Why is iconv in Linux not converting spanish char in UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 correctly - linux

In Linux, I am converting UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 file using the following command:
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT input.txt > out.txt
After conversion, when I open the out.txt
¿Quién Gómez is translated to ¿Quien Gomez.
Why are é and ó and others not translated correctly?

There are (at least) two ways to represent the accented letter é in Unicode: as a single code point U+00E9, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE, and as a two-character sequence e (U+0065) followed by U+0301, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT.
Your input file uses the latter encoding, which iconv apparently is unable to translate to Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1). With the //TRANSLIT suffix, it passes through the unaccented e unmodified and drops the combining character.
You'll probably need to convert the input so it doesn't use combining characters, replacing the sequence U+0065 U+0301 by a single code point U+00E9 (represented in 2 bytes). Either that, or arrange for whatever generates your input file to use that encoding in the first place.
So that's the problem; I don't currently know exactly how to correct it.

Keith, you are right. I found the answer from Oracle Community Sergiusz Wolicki. Here I am quoting his answer word for word. I am posting for somebody who may have this problem. "The problem is that your data is stored in the Unicode decomposed form, which is legal but seldom used for Western European languages. 'é' is stored as 'e' (0x65=U+0065) plus combining acute accent (0xcc, 0x81 = U+0301). Most simple conversion tools, including standard Oracle client/server conversion, do not account for this and do not convert a decomposed characters into a pre-composed character from ISO 8859-1. They try to convert each of the two codes independently, yielding 'e' plus some replacement for the accent character, which does not exist in ISO 8859-1. You see the result correctly in SQL Developer because there is no conversion involved and SQL Developer rendering code is capable of combining the two codes into one character, as expected.
As 'é' and 'ó' have pre-composed forms available in both Unicode and ISO 8859-1, the work around is to add COMPOSE function to your query. Thus, set NLS_LANG as I advised previously and add COMPOSE around column expressions to your query." Thank you very much, Keith


Convert Unicode Escape to Hebrew text

I have the following text in a json file:
which represents the text "אחוזת פולג" in Hebrew.
no matter which encoding/decoding i use i don't seem to get it right with
Python 3.
if for example ill try:
text = "\u00d7\u0090\u00d7\u0097\u00d7\u0095\u00d7\u0096\u00d7\u00aa
i get that text is:
b'\\xd7\\x90\\xd7\\x97\\xd7\\x95\\xd7\\x96\\xd7\\xaa \\xd7\\xa4\\xd7\\x95\\xd7\\x9c\\xd7\\x92'
which in bytecode is almost the correct text, if i was able to remove only one backslash and turn
b'\\xd7\\x90\\xd7\\x97\\xd7\\x95\\xd7\\x96\\xd7\\xaa \\xd7\\xa4\\xd7\\x95\\xd7\\x9c\\xd7\\x92'
text = b'\xd7\x90\xd7\x97\xd7\x95\xd7\x96\xd7\xaa \xd7\xa4\xd7\x95\xd7\x9c\xd7\x92'
(note how i changed double slash to single slash) then
would yield the correct text in Hebrew.
but i am struggling to do so and couldn't manage to create a piece of code which will do that for me (and not manually as i just showed...)
any help much appreciated...
This string does not "represent" Hebrew text (at least not as unicode code points, UTF-16, UTF-8, or in any well-known way at all). Instead, it represents a sequence of UTF-16 code units, and this sequence consists mostly of multiplication signs, currency signs, and some weird control characters.
It looks like the original character data has been encoded and decoded several times with some strange combination of encodings.
Assuming that this is what literally is saved in your JSON file:
"\u00d7\u0090\u00d7\u0097\u00d7\u0095\u00d7\u0096\u00d7\u00aa \u00d7\u00a4\u00d7\u0095\u00d7\u009c\u00d7\u0092"
you can recover the Hebrew text as follows:
For the above example, it gives:
'אחוזת פולג'
If you are using a JSON deserializer to read in the data, then you should of course omit the .encode('latin-1').decode('raw_unicode_escape') steps, because the JSON deserializer would already interpret the escape sequences for you. That is, after the text element is loaded by JSON deserializer, it should be sufficient to just encode it as latin-1 and then decode it as utf-8. This works because latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) is an 8-bit character encoding that corresponds exactly to the first 256 code points of unicode, whereas your strangely broken text encodes each byte of UTF-8 encoding as an ASCII-escape of an UTF-16 code unit.
I'm not sure what you can do if your JSON contains both the broken escape sequences and valid text at the same time, it might be that the latin-1 doesn't work properly any more. Please don't apply this transformation to your JSON file unless the JSON itself contains only ASCII, it would only make everything worse.

Reading a text file with unicode characters - Python3

I am trying to read a text file which has unicode characters (u) and other tags (\n, \u) in the text, here is an example:
(u'B9781437714227000962', u'Definition\u2014Human papillomavirus
(HPV)\u2013related proliferation of the vaginal mucosa that leads to
extensive, full-thickness loss of maturation of the vaginal
How can remove these unicode tags using python3 in Linux operating system?
To remove unicode escape sequence (or better: to translate them), in python3:
The decode part will translate the unicode escape sequences to the relative unicode characters. Unfortunately such (un-)escape do no work on strings, so you need to encode the string first, before to decode it.
But as pointed in the question comment, you have a serialized document. Try do unserialize it with the correct tools, and you will have automatically also the unicode "unescaping" part.

How do I get from Éphémère to Éphémère in Python3?

