Node.JS Unbounded Concurrency / Stream backpressure over TCP - node.js

As I understand it, one of the consequences of Node's evented IO model is the inability to tell a Node process that is (for example) receiving data over a TCP socket, to block, once you've hooked up your receiving event handlers (or otherwise started listening for data).
If the receiver can't process the incoming data fast enough, "unbounded concurrency" can result, whereby node under-the-hood continues to read data off the socket as fast as it can, scheduling new data events on the event loop instead of block on the socket, until the process eventually runs out of memory and dies.
The receiver can't tell node to slow its reading, which would otherwise allow TCP's inbuilt flow control mechanisms to kick in and indicate to the sender that it needs to slow down.
Firstly, is what I've described so far accurate? Is there something I've missed that allows node to avoid this situation?
One of the much touted features of Node Streams is the automatic handling of backpressure.
AFAIK, the only way a writable stream (of a tcp socket) can tell if it needs to slow down or not is by looking at socket.bufferSize (indicating the amount of data written to the socket but not yet sent). Given that Node at the receiving end always reads as fast as it can, this can only indicate a slow network connection between sender and receiver, and NOT whether the receiver can't keep up.
So secondly, can Node Streams automatic backpressure somehow work in this situation to deal with a receiver that can't keep up?
It also seems that this problem affects browsers receiving data via websockets, for the similar reason that the websockets API doesn't provide a mechanism to tell the browser to slow its reading from the socket.
Is the only solution to this problem for Node (and browsers using websockets) to implement a manual flow control mechanism at the application level, to explicitly tell the sending process to slow down?

To answer your first question, I believe your understanding is not accurate -- at least not when piping data between streams. In fact, if you read the documentation for the pipe() function you'll see that it explicitly says that it automatically manages the flow so that "destination is not overwhelmed by a fast readable stream."
The underlying implementation of pipe() is taking care of all of the heavy lifting for you. The input stream (a Readable stream) will continue to emit data events until the output stream (a Writable stream) is full. As an aside, if I remember correctly, the stream will return false when you attempt to write data that it cannot currently process. At this point, the pipe will pause() the Readable stream, which will prevent it from emitting further data events. Thus, the event loop isn't going to fill up and exhaust your memory nor is it going to emit events that are simply lost. Instead, the Readable will stay paused until the Writable stream emits a drain event. At that point, the pipe will resume() the Readable stream.
The secret sauce is piping one stream into another, which is managing the back pressure for you automatically. This hopefully answers your second question, which is that Node can and does automatically manage this by simply piping streams.
And finally, there is really no need to implement this manually (unless you are writing a new stream from scratch) since it is already provided for you. :)
Handling all of this is not easy, as admitted on the Node blog post that announced the streams2 API in Node. It's a great resource and certainly provides much more information than I could here. One little gotcha that isn't entirely obvious that you should know however, from the docs here and for backwards compatibility reasons:
If you attach a data event listener, then it will switch the stream into flowing mode, and data will be passed to your handler as soon as it is available.
So just be aware that attaching the data event listener in an attempt to observe something in the stream will fundamentally alter the stream to the old way of doing things. Ask me how I know.


In Node.js, is writing to a TCP connection blocking?

I have a node.js process which has several entry points, including a tcp server, websocket server, and named pipe server. I am wondering if any interactions with these connections will be blocking.
Example: for a given connection, if there isnt anything in the buffer because the client didnt send anything yet, will this block all other code from running in the Node.js process until the client sends data?
My understanding is that node will offload I/O operations like these to the system kernel, so it wouldnt hold up the call stack.
Most likely I am getting something wrong here so please let me know! Thank you.
This is a very interesting question!
I would recommend you to start by understanding what the event loop is (reading and then understanding the difference between blocking & non-blocking calls (reading
Now we'll know a bit more about how node works behind the scenes, what blocking and non-blocking operations are and therefore we're equipped to understand and spot what will or won't block our loop.
Will a TCP connection block it? There may be a module out there that will, it really depends on each case, library, implementation.
Regarding TCP on the "native" implementation, if you're using the node.js Net module you'll find that it is a:
module [that] provides an asynchronous network API for creating stream-based TCP or IPC servers
Therefore, in principle, it will be non-blocking.
As an example, if we look at the socket.write documentation itself, we'll find that this function:
Returns true if the entire data was flushed successfully to the kernel buffer. Returns false if all or part of the data was queued in user memory. 'drain' will be emitted when the buffer is again free.
Therefore it should not block.
PS: Another interesting article on this subject is
Happy reading, and keep an eye out for blocking function calls!

