Go Templates: range over string - string

Is there any way to range over a string in Go templates (that is, from the code in the template itself, not from native Go)? It doesn't seem to be supported directly (The value of the pipeline must be an array, slice, map, or channel.), but is there some hack like splitting the string into an array of single-character strings or something?
Note that I am unable to edit any go source: I'm working with a compiled binary here. I need to make this happen from the template code alone.

You can use FuncMap to split string into characters.
package main
import (
func main() {
tmpl, err := template.New("foo").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"to_runes": func(s string) []string {
r := []string{}
for _, c := range []rune(s) {
r = append(r, string(c))
return r
}).Parse(`{{range . | to_runes }}[{{.}}]{{end}}`)
if err != nil {
err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "hello world")
if err != nil {
This should be:
[h][e][l][l][o][ ][w][o][r][l][d]


Sscanf not properly matching single quotes

I working on some Go code but I am having troubles figuring out why my string isn't being scanned correctly.
I'm given a string that looks like this:
"ERROR: 1: something happened 'here'"
I'm trying to scan it like this:
n, err := fmt.Sscanf("ERROR: 1: something happened 'here'", "ERROR: 1: something happened '%50s'", &value)
However, every time I check the result of the value, I get something like this:
Where the last single quote is left in.
Any idea how to fix this? I figured this case wouldn't be non-deterministic because the function can't complete formatting without including the quote.
Of course, I can simply remove the last character, but I would prefer a fmt-based solution.
The builtin fmt.Scanner has no way to do what you're trying to do. If the target text was wrapped in double quotes, you could use the %q specifier.
Alternatively, if the target was a single wrapped character, you could use text/scanner. But because your target is neither of those, there's nothing built in. So, your options are regexp, or bufio with a custom scanner, or even just strings.Split. If you insist on using fmt you can do a custom scanner, but it's probably the worst option of everything:
package main
import "fmt"
type quote struct { tok string }
func (q *quote) Scan(state fmt.ScanState, verb rune) error {
tok, err := state.Token(false, func(r rune) bool {
return r != 0x27 // '
if err != nil {
return err
if _, _, err := state.ReadRune(); err != nil {
if len(tok) == 0 {
q.tok = string(tok)
return nil
package main
import (
func main() {
r := strings.NewReader("ERROR: 1: something happened 'here'")
for {
var q quote
_, err := fmt.Fscan(r, &q)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%q\n", q.tok)
"ERROR: 1: something happened "

Parse variable length array from csv to struct

I have the following setup to parse a csv file:
package main
import (
type CsvLine struct {
Id string
Array1 [] string
Array2 [] string
func ReadCsv(filename string) ([][]string, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return [][]string{}, err
defer f.Close()
lines, err := csv.NewReader(f).ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return [][]string{}, err
return lines, nil
func main() {
lines, err := ReadCsv("./data/sample-0.3.csv")
if err != nil {
for _, line := range lines {
data := CsvLine{
Id: line[0],
Array1: line[1],
Array2: line[2],
And the following setup in my csv file:
594385903dss,"['fhjdsk', 'dfjdskl', 'fkdsjgooiertio']","['jflkdsjfl', 'fkjdlsfjdslkfjldks']"
87764385903dss,"['cxxc', 'wqeewr', 'opi', 'iy', 'qw']","['cvbvc', 'gf', 'mnb', 'ewr']"
My understanding is that variable length lists should be parsed into a slice, is it possible to do this directly via a csv reader? (The csv output was generated via a python project.)
Help/suggestions appreciated.
CSV does not have a notion of "variable length arrays", it is just a comma separated list of values. The format is described in RFC 4180, and that is exactly what the encoding/csv package implements.
You can only get a string slice out of a CSV line. How you interpret the values is up to you. You have to post process your data if you want to split it further.
What you have may be simply processed with the regexp package, e.g.
var r = regexp.MustCompile(`'[^']*'`)
func split(s string) []string {
parts := r.FindAllString(s, -1)
for i, part := range parts {
parts[i] = part[1 : len(part)-1]
return parts
Testing it:
s := `['one', 'two', 'three']`
fmt.Printf("%q\n", split(s))
s = `[]`
fmt.Printf("%q\n", split(s))
s = `['o,ne', 't,w,o', 't,,hree']`
fmt.Printf("%q\n", split(s))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
["one" "two" "three"]
["o,ne" "t,w,o" "t,,hree"]
Using this split() function, this is how processing may look like:
for _, line := range lines {
data := CsvLine{
Id: line[0],
Array1: split(line[1]),
Array2: split(line[2]),
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", data)
This outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
{Id:594385903dss Array1:[fhjdsk dfjdskl fkdsjgooiertio] Array2:[jflkdsjfl fkjdlsfjdslkfjldks]}
{Id:87764385903dss Array1:[cxxc wqeewr opi iy qw] Array2:[cvbvc gf mnb ewr]}

