Rendering page asynchronously issue - node.js

I'm trying to render a page via something similar to this:
var content = '';
content += images;
content += users;
response.end('<div id="page">'+content+'</div>');
Unfortunately, content is empty. I already know that these Asynchronous Queries cause the problem, but I can't find a way to fix it.
Somebody please helps me out of this.

The problem with your code is that you're saying "go do these two things for a while and then send my response." -- in other words you've told node to go into the other room to get the next pages of a book, and told it to do when it was done doing that, but then when it was out of the room, you just continued trying to read the book without the new pages.
What you need to do is instead send your response only when the two database queries are done.
There are several ways you can do that, how you do it is up to you.
You can chain the queries. This is inefficient since you're doing one query, waiting for it to return, doing the second, waiting for it to return and then sending your response, but it's the most basic way to do it.
var content = '';
content += images;
content += users;
response.end('<div id="page">'+content+'</div>');
See how the response.end is now inside the last db.query's callback, which inside the first db.query's callback? This guarantees order of operations however. Your first query will ALWAYS complete first.
You could also write some sort of primitive latching system to run the queries in parallel. This is a little more efficient (they don't necessarily happen simultaneously, but it'll be faster than chaining them.) However, with this method you can't guarantee order of operations.
var _latch = 0;
var resp = '';
var complete = function(content){
resp += content;
if(_latch === 2){
response.end('<div id="page">'+resp+'</div>');
db.query(imageQuery, complete);
db.query(userQuery, complete);
So what you're doing there is saying run these queries and then call the same function. That function aggregates the responses and then counts the number of time it's been called. When it's been called the number of times you're making queries, it then returns the results to the user.
These are the two basic ways of handling multiple asynchronous methods. However, there are a lot of utilities to help you do this so you don't have to handle it manually.
async is a great library that will help you run async functions in series, parallel, waterfall, etc. Takes a TON of pain out of async management.
runnel is a similar library, but with a much smaller focus than async
q or bluebird are promises librarys implementing promises/a+. This provides a different concept behind flow control (if you're familiar with jQuery's deferred object, this is the idea that they were trying to implement.
You can read more about promises here, but a quick google will also help explain the concept.


When should I split some task into asynchronous tinier tasks?

I'm writing a personal project in Node and I'm trying to figure out when a task should be asynchronously splitted. Let's say I have this "4-Step-Task", they are not very expensive (the most expensive its the one who iterates over an array of objects and trying to match a URL with a RegExp, and the array probably won't have more than 20 or 30 objects).
part1().then(y => {
}).then(z => {
}).then(c => {
The other way will be just executing one after another, but nothing else will progress until this task is done. With the above approach, others tasks can progress at least a little bit between each part.
Is there any criteria about when this approach should be prefered over a classic synchronous one?
Sorry my bad english, not my native language.
All you've described is synchronous code that isn't very long to run. First off, there's no reason to even use promises for that type of code. Secondly, there's no reason to break it up into chunks. All you would be doing with either of those choices is making the code more complicated to write, more complicated to test and more complicated to understand and it would also run slower. All of those are undesirable.
If you force even synchronous code into a promise, then a .then() handler will give some other code a chance to run between .then() handlers, but only certain types of events can be run there because processing a resolved promise is one of the highest priority things to do in the event queue system. It won't, for example, allow another incoming http request arriving on your server to start to run.
If you truly wanted to allow other requests to run and so on, you would be better off just putting the code (without promises) into a WorkerThread and letting it run there and then communicate back the result via messaging. If you wanted to keep it in the main thread, but let any other code run, you'd probably have to use a short setTimeout() delay to truly let all possible other types of tasks run in between.
So, if this code doesn't take much time to run, there's just really no reason to mess with complicating it. Just let it run in the fastest, quickest and simplest way.
If you want more concrete advice, then please show some actual code and provide some timing information about how long it takes to run. Iterating through an array of 20-30 objects is nothing in the general scheme of things and is not a reason to rewrite it into timesliced pieces.
As for code that iterates over an array/list of items doing matching against some string, this is exactly what the Express web server framework does on every incoming URL to find the matching routes. That is not a slow thing to do in Javascript.
Asynchronous programming is a better fit for code that must respond to events – for example, any kind of graphical UI. An example of a situation where programmers use async but shouldn't is any code that can focus entirely on data processing and can accept a “stop-the-world” block while waiting for data to download.
I use it extensivly with a rest API server as we have no idea of how long a request can take to for a server to respond . So in order for us not to "block the app" while waiting for the server response async requests are most useful
part1().then(y => {
}).then(z => {
}).then(c => {
As you have described in your sample is much more of a synchronous procedural process that would not necessarily allow your interface to still work while your algorithm is busy with a process
In the case of a server call, if you still waiting for server to respond the algorithm using then is still using up resources and wont free your app up to run any other user interface events, while its waiting for the process to reach the next then statement .
You should use Async Await in this instance where you waiting for a user event or a server to respond but do not want your app to hang while waiting for server data...
async function wait() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,2000));
console.log("awaiting for server once !!")
return 10;
async function wait2() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,3000));
console.log("awaiting for server twice !!")
return 10;
async function f() {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 1000)
let result = await promise;//.then(async function(){
let promise6 = await wait();
let promise7 = await wait2();
//}); // wait until the promise resolves (*)
//console.log(result); // "done!"
This sample should help you gain a basic understanding of how async/ Await works and here are a few resources to research it
Promises and Async
Mozilla Refrences

