Scandroid steganography: "Alter the extension of a new beginning in order to READ what the others can only SEE" - jpeg

So, for some quick background, one of my favorite musicians, Scandroid, put out a riddle that states "If you alter the extension of a new beginning, you can READ what others can only SEE." When you purchased the song from their label's website, you got a bonus picture. the picture was titled "Origins" (New beginning) so i had the idea to convert the .jpg file to a .txt and just see if there was a hidden message. Inside I found some unusual coding that my friend seems to think is in java language, and thinks it may be an audio file because there are some stream commands. unfortunately neither of us have the skill to separate this coding, nor do we know how to use it in the way it was intended. Below is a link to a google doc that contains the segments of the .txt file that seemed unusual to me. Please note, the segments were separated by quite some space inside the txt file. If you would like to take a look at the whole file feel free to give me your E-Mail and i will be glad to send it to you. Thanks in advance - Pat D.

Its a pdf file. You should be able to open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader.


How can I edit a DXF in node.js?

I'd like to make a custom lasered label from a user's input on a website. I have a template dxf file and I'd like to replace placeholder text with the user input. My problem is the dxf file format is very unreadable in its text format. Is there any way to make sense of the numeric data? If not are there any other formats (svg, etc) that would be easier to work with?
EDIT: The reason I've found it unreadable in terms of text is that the program (Solidworks) converted the text to curves.) At this point I'm trying to figure out how to prevent that.
AutoDesk was nice enough to document DXF syntax in great detail. Spend a couple hours understanding the documentation from the link below, and I think you will find it quite easy to parse and edit using code.
To just replace some placeholder text, it should be just as simple as reading the DXF file into a string (a dxf file is no different than a txt file), performing a text replace operation and saving it back to file. Just make sure that your placeholder text is very unique and is not contained in any of the key words in the document below (otherwise your DXF file will get corrupted). Something like "PlaceHolderText" will do the trick.
Edit: More Info
I do a lot of work with AutoDesk Inventor which is in direct competition with SolidWorks, so they are effectively the same tool. We were faced with a similar problem of needing to place text onto sheet metal flat pattern DXFs that came out of Inventor in order to identify the part, but Inventor simply could not do it (see, exactly the same!). One of our developers had the idea to place a very precise geometry punch onto the flat pattern. After the DXF was generated he wrote some code that parsed the DXF file and replaced the geometry with a text entity. More specifically we used a triangle with sides having each length defined to something like the 7th decimal place. You can then use one of the vertices of the triangle to position the text, including rotation. This process would be automatic, so once you write the code with the help of the document above (which won't take the long), it will just work. If your engraver can handle text the way you want it, I'd say this is a very good solution. We generate hundreds of parts every day using this code. Hope this helps.

Excel open same names files

I need to create a button in Excel that opens a dialog box and I select the file that I recorded on the second sheet, but I also automatically select other files with the same name differs just ending. So I need to choose one file, and always record 2-3 more with the same name and to open a new worksheet. How to do it?
What you need to select the file abc.txt and uploaded to other files abc.ydd and abc.dyk name will always be the same only the ending will be different.
An advice for any work you are doing: Break down your big task into small steps as often as needed until the steps are small enough so that you know how to process them.
On your specific programming task, this means, you should break it down into:
You need a button on one of the excel sheets.
That button has to open a dialog box for selecting a file
I don't know whether it can be any arbitrary file or a specific one, as you wrote that the file was recorded on another sheet. I think that makes no difference at all.
After finishing the file selection, you have to evaluate the result of the dialog box (OK -> which file, ABORT -> do nothing).
Take the file name, remove the extension and search for other files (in the same directory or elsewhere) with that name.
I don't know why you want to open another worksheet. Of course you can do that, but if you want to show the content of that files in the worksheet, they better be excel files.
How you do these suggested steps is something you need to find out by yourself. Or you are lucky and find someone else who has plenty of free time to do that for you, but I don't think you will be that lucky, especially after providing a quite vague description of your problem.
In general, stackoverflow is for asking for solutions to specific programming problems, not for providing ready-to-use solutions for beginners. Take a look at VBA manuals and tutorials. They can be found widely across the internet and in book stores.