How to use Sscan with interface

I'm using to fmt.Sscan convert a string to any type, here is what I'm doing:
package main
import (
func test() interface{} {
return 0
func main() {
a := test() // this could be any type
v := "10" // this could be anything
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(a), reflect.TypeOf(&a))
_, err := fmt.Sscan(v, &a)
This code is failing because Sscan doesn't accept interfaces as the second value: can't scan type: *interface {}. demo
What I find most weird is that the first print prints: int *interface {}, is it a int or an interface?
How can I assert a to the right type (it could be any primitive)? Is there a solution that doesn't include a giant switch statement?
Thank you.
Here's how to convert a string to a value of any type supported by the fmt package:
// convert converts s to the type of argument t and returns a value of that type.
func convert(s string, t interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// Create pointer to value of the target type
v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(t))
// Scan to the value by passing the pointer SScan
_, err := fmt.Sscan(s, v.Interface())
// Dereference the pointer and return the value.
return v.Elem().Interface(), err
Call it like this:
a := test()
a, err := convert("10", a)
fmt.Println(a, err)
Run it on the Playground

Implementing dynamic strings in golang

I have following global string,
studentName := "Hi ? ,Welcome"
Now I want to take this string dynamically
func returnName(name string) string{
return studentName+name
This function should return string as
Hi name,welcome.
string should take name from parameter,and return dynamic string.What is the best way to implement this in golang.
If you want to keep things simple, you can probably just use fmt.Sprintf.
studentName := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %s! Welcome.", name)
The %s part will get replaced by the value of name.
If your input gets bigger (more complex) or if you need to substitute different values multiple times, then templates are more effective, cleaner and more flexible. Check out the text/template package.
The template package parses your template once, builts a tree from it, and once you need to replace values, it builds the output on the fly.
Take a look at this example:
const templ = `Hi {{.Name}}!
Welcome {{.Place}}.
Please bring {{.ToBring}}
You can parse such a template with this line:
t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(templ))
Prepare its input data either as a struct or as a map:
data := map[string]string{
"Name": "Bob",
"Place": "Home",
"ToBring": "some beers",
And you can have the result with Template.Execute():
err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, data) // Prints result to the standard output
Here's the complete, runnable example: (try it on the Go Playground)
package main
import (
func main() {
data := map[string]string{
"Name": "Bob",
"Place": "Home",
"ToBring": "some beers",
t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(templ))
if err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, data); err != nil { // Prints result to the standard output
// Now change something:
data["Name"] = "Alice"
data["ToBring"] = "a Teddy Bear"
if err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, data); err != nil {
const templ = `
Hi {{.Name}}!
Welcome {{.Place}}.
Please bring {{.ToBring}}
Hi Bob!
Welcome Home.
Please bring some beers
Hi Alice!
Welcome Home.
Please bring a Teddy Bear
Getting the result as a string:
If you want the result as a string, you can write the result to a bytes.Buffer and get the string using the Buffer.String() method:
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
t.Execute(&buf, data)
var result string = buf.String()
Complete program (try it on the Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
data := map[string]string{
"Name": "Bob",
"Place": "Home",
"ToBring": "some beers",
var t = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(templ))
func Execute(data interface{}) string {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := t.Execute(&buf, data); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
return buf.String()
const templ = `
Hi {{.Name}}!
Welcome {{.Place}}.
Please bring {{.ToBring}}
You could consider the function strings.Replace
return Replace(studentName, "? ", name, 1)
With '1', it replaces the first "? " it finds in studentName.
Replace returns a copy of studentName, with "? " substituted with name.
This strictly respect the original question (global var with that exact content)
Now, if you start changing the question, like for instance with a different content (a global variable studentName := "Hi %s ,Welcome"), then you could use fmt.Sprintf() as in 425nesp's answer
return fmt.Sprintf(studentName, name)
That would use the format 'verbs' %s, default format for string.
Assuming the global string is always the same you could do.
func returnName(name string) string {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
buf.WriteString("Hi ")
buf.WriteString(", welcome")
return buf.String()
func returnName(name string) string {
return "Hi " + name + ", welcome"
if the string is a dynamic template you could use the template package or a simple Replace if there wont be other ? marks or Sprintf
You can also use template.Template
combined with strings.Builder:
package main
import (
func returnName(name string) string {
t, b := new(template.Template), new(strings.Builder)
template.Must(t.Parse("Hi {{.}}, welcome.")).Execute(b, name)
return b.String()
func main() {

