How does one build a reduced runtime image - pharo

I'm a long time VA Smalltalk developer and VA has a pretty extensive dependency mechanism for creating a reduced runtime image. I don't see anything like this in Pharo. I've looked into Metacello but that appears to be more about loading packages into a dev environment. Is there a documented way of doing this in Pharo?

Pharo already occupies a very small size compared to other programming environments: is less than 30m in memory most of the time.
Nevertheless, if you still need a reduced image, you can start for a Pharo-minimal image, which you can dig here:
The Pharo-minimal image is a reduced image, with just the kernel of the system and a way to load other projects inside.
You can check out the sibling jobs to see how you can load them, but is basically something like this:
./pharo Pharo.image config ConfigurationOfSUnit --group=Core,Tests --install=stable


Enormous appimage created by appimage-builder

I'm packaging an application I have written into an AppImage so that it can be delivered to Linux users.
One of the key features of the GUI toolkit I'm using is that it is small and lightweight, allowing me to compile a build which is statically linked to the GUI library of around 6Mb.
However, after building the AppImage - where I do what the instructions say - use all the functionality (which basically includes only using file browser dialogues to load files) - it generates an absolutely enormous AppImage of around 200Mb!
I know that AppImages are supposed to be a "little bit" big, but this is completely mad as a proposed solution for portability when the natively compiled binary including a statically linked GUI toolkit is only 6Mb.
However, I'm not convinced at all that I need all of that 200Mb. A very similar piece of software to mine, but that additionally uses Qt (which is pretty bloated in comparison) is only about 30Mb. I actually suspect that appimage-builder is doing something very wrong - I think it is listing the files in the directory I explore when using the file browser dialogue as dependencies (they are big files). I have no real other explanation. But if so how do I stop it doing that?
Why is mine so big? What can I do about it?
For the record I am using this method for building my AppImage
Building my binary separately
Running appimage-builder --generate and completing the form
Running appimage-builder --recipe AppImageBuilder.yml --skip-tests
Edit: Removing the obviously not needed files that were being packaged have reduced the size of the appimage to just 140Mb, but this is still almost 5 times bigger than equivalent appimages I've seen. Are there some tricks/options I'm not aware of?
In few recent days got started with AppImage and faced the same problem.
Shortly: check dependencies of your app by any possible ways and configure recipe to include only concrete dependencies and avoid includings of any theme/icon/etc packages which are not realy used :)
My case is a small app, written in Dart (with Flutter). The built project itself weights about 22MB (du -sh . in output directory). My host os is Linux Mint (Cinnamon).
First time I run appimage-builder --generate it generated me the "recipe" with 17 packages to be installed and bunch of libraries to be copied from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. When I generated AppImage from this recipe, result was about 105MB, which are extremely large in my opinion for small app.
My first experiments was to cleanup included files section, as I guess "all necessary" libraries should be installed from apt. I referred to a few configs from network where were marked only few libraries for include and was exclude section, which contains some DE related files (themes, fonts, icons and etc.)
Using that I got result about 50MB (which are still large enough).
Next experiments were referred to from this issue -
Shortly - after generating an AppImage file, there appeared file .bundle.yml file inside AppDir folder, which contains deployed libraries. Advice is to try exclude something from that. May be it's a good enough advice, but it takes too long time to check for each package/library if it breaks resulted AppImage file at least with official tests of appimage-builder (docker containers). I faced more broken results than any sane size reduction.
My next experiment was to reduce dependencies which should be installed from package manager and use files from host system. I deleted AppDir and appimage-builder-cache folders and regenerated the recipe. At next step I commented all packages which should be installed from package manager and leaved only included files. Result was fail, because of needing one package, but after adding it I got AppImage result in 36MB. That sounds much better than starting 105MB or even previous result of 50MB.
Here I got small "boost" - Flutter project built into AOT binaries, without runtime. So I checked output of ldd for my app, and then mapped list of required libraries to list of library files which were detected by appimage-builder. Finally some of them was correct, some not found in ldd output and some was in ldd output, but were not detected by appimage-builder. I added all undetected, removed all unused. My final result is 26MB and it passed all appimage-builder tests (running in docker images of fedora, cent, debian, ubuntu and arch)
I understand that it's bad enough for continuous building, because it will require to always check for used libraries and adapt config if something changed, but for rare enough builds I guess it's has some kind of balance between good and bad.

Is there any JIT pre-caching support in NodeJS?