I've tried all kinds of combinations of encode/decode with options 'surrogatepass' and 'surrogateescape' to no avail. I'm not sure what format this is in (it might even be a bug in Autoit), but I know for a fact the information is in there because at least one online utf decoder got it right. On the online converter website, I specified the file as utf8 and the output as utf16, and the output was as expected.
This issue is called mojibake, and your specific case occurs if you have a text stream that was encoded with UTF-8, and you decode it with Windows-1252 (which is a superset of ISO 8859-1).
So, as you have already found out, you have to decode this file with UTF-8, rather than with the default encoding of Python (which appears to be Windows-1252 in your case).
Let's see why these specific garbled characters appear in your example, namely:
É at the place of É
é at the place of é
è at the place of è
The following table summarises what's going on:
All of É, é, and è are non-ASCII characters, and they are encoded with UTF-8 to 2-byte long codes.
For example, the UTF-8 code for É is:
11000011 10001001
On the other hand, Windows-1252 is an 8-bit encoding, that is, it encodes every character of its character set to 8 bits, i.e. one byte.
So, if you now decode the bit sequence 11000011 10001001 with Windows-1252, then Windows-1252 interprets this as two 1-byte codes, each representing a separate character, rather than a 2-byte code representing a single character:
The first byte 11000011 (C3 in hexadecimal) happens to be the Windows-1252 code of the character à (Unicode code point U+00C3).
The second byte 10001001 (89 in hexadecimal) happens to be the Windows-1252 code of the character ‰ (Unicode code point U+2030).
You can look up these mappings here.
So, that's why your decoding renders É instead of É. Idem for the other non-ASCII characters é and è.
My issue was during the file reading. I solved it by specifying encoding='utf-8' in the options for open().
open(filePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

string.sub issue with non-English characters

I need to get the first char of a text variable. I achieve this with one of the following simple methods:
If I do the following, I expect to get 'ñ' as the first letter. However, the result of either of the sub methods is 'Ã'
local someText = 'ñññññññ'
print('Test whole: '..someText)
print('first char: '..someText:sub(1,1))
print('first char with .sub: '..string.sub(someText,1,1))
Here are the results from the console:
2014-03-02 09:08:47.959 Corona Simulator[1701:507] Test whole: ñññññññ
2014-03-02 09:08:47.960 Corona Simulator[1701:507] first char: Ã
2014-03-02 09:08:47.960 Corona Simulator[1701:507] first char with .sub: Ã
It seems like the string.sub() function is encoding the returned value in UTF-8. Just for kicks I tried using the utf8_decode() function that's provided by Corona SDK. It was not successful. The simulator indicated that the function expected a number but got nil instead.
I also searched the web to see if anyone else had ran into this issue. I found out that there is a fair amount of discussion on Lua, Corona, Unicode and UTF-8 but I did not come across anything that would address this specific problem.
Lua strings are 8-bit clean, which means strings in Lua are a stream of bytes. The UTF-8 character ñ has multiple bytes, but someText:sub(1,1) returns only the first single byte.
For UTF-8 encoding, all characters in the ASCII range have the same representation as in ASCII, that is, a single byte smaller than 128. For other CodePoints, a sequences of bytes where the first byte is in the range 194-244 and continuation bytes are in the range 128-191.
Because of this, you can use the pattern ".[\128-\191]*" to match a single UTF-8 CodePoint (not Grapheme):
for c in "ñññññññ":gmatch(".[\128-\191]*") do -- pretend the first string is in NFC
Regarding the used character set:
Just know what requirements you bake into your own code, and make sure those are actually satisfied.
There are various typical requirements:
ASCII-compatible (aka any byte < 128 represents an ASCII character and all ASCII characters are represented as themselves)
Fixed-Size vs Variable-Width (maybe self-synchronizing) Character Set
No embedded 0-bytes
Write your code so you need as few of those requirements as cannot be avoided, and document them.
match a single UTF-8 character: Be sure what you mean by UTF-8 character. Is it Glyph or CodePoint? AFAIK you need full unicode-tables for glyph-matching. Do you actually have to get to this level at all?

How can I find the character code of a special character in my text editor?

When pasting text from outside sources into a plain-text editor (e.g. TextMate or Sublime Text 2) a common problem is that special characters are often pasted in as well. Some of these characters render fine, but depending on the source, some might not display correctly (usually showing up as a question mark with a box around it).
So this is actually 2 questions:
Given a special character (e.g., ’ or ♥) can I determine the UTF-8 character code used to display that character from inside my text editor, and/or convert those characters to their character codes?
For those "extra-special" characters that come in as garbage, is there any way to figure out what encoding was used to display that character in the source text, and can those characters somehow be converted to UTF-8?
My favorite site for looking up characters is fileformat.info. They have a great Unicode character search that includes a lot of useful information about each character and its various encodings.
If you see the question mark with a box, that means you pasted something that can't be interpreted, often because it's not legal UTF-8 (not every byte sequence is legal UTF-8). One possibility is that it's UTF-16 with an endian mode that your editor isn't expecting. If you can get the full original source into a file, the file command is often the best tool for determining the encoding.
At &what I built a tool to focus on searching for characters. It indexes all the Unicode and HTML entity tables, but also supplements with hacker dictionaries and a database of keywords I've collected, so you can search for words like heart, quot, weather, umlaut, hash, cloverleaf and get what you want. By focusing on search, it avoids having to hunt around the Unicode pages, which can be frustrating. Give it a try.
