Create a list from many other lists f# - string

First of all im VERY VERY noob in f# so I need your help :)
I have a library with 50 lists that each have around 10 entries
What I need to do is join all 50 lists into one big list. The things is that I cant use "for" or mutable variables.
what I have done (which I think is horribly done) is:
let rec finalList x =
if x < wallID.Length then List.append [interfaz.hola(wallID.Item(x)).[0].[1]] [finalList]
else listaFinal (x+1)
printfn "list %A" (listaFinal 10 )
WallID represents one of the 50 lists and interfaz.GetMuroHumano(wallID.Item(x)).[0].[1] gets me one of the entries that I need. (for now if a can just get one of the data for each wallID im ok)
again im verrrrry noob and I hope you guys can help me
So now its partially working..
let rec finalList x y =
if x < wallID.Length then
if y < [interfaz.GetMuroHumano(wallID.Item(x)).[y]].Length then
let current = [interfaz.GetMuroHumano(wallID.Item(x)).[y].[1]]
let rest = finalList (x y+1)
List.append current rest
else finalList (x+1 y)
else []
vut im getting errors calling the function finalList it says that "y" is not an int but a string

It is hard to say what is wrong with your code without seeing a complete version. As Daniel points out, there is a built-in library function for doing that - in fact, you do not even need List.collect, because there is List.concat that takes a list of lists.
However, you might still try to get your original code to work - this is useful for understanding functional concepts! I added some comments that can help you understand how it should work:
let rec finalList x =
if x < wallIDLength then
// Get the list at the index 'x'
let current = interfaz.GetMuroHumano(wallID.Item(x))
// Recursively process the rest of the lists
let rest = finalList (x + 1)
// Check that both 'current' and 'rest' are variables
// of type list<'T> where 'T is the element type
List.append current rest
// Return empty list if we got too far
// Start from the first index: 0
printfn "list %A" (finalList 0)

let flatten xs = List.collect id xs


list vs. incremental values security

Can someone tell me the formal reason why list/arrays and such are considered more secure when it comes to incremental steps i.e (List.fold > loops).
Exampel code in F#
Functional way (list)
let rec sum lst =
match lst with
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> x + sum xs
Imperative way (incremental)
let sum n m =
let mutable s = 0
for i=n to m do
s <- s + i
If by security you mean "safer" -- then I think this will explain it some. To begin with if you're summing a list, a fold should be somewhat safer as it removes the need for the programmer to correctly index the list:
let sum lst =
let mutable s = 0
for i=0 to (List.length lst - 1) do
s <- s + lst.[i]
You avoid a lot of pitfalls completely by using the library function:
let sum lst =
let folder acc element =
acc + element
List.fold folder 0 lst
The fold handles all the edge cases for you, in terms of indices, and list length. (note: this could also be done with a List.reduce (+) lst however that does not handle an empty list, where as a fold does).
The short of it all is that it keeps the programmer from making mistakes on silly index math, and keeps the focus on the actual logic of what is being done.
EDIT: I ironically messed up the index logic in my initial post

build a set of values in dictionary

I've been scratching my head over this problem for a couple of days and i feel my vision a bit tunneled right now, so i thought maybe you can shed some light on this matter :)
so this app runs some code, gets some values till it gets to this part:
for y in query2:
del list2[:]
data is a dictionary, and the keys 'x' are being added correctly to the dictionary but as you have guessed the problem is with list2.
i want to add a set of values (returned from query2) to each 'x' key,
i thought to initialize the list2 outside the loop empty it on each iteration and store it in the dictionary but that doesn't work obviously.
Any ideas would be much appreciated :)
That's the code that works:
for x in output:
query2 = == x)
list2 = []
for y in query2:
Many thanks
That's the code that works:
for x in output:
query2 = == x)
list2 = []
for y in query2:

