Simple TCP Client - haskell

I'm trying to implement simple TCP Client in Haskell. But it gets closed as soon as it connects. I don't know what is causing it to close. How could I make it so that it would print lines from server into stdout and send lines from stdin to server forever until stdin receives line ":quit"?
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Network (withSocketsDo, PortID(..), connectTo)
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
-- connect to my local tcp server
handle <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 44444)
-- should close the connection using handle after everything is done
_ <- forkFinally (talk handle) (\_ -> hClose handle)
return ()
talk :: Handle -> IO ()
talk handle = do
hSetNewlineMode handle universalNewlineMode
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
-- if either one of them terminates, other one will get terminated
_ <- race (interactWithServer handle) (interactWithUser handle)
return ()
interactWithServer :: Handle -> IO ()
interactWithServer handle = forever $ do
line <- hGetLine handle
print line -- print a line that came from server into stdout
interactWithUser :: Handle -> IO ()
interactWithUser handle = do
line <- getLine
case line of
":quit" -> return () -- stop loop if user input is :quit
_ -> do hPutStrLn handle line
interactWithUser handle -- send, then continue looping

With Ørjan Johansen's help I figured it out. forkFinally was creating a thread then after that main thread was getting closed. That line was meant to wait until talk finished and then close the connection. It had to be (also shortened it)
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
handle <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 44444)
talk handle `finally` hClose handle
talk :: Handle -> IO ()
talk handle = do
hSetNewlineMode handle universalNewlineMode
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
_ <- race fromServer toServer
return ()
fromServer = forever $ do
line <- hGetLine handle
print line
toServer = do
line <- getLine
case line of
-- server accepts /quit as disconnect command so better send it to the server
":quit" -> do hPutStrLn handle "/quit"; return "Quit"
_ -> do hPutStrLn handle line; toServer
I hope this code is safe :D


Minecraft server manager

I wanna write a Haskell script which handles interaction with a minecraft server.
To send commands to the server, I have a file server.cmd where in the first line 1 command can be written which should be executed in the server (e.g. stop).
So, here is my code:
-- servermanager.hs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
module ServerManager where
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import GHC.IO.Handle
import Control.Monad
import System.Posix.Unistd
managerfile :: FilePath
managerfile = "manager.cmd"
serverfile :: FilePath
serverfile = "server.cmd"
main :: IO ()
main = do
(Just hin, _, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "java" ["-jar", "minecraft_server.1.8.9.jar", "nogui"]) {cwd = Just "/home/tekkkz/Downloads", std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe}
sleep 20
servercmd <- readFile serverfile
case servercmd of
"stop" -> do
putStrLn ">> [S] Stop"
hPutStr hin "stop"
_ -> return ()
When there is "stop" in my server.cmd file, it print's out the string but is not stopping the server ... why not?
You didn't flush the pipe, due to the lazyness of IO actions the program silently terminate before hPutStr has a chance to do its job.
Try add this line after hPutStr hin "stop":
hFlush hin

How to get input for a game loop in haskell
In this game i need to get step the game forward every half a second or so while occasionally getting input to change direction. These too things seem impossible to do with haskell is there a way to do it? Currently I am having an mv tread stall exception.
Update: Found the hWaitForInput function in System.IO which is essentially the same as waitFor.
Here is some code largely based on this answer.
The main difference I made is that the thread waiting for a key press does not perform the getChar directly. The result communicated in the MVar is an indication of timeout or that a key press has occurred. It is the responsibility of the main thread to actually get the character. This prevents a possible race condition in case the char reading thread is killed between getting the character and putting it into the MVar.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
data Event = CharReady | TimedOut
withRawStdin :: IO a -> IO a
withRawStdin = bracket uncook restore . const
uncook = do
oldBuffering <- hGetBuffering stdin
oldEcho <- hGetEcho stdin
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
return (oldBuffering, oldEcho)
restore (oldBuffering, oldEcho) = do
hSetBuffering stdin oldBuffering
hSetEcho stdin oldEcho
waitFor :: Int -> IO Event
waitFor delay = do
done <- newEmptyMVar
withRawStdin . bracket (start done) cleanUp $ \_ -> takeMVar done
start done = do
t1 <- forkIO $ hLookAhead stdin >> putMVar done CharReady
t2 <- forkIO $ threadDelay delay >> putMVar done TimedOut
return (t1, t2)
cleanUp (t1, t2) = do
killThread t1
killThread t2
loop state = do
if state <= 0
then putStrLn "Game over."
else do putStrLn $ "Rounds to go: " ++ show state
e <- waitFor 3000000
case e of
TimedOut -> do putStrLn "Too late!"; loop state
CharReady -> do c <- getChar -- should not block
if c == 'x'
then do putStrLn "Good job!"; loop (state-1)
else do putStrLn "Wrong key"; loop state
main = loop 3