Hidden/Open words in an Image file such as PNG or JGP

As far as I can tell my question is not related to topics involved in Stenography or in the win.rar soluations I've seen to this where you are essentially hidding messages.
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to insert code into a file such as a jpg or png with a simple message, that could later be extracted by a program reading the file without having it encoded into the file either by slight differences in pixels or what have you in stenography.
I basically just want a tag along message that is a part of the file itself that is not brought up by the image reader but could perhaps be seen by a text reader of some kind.
I'm not sure how possible this is because I, for the most part don't understand the order/layout of the png/jgp/ect file aside from the RGB pixel code. How does it start, how does the image display tool know to stop displaying ect.
The way I'm envisioning it would be something like:
pngStartCode -> RGBinfo --> png end code so image reader knows to stop -> start sequence that some kind of reader will recognize (possibly a new text reader) -> written text wanted to be communicated -> endcodeforreader
I may just be rambling about something ridiculous here but please let me know if this is at least possible.
You can use following command(Windows command prompt)
Create a text file with your message, say "message.txt"
Now choose target file(it can be any file like a.jpg,a.png,a.exe,..etc), say "image.jpg"
Now execute follwing command
copy /b "image.jpg"+"message.txt" "NewImage.jpg"
Above command will combine files(in binary mode) and creats a new file(in this case NewImage.jpg). Now if anyone opens image they will just see noraml image. If you want to look at text, you have open it with any text editor(Notepad) and scroll down to last, there you can find text.
Here it wont chage any pixels or any thing to image, it just appends text to image.
It sounds like OP is asking about comment tags in the PNG specifications (i.e. adding data but without intent to hide it).
PNG files are broken into "Chunks". The image part is usually divided into several IDAT chunks; the color, size, etc are stored in an IHDR chunk, etc.
The iTXt, tEXt, and zTXt chunks are used for conveying text information associated with the image, so typically you'd look into using a tool to add those types of chunks. tEXt is for just plain text, zTXt is compressed.
More info on the PNG specification including what kinds of chunks are available can be found here, and you find chunk viewers on google.
For convenience at preset time (January 2021) here are a couple tools that will let you view, edit, and add chunks:
Windows 10:
NOTE: I do not vouch for the safety of any of the above links. Please use standard caution when downloading any file from the internet. If you don't have your own anti-virus, Virustotal has one online you can upload individual files to for free.

notepad++ how to convert to typing assistant like?

I was using notepad++ to create a report and its taking a quite a while for me to type and do so.
Well i had tried a software called typing assistant it was really good(except for the money part :D).
TO the Point :
is there any way tat i can link a dict(text file of words) and use notepad ++ as typing assistant please tell me if so i
can speed my report.
Cause i am a programmer too so i really like the keyword completion and stuff .But is there a way to use it for text ?
already tried Phrase Express -.-:
Takes long and its kinda for macro text and text completion don't work tat fast for me to tab and complete
if there's a question in the form like mine link me to tat :
i searched it and i didn't get it
Yes, you can set up your own custom auto-complete dictionaries in notepad++. You need to create an xml file with your language name and put it under the plugins/APIs directory in notepad++. Of course this assumes you know how to write xml. There's a formal description of how to implement this here.
I've never tried to create an auto-complete dictionary for plain text files, so I'm not sure if it's possible, but I have successfully created them for user-defined languages, which you could also do if you can't get it to work with text files.
I'm not sure if this question is really a duplicate, but here is a very similar one, which may help you in your research.

make swf from fla without ever opening it

is it possible to change text and images in a fla file without ever opening it up and then making the swf via command line? I want to make a flash template and save the fla. Then be able to update my text and image name and convert it to swf. I have one template but tons of different text options and background images. It would be nice to be able to copy the master.fla twenty times and just change the source code (will do this from command line) and then convert to swf (via command line).
Any help would be appreciated.
With CS5, you can do half of what you're asking today, by using the XFL file format instead of FLA. Instead of a binary blob, you get an editable XML file and a tree of separate asset files: PNGs, AS3 files, etc. You can then modify the XML or AS3 files programmatically to get your variants.
(A CS5 FLA file is really just a zipped up version of the XFL, but there's no advantage to using that instead of an XFL. In CS4 and previous, FLA was a proprietary binary format.)
The missing piece is an XFL compiler. Adobe currently provides no such thing, and the third party market hasn't yet produced one.
You could use a systems automation tool to drive the Flash Professional environment through the compilation steps. On OS X, for example, either Automator or AppleScript should be able to do what you want. It'll just have more overhead than the command line compiler you were hoping for.
I agree with Jason, there are a lot of alternatives to what you suggest. Keeping content out of the SWF is good practice actually. This is a good way to avoid large files!
Depending on what you 're looking to achieve, there are a lot of solutions available. XML is an option, JSON another.
If you're looking to build a template, any of the above would seem appropriate.
It sounds like you're working from the Flash IDE, as Jason suggests you may want to have a look at another IDE, such as FlashDevelop, FDT or FlashBuilder as they make coding with AS3 a lot easier.
