Could not create connection from Driver - c#-4.0

i am new to the oracle. ,My project is .net web application which is connected to the oracle database(oracle 11g) when i run my solution in local environment, i get the error in the below line saying that "Could not create connection from Driver".
return factory.ConnectionProvider.GetConnection();
but this project is working fine in windows XP and I am using windows 7 with oracle 11g installed in my system where i am facing the problem.please can any one give solution.
I understand from the team that this project is designed with oracle 9.2 in mind. how do i make it work in oracle 11g which i have it currently.

I would advise you to use Oracle's Managed Data Provider for .NET. All your problems with local Oracle installations will go away immediately. Since it's a 100% managed driver, you won't need to install Oracle's client on your machine before connecting to it with .NET programs.


Oracle 19c services are not available after Windows 10 upgrade

I have Windows 10 Enterprise Version: 20H2, Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0. This upgrade happened last week. I had Oracle 19c server and client installed in my system with a database configured which was working fine before the Windows upgrade. I had all registry entries and the Oracle Windows services were visible under services.msc. I have an application installed which was configured using this same database. Suddenly I am seeing that the Oracle services are not showing under Windows Services, I don't see any registry entries which were there. Please can anyone help if similar issue has been observed and resolved. thanks!

How to connect Excel to Oracle with PowerQuery

I am trying to connect Excel to my company's Oracle Database. According to the following instructions it should be fairly easy:
However it has been impossible and quite frustrating so far.
I have followed two different approaches that I've found online.
FIRST APPROACH: installed ODAC from Oracle's Universal Installer
I went to this site and downloaded the ODAC file.
Then, I went through the installation process basically just clicking 'next' on every step.
Note 1: (I don't know if this might be important), in the Database Connection configuration tab I did not fill in any of the information (simply because I didn't know what to put there). It said that if information wasn't filled in, it would not create the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
Note 2: After finishing the installation it says 'run the SQL scripts located in the ... directory after the install'. Which I didn't do, again, because I didn't know how.
After the installation finished a directory was created in the following location: C:\app\client\myUserName\.
The directory goes all the way down to C:\app\client\myUserName\product\12.2.0\client_1, and it contains a bunch of files and folders.
I noticed that no environmental variable was created.
SECOND APPROACH: installed ODBC instant client
I went to this site and downloaded both and
Then I created the directory C:\Oracle\instantclient_19_6 and unziped both folders contents into it.
Finally, I ran odbc_install from the command_line, as an administrator, but got Oracle ODBC Driver with same name already exists.
Note: in this case I also noticed that no environmental variable was created.
When I go to Excel and click on Data\From Database\From Oracle Database I keep getting the same error as before: The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work properly.".
I was able to solve it by installing the 64 bits version of Oracle's client. Its located at, file
Although the message "The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work properly." remained, I was able to connect after ignoring it.
I have also tried a bunch of approaches and finally got rid of the 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client is not installed' error.
Install Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools:
ODP.NET, Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (Code), and ODAC
Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools installs and configures ODP.NET to support 64-bit Microsoft tool connections with Oracle database. It supports connecting with Power BI Desktop, Power BI service, Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Data Tools, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, and BizTalk Server.
I have installed Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools 19.17 for (Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)) (V1032890-01.exe).
Alternatively, you could follow the learn more link:
Connect Microsoft Tools to Oracle Databases
Tutorials > Power BI Desktop: Connect to Oracle Database

How to connect pervasive sql Database and Web Site using DSN

I am having an application that is running on IIS with Enabled 32 bit Application.
In a remote server(connection available in local machine),i have installed Pervasive SQL.
I have installed Pervasive SQL Driver in local machine and trying to connect the database "TestApplication" in Pervasive SQL.
For that I have created System DSN "DSNTEST", and tried with Windows Application.Its working fine.
But i couldnt connect to the database from Web Site.
An error occured "Error: ERROR [IM014] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application".
Can anyone please help me to resolve this?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like the ASP.NET application is trying to run as a 64 bit application. Because you're using PSQL v11, you can install the 64 bit ODBC driver which is part of the PSQL v11 64 bit client install (at
The other option is to make sure that the ASP.NET project is built with a target of x86 rather than x64 or AnyCPU.

Window Azure solution- Not running under local solution

need urgent help
i am not able to run the solution in the local environment. I have created the hello world sample and trying to run the application but i am getting error like some prerequisites are missing. Below in the configuration i have.
Installed in VM--
Window server 2008 OS-32 Bit
VS 2010
Installed the Azure SDK
But when i am running the solution i am getting below error ---
Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The Windows Azure development fabric and development storage are running on a 32-bit workstation. In the cloud, Windows Azure Hosted Services run in a 64-bit environment. The use of native code execution or .Net Full Trust features such as P/Invoke may require migration to 64-bit. See for details.
Windows Azure Tools: Error: Running .NET 4.0 web roles on the Windows Azure Development Fabric requires installing the following QFE:, or upgrading to SP2 of Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
Windows Azure Tools: The system is missing a prerequisite to execute the service. Please see the release notes.
Can any one suggest what i am doing wrong ??
As said, you are using 32-bit environment. Retry on 64-bit Windows Server.
Also make sure the client profile in not set on the .NET Assembly versioning... Choose .NET 4
Did you upgrade to SP2 of Windows Server 2008 as suggested by the warning message ? And the mentioned hotfix for IIS7 & .NET 4.0:

Can I Install SQL server 2000 Evaluation copy on Windows 7?

When install SQL Server 2000 (Evaluation copy) on Windows 7 32 bit Home Premium desktop computer,
system gives the following error and Installation not successful:
InstallShield Engine has stopped
working A problem caused the program
to stop working correctly. Windows
will close the program and notify you
if a solution is available.
Sql server 2000 is not supported on Windows 7. You might be able to get it installed but you would have problems.
According to this blog posting you even need SP3 of Sql Server 2005 for it to work on Win7.