I am using a rather large and performance-intensive nodejs program to generate hinting data for CJK fonts (sfdhanautohint), and for some better dependency tracking I had to end up calling the nodejs program tens of thousands of times from a makefile like this.
This immediately brought me to the concern that doing such is actually putting a lot of overhead in starting and pre-heating the JIT engine, so I decided to find something like ngen.exe for nodejs. It appears that V8 already has some support for code caching, but is there anything I can do to use it in NodeJS?
Searching for kProduceCodeCache in NodeJS's GitHub repo doesn't return any non-bundled-v8 results. Perhaps it's time for a feature request…
Yes, this happens automatically. Node 5.7.0+ automatically pre-caches (pre-heats the JIT engine for your source) the first time you run your code (since PR #4845 / January 2016 here:
It's important to note you can even pre-heat the pre-heat (before your code is ever even run on a machine, you can pre-cache your code and tell Node to load it).
Andres Suarez, a Facebook developer who works on Yarn, Atom and Babel created v8-compile-cache, which is a tiny little module that will JIT your code and require()s, and save your Node cache into your $TMP folder, and then use it if it's found. Check out the source for how it's done to suit other needs.
You can, if you'd like, have a little check that runs on start, and if the machine architecture is in your set of cache files, just load the cached files instead of letting Node JIT everything. This can cut your load time in half or more for a real-world large project with tons of requires, and it can do it on the very first run
Good for speeding up containers and getting them under that 500ms "microservice" boot time.
It's important to note:
Caches are binaries; they contain machine-executable code. They aren't your original JS code.
Node cache binaries are different for each target CPU you intend to run on (IA-32, IA-64, ARM etc). If you want to pre-cache pre-caches for your users, you must make cache targets for each target architecture you want to support.
Enjoy a ridiculous speed boost :)

Linux CPU Usage Tools

I've written a tool to capture CPU usage on a per/thread basis. The output of the tools is a binary file, that I can pump into my parsing utility that I wrote. And the output of the parsing utility is a CSV file that I can import into Excel to chart pretty graphs of process/thread CPU usage.
This CPU usage capture tool is running on an embedded ARM platform running a Linux kernel based on That being said, I was concerned about making the tool light weight. I didn't want it to store directly to a CSV file, in order to minimize the processing time and the file size of the captured data.
The tool works, but I'm wondering if I took the long way around the problem? Is there already a tool out there that does this (or something like it)?
You're probably wondering why I care if I already made a tool that works. Well, it's not as light weight as I'd like. It's taking up about 10% of CPU usage. As a benchmark, top only takes up about 1% (max).
I've decided to continue using my tool for now. At least until a better solution becomes available. I was able to shave off a couple percentage points by using open() instead of fopen() on /proc/stat. I'm also using read() instead of fgets().
IBM has a tool called nmon which does the same(for AIX & Linux): According to IBM's documentation, it takes ~2% CPU. You may want to look at that.
Comparing nmon with your tool could give you a fair idea about your program's performance and how you may improve your csv capture.
This might be a bit of a steep learning curve, but you might want look into SystemTap:

Stripping down a kernel in linux?

I recently read a post (admittedly its a few years old) and it was advice for fast number-crunching program:
"Use something like Gentoo Linux with 64 bit processors as you can compile it natively as you install. This will allow you to get the maximum punch out of the machine as you can strip the kernel right down to only what you need."
can anyone elaborate on what they mean by stripping down the kernel? Also, as this post was about 6 years old, which current version of Linux would be best for this (to aid my google searches)?
There is some truth in the statement, as well as something somewhat nonsensical.
You do not spend resources on processes you are not running. So as a first instance I would try minimise the number of processes running. For that we quite enjoy Ubuntu server iso images at work -- if you install from those, log in and run ps or pstree you see a thing of beauty: six or seven processes. Nothing more. That is good.
That the kernel is big (in terms of source size or installation) does not matter per se. Many of this size stems from drivers you may not be using anyway. And the same rule applies again: what you do not run does not compete for resources.
So think about a headless server, stripped down -- rather than your average desktop installation with more than a screenful of processes trying to make the life of a desktop user easier.
You can create a custom linux kernel for any distribution.
Start by going to and downloading the latest source. Then choose your configuration interface (you have the choice of console text, 'config', ncurses style 'menuconfig', KDE style 'xconfig' and GNOME style 'gconfig' these days) and execute ./make whateverconfig. After choosing all the options, type make to create your kernel. Then make modules to compile all the selected modules for this kernel. Then, make install will copy the files to your /boot directory, and make modules_install, copies the modules. Next, go to /boot and use mkinitrd to create the ram disk needed to boot properly, if needed. Then you'll add the kernel to your GRUB menu.lst, by editing menu.lst and copying the latest entry and adding a similar one pointing to the new kernel version.
Of course, that's a basic overview and you should probably search for 'linux kernel compile' to find more detailed info. Selecting the necessary kernel modules and options takes a bit of experience - if you choose the wrong options, the kernel might not be bootable and you'll have to start over, which is a pain because selecting the options and compiling the kernel can take 15-30 minutes.
Ultimately, it isn't going to make a large difference to compile a stripped-down custom kernel unless your given task is very, very performance sensitive. It makes sense to remove things you're never going to use from the kernel, though, like say ISDN support.
I'd have to say this question is more suited to, by the way, as it's not quite about programming.

