a problem with TableView in JavaFX 2.1. I want to disable TableRow based on data.
For eg.:
public class RowData() {
private String name;
private boolean used;
public String getName(){
return this.name;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
public boolean isUsed(){
return this.used;
public void setUsed(boolean used) {
this.used = used;
In program:
public class ViewController implements Initializable {
private TableView<RowData> tableAttribute;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
List<RowData> data = new ArrayList<RowData>();
// datatype col
TableColumn<DataRow, String> attNameCol = new TableColumn<DataRow, DataRow>(
.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<DataRow, String>(
attNameCol .setMinWidth(110.0);
tableComponent.getColumns().addAll(attNameCol );
//I want to disable row which used = true, enable otherwise
How can I do to achieve that?
Example strategies for disabling a row based on the value of a row field:
Use a rowFactory which renders the row content as disabled as needed.
After the table has been shown, lookupAll the TableRows and render them as disabled as appropriate.
I create a sample app which uses the second principle.
The key logic in the sample is the following code executed after the table has been shown on an active stage, which enables and disables rows as needed (as well as applying style classes to each row so that they can be styled separately if required). Note, for this approach, if the rows in the table change or are reordered, then the lookup and enabling/disabling code will have to be re-run over the table after the table has been re-rendered so that the table is correctly styled and has the correct disabled properties for rows.
// highlight the table rows depending upon whether we expect to get paid.
int i = 0;
for (Node n: table.lookupAll("TableRow")) {
if (n instanceof TableRow) {
TableRow row = (TableRow) n;
if (table.getItems().get(i).getWillPay()) {
} else {
if (i == table.getItems().size())
When using a fxml controller the lookupAll return 0 "TableRow" nodes. It seems that after table.setItems(data) when doing lookup rows are populated why ?
Before answering this, I will note that using a rowFactory is really the preferred solution to this question, rather than using a lookup. Some of the reasons why will become apparent in the rest of this answer. For a sample of a rowFactory approach, please refer to this linked sample code by james-d.
A lookup is a CSS operation and it requires that css has been applied to the nodes being looked up. To explicitly apply css, call applyCss after the node has been placed in a scene.
A difficulty with a controller is that, in the initialize call, the node might not yet be in a scene. To work around that issue you can apply the following pattern:
Pane parent = (Pane) table.getParent();
Scene applyCssScene = new Scene(table);
if (parent != null) {
// Assumes that the original order in the parent does not matter.
// If it did, you would also need to keep track of the child list position.
. . .
// perform css based lookup operation on the table.
This creates a dummy holder scene with the table in it, applies CSS (after which CSS based lookup operations will work) and then removes the table from the scene so that you can add it to the real scene at a later time and afterwards places the table back in it's original parent. As you may have noted this is a bit confusing. Note that I didn't try to actually execute the CSS application process outlined above in an example application with an FXML controller, however I believe it will work.
In the sample app I linked which uses lookups, the above complexity is not needed because the lookup is made after the stage containing the table has been initially shown. The stage.show() call implicitly runs layout and css application passes on the scene to be shown (it needs to do this to determine the initial size of the stage based upon the calculated size of the initial scene and perhaps for other reasons).

Monotouch-Dialog ReloadData does not reloads data?

I want to use monotouch dialog as not editable data display for some numeric values. But calling DialogViewController.ReloadData does not updates data from binded object.
class AccountFormModel
[Section("Account data", "")]
public string balance;
private void InitComponents()
accountFormModel = new AccountFormModel();
accountFormModel.balance = "TestTestTest";
bc = new BindingContext(this, accountFormModel, "AccountData");
dialogViewController = new DialogViewController(bc.Root);
dialogViewController.Autorotate = true;
private void RefreshData()
string b = SomeDatasource.Account.Balance.ToString("N4");
accountFormModel.balance = "$" + b;
Debugging shows that accountFormModel.balance in refreshData method is set to right value, but nothing changes on form in simulator (stays TestTestTest). What i'm doing wrong?
DialogViewController when using reflection does the binding once initially, and only when you FetchData() is the data transferred back to your class.
What happens is that the BindingContext will basically create the model from your data (balance in this case) effectively making a copy of your data at this point. When you call ReloadData() this is reloading the data from the copy, and that is why you do not see a change. Although this could be changed to have some method on the BindingContex to repopulate the data, this is not currently the case.
The Reflection API for MonoTouch.Dialog is very limited, I strongly advise you that for anything non-trivial, you use the Elements API. Most of the samples in MonoTouch.Dialog use that API, as it gives you full control of the dialog.

Loss of properties webpart toolpart moss 2007

I've got the following problem:
I created a WebPart with a ToolPart,
this toolpart has multiple controls (textbox, dropdownlist, ...)
when I fill in everything and apply, it all goes ok,
even when i press ok. But when i go back to
edit -> modify webpart, all my data i've entered is gone.
How can i solve this?
You'll need to save the values from the Toolpart in the webpart's properties. For example, lets say I want to save a string for "Title"... in the webpart define a property:
private const string DEFAULT_WPPColumnTitle = "Title";
private string _WPPColumnTitle = DEFAULT_WPPColumnTitle;
public string WPPColumnTitle
get { return this._WPPColumnTitle; }
set { this._WPPColumnTitle = value; }
I always use the prefix "WPP" to keep all the web part properties together.
Then, in the Toolpart's ApplyChanges override, save the control's value (_ddlColumnsTitle) to the webpart (WPPColumnTitle):
/// <summary>
/// Called by the tool pane to apply property changes to
/// the selected Web Part.
/// </summary>
public override void ApplyChanges()
// get our webpart and set it's properties
MyCustomWebPart et = (MyCustomWebPart)ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
et.WPPColumnTitle = _ddlColumnsTitle.SelectedValue;
Lastly, if the user edited the properties already, we want the Toolpart to be pre-populated with the user's configuration. In the CreateChildControls() method of your Toolpart, initialize the controls:
protected override void CreateChildControls()
MyCustomWebPart et = (MyCustomWebPart)ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
// ... code to create _ddlColumnsTitle and add it to the Controls
// default our dropdown to the user's selection
ListItem currentItem = _ddlColumnsTitle.Items.FindByValue(et.WPPColumnTitle);
if (null != currentItem)
_ddlColumnsTitle.SelectedValue = currentItem.Value;
catch (Exception ex)
_errorMessage = "Error adding edit controls. " + ex.ToString();
Open up the debugger and double check that the values are getting applied to your propertries on Apply (i.e. WPPColumnTitle is set).
If so then problem is that SharePoint is not serializing/deserializing the value from the property (WPPColumnTitle) to the database and back - verify by writing out this property on the web part - as soon as you leave the page and come back it will be empty.
If so then check things like this on class
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "YourNamespace")]
and this (not strictly necessary) on properties
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ColumnTitle")]
I've also seen problems if you name your web part class "WebPart" so call it MyWebPart
I've solved it with adding a property in my webpart "IsNeverSet" (bool)
and when i go to the "CreateControls()" of my toolpart, I get this property
and if it's false, I load all the properties from my webpart and fill them in the toolpart.
So I found it with the help of Kit Menke