Non blocking Loop in Node.js and pooling?

I'm starting to play around with node.js and I have an application which basically iterating over dozens thousands of object and performing some various asynchronous http requests for all of them and populate the object with various data returned from the http requests..
This question is more concerning best practices with Node.js, non blocking operations and probably related to pooling.
Forgive me If I'm using the wrong term, as I'm new to this and please don't hesitate to correct me.
So below is a brief summary of the code
I have got a loop which kind of doing iterating over thousands
//Loop briefly summarized
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
do_something(arrayOfObjects[i], function (error, result){
//various log
//dosomething briefly summarized
function do_something (Object, callback){
http.request(url1, function(err, result){
insert_in_db(result.value1, function (error,result){
//Another http request with asynchronous
//various logging error
http.request(url2, function(err, result){
//some various logic including db call
In reality in do_something there is a complex logic but it's not really the matter right now
So my problem are the following
I think the main issue is in my loop is not really optimized because it's kind of a blocking event.
So the first http request results within dosomething are avaialble are after the loops is finished processing and then it's cascading.
If there a way somehow to make kind of pool of 10 or 20 max simualtenous execution of do_something and the rest are kind of queued when a pool ressource is available?
I hope I clearly explained myself , don't hesitate to ask me if I need to details.
Thanks in advance for your feedbacks,
Your loop isn't blocking, per se, but it's not optimal. One of the things it does is schedules arrayOfObjects.length http requests. Those requests will all be scheduled right away, as your loop progresses.
In older versions of node.js, you would have had the benefit of default of 5 concurrent requests per host, but that default is later changed.
But then the actual opening of sockets, sending requests, waiting for responses, this will be individual for each loop. And each entry will finish in it's own time (depending, in this case, on the remote host, or e.g. database response times etc).
Take a look at async, vasync, or some of it's many alternatives, as suggested in comments, for pooling.
You can take it even a step further and use something like Bluebird, with concurrency option set, depending on your use case.

Patterns for asynchronous but sequential requests

I have been writing a lot of NodeJS recently and that has forced me to attack some problems from a different perspective. I was wondering what patterns had developed for the problem of processing chunks of data sequentially (rather than in parallel) in an asynchronous request-environment, but I haven't been able to find anything directly relevant.
So to summarize the problem:
I have a list of data stored in an array format that I need to process.
I have to send this data to a service asynchronously, but the service will only accept a few at a time.
The data must be processed sequentially to meet the restrictions on the service, meaning making a number of parallel asynchronous requests is not allowed
Working in this domain, the simplest pattern I've come up with is a recursive one. Something like
function processData(data, start, step, callback){
if(start < data.length){
var chunk = data.split(start, step);
queryService(chunk, start, step, function(e, d){
//Assume no errors
//Could possibly do some matching between d and 'data' here to
//Update data with anything that the service may have returned
processData(data, start+step, step, callback);
Conceptually, this should step through each item, but it's intuitively complex. I feel like there should be a simpler way of doing this. Does anyone have a pattern they tend to follow when approaching this kind of problem?
My first thought process would be to rely on object encapsulation. Create an object that contains all of the information about what needs to be processed and all of the relevant data about what has been processed and is being processed and the callback function will just call the 'next' function for the object, which will in turn start processing on the next piece of data and update the object. Essentially working like a n asynchronous for-loop.