What is the performance of piping a stream in node.js?

I have a TCP server written in Node.js. When a socket is received on its server socket, the process passes off the socket to a process pool. It either forks or reuses a previously forked process. It then passes the received socket to that other process using ChildProcess.send(). This gives complete control of the socket to the child process.
I am considering taking a different approach, but I'm concerned about the potential performance trade-offs. I would like instead to pipe the socket to the child process either through stdin or a unix domain socket or maybe a pipe. There are a number of reasons why this approach would be preferable in my particular domain, but I won't belabor this question with those details.
So I am left to wonder about the performance characteristics of the pipe() method on a Node.js stream. Is the piping of the stream handled at the system level, or does Node.js have to read every byte from one stream and send it down the destination? There are a few system calls (i.e. splice()) that provide some level of zero-copy streaming of file descriptors. Does Node.js use some sort of mechanism like that or is it manual?
I recommend having a read of this blog post, which highlights how
when it comes to streams, things are only as fast as the slowest
stream in the workflow
Also, have a read of this answer explaining how to benchmark streams in node.

Is the node thread the wrong place for a simulation loop?

Let's say there was a weather simulator generating/calculating made up weather, and every 0.5 seconds a setInterval fires off and runs a bunch of calculations to get readings and process data to be human readable.
Then it would fire off relevant data to logged in parties via socket, perhaps only when the data actually changes.
So would it be better to run the weather simulation/generator in a child process by itself and keep the I/O in node's single thread?
Or, would that create locking requirements?
I think the principle that should guide you is separation of concerns. Your node.js server is a communications conduit. Your weather simulator is simply that. Changes made to one of those is very unlikely to involve the other. This is also a more scalable choice, if later your weather simulator becomes heavier, or you start getting more users than you had expected.
If the web clients could, I'm sure they would want to subscribe directly to the weather events feed, but don't let that fool you into thinking that you should muddle the websockets in with the simulator.
If the calculations are intense, I'd highly recommend that you run them as a child process and keep the node.js event loop responsive. If you listen to the childs stdout for the events data and done, you can send out the data as soon as it is available.
Make sure you use the async read and writes so that you don't start blocking things and you won't have to worry about locks.

Node.js game logics

I'm in process of making realtime multiplayer racing game. Now I need help writing game logics in Node.js TCP (net) server. I don't know if it's possible, I don't know if i'm doing that right, but I'm trying my best. I know it's hard to understand my broken english, so i made this "painting" :)
Thank you for your time
To elaborate on driushkin's answer, you should use remote procedure calls (RPC) and an event queue. This works like in the image you've posted, where each packet represents a 'command' or RPC with some arguments (i.e. movement direction). You'll also need an event queue to make sure RPCs are executed in order and on time. This will require a timestamp or framecount for each command to be executed on (at some point in the future, in a simple scheme), and synchronized watches (World War II style).
You might notice one critical weakness in this scheme: RPC messages can be late (arrive after the time they should be applied) due to network latency, malicious users, etc. In a simple scheme, late RPCs are dropped. This is fine since all clients (even the originator!) wait for the server to send an RPC before acting (if the originating client didn't wait for the server message, his game state would be out of sync with the server, and your game would be broken).
Consider the impact of lag on such a scheme. Let's say the lag for Client A to the server was 100ms, and the return trip was also 100ms. This means that client input goes like:
Client A presses key, and sends RPC to server, but doesn't add it locally (0ms)
Server receives and rebroadcasts RPC (100ms)
Client A receives his own event, and now finally adds it to his event queue for processing (200ms)
As you can see, the client reacts to his own event 1/5 of a second after he presses the key. This is with fairly nice 100ms lag. Transoceanic lag can easily be over 200ms each way, and dialup connections (rare, but still existent today) can have lag spikes > 500ms. None of this matters if you're playing on a LAN or something similar, but on the internet this unresponsiveness could be unbearable.
This is where the notion of client side prediction (CSP) comes in. CSP is made out to be big and scary, but implemented correctly and thoughtfully it's actually very simple. The interesting feature of CSP is that clients can process their input immediately (the client predicts what will happen). Of course, the client can (and often will) be wrong. This means that the client will need a way of applying corrections from the Server. Which means you'll need a way for the server to validate, reject, or amend RPC requests from clients, as well as a way to serialize the gamestate (so it can be restored as a base point to resimulate from).
There are lots of good resources about doing this. I like in particular, but you should really look for a good multiplayer game programming book.
I also have to suggest, even after reading your comments regarding Flex and AS3. The ease of use (and simple integration with node) make it one of the best (the best?) option(s) for network gaming over HTTP that I've ever used. I'd make whatever adjustments necessary to be able to use it. I believe that AIR/AS3 has at least one WebSockets library, even if itself isn't available.
This sounds like something would be great for. It's a library that gives you real time possibilities on the browser and on your server.
You can model this in commands in events: client sends command move to the server, then server validates this command and if everything is ok, he publishes event is moving.
In your case, there is probably no need for different responses to P1 (ok, you can move) and the rest (P1 is moving), the latter suffices in both cases. The is moving event should contain all necessary info (like current position, velocity, etc).
In this simplest form, the one issuing command would experience some lag until the event from server arrives, and to avoid that you could start moving immediately, and then apply some compensating actions if necessary when event arrives. But this can get complicated.

