Azure Web Api Resource Not Found - azure

I have a web api application that I have deployed in a virtual machine running windows server 2012 sql edition.
I am trying to move it off of the vm into Azure web sites.
I can debug the application on my local development computer having it attach to the new sql storage and that all works fine.
I also can still run it on the vm it is currently in.
When I deploy to Azure web sites, however, when I try to do a web api call I get:
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I have tried debugging the site, but it never hits any of the entry points that I can think to put break point in.
Can someone please help me figure out what is going on?


Cant able to Authorize one drive in deployment center of web app service

When authorizing one drive with my web app service getting below error 'unauthorized_client: The client does not exist. If you are the application developer, configure a new application through the application management site at'
I am trying to deploy an web app created 'index.html' file stored in onedrive and wanted to connect deployment center with one drive, checked the web app URL provided in azure it is up and running.
This issue should be fixed now. Could you please try again and update here. If it doesn't work, I would need a network trace while reproducing the issue.

Azure VM (Not Classic) - Cannot deploy website using Web Deploy from VS 2013

I'm getting a time out error in VS Publish Web module when trying to validate my http connection to our Azure VM. I'm simply looking for a better way for our small dev team to deploy our MVC website to the VM other than publishing to file or publishing to FTP.
I've got Web Deploy on our Windows 2016 server, and the proper
services are running.
Remote Service is installed with Web Deploy.
Port 8172 is open and I am able to connect using Telnet from my
remote box.
I updated the pubxml file with:
Not sure what else to try at this point, but this has been a PITA to say the least. Thanks for any input! FYI - This is not Azure Classic.
Screenshot of Error

Asp.Net Web API and Azure Web Role

I created a web application using web api in azure and i want to consume it with a web role application ! what is the difference between web application and web role and what should i do ! thanks
An azure webapp is a website you host on azure as a normal website.
you don't really have a lot you can do with the machine. Just see it as normal website hosting.
A webrole is part of a cloud service. Which is a bit more flexible. Web roles allow you to install for example applications on the vm you are running your application. The state of the machine is not held so if the machine goes down you lose all data you stored on it. In fact you upload a sort of zip package with the application inside. This installs the app and when something goes wrong a new machine is started and the package is installed again on that new machine. This is also 'an issue' with azure websites.
Here is a good link with some more info + with info on virtual machines which is in fact a layer lower, meaning that you have more control over the machine.
In most of the scenarios Azure Web App is what you should use. It provides all the capabilities required for almost all websites.
However, Web App may not work in few scenarios e.g.,
When you have a dependency on software or library that you need to bundle with your code
You need to RDP into the machine for some purpose
In those scenarios you will have to depend on Web role.

What is the exact difference between Windows Azure and Windows IIS?

I have finished developing a webapplication on Visual Studio 2012 along with Microsoft SQL 2008. I'm trying to make it a "live" webapp which can be accessed through the phone rather than a localhost.
I researched and found 2 solutions which are
I have been looking all over the net for various clear explaination of the main difference between IIS and Azure. From my understanding, IIS is a web server application that comes with Windows Server and is used to serve up web sites while Azure is a Windows hosting solution that utilizes IIS. In that case why do people still uses IIS while Azure provide both a cloud platform and IIS?
Which is also better to host any typical web-application that used to run on the localhost?
I can't seems to find any thread in SO or ASP.Net forum which can clearly explain the main difference between the two along with the advantage and disadvantage.
Here are some of the link1, link2 i have found that provide brief information about the two.
What you are looking for is actually a place to run your web application, Teo.
As you've found, you can do that in IIS if you have a server that is connected to the Internet. A way to get such a server is to either got to a hosting company or just use the Windows Azure cloud as you've found as well.
One of the simplest ways for you to do this right now and for free is to sign up for a Windows Azure trial account. As part of that account you get a basic, shared Windows Azure Website for free.
Here are the links you need:
I would strongly recommend that you go through the entire tutorial (1) step-by-step before trying to do this with your own application. Before you start, sign up for a trial account (2). You will not be charged in the first month and you will not be charged if you stick with the free website.
Comparing IIS to Azure is irrelevant. Those are two different concepts, which are vaguely related to each other. You lack some very basic understanding of what each one means, and I recommend you to go and read about each them from scratch.
IIS is indeed a web server application. That means, for example, that it can rout HTTP request and responds to and from the web site application that you have created.
To keep it simple, let's say that IIS can run on any Windows machine, which makes the machine a Web Server.
If you want to have your web site up and running, you need either have your own machine that acts as a web server, or either upload your web site application to some other machine.
Azure is a group of cloud services. One of the services is a Web Site Host, that allows you to use cloud computers to run the IIS that hosts your web site.
As part of the service, Azure will take care of installing and using the IIS server for you.
Bottom line, if you are going the Windows path, you will probably end up using Both Azure and IIS (unless you will want to self host your web site...)

Access Azure Development Server From VM?

We are developing an application that we are deploying to Azure. It needs to work with a specific machine configuraiton. We we have this configured as a VM which developers can run locally.
However to test the VM configuration we need to publish to Azure and access it on a live Azure instance. Is there anyway to allow a local VM to get access to the Azure environment IIS on the developers machine? It doesn't seem to show up in IIS Express so I guess it isn't the same as a normal site?
Also is it possible to configure an Azure environment locally for testing. We want to host test applications for internal use and don't want them run on developers machines. We would like to run them on a server in the office.
Any ideas?
I think that the answer to this question will outline the general guidelines you could follow to enable your environment.
Windows Azure Emulator has its own load balancer simulator which bind to socket (most of the cases, if port 81 is free). If the Azure project is developed with Azure SDK 1.3 or later with Full IIS enabled, then the Azure Emulator (for versions 1.3 ~ 1.6) will use local IIS to host the sites. IIS Express is not involved in any way with the Azure project. If you happen to run IIS Express, then most probably you have set up your web application project as a StartUp project in the solution. The correct way to locally debug Windows Azure applications is to use the Cloud Project as a startup project.
Please kindly update your question, if there is some doubt or confusion after checking the mentioned related question.