How to wait for time interval?

I am busy with a node.js project communicating with an API which involves heavy use of a node library specific to that API. I have read (I think) all the existing questions about the kind of issues involved with pausing and their various solutions but still not sure how to apply a correct solution to my problem.
Simply put, I have a function I call multiple times from the API library and need to ensure they have all completed before continuing. Up to now I have managed to use the excellent caolan/async library to handle my sync/async needs but hit a block with this specific function from the API library.
The function is hideously complicated as it involves https and SOAP calling/parsing so I am trying to avoid re-writing it to behave with caolan/async, in fact I am not even sure at this stage why it is not well behaved.
It is an async function that I need to call multiple times and then wait until all the calls have completed. I have tried numerous ways of of using callbacks and even promises (q library) but just cannot get it to work as expected and as I have successfully done with the other async API functions.
Out of desperation I am hoping for a kludgy solution where I can just wait for say 5 seconds at a point in my program while all existing async functions complete but no further progress is made until 5 seconds have passed. So I want a non-blocking pause of 5 seconds if that is even possible.
I could probably do this using fibres but really hoping for another solution before I go down that route.
one simple solution to your problem would be to increment a counter every time you call your function. Then at the end of the callback have it emit an event. listen to that event and each time it's triggered increment a separate counter. When the two counters are equal you can move on.
This would look something like this
var function_call_counter = 0;
var function_complete_counter = 0;
var self = this;
for(var i = 0; i < time_to_call; i++){
this.on('api_called', function(){
var id = setInterval(function(){
if(function_call_counter == function_complete_counter){
clearInterval(id); // This stops the checking
}, 5000 ); // every 5 sec check to see if you can move on
Promises should work also they just might take some finessing. You mentioned q but you may want to check out promises A+

How can I handle a callback synchrnously in Node.js?

I'm using Redis to generate IDs for my in memory stored models. The Redis client requires a callback to the INCR command, which means the code looks like
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) {
... continue on here
The problem is, that I already have written the other part of the app, that expects the incr call to be synchronous and just return the ID, so that I can use it like
var id = client.incr('foo');
The reason why I got to this problem is that up until now, I was generating the IDs just in memory with a simple closure counter function, like
var counter = (function() {
var count = 0;
return function() {
return ++count;
to simplify the testing and just general setup.
Does this mean that my app is flawed by design and I need to rewrite it to expect callback on generating IDs? Or is there any simple way to just synchronize the call?
Node.js in its essence is an async I/O library (with plugins). So, by definition, there's no synchronous I/O there and you should rewrite your app.
It is a bit of a pain, but what you have to do is wrap the logic that you had after the counter was generated into a function, and call that from the Redis callback. If you had something like this:
var id = get_synchronous_id();
you'll need to do something like this.
var runIdLogic = function(id){
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) {
You'll need the appropriate error checking, but something like that should work for you.
There are a couple of sequential programming layers for Node (such as TameJS) that might help with what you want, but those generally do recompilation or things like that: you'll have to decide how comfortable you are with that if you want to use them.
#Sergio said this briefly in his answer, but I wanted to write a little more of an expanded answer. node.js is an asynchronous design. It runs in a single thread, which means that in order to remain fast and handle many concurrent operations, all blocking calls must have a callback for their return value to run them asynchronously.
That does not mean that synchronous calls are not possible. They are, and its a concern for how you trust 3rd party plugins. If someone decides to write a call in their plugin that does block, you are at the mercy of that call, where it might even be something that is internal and not exposed in their API. Thus, it can block your entire app. Consider what might happen if Redis took a significant amount of time to return, and then multiple that by the amount of clients that could potentially be accessing that same routine. The entire logic has been serialized and they all wait.
In answer to your last question, you should not work towards accommodating a blocking approach. It may seems like a simple solution now, but its counter-intuitive to the benefits of node.js in the first place. If you are only more comfortable in a synchronous design workflow, you may want to consider another framework that is designed that way (with threads). If you want to stick with node.js, rewrite your existing logic to conform to a callback style. From the code examples I have seen, it tends to look like a nested set of functions, as callback uses callback, etc, until it can return from that recursive stack.
The application state in node.js is normally passed around as an object. What I would do is closer to:
var state = {}
client.incr('foo', function(err, id) { = id;
function doSomethingWithId(id) {
// reuse state if necessary
It's just a different way of doing things.