How does an asynchronous socket server work?

I should state that I'm not asking about specific implementation details (yet), but just a general overview of what's going on. I understand the basic concept behind a socket, and need clarification on the process as a whole. My (probably very wrong) understanding is currently this:
A socket is constantly listening for clients that want to connect (in its own thread). When a connection occurs, an event is raised that spawns another thread to perform the connection process. During the connection process the client is assigned it's own socket in which to communicate with the server. The server then waits for data from the client and when data arrives an event is raised which spawns a thread to read the data from a stream into a buffer.
My questions are:
How off is my understanding?
Does each client socket require it's own thread to listen for data on?
How is data routed to the correct client socket? Is this something taken care of by the guts of TCP/UDP/kernel?
In this threaded environment, what kind of data is typically being shared, and what are the points of contention?
Any clarifications and additional explanation would be greatly appreciated.
Regarding the question about what data is typically shared and points of contention, I realize this is more of an implementation detail than it is a question regarding general process of accepting connections and sending/receiving data. I had looked at a couple implementations (SuperSocket and Kayak) and noticed some synchronization for things like session cache and reusable buffer pools. Feel free to ignore this question. I've appreciated all your feedback.
One thread per connection is bad design (not scalable, overly complex) but unfortunately way too common.
A socket server works more or less like this:
A listening socket is setup to accept connections, and added to a socketset
The socket set is checked for events
If the listening socket has pending connections, new sockets are created by accepting the connections, and then added to the socket set
If a connected socket has events, the relevant IO functions are called
The socket set is checked for events again
This happens in one thread, you can easily handle thousands of connected sockets in a single thread, and there's few valid reasons for making this more complex by introducing threads.
while running
select on socketset
for each socket with events
if socket is listener
accept new connected socket
add new socket to socketset
else if socket is connection
if event is readable
read data
process data
else if event is writable
write queued data
else if event is closed connection
remove socket from socketset
The IP stack takes care of all the details of which packets go to what "socket" in which order. Seen from the applications point of view, a socket represents a reliable ordered byte stream (TCP) or an unreliable unordered sequence of packets(UDP)
EDIT: In response to updated question.
I don't know either of the libraries you mention, but on the concepts you mention:
A session cache typically keeps data associated with a client, and can reuse this data for multiple connections. This makes sense when your application logic requires state information, but it's a layer higher than the actual networking end. In the above sample, the session cache would be used by the "process data" part.
Buffer pools are also an easy and often effective optimization of a high-traffic server. The concept is very easy to implement, instead of allocating/deallocating space for storing data you read/write, you fetch a preallocated buffer from a pool, use it, then return it to a pool. This avoids the (sometimes relatively expensive) backend allocation/deallocation mechanisms. This is not directly related to networking, you can just as well use buffer pools for e.g. something that reads chunks of files and process them.
How off is my understanding?
Pretty far.
Does each client socket require it's own thread to listen for data on?
How is data routed to the correct client socket? Is this something taken care of by the guts of TCP/UDP/kernel?
TCP/IP is a number of layers of protocol. There's no "kernel" to it. It's pieces, each with a separate API to the other pieces.
The IP Address is handled in on place.
The port # is handled in another place.
The IP addresses are matched up with MAC addresses to identify a particular host. The port # is what ties a TCP (or UDP) socket to a particular piece of application software.
In this threaded environment, what kind of data is typically being shared, and what are the points of contention?
What threaded environment?
Data sharing? What?
Contention? The physical channel is the number one point of contention. (Ethernet, for example depends on collision-detection.) After that, well, every part of the computer system is a scarce resource shared by multiple applications and is a point of contention.