Using a monad inside the IO monad

Is there something that is like the opposite of liftIO? I'm using websockets, and I want to be able to listen for messages from the server in a separate thread. Here's what I'm doing:
import Network.WebSockets
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative
printMessages :: WebSockets Hybi00 ()
printMessages = forever $ do
resp <- receiveDataMessage
liftIO $ print resp
run :: WebSockets Hybi00 ()
run = do
liftIO . forkIO $ printMessages
forever $ do
line <- liftIO getLine
sendTextData . T.pack $ line
main = connect "" 8080 "/" run
So printMessages listens for messages from the server and keeps printing them out. The problem is, forkIO expects a function that returns IO (). Is there any way for me to run printMessages in the IO monad?
If I'm understanding this right, the reason you want to receive messages in another thread is because the main thread will be waiting for user input to send.
From a look at the documentation, it seems like you'll have an easier time if you reverse the roles of the threads: receive in the main thread, and send asynchronously from the other.
Then you can use getSink :: Protocol p => WebSockets p (Sink p) to grab a sink before forking, which you can then use with sendSink :: Sink p -> Message p -> IO () which lives in IO, avoiding the whole problem of mixing monads.
In other words, restructure your code to something like this:
sendMessages :: Sink Hybi00 -> IO ()
sendMessages sink = forever $ do
line <- getLine
let msg = textData . T.pack $ line
sendSink sink msg
run :: WebSockets Hybi00 ()
run = do
sink <- getSink
liftIO . forkIO $ sendMessages sink
forever $ do
resp <- receiveDataMessage
liftIO $ print resp
main = connect "" 8080 "/" run

Haskell: System.Process merge stdout and stderr

I want to invoke a process from within a haskell program and capture stdout as well as stderr.
What I do:
(_, stdout, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "command" [] ""
The problem: This way, stdout and stderr are captured separately, however I want the messages to appear in the right place (otherwise I would simply stdout ++ stderr which separates error messages from their stdout counterparts).
I do know that I could achieve this if I'd pipe the output into a file, i.e.
tmp <- openFile "temp.file" ...
createProcess (proc "command" []) { stdout = UseHandle tmp,
stderr = UseHandle tmp }
So my current workaround is to pipe outputs to a tempfile and read it back in. However I'm looking for a more direct approach.
If I was on unix for sure I'd simply invoke a shell command á la
command 2>&1
and that's it. However, I'd like to have this as portable as possible.
What I need this for: I've built a tiny haskell cgi script (just to play with it) which invokes a certain program and prints the output. I want to html-escape the output, thus I can't simply pipe it to stdout.
I was thinking: Maybe it's possible to create an in-memory-handle, like a PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream in Java, or ArrayInputStream/ArrayOutputStream which allows for processing IO streams within memory. I looked around for a function :: Handle on hoogle, but did not find anything.
Maybe there is another Haskell module out there which allows me to merge two streams?
You can use pipes to concurrently merge two input streams. The first trick is to read from two streams concurrently, which you can do using the stm package:
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Process
toTMVarC :: (Proxy p) => TMVar a -> () -> Consumer p a IO r
toTMVarC tmvar () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
a <- request ()
lift $ atomically $ putTMVar tmvar a
fromTMVarS :: (Proxy p) => TMVar a -> () -> Producer p a IO r
fromTMVarS tmvar () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
a <- lift $ atomically $ takeTMVar tmvar
respond a
I will soon provide the above primitives in a pipes-stm package, but use the above for now.
Then you just feed each Handle to a separate MVar and read from both concurrently:
main = do
(_, mStdout, mStderr, _) <- createProcess (proc "ls" [])
case (,) <$> mStdout <*> mStderr of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (stdout, stderr) -> do
out <- newEmptyTMVarIO
err <- newEmptyTMVarIO
forkIO $ runProxy $ hGetLineS stdout >-> toTMVarC out
forkIO $ runProxy $ hGetLineS stderr >-> toTMVarC err
let combine () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
str <- lift $ atomically $
takeTMVar out `orElse` takeTMVar err
respond str
runProxy $ combine >-> putStrLnD
Just change out putStrLnD with however you want to process the input.
To learn more about the pipes package, just read Control.Proxy.Tutorial.
For posix system you can use createPipe and fdToHandle in System.Posix.IO to create a pair of new handles (I'm not sure where to close those handles and fds though..):
readProcessWithMergedOutput :: String -> IO (ExitCode, String)
readProcessWithMergedOutput command = do
(p_r, p_w) <- createPipe
h_r <- fdToHandle p_r
h_w <- fdToHandle p_w
(_, _, _, h_proc) <- createProcess (proc command [])
{ std_out = UseHandle h_w
, std_err = UseHandle h_w
ret_code <- waitForProcess h_proc
content <- hGetContents h_r
return (ret_code, content)
For windows, this post implemented a cross-platform createPipe.

