How to normalize this table inventory - excel

I have this excel sheet and I want to migrate it to Access (in the near future some other DB manager) And I don't know how to normalize it exactly, I know this might be very opinion base. Currently they use this table for inventory
This is the original Table (sheet)
"TableName: Parts", Fields:"Id_Part", "No_Part", "No_Mold", "No_Lot", "Rev", "Description", "Area", "No_Job", No_Batch,"OrderDate","RecivedDate"
Explanation of problem:
ok the idea is to create a DB that stores all the part numbers the "x" company has, these part numbers have the corresponding field:
1.- Id_Part : is the unique number for each part.
2.- No_Part: Number part of each part that the company uses for there products.
3.- No_Mold: Each Part Number uses a Molding Item, some part numbers use the same Molding Item.
4.- No_Lot: The Lot Number is to keep track of the part numbers in case the client has some issues with the final product. (Its like a tracking number).
5.- Rev: is for Revision control example: A, B or C.
6.- Description: Describes the part number.
7.- Area: name of the department in with the part number is used ( like a type of Part Number).
8.-No_Batch: Its similar to the Lot number, but its an internal number for the company.
9.- Order Date: Date in witch we ordered a part number form a provider.
10.- Received Date: Date when we get that part number from the provider.
This is how I tried to Normalize it
Table1 Name: Parts
Fields: Id_Part, No_Part, Id_Mold, Id_Lot, Id_Rev, Id_Description, Id_Area, Id_job,
Id_Batch, Date_Order, Date_Recived.
Table2 Name: Areas
Fields: Id_Area, Name
Table3: Molds
Fields: Id_Mold, No_Mold, Id_Part
Fields: Id_Job, No_Job
Fields: Id_Batch, No_Batch
Table6 Name: descriptions
Table7 Name:Rev
Fields: Id_Rev,Rev,Id_Part
Any help is useful.

It seems like the PartRevision is the main table here rather than the part. You don't order a Honda Accord, you order a 2013 Honda Accord.
You purchase a PartRevision and it goes into a batch and a lot. You sell a part revision and it pulls from a batch and a lot. Here's how I'd set it up.


How to access non-pivot data in a pivot measure in Excel

Excel - I have built a pivot table showing the number of projected transactions. I have changed my screenshot to make it a little easier to understand. I have total projected vehicle sales in a pivot table. I have another section of data which shows how many reps we have for each vehicle type. I have set up a relationship between these 2 objects. I want to create a measure (which I can then add to the pivot table) which divides the various numbers by the rep count... In effect I want each number in the cars section divided by 62, each number in the Trucks section divided by 39, and each number in the Motorcycles section divided by 34.
The code I am using is
=[Distinct Count of Opportunities] / LOOKUPVALUE(Table1[Reps], Table1[Vehicle Type]], [Vehicle Type])
To try to simplify, I am just using the 2nd part of the calculation...
=LOOKUPVALUE(Table1[Reps], Table1[Vehicle Type]], [Vehicle Type])
I am getting the error: The value for Vehicle Type cannot be determined. Either Vehicle Type doesn't exist or there is no current row for a column named 'Vehicle Type'.
What am I doing wrong here?

