Passing data in a pop/back event to a previous view model - xamarin.ios

I have a structure like so :
SessionsView -> CreateSessionView
with view models like so :
SessionsViewModel - List of Session objects
CreateSessionViewModel - Single Session Object
The user fills in a form in create session, populates the Session object on the view model, hits done and I call : NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated(true) to take them back to the list of sessions.
Is there a way of passing my newly created session object back to the previous views Viewmodel and adding it to its list of session objects? I know how to pass params in a ShowViewModel<TYPE>(PARAM) command, but not sure how to do it whilst navigating back.
Update 1 :
I found 'a' way to do it.. doesn't feel too nice though :
var sessionsView = (SessionsView)NavigationController.ViewControllers.FirstOrDefault(vc => vc is SessionsView);
var sessionsViewModel = (SessionsViewModel)sessionsView.ViewModel;

Just make use of the return parameter of PopViewControllerAnimated(bool animated).
ViewControllerClass viewController = (ViewControllerClass)NavigationController.TopViewController;
viewController.StoreSessionObject(session); <-- you need to create this method


Where is my error with my join in acumatica?

I want to get all the attributes from my "Actual Item Inventry" (From Stock Items Form) so i have:
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>
>.Select(new PXGraph());
But, this returns me 0 rows.
Where is my error?
My loop is like this:
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
... but i can not go inside foreach.
Sorry for the English.
You should use an initialized graph rather than just "new PXGraph()" for the select. This can be as simple as "this" or "Base" depending on where this code is located. There are times that it is ok to initialize a new graph instance, but also times that it is not ok. Not knowing the context of your code sample, let's assume that "this" and "Base" were insufficient, and you need to initialize a new graph. If you need to work within another graph instance, this is how your code would look.
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
However, since you should be initializing graph within a graph or graph extension, you should be able to use:
.Select(this) // To use the current graph containing this logic
.Select(Base) // To use the base graph that is being extended if in a graph extension
Since you are referring to:
...but are using "new PXGraph()" then there is no "InventoryItem" to be in the current data cache of the generic base object PXGraph. Hence the need to reference a fully defined graph.
Another syntax for specifying exactly what value you want to pass in is to use a parameter like this:
var myNoteIdVariable = ...
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Required<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
.Select(graph, myNoteIdVariable);
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
Notice the "Required" and the extra value in the Select() section. A quick and easy way to check if you have a value for your parameter is to use PXTrace to write to the Trace that you can check after refreshing the screen and performing whatever action would execute your code:
PXTrace.WriteInformation(myNoteIdVariable.ToString()); see if there is a value in myNoteIdVariable to retrieve a result set. Place that outside of the foreach block or you will only get a value in the trace when you actually get records... which is not happening in your case.
If you want to get deep into what SQL statements are being generated and executed, look for Request Profiler in the menus and enable SQL logging while you run a test. Then come back to check the results. (Remember to disable the SQL logging when done or you can generate a lot of unnecessary data.)

Is it possibile to update an entity saved into my database with Graph?

i am using the Graph library in order to save my data correctly.
I was wondering, if there's a way to update an existing Entity, without duplicate the entity 2 times: user will be allowed to update just two values of the entity.
Also, i would like to know if there's a proper save method
I give you an example
let person = Entity(type: "Person")
person["name"] = //not editable
person["work"] = //editable
person["age"] = //editable
graph.sync() //or something like graph.update
Writing this, i am just creating a new entity, which is not what i want. Maybe, i have to search for the entity, delete that every time, and insert the new one?Hope not.
Thank you for any help you could give!
yes, you can update Entities.
You need to search for the one you want to update first. For example:
let graph = Graph()
let search = Search<Entity>(graph: graph).for(types: "Person")
for entity in search.sync() {
// do something
Once you have the entity you want to update, you can set any property, group, or tag as per usual.
entity["name"] = "Daniel"
From there you need to call graph.sync() or graph.async() so that all is saved.
Thats it :)

How to change the value of a certain core data across VCs/ How to know the index of a created CoreData?

