Has anyone been able to get the google-api-nodejs-client to successfully insert a moment?
Whatever I try, I get a generic 400 "Invalid value" error but am unable to narrow down the invalid value because the API Explorer doesn't work either.
Would it be because of the missing data-requestvisibleactions parameter? I'm using passport.js's require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy for handling oauth access, and that part is working fine, but I have no idea how to incorporate requestvisibleactions into the oauth request flow since this is definitely not originating from a clientside form.
Here's a snippet of what I'm trying to do (using the latest version of googleapis, v1.0.2):
var google = require('googleapis')
var auth = new google.auth.OAuth2()
'access_token': user.token
collection: 'vault',
userId: 'me',
debug: true,
resource: {
type: "http://schemas.google.com/AddActivity",
target: {
type: "http://schema.org/CreativeWork",
url: "...omitted...",
image: "...omitted...",
description: "test",
name: "test"
auth: auth
}, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
res.send(err.code, err)
} else {
ref 1 (out-of-date w.r.t. an older version of googleapis)
ref 2 (client-side, where the use of data-requestvisibleactions is more obvious)
As you speculated, you need the request_visible_actions parameter as part of the URL calling the oauth endpoint.
It looks like the current version of passport-google-oauth doesn't support this parameter. Judging by several of the open issues and pull requests, it isn't clear that the author will respond to requests to add it either. You have two possible options:
Switch to using the OAuth support that is included in google-api-nodejs-client
Patch the passport-google-oauth code. (And possibly submit a pull request in the hopes it will be useful to someone else.)
I don't use passport.js or the passport module in question, so I can't test this, but based on the github repository, I think you can insert the following in lib/passport-google-oauth/oauth2.js after line 136 and before the return statement:
if (options.requestVisibleActions) {
// Space separated list of allowed app actions
// as documented at:
// https://developers.google.com/+/web/app-activities/#writing_an_app_activity_using_the_google_apis_client_libraries
// https://developers.google.com/+/api/moment-types/
params['request_visible_actions'] = options.requestVisibleActions;
I am attempting to implement msal 2 in my React application. I'm using the msal-react-samples/default as the template for my work. I am able to see me login page and login using the loginRedirect method. But upon returning to my application I'm getting the following error. I saw that someone asked a very similar question (65375241). But it looks like the user abandoned it. I have included additional information below.
errorCode: "state_not_found"
errorMessage: "State not found: Cached State"
Additional Information
Authenticating into ADB2C
{ auth: { clientId: "REDACTED" authority: "REDACTED" knownAuthorities:["Redacted, Same as authority"], redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000/AuthTest", navigateToLoginRequestUrl: false }, cache: { cacheLocation: "sessionStorage", storeAuthStateInCookie: false, }, system: { loggerOptions: { ...(logger options from sample) } }
Authentication worked previously with MSAL1.
I'm aware that as of 1/7/2021 the msal-react package is not meant for production environments. I could attempt to change to just use just the msal-browser package if that would help.
I was able to figure out my own error by looking at the the MSAL git repo issue
#azure/msal-browser redirect not working correctly
I will describe my issue here to assist anyone else that has this same error.
It was caused because I had used the addEventCallback method improperly.
I had it implemented in my code as a simple function call. But it needs needs to be put into a useEffect and also issue the removeEventCallback method after consuming it.
I had
instance.addEventCallback((message) => {
rather than
useEffect(() => {
const callbackId = instance.addEventCallback((message) => {
return () => {
if (callbackId) {
}, [instance])
I need to get coordidinates of set of addresses to display them on Yandex Map widget. There a lot of addresses, so I am going to get coordinates on the nodejs serverside. I have found package multi-geocoder, that looks exactly the solution for me. So I've written the example:
import MultiGeocoder from "multi-geocoder"
const geocoder = new MultiGeocoder({
provider: 'yandex',
coordorder: 'latlong',
lang: 'ru-RU',
apikey: 'My API key from https://developer.tech.yandex.ru/'
geocoder.geocode(['Москва'], {
apikey: 'My API key from https://developer.tech.yandex.ru/'
.then(function (res) {
I got the response:
result: { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] },
errors: [ { request: 'Москва', index: 0, reason: 'Forbidden' } ]
I assume that something went wrong with apiKey, but cant figure out what exactly. How to get coordinates properly from nodejs script? Is it possible\legal at all?
Thank you.
If you have any problems with the API key, you should contact Yandex. Maps support. The problem may be with the key itself, or with your IP/domain. Only Yandex can determine the exact cause.
