Synchronization in Firefox OS (B2G) - firefox-os

I would like to stop a function in order to wait the end of another section of code.
Is there in Firefox OS some synchronization method like wait() and notify() in Java?

JavaScript doesn't has this concept, but generally speaking uses callbacks (function pointers). A bit like the anonymous classes in Java. For example, I'm making a call to a web server:
function callToWebServer(url, doneCallback) {
// do all kinds of magic, waiting for the web server to reply etc.
// when done:
Now using it via:
callToWebServer(function() {
// this is executed after the call to the web server succeeded
alert(1); // this is executed straight away
We can never wait, as JS is a single-thread execution environment. All code is written async.


Electron process object linked to function or global app?

I want to catch uncaught exceptions in an Electron app. I read that I could use
process.on("uncaughtException", err => {
I am wondering if the process object is the general process of the app, or if it is the process of the function it was called in (if it can even be used that way)?
For example if I want to do process.exit or something similar, will it kill the app or shut down the function?
Thanks for your time !
From the docs:
The process object is a global that provides information about, and control over, the current Node.js process. As a global, it is always available to Node.js applications without using require().
Yes the process object is the general process of the app.
So if you do process.exit it will quit the whole process.
Process docs

Proper approach to code in node to catch SIGINT and other signals?

I'm a novice with node and javascript, and I'm more familiar with the old paradigm of synchronous programming rather than use of callbacks, promises, etc. in asynchronous programming offered in node and browser based javascript.
I was adding catching of SIGINT to some node scripts I was developing and noticed some peculiarity. I have a variety of node utility scripts. One is an express.js based app to serve stuff over HTTP. Another is a kafka message subscriber that processes messages coming to a specific topic on the bus. And a third one is a simple test/debug script for trying out node.
The express & kafka scripts handle SIGINT fine and terminate when the signal comes. But the simple debug script doesn't and continues operation even though I've sent Control + C (or D). So my question is, how should a novice write basic node code, when not using frameworks like express or a node kafka client that will already support this, to properly catch SIGINT? Here's my sample code below. Please suggest how to re-work (or encapsulate the relevant code for) it to catch the signal. As you can see, it's very basic code that a novice would likely write, like a hello world demo.
var sleep = require('sleep');
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log("Performing graceful shutdown");
console.log("running "+new Date());
Node.js can't handle any event if the event loop is blocked.
The while(true){} in your codes will block the event loop, and all SIGINT will be queued in the event queue, it cannot be handled until the while breaks.
About event loop, please refer to this video.

NodeJS/SailsJS app database block

Understand that NodeJS is a single thread process, but if I have to run a long process database process, do I need to start a web worker to do that?
For example, in a sails JS app, I can call database to create record, but if the database call take times to finish, it will block other user from access the database.
Below are a sample code i tried
var test = function(cb) {
for(i=0;i<10000;i++) {
Company.create({companyName:'Walter Jr'+i}).exec(cb);
console.log("return to client");
return res.view('cargo/view',{
On first request, I see the return almost instant. But if I request it again, I will need to wait for all the records being entered before It will return me the view again.
What is the common practice for this kinda of blocking issue?
Node.js has non-blocking, asynchronous IO.
read the article below it will help you to restructure your code
Also start using Promises to help you avoid writing blocking IO.

In Meteor, is Meteor.wrapAsync blocking other calls?

In Meteor JS code, I am using HTTP.get method to call server inside a method. I must return result to client, so I am wrapping this function with
Meteor.wrapAsync to get a Synchronous function.
var httpSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(HTTP.get, this);
var result = httpSync(myUrl);
My question is - Will Meteor.wrapAsync(AsyncFunction) block other requests? Will it affect parallel execution of multiple requests?
It won't block the entire server. Meteor uses the fibers package to provide "synchronous looking" functions which don't block the entire server.
However, it will block other methods from the same user. If you want other methods from that user to run simultaneously, call this.unblock() inside the method:
On the server, methods from a given client run one at a time. The N+1th invocation from a client won't start until the Nth invocation returns. However, you can change this by calling this.unblock. This will allow the N+1th invocation to start running in a new fiber.
By the way, you don't need to Meteor.wrapAsync HTTP.get, since it can already be used synchronously. wrapAsync is intended to be used with external libraries that are not designed for Meteor.

Using edge.js is it possible for the .Net C# module to call the node.js part of the process, i.e. do the reverse call?

You can see the interop model for going from Node.js -> C#, here.
What I want to know is, can the C# code then make a call to a method in the Node.js part of the process from the C#, before returning?
Imagine if you had a call, like
var webApi = edge.func('/MyDotNetApi.csx');
webApi(function (error, result) { log.('api started'); });
where the MyDotNetApi.csx returns, but leaves a socket listener thread running to handle HTTP requests. Now, if the Node.js part of the process holds (ever changing) information which the .Net code needs to access for inclusion in its HTTP responses, can it somehow ask Node.js for it?
Calling back Node.js from C# with Edge.js is possible and documented.
