Pressing Tab in conemu + Python3.4 - python-3.x

I'm new to ConEmu, so please forgive me if this is too simple. When I press Tab key (say trying to define a function), ConEmu will show many keywords but not a simple "tab", is there someway to disable this? I checked keyboard settings, but couldn't find solution.

ConEmu does not handle tab key at all. What you see is the python auto completion. Refer to python manuals or forums...


Awesome WM help popup messed up (possible soluction with new function)

NOTE: I just started to use awesome not very long ago, and don't really know the lua programming language.
I cloned HikariKnight's awesome theme and started to customize the hotkeys. I have a logitech keyboard that has some launcher keys that will open you default apps (on windows that is). I wanted to make them open the default apps here, so I edited the config. Now the help menu has the name of some of the keys repeated over and over for no apparent reason.
If anyone could help me fix this that would be awesome.
Possible Solution(?)
I might be able to use the new function to use the hide_without_description option. This wouldn't be ideal though as it would just remove the hotkey from the help menu.
I found the documentation for it here, but don't know how to use the new function.
To quote PlatformKnuckles:
I think I see the problem. Check the line in the keybindings file:
for i = 1, 9 do
You're starting the keybindings in a loop multiple times.
(I didn't look at your rc.lua at all. I just assume the answer above is correct.)

Is there is way to use only few of vim command in vscode

I am on the window system and using vscode. I am trying to find vim insert mode alternative in vscode.
Like : when we press "i" in vim it goes to "insert mode" and allow to edit other wise don`t. the same functionality i want in vscode.
Natively, there is no way, but thanks to the extensive plugin system you can easily accomplish this. VSCodeVim is a great example.

Just to know the value of a variable using xdebug in vim

I'm new to debugging using xdebug (or any other software), so I installed this plugin, and I followed these instructions just to know the value of variable. So for checking the value of a variable I think these are the steps:
Create the breakpoing
Press F5 in vim
Press F5 in browser
Press F4 in vim
Move the cursor to the variable
Press F12 to check the value of the variable
It works ok, but for me these are too much steps just to avoid the typical var_dump($variable);die; line.
Is there anything am I doing wrong? is there any other quicker way to check the value of a variable?
Vim is first and foremost a text editor; due to its versality and extensibility, you can make it more IDE-like, though.
If you're a beginner (with debugging) and you want a comfortable, easy experience, I suggest using a fully-fledged IDE instead. (You can still integrate Vim into your workflow for the act of text editing; e.g. I open files in Vim from my IDE with a simple shortcut.)
If you really want to avoid an IDE (for whatever reason) and stick with simple, command line-oriented tools, I'd suggest learning xdebug standalone first, and only then try to integrate it with Vim.

How do I stop wxhaskell from beeping on enter in text controls?

I've played around with processEnter, on command, and on anyKey with textEntry to no avail. I've been looking through the massive amount of documentation for wx-core, but I don't see anything that'll help. I'm using wxhaskell on Windows 8.
You need to use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style to have a chance of capturing the Enter key in a wxTextCtrl. If you don't use it, this key is used for activating the default dialog button -- or beeping, under Windows, if there is no such button.

Creating a ctrl+tab keybinding in PuTTY

I'd like to be able to map the vim commands :tabnext and :tabprev to CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB respectively. Unfortunately, I seem to be running into the problem where PuTTY eats these character combinations.
I've tried searching for information, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure this is a PuTTY thing but there doesn't seem to be any sort of help/reference area for the application.
I am curious if anyone here has any experience or suggestions for figuring this out.
#rmeador: try mapping the key combo within vim.
I have attempted to do this, but it doesn't appear like vim is getting the combo. I'm not certain if this is related to the term settings or an issue with PuTTY.
PuTTY doesn't send anything when you press Ctrl+Tab.
You can patch PuTTY as it is described here: Using Ctrl+Tab in GNU Screen over PuTTY
I believe that at this time, using Ctrl+Tab is not possible with PuTTY, because PuTTY does not allow you to configure specific translations for keys. Here is a decent article that shows how you would set this up if PuTTY did support this feature:
If you use (or would consider using) a hotkey/macro program like Autohotkey, you could emulate this behavior yourself. For example, this Autohotkey config script would do exactly what you want:
#IfWinActive PuTTY
^Tab::Send :tabnext
^+Tab::Send :tabprev
(Note that this example is just looking for any window title starting with PuTTY, so you'd have to adjust based on your title configuration.)