Scala Comprehension Errors

I am working on some of the exercises. The current one I am working on is for Scala DNA exercise. Here is my code and the errors that I am receiving:
For reference, DNA is instantiated with a strand String. This DNA can call count (which counts the strand for the single nucleotide passed) and nucletideCounts which counts all of the respective occurrences of each nucleotide in the strand and returns a Map[Char,Int].
class DNA(strand:String) {
def count(nucleotide:Char): Int = {
strand.count(_ == nucleotide)
def nucleotideCounts = (
for {
n <- strand
c <- count(n)
} yield (n, c)
The errors I am receiving are:
Error:(10, 17) value map is not a member of Int
c <- count(n)
Error:(12, 5) Cannot prove that Char <:< (T, U). ).toMap
Error:(12, 5) not enough arguments for method toMap: (implicit ev:
<:<[Char,(T, U)])scala.collection.immutable.Map[T,U]. Unspecified
value parameter ev. ).toMap
I am quite new to Scala, so any enlightenment on why these errors are occurring and suggestions to fixing them would be greatly appreciated.
for comprehensions work over Traversable's that have flatMap and map methods defined, as the error message is pointing out.
In your case count returns with a simple integer so no need to "iterate" over it, just simply add it to your result set.
for {
n <- strand
} yield (n, count(n))
On a side note this solution is not too optimal as in the case of a strand AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA count is going to be called many times. I would recommend calling toSet so you get the distinct Chars only:
for {
n <- strand.toSet
} yield (n, count(n))
In line with Akos's approach, consider a parallel traversal of a given strand (String), n => n -> count(n) )
Here we use distinct to gather unique items and construct each Map association in map.
A pipeline solution would look like:
def nucleotideCounts() = strand.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.length)
Another approach is
Map() ++ {for (n <- strand; c = count(n)) yield n->c}
Not sure why it's different than {...}.toMap() but it gets the job done!
Another way to go is
Map() ++ {for (n <- strand; c <- Seq(count(n))) yield n->c}

Haskell, Length of list returning the value 1

I'm working with some code and there seems to be an issue which I can't figure out.
So I've got a method which decrements an input Int by 1 until it hits 5. (I know if i enter less than 1 it would cause an error but i will fix that later)
I have a second function which calls a takes a List as a parameter which calls this function and returns the list of numbers, I want to call length on this list and populate a separate list (I'm not the best at explaining, i'll show with code examples below)
sub 5 = return [1]
sub x =
xs <- sub (x - 1)
return (x:xs)
f xs = [ length (sub x) | x<-xs ]
If I call sub 10 on it's own it gives the output [10,9,8,7,6,1], however if I call length on this, it gives the output [1].
In my head i thought the output would be 6, as it has 6 elements in.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and/or a way to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
sub doesn't return [10,9,8,6,1] but [[10,9,8,6,1]] (a list of list) therefore the length is 1. You don't need the return. You are in a list monad, return wraps it's value into a list, this why you end up with nested list. Your code should be
sub 5 = [1] -- or return 1
sub x = do
let xs = sub (x -1)
The problem is that this sub function is written like you were in an imperative language and that return doesn't mean the same thing in Haskell : it means "wrap this thing in a Monad (which Monad depends on the context)". Here since you use length on the result of sub the list [] monad is used and the result is [ [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5] ] a list of one element which happen to be a list of 6 elements. mb14 correctly identified that but then corrected only the first case of your function, the second case is also monadic but shouldn't be...
sub 5 = [1]
sub x = x : sub (x - 1)
is the simple code you should be using, you don't need any monad here...

Listing one element in a string[] list f#

I have a string[] list and I wish to group the 5th element in the string array of all the list..
I found two different ways in doing this
let rec Publication x y (z:string [] list) =
if x < z.Length then
let muro = [z.[x].[y]]
let rest = Publication (x+1) y z
List.append muro rest
else []
where z is the string[] list and y is the element that I wish to list.
let Publication x (z:string [] list) = [for i in 0 .. (z.Length-1) -> z.[i].[x]]
In the first case, I get a stack overflow error when working with a large set of data and the second one takes to long. Can anyone help me find a third and more eficient way? thanks!
Your second version seems sensible on the surface, but I wonder if the problem is not the indexed access to z, as the list is iterated from the head for each z.[i] call. What I would try is plain and simple:
let publication idx (lst: string [] list) =
lst |> (fun arr -> arr.[idx])
You have a list of arrays and an index, you go through the list and get element by the index from each array.
