Node.JS node-gcm-Service only sends to one device - node.js

I am using node-gcm-service package to send message from my server to the registered devices. When there is one device, the message is successfully delivered, when there are two devices, only the first device (deviceIds[0]) receives the message. Both devices receive messages if they are the only device to which the message is sent or either device is the first device in the deviceIds array. Any ideas what might be going on? Below is the relevant code snippet.
Thank You,
function(cb) {
var gcmSender = new gcm.Sender();
var gcmMessage = new gcm.Message({
collapse_key: "floomit",
data: {

Try this snippet hope it'll solve your issue...
i tried with following code it's work fine with all devices.
var gcm = require('node-gcm-service');
function (cb){
var gcmSender = new gcm.Sender();
var gcmMessage = new gcm.Message({
collapse_key: "floomit",
data: {
var registrationIds = [];
for(var i=0;i<registrationIds.length;i++){
gcmSender.sendMessage(gcmMessage.toString(), registrationIds[i], true, function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
// do something"data",JSON.stringify(data));
} else {
// handle error"error",JSON.stringify(err));

The issue seems to be with the GCM service itself. For 2 devices, the 2nd device eventually received the message, not sure how many hours later. When I had 3 devices, 2 of them received the notification right away, the 3rd one, hasn't received it yet, after more than 30 minutes.


Sending messages to IoT hub from Azure Time Trigger Function as device

At the moment Im simulating device where every 30 seconds I send telemetry data to IoT hub.
Here is simple code:
s_deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(s_iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(s_myDeviceId, s_deviceKey), TransportType.Mqtt);
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var messages = SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsync(cts.Token);
await s_deviceClient.CloseAsync(cts.Token);
await messages;
And function to send message:
string combinedString = fileStrings[0] + fileStrings[1];
var telemetryDataString = converter.SerializeObject(combinedString);
using var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(telemetryDataString))
ContentEncoding = "utf-8",
ContentType = "application/json",
await s_deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);
await Task.Delay(interval);
Everything works fine and I created .exe file that was running without problems. But computer where code is running tends to shut-off from time to time which is problematic. So I tried to move this to Azure Time Trigger Function. While in logs everything looks ok, messages aren't actually posted to IoT hub.
I tried to find solution but have not been able to find anything. Is it possible to send messages as device with azure function?
You seem to be closing your DeviceClient before you start using it to send messages. Try the following:
public async Task Do()
// Using statement will dispose your client after you're done with it.
// No need to close it manually.
using(var client = DeviceClient.Create(s_iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(s_myDeviceId, s_deviceKey), TransportType.Mqtt))
// Send messages, await for completion.
await SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsync(client);
private async Task SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsync(DeviceClient client)
string combinedString = fileStrings[0] + fileStrings[1];
var telemetryDataString = converter.SerializeObject(combinedString);
using var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(telemetryDataString))
ContentEncoding = "utf-8",
ContentType = "application/json",
await client.SendEventAsync(message);
await Task.Delay(interval);

Azure Iot Hub FeedbackReceiver ReceiveAsync is very slow (15 seconds) high latency

if I send a message (Cloud 2 Device) via the IoT-Hub:
var serviceMessage= new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello Device"));
serviceMessage.Ack = DeliveryAcknowledgement.Full;
commandMessage.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
await serviceClient.SendAsync("myDeviceID", serviceMessage); //Send message here
And try to receive the acknoledgement from the client:
bool feedbackReceived = false;
FeedbackReceiver<FeedbackBatch> feedbackReceiver = serviceClient.GetFeedbackReceiver();
var feedbackBatch = await feedbackReceiver.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
if(feedbackBatch != null)
feedbackReceived = feedbackBatch.Records.Any(fm => fm.OriginalMessageId == serviceMessage.MessageId);
if (feedbackReceived)
await feedbackReceiver.CompleteAsync(feedbackBatch);
feedbackReceiver = null;
My client gets the message immediatelly and sends an feedback:
DeviceClient deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(bridgeID, deviceKey), TransportType.Amqp);
Message receivedMessage = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync();
await deviceClient.CompleteAsync(receivedMessage);
It take up to 15 seconds until my Cloud gets the feedback.
If I send messages in a loop, then the first message needs something between 1 and 15 sconds and every following response needs exactly 15 seconds.
Why does that need so long? Can I change it?
The receive-method in my cloud gets an answer immediatelly:
var incommingMessage = eventHubReceiver.ReceiveAsync();
If the client sends a message:
var message = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("My Message"));
await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(message);
A whole project with the problem is on gitHub:
Of course 15 seconds are a lot. However, the feedback isn't a single message but always a batch (a JSON document with an array of feedback) that contains more feedbacks from more devices. It's possible that the system tries to acquire more feedback as possible before sending them to the system.

