How to deploy and access portlet using IBM portal server - portal

I have a Portlet that I know works and deployed successfully about 3 years ago. Now someone has asked for a change and I've totally forgotten how to deploy it for development on my local machine.
I have a local copy of IBM Portal server and have exported the portlet as a war file and deployed inside IBM Portal Server like so.
Go to http://mymachine:10038/wps/portal/. Under Portal Management
Select portlets.
I then selected Web Modules and installed my way file successfully.
Now it appears under the Portlets tab...
So far so good. But I am stuck now on how to hit my Portal application in the browser. How do I actually get to the Portlet url?

1) Build portlet as .war file
2) In portal Administration go to Web Modules
3) Lookup installed portlet and press Update or Instal button if new
portlet application
4) Go to Manage Pages and create empty page or select existing page
5) Press pen button to select and put portlet on the page
6) Open the page and you should see your portlet


How do I change the home page of an app service after deploying an application into web apps

I have deployed an application into webapps in azure but was not able to see my home page of my application . Instead it shows the default page of microsoft .How do i change the home page of the application app service
I don't know the content of your app, but you might have to change the default document:
The default document is the web page that's displayed at the root URL
for a website. The first matching file in the list is used. To add a
new default document, click New document.
See: Configure default documents

adding a file/styles/extention in phpBB from azure gallery

i'm new to azure, and just deploying phpBB from the app gallery
is there any way to add new styles/extention to it?
When you use the Gallery, you are just creating a web service and automatically uploading whatever software into that service.
To modify your web app, you can FTP into it. First, you need to create an FTP login:
In the blade for your web app, click All settings:
Click Deployment credentials.
Enter a user name and password.
Click Save.
The full FTP user name is “app\username” where app is the name of your web app. The username is listed in the web app blade, under Essentials.
Then follow this phpBB guide for installing styles:
When it comes to the FTP steps, use the info you see on your web app and the login you just created.
Extensions are installed a similar way.
Alternatively, you could also set up a git repo with a copy phpbb in it, then push that repo onto your web app. But that is more complicated, FTP is your most direct bet to modifying your phpBB web app.

Migrate Azure website to local PC VIsual Studio

I have created a Nopcommerce CMS website via Azure websites gallery. Now I need to migrate the .sln file and databases to my PC to give the whole package for a friend. How to do this.
There are a couple of ways to do this.
You could just connect to your web site using an FTP Client (ie:
FileZilla) and just pull the files down that way, or
Use Site Control Management ("Kudu") to download a .zip of your web site.
I prefer #2. It's fast and easy.
Here are the steps for #2:
1). Navigate to your website using your browser.
2). Replace the URL in the browser to reference the Kudu companion site for your web site. For example, if your site is, change the URL to
If prompted to authenticate, sign-in using your Azure Subscription credentials.
3). From the Kudu menu, select the Debug Console -> CMD option.
4). Click the download link for the site folder. This will package the site up into a .zip file and start the download.
5). Extract the .zip on your local hard drive and you're on your way.

Liferay portal to extract portlet as different web application

I am new to Liferay portal. Is there any possibility within Liferay portal to extract portlet as different web application?
Plugin portlets are typically deployed as a separate web application. If you're asking about Liferay's core portlets: No, they are contained in Liferay. All of the plugins are downloaded separately and installed as a different web application
If you want share your portlet, Liferay has some features.
Drag and drop your portlet in page and then click on configuration icon.
In the popup select Sharing tab
You can choose your preferred sharing mode (embedded javascript, facebook,.).
When you share a portlet, be careful about permission settings otherwise users will not be able to view it.
Another chance is to use porltet url, see FriendlyUrlMapper wiki
This is an example for portlet HelloWorld in /web/guest/home page

How to Deploy a Custom WebPartPage to a specific target site (Web)

I have created a custom web part, let's call is AppPart, and a custom web part page, let's call it AppPage, in the same solution. I changed the AppPage's Elements.xml so that it automatically contains the AppPart when the Feature is activated. This works excellent for my purposes. My problem is that Visual Studio will only allow me deploy the feature to a Site (site collection) scope and I need to deploy this page to a Web (specific web site) scope. From my understanding, this is possible to do but a configuration change has to be made by hand.
using powershell, specify the web application in the command.
Install-SPSolution -Identity <SolutionName> -WebApplication <URLname>
take a look at this link & do a ctrl+F for "To deploy a solution package to a single Web application by using Windows PowerShell"
