Column number where it contains certain text? - excel

Is there a formula in Excel that returns the value of a row that's under a specific header?
For example, my current sheet looks something like this.
Pet Cost (£) Age
Car 12 5
Dog 11 7
Rabbit 13 9
Snake 5 3
Pet Cost ($) Age
Car 10 5
Dog 13 7
Rabbit 16 9
Snake 8 3
If I want to pull out the first figure for Rabbit that is under the Cost ($) header, how do I go about it? And then for the second figure that is on that row.
I realise I can do it with INDEX/MATCH, but i'm not sure how to specify an instance or one that occurs under a certain header.

First Case:If you have the simple scheme show, you can find the second value for Rabbit, using:
=SMALL(IF(A:A="Rabbit";ROW(A:A));2) Inserted with Ctrl+Shift+Enter
To have the Index, and:
To have the value...
Second Case:
If you want to use the Header, for the first, use:
=INDEX(B1:B21;MATCH("Rabbit";INDIRECT("A"&MATCH("Cost ($)";B1:B21)&":A9999")))
Third Case:
If you want to use the Header, because you can have more that one Rabbit in each header, Use:
=SMALL(IF(INDIRECT("A" & MATCH("Cost ($)";B1:B21) & ":A9999")="Rabbit";ROW(INDIRECT("A" & MATCH("Cost ($)";B1:B21) & ":A9999")));1)
for the first, and:
=SMALL(IF(INDIRECT("A" & MATCH("Cost ($)";B1:B21) & ":A9999")="Rabbit";ROW(INDIRECT("A" & MATCH("Cost ($)";B1:B21) & ":A9999")));2)
for the second ...
Inserted with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Assuming you have Pets listed in A2:A100 and headers in B1:Z1 you can use this "array formula" to get the value at the intersection of the nth instance of "Rabbit" in the [first] column named cost:
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Replace n with the required instance number


Excel: How to find six different combinations of words in string?

I have been working for several days on this and have researched everything looking for this answer. I'd appreciate any help you can give.
In Excel I am searching a string of text in column A:
Bought 1 HD Sep 3 2021 325.0 Call # 2.75
I am detecting the first word (in this case "Bought") and detecting the last word before "#" symbol (in this case "Call").
I am then detecting the price following the "#" symbol (in this case "2.75"). This number will go into column B (header "Open") or column C (header "Close") depending on the combination of words found:
Sold (by itself)=Open
Sold (by itself)=Close.
Bought 1 HD Sep 3 2021 325.0 Call # 2.75
The combination found in the above string is: "Bought Call". Therefore the number at the end ("2.75"), goes into "Open" column.
Here's another example:
Sold 4 AI Sep 17 2021 50.0 Put # 1.5
The combination found in the above string is: "Sold Put". Therefore the number at the end ("1.5") goes into "Close" column.
I am currently using this formula to determine if the string contains "Sold" and "Call" and get the desired number and it does work:
TRIM(MID(A10,SEARCH("#",A10)+LEN("#"),255))," ")
But, I don't know how to search for all the other possible combinations.
The point behind this is to be able to paste the transaction from the broker and have most of the entry process automated. I'm sure many will benefit from this as I've not found anything like this.
I'd appreciate any help and if possible, an explanation of the formula so I can better learn.
I think you have the right idea, but would just extend the IF statement.
Something like the below might work for you:
IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"Bought","Sold"}, $A1)),
IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"!!!","!!!","Bought","Sold"}, $A1)),
Just enter in column B and drag down; columns B through E should fill as needed.
For example:
Note that the search for "!!!" is just random characters, it can be anything that you don't think has a good chance of appearing in the string.
Here/screenshots refer:
(requires Office 365 compatible version Excel)
Main lookup
Other Excel versions:
(all that falls away is the 'Let' formula, replacing fn_1 and fn_2 with respective functions in index formula within the let making first equation somewhat longer, but otherwise identical)
Example applications
Have provided 2 examples of how one might customize to insert numeric in one of the columns (the key part to this question is really how to do lookup in first instance, from thereon it's a matter of finetuning/taking appropriate action)...
Assuming calls/buys are "long" position and strike price go in first col (here, D), and puts/sales are "short" position with strike price going in 2nd col (here, E):
Long - insert strike price col D
=IF(LET(fn_1,MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0),fn_2,MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0),IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",fn_1*ISNUMBER(fn_2),fn_1*fn_2),0)),))=1,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Other Excel versions:
=IF(IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0)*ISNUMBER(MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0)),MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0)*MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0)),0)),)=1,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Short - insert strike price col E
=IF(LET(fn_1,MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0),fn_2,MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0),IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",fn_1*ISNUMBER(fn_2),fn_1*fn_2),0)),))=2,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Other Excel versions:
Follow same routine in previous Edits (remove Let, replace fn_1 & fn_2 with respective formulae...)
Note similarity in all 3 equations above: 2nd and 3rd contain 1st (effectively they just wrap a big old 'if' statement around 1st, use lookup_2 col (here, col K), and use mid/search to extract rate after the hashtag.
Assumes you don't have other hashtags in the sentence..
Customize as required.