Phonegap Pushnotification + node-gcm: group notifications

I have something like this in a Node app:
var sender = new gcm.Sender("XPTO");
var registrationIds = ["whatever"];
var message = new gcm.Message({
data: {
avatar: body_data.avatar,
message: body_data.message
sender.send(message, registrationIds, 4, function (err, result) { console.log("success"); });
It works fine, the notification arrives and goes to the tray if the app if not opened.
But if I send a new notification to the same registrationId, the old notification is "updated" (or removed) and only the new one is shows.
If I add a random integer as parameter to notId
message.addData("notId", parseInt(Math.random() * 25));
the notifications are kept in the tray, but then the tray start to show multiple notifications.
Is there a way to group the notifications?
Android devices group same kind of notifications. If you set set different collapseKey for each kind of notification, they won't get grouped with others. You can have at most 4 different collapseKey at the same time visible to user in tray.

WebRTC - How to establish a peer connection after offers and answers

I have a node.js running which the users will connect to. The offer and answer will be generated and sent through node.js.
I'm trying to establish a peer connection and send over a camera stream. I tried my code without using ICE candidates as the computers where in the same subnet. I tried to implement ICE afterwards. I'm not sure if i've done it right though or if it's even needed if the computers are on the same subnet.
var localStream;
//Connect to signaling server
var signalingChannel = io.connect('');
console.log("Connect to signaling server");
var servers = null;
var video1;
var video2;
var audio1;
var audio2;
var cfg = {"iceServers":[{"url":""}]};//{ "iceServers": [{ "url": "" }] };
var con = { 'optional': [{'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': true}, {'RtpDataChannels': true }] };
var peerConnection;
//Runs after the page has been loaded
//Gets ID for the video element which will display the local stream
video1 = document.getElementById("audio1");
//Gets ID for the video element which will display the remote stream
video2 = document.getElementById("audio2");
audio1 = document.getElementById("audio1");
audio2 = document.getElementById("audio2");
//Start button function
function caller(){
peerConnection = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(cfg);
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({'audio':true, video:true}, function (stream) {
console.log("Got local audio", stream);
video1.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream)
function ( err ) {
console.log( 'error: ', err );
//Create Offer
peerConnection.createOffer(function (offerDesc) {
console.log("Created local offer", offerDesc.sdp);
}, function () { console.warn("Couldn't create offer"); });
//ICE Candidates Generator
peerConnection.onicecandidate = function(evt) {
//When The Ice Gathering is complete
if ( == "complete") {
//Create a new offer with ICE candidates
peerConnection.createOffer(function(offer) {
console.log("Offer with ICE candidates: " + offer.sdp);
signalingChannel.emit('offer', JSON.stringify(offer));
console.log("offer sent");
signalingChannel.on('answer', function(data){
console.log("Receive answer");
//The answer is set as the remote description for the offerer
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(data)));
console.log("Set remote desc");
peerConnection.onaddstream = gotRemoteStream;
console.log("Add remote stream to peer connection");
function answerer(){
peerConnection = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(cfg);
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({'audio':true, video:true}, function (stream) {
console.log("Got local audio", stream);
video1.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream)
function ( err ) {
console.log( 'error: ', err );
//Listen for offer
signalingChannel.on('offer', function(data){
console.log("Offer Received");
//Set the remote description from caller's local description
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(data)));
//Generate answer after getting the remote description
peerConnection.createAnswer(function(sessionDescription) {
//Set local description
//The local desc will be the answer sent back to offerer
signalingChannel.emit('answer', JSON.stringify(sessionDescription));
console.log("Answer sent");
function gotRemoteStream(event){
video2.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(;
Here is a sequence of events I have working today (Feb 2014) in Chrome. This is for a simplified case where peer 1 will stream video to peer 2.
Set up some way for the peers to exchange messages. (The variance in how people accomplish this is what makes different WebRTC code samples so incommensurable, sadly. But mentally, and in your code organization, try to separate this logic out from the rest.)
On each side, set up message handlers for the important signalling messages. You can set them up and leave them up. There are 3 core messages to handle & send:
an ice candidate sent from the other side ==> call addIceCandidate with it
an offer message ==> SetRemoteDescription with it, then make an answer & send it
an answer message ===> SetRemoteDescription with it
On each side, create a new peerconnection object and attach event handlers to it for important events: onicecandidate, onremovestream, onaddstream, etc.
ice candidate ===> send it to other side
stream added ===> attach it to a video element so you can see it
When both peers are present and all the handlers are in place, peer 1 gets a trigger message of some kind to start video capture (using the getUserMedia call)
Once getUserMedia succeeds, we have a stream. Call addStream on the peer 1's peer connection object.
Then -- and only then -- peer 1 makes an offer
Due to the handlers we set up in step 2, peer 2 gets this and sends an answer
Concurrently with this (and somewhat obscurely), the peer connection object starts producing ice candidates. They get sent back and forth between the two peers and handled (steps 2 & 3 above)
Streaming starts by itself, opaquely, as a result of 2 conditions:
offer/answer exchange
ice candidates received, exchanged, and added
When I want to change the stream, I go back to step 3 and set up a new peer connection object and do the whole offer/answer again.
Why do you wait for ICE to complete before creating an answer? what about doing them simultaneously? That might help, as it is just meant to work simultaneously. If you can post your logs after this when it would still not work we can try debugging it even further. If you want to see an audio-only example of this (it sends both music-audio and microphone-audio) check here, and the github source. Server made with node.js and ws plugin. The audio connection works with webRTC.

