Creating a Windows Script Host Language - jscript

Ok, I know I've asked this in the past (and can no longer find that question), and I know I personally have seen many useful articles, documentation and tutorials on how to do this - yet I can no longer find a single one of them on Google. So, please refrain from marking as a duplicate, unless it really does answer my question.
How can I create my own Windows Scripting Host Language? (I believe they're called "Engines"), and what tools and resources are available to aid in this journey? And is there more than one way to go about it, or are there different approaches that we can take to accomplish this?

Starters for theory:
Windows Script Interfaces Reference
Starters for implementation:
How to add support for hosing VBScript to your MFC application (dated/stale)
Where to steal from:
Sources of ActiveState's Perl/Python script engines
Ruby A B


Why does Windows allow DLL Injection (but Linux doesn't)?

There are plenty of articles online that describe how DLL Injection works and what it can be used for. There has been lots of software written (both malicious and non) to use this functionality, but there's a question that I can't find the answer to with my Google-Fu and that is...why does Windows have/allow such a technique but Linux (and its ilk) do not?
LD_PRELOAD doesn't count as it doesn't allow runtime injection. I also know about injectso but that's not official.
What problem is DLL Injection supposed to solve, and since Linux doesn't have this functionality, how does it solve that problem? If possible please provide references to backup your answer, ideally first-party ones. Thank you.

What tools do you use to share knowledge amongst developers in your company?

I'm looking for some good tools that help to share tips, best practices, company standards, etc. amongs developers in my company. Two tools I'm currently considering are a wiki (screwturn wiki) or Sharepoint 2010. I'm wondering if there is something better suited to the task, or any input anyone has on this subject. I'd prefer something that's windows based (i.e. runs on IIS, can authenticate users against Active Directory etc) but I am open to anything.
Well, you're right, the most suitable computer tool is Wiki. There are many engines available. We use Atlassian Confluence. It is good to write down things that contains many formal details. Like client-server protocol description, or game-design / UI-design documents.
However for sharing tips, best-practices, interesting investigations etc no tool will overcome live talk! I've came to this conclusion for many times. Daily standups and pair programming lead to much much better information circulation than any computer-based tool I ever seen.
At my company we use a private MediaWiki installation. It works very well for our needs.
Publicly we share programming knowledge at DocForge.

Integrating PowerShell in SharePoint

For some time I have been looking at the possibility to integrate PowerShell as a scripting engine in SharePoint but I haven't found the right solution yet.
My main objective is to enable event triggers in e.g. a list to call and execute a PowerShell script (by filename) on the local server. This would give me a lot of flexibility compared to using an ordinary event handler written in visual studio, but the question is whether it is possible and whether I have overlooked some serious security issues?
Since each and every unique idea that I come up with in many years have already be invented by somebody else, I might have missed an existing product/project so any links to such projects will be appreciated, thanks
In the spirit of "already being invented by somebody else", check out for some very interesting uses of PowerShell inside SharePoint. Some great code samples and documentation. Haven't tried myself yet, but seems interesting.
I see what you're trying to achieve, but there's something that just doesn't "feel right" about a user indirectly running script code on your server.
The key difference is that the script can be run by anyone logging into the server. Event handlers can only be run by SharePoint. Strict validation of any inputs would be essential. You should also ensure the script is signed so tampered scripts won't execute.
Also, scripts by their nature aren't really designed for enterprise solutions. There is less opportunity for best practices such as good software architecture, design patterns, source control, code analysis, unit testing, and reuse of code. It's also messy/difficult to share code with a common code base that contains web parts, controls, entities, etc.
Finally, introducing PowerShell means another technology to be maintained in the mix we already have with SharePoint. This might be OK if you are comfortable with it.
Depending on how much customisation has already been done or is planned for the future some of the points above may not matter. Be sure to think about how this idea would feel if implemented 6, 12 and 24 months down the track.