VLOOKUP with conditions

I have an issue at the moment which I'm not able to resolve even with multiple combinations of If and Vlookups. I'm not doing this right.
I have a sheet which has the names of the products and an empty column for the Sl Number. The Sl number needs to be retrieved from Sheet 2 if it matches the value in the adjacent cell of the formula (This I know can be possible with Vlookup). However, I am trying to display the value even if the match is not exact. By that I mean if the product name has all the values as on the sheet 1 but also has additional information in brackets, then the value should still be displayed.
Sheet 1
Formula in A2 - A7 = "=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0)"
Sheet 2
The complete data
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Apologies, I'm new here and not sure how this works. So trying to do the right thing but may take some time.
Thanks Frank and Tim. I have another extended question to this.
Is there a way to retrieve the value by ignoring text in brackets on the lookup cell itself?
For example:
Sheet 1
Sl Number Name
123454 Cream SPF 30+ 50g
**NA** Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 (Sample)
234256 Hand Wash 150ml
26786 Toothpaste - Whitening 110g
Sheet 2
ID Name Sl number Manufacturer Quantity
8 Collagen Essence 10ml 456788 AL 87
9 Hand Wash 150ml 234256 AD 23
10 Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 835424 AU 234
Row 2 on Sheet 1 has the name that includes (Sample) and the same product on sheet 2 does not contain the (Sample) for that product. Is there a way I can use lookup in the above scenario?
Thank you
Tim's comment
=VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) as long as the "Extra" info is tagged onto the end of the name, and none of your product names is a
substring of another product name. – Tim Williams 53 mins ago
Will get what you are looking for, as for getting rid of text between "(...)" use
To create a new column that will cut out anything that has parentheses "(...)" this presumes that all of your entries has the "(...)" at the end, i.e. far right side.
As you are new, I presume you might be interested in an explanation. I'll explain what Tim and I did. If I am incorrect, anyone is free to edit.
Based on your question, it would appear that you are familiar with Excel but not the site. This said, my understanding of the key difference between your attempt and Tim's was =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) or specifically & "*". This introduces a Wildcard to the search parameter. So if you typed "Bob" but the actual reference was "Bob's Burger" That "*" would allow ['s Burger] to be included as part of the possible search given that you set vLookup to search for Approximate rather than exact matches. =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) specifically , 0).
As for my part, IFERROR is effectively an catch-all for errors in IF functions. If there is a error, then X. In this case, if it does not find "(" in the cell, then it will throw an error. Since it is an error, display the original cell.
As for IF(FIND("(",A2),LEFT(A2,FIND("(",A2)-1),A2) It asks Excel to look for "(" in the cell A2, if it finds it, then it it counts from the LEFT until it finds the "(" and deletes the text one space to the left of the first "(". Thus removing the "(...)".

