Winjs and Onedrive integration - winjs

How can I integrate Onedrive with Winjs. A search showed no result, but I found the dvlup challenge, for onedirve integration (not sepcific to Winjs).

Depends what you mean by WinJS. If only a web app, then use OneDrive exposed API straight away just like any Javascript API. OneDrive uses OAuth for logging in:
In WinJS case this means utilizing XHR and Promises. You can find some tips for OneDrive OAuth from Twitter OAuth from this post: Twitter OAuth with WinJS (They work in same way).
If for specific device, set right manifest rules and possibly need to download SDK for handling files. WinJS includes FileOpenPicker and FileSavePicker for files handling (Found from Windows.Storage.Pickers namespace):


Google auth from Chrome extension after switching to v3

I'm writing a Chrome extension that will access Gmail API, and I need proper authorization for it. All code examples involve referencing their API Javascript library which loads their oauth library dynamically, like gapi.load('auth2', ...). However, after switching to the v3 manifest, they are going to forbid executing downloaded code, so the only option would be to include the required scripts with the extension.
How do I implement it? Would I have to implement calling the API endpoints myself?

Building Gmail add-ons with Angular framework?

We are finishing up an Outlook add-in which was written using Angular 8 with typescript. I am doing my investigation into what it will take to write a gmail add-on. I've gone through the quickstart tutorial using Apps Script. I've also looked at the clasp tool.
Is it possible to create a Google add-on with the angular framework?
Thank you.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to build Gmail add-ons with Angular framework.
Gmail add-ons are distinct from "Editor Add-ons"(ie. add-ons built for Google Sheets, Google Docs or Google Forms) and are developed strictly with App Script using a widget-based model.
Furthermore, Gmail Add-on development does not grant developer's direct access to the DOM.
See restrictions of Gmail addons.
The short and simple answer is no.
Google Workspace Add-ons UI are created using the Cards framework. Besides Google Apps Script, nowadays it's possible to use programming languages like Java hosted in Google Cloud Run or other hosting infrastructures as long as they deliver JSON to build the add-on UI using the Cards framework.
You could try using the InboxSDK.
Typically you end up having to manipluate the DOM. This tool caters for most the key functions in an easy to use library.
Not so sure how you will use Angular but it is possible to build rich experiences based on this library.

API for Mobile web app development

I am trying to build a mobile web app using worklight .I checked the IBM website but they have limited documentation on it.I wanted to know is there any inbuilt API provided by IBM in order to develop the mobile web app?
I am specifically looking for API to to control the refresh button and the back button in mobile web browser
Why limited? Where did you look? There is comprehensive user documentation and training modules in the following websites:
IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules
IBM Worklight user documentation: client-side JavaScript API reference
Regardless, there is no such thing as "controlling a browser's Back and Refresh buttons".
These buttons are provided by the mobile browser and are out of scope for whatever is running within.
It would be more beneficial for you to edit the question and explain your specific scenario - what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
In Worklight, you have WL.Client.reloadApp, for example, which can be used to refresh the web resources displayed. As for "back button"-like functionality, this can only be determined once you explain what you are trying to accomplish.
Additionally, keep in mind that while Worklight provides some API methods for controlling UI elements, it does so only to a certain degree and only for elements that are most common to all mobile environments (iOS, Android, ... for example, creating a tabbar); when you develop a web app for the Mobile Web environment, you cannot control via the app things like the Refresh button that the mobile browser supplies.
Lastly, you can and probably should opt to 3rd party frameworks such as jQuery Mobile and the like for the UI aspect in your Worklight application.

How can a Dart application read cell data from google spreadsheets

What are the possible options and setups one would need for reading data out of a google docs spreadsheet into a dart web application? Does dart need the wrapper around gdata REST api to do this? Has any dart project or sample interacted with google docs?
Newer Google APIs have a common API infrastructure where the client libraries are always up to date. There is such a client library for Dart (
However, it looks like Google Spreadsheets is still using an older API infrastructure called GData. There is no GData client library for Dart that I know of.
Hence, I think the most sensible thing to do is to make raw HTTP calls. I'm not sure if you're trying to do this on the client or the server. If you're trying to do it on the client, you're going to have to make sure Google Spreadsheets supports CORS.
If you happen to be using a different programming language on the server, there is like a GData client library for that language. See (

using Spotify's webAPI in an iOS app

So I'm in the process of developing an iOS app and I wanted to use the Spotify web API for searching and looking up songs in Spotify. However, I can't really tell if that is how to do it or if there would be better ways to do it and wanted to clarify before I began. Thanks in advance!
If you'd like the use the Web API, it works just the same as any other JSON REST API, so a lot of the tutorials out there for doing that on iOS will help you just fine. For converting between JSON and Objective-C data structures, newer iOS versions have NSJSONSerialization, otherwise I can recommend the open-source TouchJSON.
Also, you might want to look at CocoaLibSpotify, which is an Objective-C library for interacting with the Spotify service in a much more integrated way than the Web API — including music streaming. However, it does require a Spotify user be logged in to use.