I start from a TableView to create and store user information. This is how I create a core data entity called "Trials" in CreateTrialViewController. And I can successfully fetch it in the tableViewController after I come back to it.
let trial : Trials = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Trials", inManagedObjectContext: self.managedObjectContext!) as? Trials
trial.project = theProject.text
trial.record = theRecord.text
trial.notes = theNotes.text
trial.percentile = ""
But after I create the Trial, I will get some calculated results from the accelerometer in the next measureViewController, and I want to save the result into 'trial.percentile'.
I have already converted the results into a string, so I can write it directly into the core data attribute. But how can I know the index of this core data that I just created? Should I try to use 'segue' to transmit?
In the tableView it fetches in a ascending sequence of date, so the index is clear. But here in the following VC how to know the index? I still couldn't figure this out by myself... The sequence of my VCs is: TableViewController -> CreateTrialViewController -> MeasureViewController -> TableViewController (start again)
Your table view controller can keep a reference to the newly created object. Insert the object (trial) in the original view controller and pass it on to the next controller in prepareForSegue. So the CreateTrialViewController starts out with a blank object to which the table view controller has a reference.
You configure the object, go to the measure controller, modify the object. When done, you pop these two controllers from the navigation stack and are back in your original table view controller.
Because your table view controller has the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate enabled, it will update itself to reflect the data of your new object. Remember, you still have a reference to this object, so you can just use indexPathForObject to retrieve its index path.

How to get YUI object on page

I'm using the YUI2 framework.
I want to be able to get a reference to an object that was created on the page. I don't want to change the existing JS code to store a global handle to it when it is created, if possible.
The page has something like this on it:
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
new FirstRate.Reporter("report1").setOptions(
inData: "testfunc"
I don't see any methods in YAHOO.util.Dom specific to finding objects.
How can I get an object reference to FirstRate.Reporter? Is there anything to ennumerate the objects on the page?
YUI contains lots of methods for finding objects in the webpage DOM. YAHOO.util.DOM contains methods:
HTMLElement | Array get ( el )
Array getElementsBy ( method , tag , root , apply , o , overrides )
HTMLElement getElementBy ( method , tag , root )
Array getElementsByClassName ( className , tag , root , apply , o , overrides )
and many more. These retrieve objects from the DOM. To find an object in the page with YUI2, you would typically use some combination of the tag type, the class name or the id to query the page using YUI methods to find the object you want. It's easiest to find a specific object in the page if you give it a unique id value and then you can just using YAHOO.util.DOM.get("myObject") to retrieve it (where "myObject" is the id of the HTML element).
If you want to get regular javascript objects, then you have to store references to them yourself in your own javascript variables. YUI doesn't do that for you except when using some UI widgets (which also have DOM elements).
If you want to keep track of the result of this:
new FirstRate.Reporter("report1").setOptions(
inData: "testfunc"
Then, you have to assign it to a variable or to a property of an object whose scope allows it to last long enough for you to use it.
var theReporter = new FirstRate.Reporter("report1").setOptions(
inData: "testfunc"
myObject.reporter = new FirstRate.Reporter("report1").setOptions(
inData: "testfunc"
where myObject is some other object you've created and are storing.
JavaScript objects aren't part of DOM. DOM is the Document Object Model, it's about objects in HTML document like divs, forms, inputs etc, the kind of objects Browser displays.
There is no "global enumeration" of objects in JavaScript. There are global variables.
I don't want to change the existing JS code to store a global handle to it
So you don't want to use global variable. But why?
This is the only way to do it, and it's also very simple:
var myGlobalVar = new FirstRate.Reporter("report1").setOptions({inData: "testfunc"}));
Here you'll store reference ("handle" as you say) to your object in global var myGlobalVar, which you can later access in another part of your JavaScript code.

How do I get the results of a view and store them in a php var?

I have a custom view that I set up in drupal. What I would like to do is make a function call of some kind, and then assign the results to a php variable. I would like the contents of the view (as opposed to the results of a view export) in this new variable. Is this feasible? If it is a function call, I would appreciate a small example too. Thanks!
I haven't done too much hacking around in views, but it looks like maybe views_embed_view() might be what you are looking for. I found a good overview of the views API here:
You can get the view object with function views_get_view($view_name).
If what you mean by contents of the view is the view object itself you'll need simply:
$view = views_get_view('name_of_the_view');
However, if you mean the data returned by your view you'll need a little bit more.
$results = views_get_view_result('name_of_the_view', 'display_id');
At last, if you wish to have more control you can try another approach, creating the view object and working on it afterwards.
//variables for your view, display and resulting array
$my_view_name = 'yourview';
$my_display_name = 'yourdisplay';
$my_arguments = array();
//Creating the view object and configuring it
$view = views_get_view($my_view_name);
if ($my_arguments){
$view->get_total_rows = True;
//now you have your data array
$view_results_array = $view->result;
