Windows Phone 8 developer unlocked but can't deploy - visual-studio-2012

I used to test my application in my Phone but now it stopped working.
I can't seem to fix this error.
When I try to deploy, it says my phone isn't unlocked, but when I do the unlock process again, it says my phone is already unlocked.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

This might occur when you are trying to deploy the app when phone is on lock screen. Unlock the screen and try deploying the app.
You may try this one
Goto --> Dashboard --> Account --> Phones and remove your phone from the list. Then unlock your phone using "Windows phone Developer Registration" tool and try again. This might help.

Do you have the lock screen setup? Check the time out after setting. If this time has expired before your application is deployed it will fail due to the phone being locked.


how can I clear notifications in android studio (java)

I have this media player project and I have foreground service in it which allows me to control the song through notifications even if I clear the app in the background. Everything is working fine including the controls in the notification. But...the notification just remains forever and cannot be cleared even if I try to clear it until I re-run the app or restart my phone. Please help. Tried things like setAutoCancel(true) and etc
Are you calling
This method takes a Boolean to indicate if you want to remove the notification as well.
Read this article

Xamarian deploying to device

I have never deployed an app for texting in a real iOS device, only on an iPhone 7 plus simulator. I've watched some tutorials on how to do it and this is what I have done so far.
I have made an iOS Development Certificate. I made an App id, connected a device and entered the UDID. Then created a new device and at last I have made a Provisioning Profile with the iPhone 7 Device connected. The iOS development certificate connected and the App ID connected. After I did all of that, I continued to watch all the tutorials but there seems to be a change which I can't figure out.
As you can see, in the picture above there is a view detail button which you click then download your Provisioning Profile to your XCode, but for me there is no View Detail button. Instead it looks something like this.
So unfortunately, I don't know what to do from here. I tried going to Xcode > Window > Devices then right clicked on my device then it looks something like this.
So I click Show Provisioning Profiles, press "add" then add my Provisioning Profile. The next thing I did was go back to Xamarian went to info.plist, double clicked it and then entered my Bundle Identifier.
Then right clicked the 2 Calculator file, went down to Options and then set everything up, as you could see in the picture. Then I press run but it doesn't seem to work
This error message comes up:
I am pretty sure I have done everything right, but there seems to still be an error. The only possible bit I think may have gone wrong is when there wasn't the "view detail" button, so I did it a another way. Maybe the problem is I downloaded the Provisioning Profile on the iOS Device, but not in the Xcode mac or something?
I don't have a clue what I did wrong and have tried everything about 5 times but it still didn't work. It will be great if someone could help.
These are all the Certificate and stuff I did in the App development section.
Not enough reputation to comment, so I am going to take a shot in the dark here. My question to you is, did you download the certificate to your MacBook before or after you added your mobile device to it? Your Mac has to know of which devices you have allowed to develop on, so you need to make sure your .mobileprovision on your Mac has that UDID in it.
You can check if your .mobileprovision is added by looking in "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" and sorting by "Date Modified" to see if you have a fresh one updating after you downloaded it from Xcode will assign a GUID to the name so the provisioning profile will not have the name displaying on the website.
Also, the error possibly looks certificate related. Is the certificate valid and trusted in your keychain? I noticed no mention of adding the certificate to the "Keychain Access" application.

Azure Mobile App Quick Start "could not install mobileappsmanagement site extension"

When I create a Mobile App and try to access the quick start blade I get the error: "could not install mobileappsmanagement site extension".
I am a student and all of my fellow students have the same problem.
Subscription is F1 Free tier. Have tried resetting browser cache etc.
The strange thing is that I had created a Mobile App a couple weeks ago and it was working fine even at the same time I was having this problem with my second one.
We found a problem in the portal and corrected it. Please clear your cache and try again.
Thank you for the problem report.

Can't Sign Into Instagram - Phone Number Request

Last Week i joined Instagram. Yesterday it started asking for a Phone Number as a Security Check.
I gave them my old Phone Number for my old Phone which i hardley use. They text you a code so you sign in once you have this without the Number Check. I have not been sent the code.
I have been using Software called Blue Stacks on my PC when i wanted to Upload a Picture to Instagram.
My Phone is old so i have to Upload from my PC. I am running Windows Ten Pro 64.
Is there anyway i get get round this? I could not find a Email contact for Instagram. I have tried the Retry thingbut still no Joy.
Thanks :)
The easiest way to cross verify your address is simply go to settings tab > private information under which you see the email you can edit or change it, you will then recieve a confirmation email. Additionally make sure of the bluestacks virus at times it tear down your system performance.

How To Reboot Window 10 Phone From Universal App?

Is there a way to reboot the phone using c# code from an Universal App?
I could not find anything in the github UWP samples library.
UWP apps/Windows Store apps have very limited access to system method/resources - by design due to security issues.
There is no way to reboot the phone with official API.
You can try to find some hacks to do it - I've seen once some methods (don't have links now) using Pinvoke in WP8.1 - but you cannot be sure if they will work and/or pass certification.
Except that you cannot do it, you should not reboot the system from code.
Even (most) OS procedures ask user permission, all you can do is prompting the user asking for a reboot.
Also, you shouldn't need a system reboot. At most, what you need is an app restart. I looked for an "APP restart" API but I couldn't find it, but what you can do is closing it.
You should tell the user that the app will close, and doing so after the user confirmed invoking CoreApplication.Exit();.
The user then can reopen it.