How to shift Web-development from windows to linux

I am a systems programmer, so i just know some basic css/html. I like to learn basic of template development for sites. I have some idea about joomla. wordpress, and I am also experimenting with few wikis. A friend of mine is fireworks/photoshop advanced user, it looks quite easy to make a template using fireworks. Is there any equivalent of fireworks on linux. My concern majorly is templating, making a layout, slicing it, defining boxes (something as a place holders for menus/tabs :) ). And some easy CSS based on it. I have been surfing for these answers, but mostly all the users who have migrated to Linux of web-development are talking about PHP/AJAX i mean things like these. None of them is too concerned about templating, may be its a too easy skill for them. Anyways following are the tools i have found on the net,
Apatana (they say its eclipse based)
Can anyone ps guide, which one to choose to just - make a picture/layout and generate or say write it into a css/html.
I have seen fireworks, it looked good, any best alternative for it on linux, or shall I run an older version of fireworks in wine. I think mine requirements are very basic. Thanks.
Excuse me, I was writing the question and I by-mistake pressed enter. The question got published, and when I tried to delete, it needed 5 votes. So i just took time and wrote it completely, and during that time i got voted down -3:).
EDIT -- I am still surfing, everyone is advocating GIMP, i have used GIMP, but it is more like a picture/manipulation software, not like fireworks, specifically for web-layouts. What are you linux-guys, using for your template designing. I just need advices from experienced guys. Mine requirements are simple, no fancy things... but clean intuitive web-layouts for personal sites which i can change freely, without dependence on anyone, when-ever i wish
I use Fireworks on Mac and have yet to find a decent alternative. The closest thing to a vector editor on Linux is going to be Inkscape but you are unlikely to find it useful for creating exportable slices that are suitable for use in your website. You will have to take multiple intervening steps in order to accomplish what would have otherwise been possible with the "Export as HTML" feature on Fireworks, with which you are likely familiar. GIMP is a reasonable photo editor (with most of the features you would expect from Photo Shop).
It sounds like you are mostly interested in replacing your graphic design workstation and not the subsequent server technologies. If that's the case, I can't wholeheartedly endorse that you switch at this time. I have yet seen an example of a site designed entirely with OOS that could compare with most of the "professional design houses" using proprietary solutions. If you were focused on web application development and not graphic design, I would be a lot less hesitant.
Creating plain-text HTML and CSS on Linux isn't going to be any different from how you create it on Windows. If you are familiar with these mark-up languages, then you will have no problem using a text editor under Linux to accomplish the same thing. If you are currently using tools like Dreamweaver to generate this code for you, you will have to try a few packages like the ones you have mentioned until you find something that is a suitable alternative. You are not going to find a Dreamweaver clone. If you plan to do web design as a business: I would suggest just learning the proper syntax for XHTML and CSS, anyway. Debugging works in the browser just like it does in Windows, with the exception of Internet Explorer (which can be ran in a virtual machine, below). Be sure to pick up the FireBug, YSlow!, and Live HTTP header extensions for Firefox to ease your debugging woes.
To achieve the best of both worlds, you should consider running your current operating system of choice (Windows?) within a virtual machine under Linux. There are many virtualization products available for Linux, but VMware Player/Server seem to be the easiest for people to use. There should still be an apt package for VMware for an easy one-click install in Ubuntu. This way, you can transition comfortably--one app at a time. Most virtualization products are now free!
As a server platform:
If you are using FOSS technologies (Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, etc) then you'll find that things pretty much drop into place (although moving away from case-insensitive file systems may cause issues).
If you depend on Microsoft technologies (.NET for example) then you're pretty much going to have to rewrite everything, although Mono might help.
As a desktop platform:
Look at the tools you use now. Find equivalents on Linux. Many tools are available for both OSes.
If you use only css and html in you webpages, you can only copy the website and install Apache server on Linux...

is there any replacement of Access? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a programmer, and my father uses Access to collect the patients information (my father is a doctor),
He wants me to teach him how to use it.
I don't like Access (I'm a linux guy), and I cannot find any replacement of it. Do you guys know of any? (it must be easy enough for my father to use)
Maybe you need to be a bit more pragmatic about this.
I'm not a fan of Access either, but if your father already understands it and he already has the system in place, you need to ask the question, why change? If it aint broke don't try to fix it.
You may find that a few simple changes in the existing system gives your father everything he needs, it'll save you a whole lot of time and means you don't need to retrain your father.
What about OpenOffice - Base?
Your father wants you to teach him how to use access but you're a linux guy and don't like access.
Access isn't the problem here
I don't think you and your father a good fit for this.
Get someone else to teach him how to use Access
Access is not always the monster it is made out to be. A poorly coded database in any application or language is a poorly coded database. Access' dominance of the market at a critical time led to more people coming across a higher ratio of poorly designed databases.
There's a great deal of support out there for Access users and programmers too. I particularly like Access World Forums. As ilivewithian said, if you're not happy telling him about it, get someone else to.
If however you are keen to take on the role of tutor to your dad (and I can see the attraction - a chance to give something back, perhaps), then I would suggest a web-based database interface. Unlike Oli, I have no experience of Django, but I would recommend Dabble or blist. (Blist is particularly good at handling images, Dabble is better at flexible report formats, though neither is as good at reports as Access, IMHO).
I think the natural successor to Access is a simple web-interface database system.
They're simple enough to create in a billion different ways but I would seriously suggest trying Django (because you'll find its admin area does 90% of the real work for you in this case)
FileMaker Inc. is subsidiary of Apple. It runs on Mac OS X as well as Windows (whereas MS Access only runs on Windows). Many people claim FileMaker is easier to use than MS Access. Sounds like FileMaker might be the perfect solution for you! (although I do agree with ilivewithian)
There's also Sun's counterpart to MS Access in OpenOffice/StarOffice called BASE (someone already mentioned this), which is also cross-platform compatible.
Rather than develop his own record keeping application he would probably be better off purchasing an already developed system from one of the numerous medical record system vendors. He'll get a better application and have people he can call on for support. Plus there are all of the legal issues about medical record storage and access. A vendor will have worked out those problems already.
That having been said there are many other file based databased systems out there:
I haven't used any of them so I can't make a recommendation.
Of course, there's always the various enterprise databases (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc...) as well. Of those SQL Server is probably the easiest to learn for a newbie. Since there's no 64 bit version of Access I'm starting to see people replace Access with SQL Server Express (free!) for small applications that need to run on 64 bit windows.
I am using Viravis now for more than 6 months in a multi-language organization with several projects and I find it very good. It's not only easy to build (I am a beginner) but they give also very good support!
Gambas ist a very good alternative for Access if one used Access as a database frontend and programmed with VBA (Visual Basic fro Applications). One can reuse a lot of code written for Access and create forms and reports easily.
So for a VB or VBA programmer, who wants to use the own knowledge under Linux, Gambas is a wonderful solution.
No first hand experience, but you can try out Database. Or, you may teach your Dad to use the MySQL GUI tool.
Getting the database structure is the toughest part for most. Creating a simple form or report is not that tough either. As far as being a users (data entry, reports, etc.) is probably easier than most applications. You also have all the searching and sorting capabilities; why reinvent the wheel?
Viravis may be an online alternative to the access database. You should better to check it out if it fit your need.
For Windows and simple data, I would use Excel, so I think Open Office should be ok. Unless your father has a hospital, it will probably fit... Or you can do some programming, take embedded database like Firebird and write something on your own, say - in Java?