Handle XMPP presence with Node

I'm using the node-xmpp module to connect to a XMPP server and join a group chat. Connecting to the server, setting the presence, joining the room and reading out messages works so far. But I want to receive the userlist of the room too.
The XMPP protocol requires to send a presence stanza when the client enters the room ( But how can I now parse it in node?
My code currently looks like this:
var xmpp = require('node-xmpp');
// Create the XMPP Client
var cl = new xmpp.Client({
jid: jid,
password: password,
reconnect: true
// Do things when online
cl.on('online', function() {
util.log("We're online!");
// Set client's presence
cl.send(new xmpp.Element('presence', { type: 'available' }).c('show').t('chat'));
cl.send(new xmpp.Element('presence', { to: room_jid+'/'+room_nick }).c('x', { xmlns: '' }).c('history', {seconds: 1}));
// Send keepalive
setInterval(function() {
cl.send(' ');
}, 30000);
cl.on('stanza', function(stanza) {
// always log error stanzas
if (stanza.attrs.type == 'error') {
util.log('[error] ' + stanza);
// ignore everything that isn't a room message
if (!'message') || !stanza.attrs.type == 'chat') {
var body = stanza.getChild('body');
// message without body is probably a topic change
if (!body) {
// Extract username
var from, room, _ref;
_ref = stanza.attrs.from.split('/'), room = _ref[0], from = _ref[1];
var message = body.getText();
// Log topics and messages to the console
if(!from) {
util.log('Topic: ' + message);
} else {
util.log('[' + from + ']: ' + message);
I already tried triggering presence by using
if('presence')) {}
within the cl.on('stanza') part but it doesn't work.
UPDATE: I'm describing a new method now which doesn't require the client to send requests.
Background: When the client joins a group chat, the server returns presence stanzas which contain information about the connected users to the group chat.
cl.on('stanza', function(stanza) {
// always log error stanzas
if (stanza.attrs.type == 'error') {
util.log('[error] ' + stanza);
// We are only interested in stanzas with <x> in the payload or it will throw some errors
if(stanza.getChild('x') !== undefined) {
// Deciding what to do based on the xmlns attribute
var _presXmlns = stanza.getChild('x').attrs.xmlns;
switch(_presXmlns) {
// If someone is joining or leaving
case '':
// Get the role of joiner/leaver
_presRole = stanza.getChild('x').getChild('item').attrs.role;
// Get the JID of joiner/leaver
_presJID = stanza.getChild('x').getChild('item').attrs.jid;
// Get the nick of joiner/leaver
_presNick = stanza.attrs.from.split('/')[1];
// If it's not none, this user must be joining or changing his nick
if(_presRole !== 'none') {
// We are now handling the data of joinging / nick changing users. I recommend to use an in-memory store like 'dirty' [] to store information of the users currentliy in the group chat.
} else {
// We are now handling the data of leaving users
I previously described a method how to query the server for current users in the group chat. By maintaining a store where all user traffic (joining, leaving, nick changing) is stored, this is no longer required. However you could still use it to make sure the data is consistent by issues like a presence stanza was not delivered to the client correctly. That's the reason it's still described below:
To request a list with users connected to the room, you need to perform the following actions:
First send a request to the server and ask for the user list:
cl.send(new xmpp.Element('iq', {from: jid, to: room_jid, type: 'get' }).c('query', { xmlns: '' }));
then listen for iq-stanzas, parse them and populate an array with the data:
// Catching the requested user list
// Fetching usernames from return data (data structure:
var _items = stanza.getChild('query').getChildren('item');
var users = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i<_items.length; i++) {
// We are building an object here to add more data later
users[i] = new Object();
users[i]['name'] = _items[i];
console.log(util.inspect(users, {depth: null, colors: true}));
This will provide you with a user list. To request unique JIDs you have to probe every user. To keep the list up to date, you should remove users when they leave and add + probe when they join.
