Can Web Essentials 2012 display regions with names in javascript files? - visual-studio-2012

Searched for an answer but did not find any...
adding a region such as
#region XXXXXX
. {code here}
collapses into
is it not possible to name regions? Quite downgrades the feature... you end up having several collapsed areas in your code and you have no idea what they do (unless you add comments above them...)

Someone from my team solved the issue...
here is the answer:
I was adding a space between the double slashes and the "#region" directive...
Removing that space... makes the region name be displayed.


PrestaShop 1.7 - product attributes

in the product list (below the thumbnails/miniatures), I would like to display the product attributes (like on Exactly, I mean the available sizes of clothes (its a clothing store). It's about the effect on the website. Unfortunately, I can't "discover" my shop until I'm finished. I code html / css / js, although I don't like php a lot. Please help where to look for the appropriate variables.
Thank you for your help!
I have already figured it out. For sizes I used the color attribute (change name, value) and the module of products related to different colors. I've edited a few TPL files, added some styles and everything works great.

Bitrix24 CRM fields and sections

We have renamed section in Bitrix as below.
Deals -> Projects, Companies -> Deals, Contacts -> Companies, Leads -> Contacts, However, while we open any of above, still require some renaming.
Top of the page it shows Company where it should be Deals
Products comes with empty.
Please advice.
your host name / bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=en&site=s1& you can changes in this file for your tab label name and save it. I am find out it from search option.
You should not rename interface in such way because it confuses users!
It's not just names, they imply a lot of business logic.
Try to explain the reasons why you want to do this (what kind of business problem you are solving) and I will try to help to implement them in the right way.
But if you really want to rename items try to use localization module to translate interface strings (copy En locale and change some strings as you want).
I think it is the best option in your case.
You can find L10n module in admin interface:

How to tell MODX wayFinder to detect the resource ID it is currently on

I am new to WayFinder but I have been working with it a bit and it has worked great for me, However I need something a little more dynamic that I'm not sure how to do.
I have a set of 5 pages in my website and each page has another side menu, but each menu for all five resources will be slightly different
I need wayfinder to detect what the current ID is and then display the appropriate menu
I've tried a couple things but nothign i can get to work:
[[!If? &subject=[[*28]] &then=[[Wayfinder? &startId=27&excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89]]]]
So I need to say if the ID is = to 28 display this menu if the ID is = to 29 display this one and so on.
I've also tried &idIs=28 and a couple other variations but couldn't really find anything to help me out on this Does anyone else have any ideas how to make this work? Thank you.
With the solution typeset suggest, wayfinder will be called each time thereby causing uneeded loading time to your site. This will be faster because wayfinder only will be called when id = 28.
[[[[*id:is=`28`:then=`Wayfinder? &startId=27 &excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89`:else=``]]]]
Read more on it here:
You can use output filters for conditional calls. Documentation for them is here
You code would looks something like this:
[[*id:is=`28`:then=`[[Wayfinder? &startId=27&excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89]]`:else=``]]
If the menu needs to start from the current ID then you'd use
If you want it to show all the resources in the current folder, you can use UltimateParent, so
Hope this helps!
This should work. The subject is just the parameter you are comparing it against so it shouldn't contain the value.
&then=`[[Wayfinder? &startId=`27` &excludeDocs=`28,29,30,31,32,33,89`]]`

Understanding Orchard files

I'm new to orchard development and spent the last week studying it. I'm having a hard time in understanding some concepts, such as files.
I've read the article Understanding placement info from the project site and the section from the book "Orchard up and running" related to it.
What I understand:
Placement info files work on the content item level. It is used to reorder the rendering of the fields and content parts;
This file has three main tags: placement (basically a wrapper), match(which defines if the rules will be applied to the summary or detail display) and place (which effectively defines the placement rules);
What I don't understand:
How do I define the order of the tags? In the "place" tags I see "Content:Before", "Content:After.7", "Content:2.9" and some other rules. What does it mean to define "Place Parts_Tags_ShowTags="Header:after.7"/"? Is the placement file capable of moving parts to different zones?
I'm getting a bit frustrated using it. I don't know if I'm not using the right material (they seem very brief and/or outdated). If so, could someone suggest me some links?
I'd really appreciate some help, guys..
Thanks in advance
The name of the attribute is the shape name (usually as returned by a part driver), and the value is where to send that shape. It is a zone name, followed by a colon, and then ordering. The zone name can start with a slash if you want to target a top-level zone (those are defined in the Layout.cshtml file), like this: /AsideSecond:1. The ordering can be a special number, or a dotted sequence. For example, 1.1 comes after 1 but before 2. 1.1.1 would come after 1.1 and before 1.2, etc. after and before can also be used to send a shape after or before everything else.
I hope this helps.

converting alla textinput control to uppercase in application

Dear All We had developed a hr application(winform) which consist of almost 98 forms .And its in testing in our organisation .
But the problem now is the management wants all the data inputs to be in UPPERCASE .we had not set any character casing in any of our controls and now its almost very hazardous to change the character casing to all controls
Can anyone suggest any idea to do restrict the input to uppercase only ?.I had tried some thing at the Program.cs file.but it seems not working
Also tried to overide textbox.textchanged event it seems to be a foolish idea any more ideas please considering us as new bie in development
Although this is a weird requirement, you could use LINQ to "upper-text" all TextBox-Controls:
var allTxt = from form in Application.OpenForms.Cast<Form>()
from txt in form.Controls.OfType<TextBoxBase>()
select txt;
foreach (var txt in allTxt)
txt.Text = txt.Text.ToUpper();
Application.OpenForms returns all open forms owned by the application and TextBoxBase is the base class of text-controls(TextBox, RichTextBox). Enumerable.OfType filters for TextBoxBase.
Note that this doesn't search recursively for controls. Only the top control-container is searched currently. If you need a recursive search implement something like this.
Have a look at the KeyPreview event, it may allow you to control all input for the app, regardless of where the focus is.
I would say that by far the best solution would be to replace all the textboxes with your own implementation of the textbox - making changes like this more simple, but if that's not practical, KeyPreview should work.