Ranking when there are duplicates

How can I return the ranking of each value in a row, even in the case of duplicates? Please see my example below.
While many questions have been answered regarding the handling of duplicate values in a ranking, I have come short in achieving a method that works for all of my cases.
EDIT: The previous picture above was a bad example that did not address my problem. Here is a new picture of the behavior.
In certain cases it skips to 7 when the rank should only be 1:6. In other cases it seems to work, and then not work in similar cases. Data is:
2.61879723030607 2.3428 2.61879723030607 2.4571 2.7324 2.1790
2.97203355745108 2.5355 2.97203355745108 2.6721 3.0561 2.4136
2.4895 2.2781 2.6218 2.4369 2.6898 2.1361
2.32650000000000 2.2124 2.3453 2.32650000000000 2.3938 2.0283
2.34132608128450 2.1331 2.34132608128450 2.2800 2.5758 2.0446
2.58668483692925 2.1476 2.58668483692925 2.3019 2.5124 2.0135
2.2555 2.0884 2.3368 2.0980 2.3928 1.9787
2.32878217762168 2.1080 2.32878217762168 2.1250 2.5360 1.9807
2.50891263421977 2.2480 2.50891263421977 2.4239 2.9070 2.2638
2.97755287506272 2.4457 2.97755287506272 2.6830 3.0566 2.3987
3.0850 2.5380 5.3880 2.8304 3.1579 2.5030
3.0120 2.3815 3.0639 2.6762 3.0831 2.4253
2.49235468138485 2.1436 2.49235468138485 2.3159 2.5542 1.9991
2.13109025589563 2.1060 2.13109025589563 2.1555 2.3225 1.9787
2.24900295032614 2.0332 2.24900295032614 2.1780 2.5084 2.0043
2.4010 2.0438 2.5857 2.2126 2.4511 2.0329
EDIT2: Implementing RANK instead of RANK.EQ showing no difference:
I think you've got an error in your setup. My understanding is each row is meant to be a separate independent case, however your formula for calculating rank has fixed row and column references, when it should have only fixed column references. Right now, the rank for every value is being found based on the first row in your data. Instead of:
It should be:
This then alters your results in the 2nd and 3rd blocks and you should get the desired result in the 3rd block.
With the formula below in Cell B2:B4 you can filter the unique numbers in Column A.
Please note that this is an array formula so once you enter it you have to mark it and press CTRL + ALT + DEL. Hope this solves your problem. More details regarding this formula you can also find here
Column A Column B
1 1 = {=INDEX($A$1:$A$5000,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($B$1:B1,$A$1:$A$5000),0))}
1 2 = {=INDEX($A$1:$A$5000,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($B$1:B2,$A$1:$A$5000),0))}
1 6 = {=INDEX($A$1:$A$5000,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($B$1:B3,$A$1:$A$5000),0))}
Try RANK instead of RANK.EQ as below. Though I am not sure whether this will work as I am testing on Excel 07.
Enter the following formula in Cell H1
Copy/Drag the formula down and across (to right) as required. See image for reference.
As per Microsoft Documentation on RANK.EQ function here
RANK.EQ gives duplicate numbers the same rank. However, the presence of duplicate numbers affects the ranks of subsequent numbers. For example, in a list of integers sorted in ascending order, if the number 10 appears twice and has a rank of 5, then 11 would have a rank of 7 (no number would have a rank of 6)

EXCEL Look up max number (possible multiple results) and return another column same row