Catching/hijacking stdout in haskell

How can I define 'catchOutput' so that running main outputs only 'bar'?
That is, how can I access both the output stream (stdout) and the actual output of an io action separately?
catchOutput :: IO a -> IO (a,String)
catchOutput = undefined
doSomethingWithOutput :: IO a -> IO ()
doSomethingWithOutput io = do
(_ioOutp, stdOutp) <- catchOutput io
if stdOutp == "foo"
then putStrLn "bar"
else putStrLn "fail!"
main = doSomethingWithOutput (putStr "foo")
The best hypothetical "solution" I've found so far includes diverting stdout, inspired by this, to a file stream and then reading from that file (Besides being super-ugly I haven't been able to read directly after writing from a file. Is it possible to create a "custom buffer stream" that doesn't have to store in a file?). Although that feels 'a bit' like a side track.
Another angle seems to use 'hGetContents stdout' if that is supposed to do what I think it should. But I'm not given permission to read from stdout. Although googling it seems to show that it has been used.
I used the following function for an unit test of a function that prints to stdout.
import GHC.IO.Handle
import System.IO
import System.Directory
catchOutput :: IO () -> IO String
catchOutput f = do
tmpd <- getTemporaryDirectory
(tmpf, tmph) <- openTempFile tmpd "haskell_stdout"
stdout_dup <- hDuplicate stdout
hDuplicateTo tmph stdout
hClose tmph
hDuplicateTo stdout_dup stdout
str <- readFile tmpf
removeFile tmpf
return str
I am not sure about the in-memory file approach, but it works okay for a small amount of output with a temporary file.
There are some packages on Hackage that promise to do that : io-capture and silently. silently seems to be maintained and works on Windows too (io-capture only works on Unix). With silently, you use capture :
import System.IO.Silently
main = do
(output, _) <- capture $ putStr "hello"
putStrLn $ output ++ " world"
Note that it works by redirecting output to a temporary file and then read it... But as long as it works !
Why not just use a writer monad instead? For example,
import Control.Monad.Writer
doSomethingWithOutput :: WriterT String IO a -> IO ()
doSomethingWithOutput io = do
(_, res) <- runWriterT io
if res == "foo"
then putStrLn "bar"
else putStrLn "fail!"
main = doSomethingWithOutput (tell "foo")
Alternatively, you could modify your inner action to take a Handle to write to instead of stdout. You can then use something like knob to make an in-memory file handle which you can pass to the inner action, and check its contents afterward.
As #hammar pointed out, you can use a knob to create an in-memory file, but you can also use hDuplicate and hDuplicateTo to change stdout to the memory file, and back again. Something like the following completely untested code:
catchOutput io = do
knob <- newKnob (pack [])
let before = do
h <- newFileHandle knob "<stdout>" WriteMode
stdout' <- hDuplicate stdout
hDuplicateTo h stdout
hClose h
return stdout'
after stdout' = do
hDuplicateTo stdout' stdout
hClose stdout'
a <- bracket_ before after io
bytes <- Data.Knob.getContents knob
return (a, unpack bytes)
