create a GitHub repository from node-js - node.js

I want to be able to create a GitHub repository and to be able to commit and push from my NodeJS application.
I have searched a lot for a working example but I haven't found it yet.
Can anyone recommend libraries with documentation I can look at?

Can the Github api help you?
You can find the nodejs library such as this one

You'll need a Github client written for Node. looks pretty solid, as it covers most of the API. Here's a sample documentation link:


zipkin examples not on Github

Does anybody know where the zipking examples are located ?
In the following I can read:
./bin/sbt "zipkin-example/run -genSampleTraces=true"
I have found the zipking-example on Maven Central only. Not on Github.
It is still a bug in the documentation?
Documentation mentions zipkin-example which doesn't exist
It is a very long time ago, but it looks like it was moved here:
Found multiple language examples at github.
If you need basic setup steps:
Integrated zipkin with spring boot 2 and mysql
Here is sample

Is there a Plunkr-like Web site for node.js applications?

I need to post some node, express, mongoose code online as demo for a StackOverflow discussion. Plunkr does not accept node emulation afaik. Any ideas where to host a demo app with live editor of the code?
You can use to run sample node code.
I am not familiar with Plunkr sorry but judging from the design goals that are on their front page you can user Heroku to achieve similar results (albeit in a slightly different way).
It's really easy, have a free option, and you push via git repository, so it is a no brainer to upload your code iterations to your instance, just commit and push your changes to whatever repository you use.

using nodegit within angularjs app

I am building an app in AngularJS that needs to clone GitHub wikis attached to GitHub repos. The GitHub API does not have functionality to do anything with the GitHub wikis and GitHub support suggested I could use libgit2. With that in mind, I found nodegit.
So, now I have nodegit installed, and I made a basic javascript file out of the code example they have for Cloning a repository and reading a file. I have that file, called nodegit.js, working and by navigating to the folder containing it and typing
node ./nodegit.js
The script runs great and clones the repo into the temp folder.
Fantastic. can I use this script in my angularjs app?
Is there a way to run a node script from angular?
Is there a way to use nodegit from angular itself?
Is there some other angular->github non-GitHub API script out there?
Any help greatly appreciated. I've gotten stuck on this one.
thank you,
Thanks shaunhusain. I ended up setting up an ExpressJS server via NodeJS and putting my code there and calling the ExpressJS server from my Angular app.
thanks, scott
Just wanted to add that I currently have a strong focus on getting the library running in the browser to address this use case. I'll update this comment once the code has landed. An issue to track the status is here:

VJET With NodeJS Modules

I have just imported a NodeJS project into Eclipse with VJET plugin. It seems nice that it understands some of the NodeJS but I don't like that it doesn't recognize Node-MySQL. Is there any documentation on how to write a project (like NodejsTL) to fill up that missing functionality? I could analyze NodejsTL one but if there is any documentation and tutorial - I wouldn't have to.
Yes there is some documentation on this topic of creating type libraries.
There is some work being proposed to help with this and we are currently looking for help to extend VJET to do this work. Here are the tickets related to this request.

Any good NodeJS repos I can reference when building node RESTful API server?

I built a few nodeJS webapps earlier this year, but nodeJS development has been so fast that I feel like I'm already out of date. Any good nodeJS repos out there that do a great job building a RESTful api? (in terms of code organization, style, usage of npm modules, etc?)
Thanks so much for any help!
You should give Express a try, it's a web framework like Sinatra. There are a lof of example on using it on the github repo:
Here's a nice article with code sample:
I am using express on a webapp and are really satisfied with the request mapping for urls and static content. It also can create basic project structure for a quick start.
If your goal is a fast API development:
Why don't you try node-restify? It's inspired by express and is aimed at creating RESTFull api's :)