If you need to add points from the geocoder to the map, then it is easier to use geocoding in the JS API. It is enough to simply sequentially process the elements of the address array:
var searchArr = ['Москва, Фадеева, 5','Москва, Трубная, 31','Москва, Маросейка, 11'];
searchArr.forEach(function(item) {
ymaps.geocode(item, {
results: 1
}).then(function (res) {
var firstGeoObject = res.geoObjects.get(0),
coords = firstGeoObject.geometry.getCoordinates();
If you display the data received from the data on a Yandex map and follow the other terms of use, the Yandex.Map API is available for free.
If at least one of the conditions must be violated, you should switch to a commercial license. Check out the fees here: https://tech.yandex.com/maps/tariffs/doc/jsapi/prices/index-docpage/
The following URL provides a pretty good walkthrough of how to wire up a node/express implementation to read from Google Cloud Platform Cloud SQL:
I implemented the steps in this article and my local implementation is working as expected. However, this URL doesn't cover how to wire up inserts/updates. Based on some googling, I came up with the following implementation for a post/insert:
// POST method route
app.post('/users', function (req, res) {
var post = { FirstName: req.FirstName, LastName: req.LastName };
var query = connection.query('INSERT INTO User SET ?', post, function (error, results, fields) {
if (error){
I'm POST-ing the following request from Postman as raw JSON:
However, the response status is 404 Not Found. The standard GET is working as expected though. Any idea what I might be doing wrong here? Also, I'm new to Node/Express. What's the easiest way to get started debugging? For example, is there a recommended plugin for CDT that I can use for this? The sample code that I used for the GET used console.log("message") but when I tried this approach, nothing appeared to be written out to the node console window or to CDT?
I've used the method
Parse.User.become("session-token-here").then(function (user) {
// The current user is now set to user.
}, function (error) {
// The token could not be validated.
This method will call back to Parse to validate the session token and fetch the associated user, then set the current user on the client like is explained in this website
This method was working perfectly but I recently update the last version of npm parse 1.5.0 and now I got the following error:
Error: It is not secure to become a user on a node.js server environment.
at Function.Parse.User.Parse.Object.extend.become (/home/...
Anybody has a solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance
Ran into the same issue. While bypassing the Javascript SDK may work, it appears that you can use Parse.User.enableUnsafeCurrentUser() help bypass this error within the SDK.
In the Parse 1.5.0 Javascript SDK section of their change log they provided the following update:
Removed the concept of the current user when running in node.js Current users can be enabled in node with Parse.User.enableUnsafeCurrentUser() Many requests now support passing an explicit session token as an option
There may be some unintended security issues with this method. In reading through the source code this will also allow you to also use Parse.User.current and other like features as well. Using .become is probably still the safest option while managing your own session information.
I've been having a lot of issues with Parse.User.become(), both between the error you mentioned, and it returning a 101 invalid user session. My workaround was to bypass the Javascript SDK and make a Parse REST API request.
var request = require("request"),
q = require("q"),
deferred = q.defer(),
options = {
url: "https://api.parse.com/1/users/me",
method: "GET",
json: true,
headers: {
"X-Parse-Session-Token": token,
"X-Parse-Application-Id": "PARSE_APPLICATION_ID",
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
return deferred.resolve(user);
} else {
return deferred.reject(error);
return deferred.promise;
I am developing a project which integrates Stripe + Parse for iOS. It uses web hooks and Cloud code via node js. Currently i am in need of implementing a couple of functions:
cancel user subscription with flag atPeriodEnd;
subscribe cancelled customer once again (named multiple subscriptions via Stripe docs).
As for the first one: I'm sending a request as follows in Parse's API -
Stripe.Customers.cancelSubscription(request.params.customerID, 1, null)
but the second parameter, i.e. atPeriodEnd remains 0 when i receive Stripe's response and my webhook catches request for cancelling user immediately. Also i have checked Stripe's dashboard to see parameters that i pass and it says 'No query parameters'. Hope you can help me with this one out.
Second one: as i mentioned earlier user needs to have ability to subscribe once again after cancellation. That means that i already have a valid customer saved at Stripe and all i need is to 'attach' to him a new subscription. There is a method for this at Stripe docs:
stripe.customers.createSubscription("cus_00000000000", { plan: "planName" }, function(err, subscription) {
But i can't find similar to this in Parse's API. Hope you can help with this one out.
Sorry if there are some mistakes or misunderstandings for you - feel free to ask, i will answer as much clear as i can. Thanks!
Here is a workaround to #1 - make an http call directly to the stripe endpoint using Parse.Cloud.httpRequest. (I agree that Stripe.Customers.cancelSubscription in the Parse cloud module does not seem to be working)
Parse.Cloud.define("cancel", function(request, response) {
var user = request.user;
var customerStripeId = user.get("stripeId");
var key = "<stripe_api_key>"
var url = "https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers/" + customerStripeId + "/subscription"
method: 'DELETE',
params: { at_period_end: true, key: key },
url: url,
success: function() {
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Delete failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);