JavaME - LWUIT images eat up all the memory

I'm writing a MIDlet using LWUIT and images seem to eat up incredible amounts of memory. All the images I use are PNGs and are packed inside the JAR file. I load them using the standard Image.createImage(URL) method. The application has a number of forms and each has a couple of labels an buttons, however I am fairly certain that only the active form is kept in memory (I know it isn't very trustworthy, but Runtime.freeMemory() seems to confirm this).
The application has worked well in 240x320 resolution, but moving it to 480x640 and using appropriately larger images for UI started causing out of memory errors to show up. What the application does, among other things, is download remote images. The application seems to work fine until it gets to this point. After downloading a couple of PNGs and returning to the main menu, the out of memory error is encountered. Naturally, I looked into the amount of memory the main menu uses and it was pretty shocking. It's just two labels with images and four buttons. Each button has three images used for style.setIcon, setPressedIcon and setRolloverIcon. Images range in size from 15 to 25KB but removing two of the three images used for every button (so 8 images in total), Runtime.freeMemory() showed a stunning 1MB decrease in memory usage.
The way I see it, I either have a whole lot of memory leaks (which I don't think I do, but memory leaks aren't exactly known to be easily tracked down), I am doing something terribly wrong with image handling or there's really no problem involved and I just need to scale down.
If anyone has any insight to offer, I would greatly appreciate it.
Mobile devices are usually very low on memory. So you have to use some tricks to conserve and use memory.
We had the same problem at a project of ours and we solved it like this.
for downloaded images:
Make a cache where you put your images. If you need an image, check if it is in the cachemap, if it isn't download it and put it there, if it is, use it. if memory is full, remove the oldest image in the cachemap and try again.
for other resource images:
keep them in memory only for as long as you can see them, if you can't see them, break the reference and the gc will do the cleanup for you.
Hope this helps.
There are a few things that might be happening here:
You might have seen the memory used before garbage collection, which doesn't correspond to the actual memory used by your app.
Some third party code you are running might be pooling some internal datastructures to minimize allocation. While pooling is a viable strategy, sometimes it does look like a leak. In that case, look if there is API to 'close' or 'dispose' the objects you don't need.
Finally, you might really have a leak. In this case you need to get more details on what's going on in the emulator VM (though keep in mind that it is not necessarily the same as the phone VM).
Make sure that your emulator uses JRE 1.6 as backing JVM. If you need it to use the runtime libraries from erlyer JDK, use -Xbootclasspath:<path-to-rt.jar>.
Then, after your application gets in the state you want to see, do %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin <pid> (if you don't know the id of your process, use jps)
Now you've got a dump of the JVM heap. You can analyze it with jhat (comes with the JDK, a bit difficult to use) or some third party profilers (my preference is YourKit - it's commercial, but they have time-limited eval licenses)
I had a similar problem with LWUIT at Java DTV. Did you try flushing the images when you don't need them anymore (getAWTImage().flush())?
Use EncodedImage and resource files when possible (resource files use EncodedImage by default. Read the javadoc for such. Other comments are also correct that you need to actually observe the amount of memory, even high RAM Android/iOS devices run out of memory pretty fast with multiple images.
Avoid scaling which effectively eliminates the EncodedImage.
Did you think of the fact, that maybe loading the same image from JAR, many times, is causing many separate image objects (with identical contents) to be created instead of reusing one instance per-individual-image? This is my first guess.