Level of Detail on the primary data sources in tableau

I have one excel that contains the demand for each part by city:
e.g: the demand for part a for New york is 100 and 1+7=8 for Atlanta
I have another excel containing the inventory level for two warehouses: rural and urban:
e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 50 for part a and warehouse "Urban" stocks zero for part c.
First I joined these two excels with the demand excel being the primary:
I googled about LOD (level of detail) in order to find out the inventory fulfillment for each warehouse by City
-- count the number of unique parts by each city for the demand:
calculated field [a] = { fixed [City]: countd([Part Number demand]) }
-- count the number of parts that are in stock (inventory level>0) by each warehouse:
calculated field [b] = { fixed [City],[Warehouse Location],[Part Number volume]: countd (if [Inventory Level] > 0 then [Part Number demand] end )}
-- calculate the inventory fulfillment %:
calculated field [c] = calculated field [a] / calculated [b]
and I got the following table and I think it is showing the correct fulfillment % by warehouse for each city: e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 33% of unique parts needed by Atlanta.
Question 1: as I include more part numbers into the excel, I only want to consider the top 10 parts by volume needed for each city. I was trying to do the same thing with LOD to first find the total quantity needed per part per city:
{fixed [City], [Part Number demand]: sum([Part Number volume]) }
But it counts the quantity from both excels and I am just wondering if it is possible to only count the quantity from the primary excel (demand not the inventory),
Question 2: once I could count the total quantity needed, how do I transfer it into a filter so that I could only select top 10 parts by demand.
Apologize if these questions are dumb and appreciate for any advice!!

Count Index based on Multiple Conditions - Excel

I have a table with order records for each Product Type. The columns contain information like Order Number, Customer Name, Product Category, Product, and Order Receipt Date.
My goal is to find the quantity of orders that fall into the below conditions:
New Customers Ordering any Product Category for the First Time
Existing Customers Ordering from any Product Category for the First Time
Reorders from any Product Category
What would be the best way to go about this?
Think I figured it out:
I created two columns for records: "First Product Type Order?" and "First Order?"
"First_Product_Type_Order": IF(AND(Order2=Order1,Product_Type2=Product_Type1),First_Product_Type_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=D2)*($Product_Type$2:$Product_Type2=Product_Type2))>1,"Reorder","First Time Order"))
IF(Order2=Order1,First_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=Customer2)*1)>1,"Existing Customer","New Customer"))

Excel Power Query -- Select value in column specified in related table -- INDEX+MATCH alternative

I have two queries, one contains product data (data_query), the other (recode_query) contains product names from within the data_query and assigns them specific id_tags. id_tags are also column names within the data_query.
What I need to achieve and fail at
I need the data_query to look at the id_tag of the specific product name within the data_query, as parsed from the recode_query (this is already working and in place) and input the retrieved value within the specific custom column cell. In Excel, I would be using INDEX/MATCH combo:
{=INDEX(data_query[#Data];; MATCH(data_query[#id_tag]; data_query[#Headers]; 0))}
I have searched near and far, but I probably can't even spot the solution, even if I have come across it, as I am not that deep in the data manipulation and power query myself.
Is this what you're wanting?
DataQuery = Table.FromColumns({{1,2,3}, {"Boxed", "Bagged", "Rubberbanded"}}, {"ID","Pkg"}),
RecodeQuery = Table.FromColumns({{"Squirt Gun", "Coffee Maker", "Trenching Tool"}, {1,2,3}}, {"Prod Name", "ID2"}),
Rzlt = Table.Join(DataQuery, "ID", RecodeQuery, "ID2", JoinKind.Inner)

Complicated condition

I have predefined item combination (for example brand1|brand2|brand3 etc) in the table.
i like to collect brands and check against with predefined table data.
For example i collected brand1|brand2|brand3 then i can do get some value form that predefined table(it meets the condition).
How can i check?
brands would be unlimited. also brand1|brand2|brand3 of brand1|brand2| exist then returns true.
Okay, taking a wild guess at what you're asking, you have a delimited field with brands in them separated by a | character. You want to return any row that has the right combination of the brands in there, but don't want to return rows with, for example, brand "testify" in them when you search for "test".
You have four search conditions (looking for brand3):
the brand exists by itself: "brand3"
the brand starts the delimited field: "brand3|brand4|brand6"
the brand is in the middle of the field: "brand1|brand3|brand6"
the brand is at the end of the field: "brand1|brand2|brand3"
so, in SQL:
FROM MyTable
WHERE BrandField = 'brand3'
OR BrandField LIKE 'brand3|%'
OR BrandField LIKE '%|brand3|%'
OR BrandField LIKE '%|brand3'
Repeat as required for multiple brands.
