I have a problem, I have upgraded my etherpad-lite and now, my etherpad can't read the source text.
Yesterday, if I'm userA and I'm first editor on pageA, I can see on etherpad editor a text on pageA (text get on textarea),
I'm userB and I'm not first editor on PageA, i see the etherpad text with the userA's modifications.
I just see the defaultText setted in settings :/
How to solve the problem please?
Look in your Javascript console on UserB's browser, you should get some errors.
This very annoying and I can't figure how to change it. When in Designer And I click on Help >> Help Contents from drop down menu it displays it differently than what I have been used to seeing and is very hard to navigate through. Is there a way to change the behavior? I recently got new Hard drive with Windows 10 opperating system
This is what I am used to seeing and is very navigable:
IBM Support was able to reproduce this and is looking into the issue. I did find a work around.
Open Help Contents from the drop down Help menu.
Right Click on the window and select properties.
Highlight and copy the Address (URL) line
Open a browser (not IE) and paste it in the Address line and go to the page.
It should then present it in a usable form. If not, then click on the first content and that should do the trick.
A problem report has been created with IBM or HCL or whatever they are called now: SPR # ZNDNBA7TEV: Domino Designer Help Contents Display Issue
I have a problem with Domino Designer since the problem occurs not only in existing xpage and databases, it also happens in newly created databasen and xpages as well as custom controls.
The problem is that when I try to open an xpage or custom control, I will not se any code, or anything but an emppty blank page under the toolbars.
First I thought it could be my screen, then I thought it could be an configuration problem so I reconfigured the notes client and tried again, then I check if I could open the custom controls with the xml editor instead of the xsp editor, and that worked, but I want the xsp editor back.
What is this, a blank page, it seems that it could not render properly, because if I use my keyboard and pressing the space bar, then it ask me if I want to save the changes when closing the custom control by the esc.
Do I have to re-install the client? Or does it exist any configurations for the xsp editor I miss?
BTW, It happens the other day, and when I re-configured my installation it worked, but this time it does not.
Are you looking at the design pane and not the source pane? At the bottom of the blank page, above the properties area there are two tabs, click on the "source" tab.
If that's not the issue, I'm not sure what's going wrong
I did not have time to investigate any further, it must have been the render function of the XSP Editor that was corrupt, stopped working and I re-installed the Notes and Designer and then I could continue working. No problems in my code. :-)
I have an editor input for adding resume.When user click edit button the editor is loaded via ajax.Here is the code for loading editor:-
When the user clicks the cancel button and again tries to edit the resume, multiple editor toolbar appears.
I think I have to delete all instance of editor.But I dont know how!
Any help appreciated.....
This worked for me. Try it out:
$('.wysihtml5-sandbox, .wysihtml5-toolbar').remove();
It removes the wysihtml5 and shows the textarea as it was before initializing.
I had à similar problem and resolved with this code
$("textarea").css('display', 'block');
removing the HTML tags by hand, I tried to find some kind of function to remove and have not had succeed
I'm trying to get full screenshot of HTML mail on Gmail.
Chrome extensions which like Screen Capture (by Google) does't work enough.
What should I do?
You'll not be able to take the complete screenshot of an email in Gmail default window. You need to take a different route to accomplish this i.e.
Click on the Print, it will open a new tab with Print dialogue.
Close/Cancel the Print dialogue (don't close the new tab).
Use Nimbus Screenshot or any other extension to take the screenshot of the HTML email.
Yes, Screen Capture by Google doesn't work for a long time. I recommend you Nimbus Screenshot. It is also a Chrome screenshot extension. And I just used it to get a full screenshot of HTML mail on Gmail. Hope it works for you.
I have tried everything with Nimbus but it simply wont work. Fragment Area takes the entire screenshot but only the visible part is saved rest image is blank.
Instead try clicking on the 'Print' icon on the upper right corner of your mail and save it as PDF.
Forgive me if this is has been answered. I have looked around, but didn't find anything.
I am creating a site for non-techies and it requires them to be able to add rich text content. I have been looking at Markdown for this, and would like to use that.
I have been searching around for a nice (jquery) ui control to make editing simple, but everything I have looked at has the live preview living somewhere else on the page other than the input box. (WMD is like this, markitup, etc..)
I would like to use something that makes it feel like you are using a word processor. Like how TinyMCe does it, but running on Markdown, not HTML
Is there anything like that, or maybe somewhere that shows how to build it?
To clarify, I'm looking for an editor that makes it feel like you are typing in the live preview; not a textbox with a preview above/below.
If I get what you're looking for, then the simplest approach would be to generate HTML with TinyMCE or CKEditor, then apply something like Markdownify to the output of e.g., tinymce.getContent().
I have since found something that I love. the Pen editor on Github does just what I wanted. I am glad to see someone has taken this on
Check out Stack Edit It's a great WYSIWYG markdown editor - syncs with Google Docs, Dropbox & CouchDB, publishes to Github (and many other places), and offers easy link sharing. You can access it on their website or using the Chrome app. You can create titles and lists in the editor there, and it will show you the corresponding text in markdown format. You can then save, publish, share, or download the file.
Markdown would not be compatible with a WYSIWYG editor. Consider this sample Markdown:
Let's link to [Google][].
[Google]: http://www.google.com/
If you were making a WYSIWYG editor, what would happen after you typed [Google]? Would you see blue underlined text? Would you just see [Google] since it's not a valid hyperlink yet? What about after you type the trailing []? It's still not a fully-defined hyperlink; you can't click it, because Markdown doesn't know where it links.
And how does the user type that [Google]: http://www.google.com/ follow-up line? That line isn't displayed; it's markup; it's invisible. Where do you type invisible text into a WYSIWYG editor?