How can I read a whole file into a string variable

I have lots of small files, I don't want to read them line by line.
Is there a function in Go that will read a whole file into a string variable?
Use ioutil.ReadFile:
func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error)
ReadFile reads the file named by filename and returns the contents. A successful call
returns err == nil, not err == EOF. Because ReadFile reads the whole file, it does not treat
an EOF from Read as an error to be reported.
You will get a []byte instead of a string. It can be converted if really necessary:
s := string(buf)
Edit: the ioutil package is now deprecated: "Deprecated: As of Go 1.16, the same functionality is now provided by package io or package os, and those implementations should be preferred in new code. See the specific function documentation for details." Because of Go's compatibility promise, ioutil.ReadMe is safe, but #openwonk's updated answer is better for new code.
If you just want the content as string, then the simple solution is to use the ReadFile function from the io/ioutil package. This function returns a slice of bytes which you can easily convert to a string.
Go 1.16 or later
Replace ioutil with os for this example.
package main
import (
func main() {
b, err := os.ReadFile("file.txt") // just pass the file name
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(b) // print the content as 'bytes'
str := string(b) // convert content to a 'string'
fmt.Println(str) // print the content as a 'string'
Go 1.15 or earlier
package main
import (
func main() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("file.txt") // just pass the file name
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(b) // print the content as 'bytes'
str := string(b) // convert content to a 'string'
fmt.Println(str) // print the content as a 'string'
I think the best thing to do, if you're really concerned about the efficiency of concatenating all of these files, is to copy them all into the same bytes buffer.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for _, filename := range filenames {
f, _ := os.Open(filename) // Error handling elided for brevity.
io.Copy(buf, f) // Error handling elided for brevity.
s := string(buf.Bytes())
This opens each file, copies its contents into buf, then closes the file. Depending on your situation you may not actually need to convert it, the last line is just to show that buf.Bytes() has the data you're looking for.
This is how I did it:
package main
import (
func main() {
filerc, err := os.Open("filename")
if err != nil{
defer filerc.Close()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
contents := buf.String()
You can use strings.Builder:
package main
import (
func main() {
f, err := os.Open("file.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
b := new(strings.Builder)
io.Copy(b, f)
Or if you don't mind []byte, you can use
package main
import "os"
func main() {
b, err := os.ReadFile("file.txt")
if err != nil {
For Go 1.16 or later you can read file at compilation time.
Use the //go:embed directive and the embed package in Go 1.16
For example:
package main
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed file.txt
var s string
func main() {
fmt.Println(s) // print the content as a 'string'
I'm not with computer,so I write a draft. You might be clear of what I say.
func main(){
const dir = "/etc/"
filesInfo, e := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
var fileNames = make([]string, 0, 10)
for i,v:=range filesInfo{
if !v.IsDir() {
fileNames = append(fileNames, v.Name())
var fileNumber = len(fileNames)
var contents = make([]string, fileNumber, 10)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i,_:=range content {
go func(i int){
defer wg.Done()
buf,e := ioutil.Readfile(fmt.Printf("%s/%s", dir, fileName[i]))
defer file.Close()
content[i] = string(buf)
