Can not run hadoop localy using cygwin - linux

I am new to hadoop so i am following this tuturial to install a single node on my computer. My OS is Windows 7 so I installed cygwin. In the tuturial I've been asked to:
Try the following command:
$ bin/hadoop
but when I try it I get this response:
-bash: binhadoop: command not found
The file "hadoop" is in the directory and have not changed it. As I mentioned I am new to Hadoop and Linux\Cygwin so maybe its something trivial that I do wrong.

The command would be $cd /bin/hadoop to change directory. Use Linux for making things easier I would suggest.


Using Wine in Heroku

Can anybody help me figure out how do I use Wine in Heroku?
I deployed Wine to Heroku with the button in the readme of
But when I tried to run Wine like this:
It didn't work. Am I trying to run Wine wrong? Or is there another step I need to do?
I've installed both versions of wine (stable and release) but when I try to execute the command on the bash the shell answer that the file doesn't exist:
bash: /app/vendor/wine/bin/wine: No such file or directory
Heroku bash: wine not such file
Even if wine is installed and the file is executable:
If you try to launch notepad the answer of the bash is the same:
/app/vendor/wine/bin/notepad: 46: exec: /app/vendor/wine/bin/wine: not found
even if wine is in the PATH.
Conclusion: wine doesn't execute.
A way to have wine on Heroku is to download the package from ubuntu with his dependencies, put them in the repository and install it.
Hope it was useful., command not found

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and installed hadoop 2.7.2. The Output of
hadoop version
Hadoop 2.7.2
Subversion -r b165c4fe8a74265c792ce23f546c64604acf0e41
Compiled by jenkins on 2016-01-26T00:08Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum d0fda26633fa762bff87ec759ebe689c
This command was run using /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.2/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.7.2.jar
and when i run
whereis hadoop
it gives output as
hadoop: /usr/local/hadoop /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.2/bin/hadoop.cmd /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.2/bin/hadoop
But when i run command
it says command not found.
also when i run
it gives output as command not found.
I am able to run these command when i navigate to hadoop directory but i want to run these command without navigating into hadoop directory.
Your problem is that bash doesn't know where to look for ./
You can fix this by opening $HOME/.bashrc and adding a line that looks like this:
This tells bash that it should look in '/usr/local/hadoop/sbin' for
Changes to $HOME/.bashrc will not take affect in any terminals that are currently open.
If you need the changes to take affect in a terminal that is currently open, run
source $HOME/.bashrc
I had to search for it with find.
find / -iname 2> /dev/null
It found:
So in addition to the previous answer, the variable in $HOME/.bashrc looks like this:
Note: I'm not sure which one should be set as PATH

How to execute a .run file using Mac Terminal?

Once I navigate to a certain directory that has a .run file in it, how do I execute that file using mac Terminal?
I have change the chmod 777 for file and run it
$ chmod 777
$ ./
but it does not work for me. any idea ?
it give me the following error.
$ ./ cannot execute binary file
Its postgres plus advanced server for linux I want to install on mac os-x .
As suggested by Muhammad Iqbal, you won't be able to run a Linux-specific binary/executable on Mac OS X without some modifications. It's like attempting to run an .exe on Linux - without wine. While Linux and OS X are similar, they are not that compatible. If you can get your desired program in the form of a .deb, that may work. If not, I would suggest either dual-booting your Mac with a small Linux distro (ie. DSL) or picking up a virtual machine. I've dual-booted before - it's a decent option for this situation if you have enough hard drive space. If another solution shows up, I'll be sure to let you know through this channel.
I am not sure what you are asking here but try this
As I said in the comments, I don't think that Postgres Advanced Server is available for OSX. If Postgres 9.5.3 is suitable for your purposes, you could install homebrew and use it to install Postgres 9.5.3 with:
brew install postgresql
You can download the one-liner to install homebrew from here.

Starting hadoop - command not found

I have zero experience in hadoop and trying to set up hadoop in ec2 environment. After formatted the filesystem, I tried to start hadoop and it keeps saying command not found.
I think I have tried every advice I found on stackoverflow previous questions/answers.
Here is the line I am having trouble with:
[root#ip-172-31-22-92 ~]#
-bash: command not found
I have tried all the following commands (which I found on previous answers)
[root#ip-172-31-22-92 ~]# start namenode
-bash: command not found
[root#ip-172-31-22-92 ~]# ./
-bash: ./ No such file or directory
[root#ip-172-31-22-92 ~]# cd /usr/local/hadoop/
-bash: cd: /usr/local/hadoop/: No such file or directory
Honestly, I don't know what I am doing wrong. Plus, I am doing this as this right? it seems like I should be in user...?! (discard this question if i just sounded dumber)
I am not sure whether you have downloaded/installed the hadoop package or not, so let me walk you through the process of it briefly:
Download the latest package using wget:
Extract the package relative to where you have downloaded it:
tar xzf hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz
change the dir into the extracted directory
cd hadoop-2.7.1
Now you would be able to find or start the hadoop daemons using:
You can find the script's you are trying to use in the extracted dir's (hadoop-2.7.1) sbin folder.
Make sure you follow the proper documentation to get it completed properly, because I haven't really covered installing Java or configuring hadoop which are extensively covered in the following documentation link:
The scripts in this repository could help you to understand the steps to install hadoop. ( You could try to download it and execute it. The script should download the hadoop library and confgure it as pseudo cluster. start-hadoop and stop-hadoop scripts start and stop all the services required for hadoop.
First You may have to add your HADOOP_HOME variable in .bashrc file .
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/bigdata/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1
export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME:/usr/local/bigdata/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1/hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar
Then open a new session and execute ./

Drush on Cygwin setup

I followed the instructions here to install pear and download drush in usr/local/src folder and create the symlink in usr/bin/drush
At the end of the instructions is says you can test by running drush. I get this output:
-bash: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/drush: No such file or directory
Not the bash root of xampp/php. Does that need to be changed?
So, then I tried running /usr/bin/drush and got this output:
Unable to untar C:\cygwin\usr\local\src\drush\lib\dru6B61.tmp.
Does anyone know where I'm going wrong here?
I had the same issue. I reinstalled the cygwin packages above in the tutorial you mentioned above(I had them already from other installs, I thought). I think it may have been the 'bsdtar' package.
Good luck!