1 Pilot1
3 Pilot2
4 Pilot3
6 Pilot4
15 Pilot5
10 Pilot6
3 Pilot7
8 Pilot8
15 Pilot9
What is the excel formula for looking up the highest value(s) in column A and returning the Pilot(s) name(s).
I am using right now:
=MAX(A1:A9) to return the max number cuz I need that info too.
and this give me the answer if there is on max or the first it comes to for multiple maxes.
So I would get with this:
It does not give me
I want the results to show:
15 - for the max # of flights done
Pilot9 - for the names of the pilots that have the max flight count
So I noted above a more elegant way to do this in Google Sheets. And there are some very obscure ways out there, but here is something simple. The downside is it does show some extra information. Let us say your data is in A1:B9 and in A10 you have =MAX(A1:A9) [this is not strictly needed, but like you said, you want it anyway -- and it makes the formula a little less ugly]
Then in C1 put the formula =if(A1=A$10,B1,"") which will be blank if the pilot is not the max and have the pilot name otherwise. Drag that formula down through C9. Now in C10 (or wherever) put =TEXTJOIN(", ",true,C1:C9)
which will put together your pilot(s) separated by comma and space, and with blank entries omitted.

Return a row number that matches multiple criteria in vbs excel

I need to be able to search my whole table for a row that matches multiple criteria. We use a program that outputs data in the form of a .csv file. It has rows that separate sets of data, each of these headers don't have any columns that are unique in of them self but if i searched the table for multiple values i should be able to pinpoint each header row. I know i can use Application.WorksheetFunction.Match to return a row on a single criteria but i need to search on two three or four criteria.
In pseudo-code it would be something like this:
Return row number were column A = bill & column B = Woods & column C = some other data
We need to work with arrays:
There are 2 kinds of arrays:
numeric {1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1}
to convert between them we can use:
MATCH function
MATCH(1,{1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1},0) -> will result {TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE}
simple multiplication
you can can check an array in the match function, entering it like in the picture below, be warned that MATCH function WILL TREAT AN ARRAY AS AN "OR" FUNCTION (one match will result in true
in the example below i show that i want to sum the hours of all the employees except the admin per case
we have 2 options, the long simple way, the complicated fast way:
long simple way
D2=SUMPRODUCT(C2:C9,(A2=A2:A9)*("admin"<>B2:B9)) <<- SUMPRODUCT makes a multiplication
basically A1={2,3,11,3,2,4,5,6}*{0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0} (IT MUST BE A NUMERIC ARRAY TO THE RIGHT IN SUMPRODUCT!!!)
ie: A1=2*0+3*1+11*1+3*0+2*0+4*0+5*0+6*0
this causes a problem because if you drag the cell to autocomplete the rest of the cells, it will edit the lower and higher values of
ie: D9=SUMPRODUCT(C9:C16,(A9=A9:A16)*("admin"<>B9:B16)), which is out of bounds
same as the above if you have a table and want to view the results in a diferent order
the fast complicated way
it's the same, except that INDIRECT was used on the cells that we want not be modified when autocompleting or table reorderings
be warned that INDIRECT sometimes give VOLATILE ERROR,i recommend not using it on a single cell or using it only once in an array
f* c* i cant post pictures :(
table is:
case emplyee hours totalHoursPerCaseWithoutAdmin
1 admin 2 14
1 him 3 14
1 her 11 14
2 him 3 5
2 her 2 5
3 you 4 10
3 admin 5 10
3 her 6 10
and for the functions to check the arrays, open the insert function button (it looks like and fx) then doubleclick MATCH and then if you enter inside the Lookup_array a value like
A2=A2:A9 for our example it will give {TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} that is because only the first 3 lines are from case=1
Something like this?
Assuming that you data in in A1:C20
I am looking for "Bill" in A, "Woods" in B and "some other data" in C
Change as applicable
=IF(INDEX(A1:A20,MATCH("Bill",A1:A20,0),1)="Bill",IF(INDEX(B1:B20,MATCH("Woods",B1:B20,0),1)="Woods",IF(INDEX(C1:C20,MATCH("some other data",C1:C20,0),1)="some other data",MATCH("Bill",A1:A20,0),"Not Found")))
I would use this array* formula (for three criteria):
*commit with Ctrl+Shift+Enter
