Can I use Anymote Protocol send keyevent to Android TV - protocols

The Anymote Protocol is used for Google TV, but I don't know if it will be usefull on Android TV. Thanks!!!

No, the Android TV does not implement the Anymote protocol. Google not made public yet a documentation / API for controlling Android TV boxes the same way we could control Google TV.


Emulator for roku tv for test remote controll

How can I install Roku TV to check the remote control?
I tried to search in the official documentation, but I didn't find anything
Is it possible to install Roku TV on a computer?
As of now, there is no emulator available for Roku devices.

Confirm behavior when disconnect cast on android 11

Currently, we implement chromecast on Android TV receiver. We have an issue bellow need you confirm: When use android 11 device cast to android TV receiver after that we disconnect cast on android 11 device then android TV receiver force to home (it is different with android under 11 devices. On android under 11 when disconnect on it then app on android TV receiver still playing). So we need confirm behavior when disconnect Cast on android device is force app to home or app still playing. Please help us confirm on it.
There are two different Receiver API's 1. Web Receiver API 2. Android TV Receiver API. Web receiver api will tear down and takes you back to home page. If you have implemented ATV receiver then Android TV apps behave as Receiver apps which then continues to play even after you disconnect form the sender.

my phone galaxy s4 is not discovered by Tizen wearable IDE

I want to develop and test Gear 2 Tizen apps on my Galaxy S4. But the device is not discovered by Tizen wearable IDE. I have Mac 10.9.3.
I need device DUID to be able to test apps on it but device is not discovered in "connection explorer".
Please help.
You mean S4 is not detected by Tizen SDK? It's not supposed to be.
But the SDK should detect the Gear device.
I fixed the issue. I enabled development mode in the watch and connected it to my PC. Samsung documentation was unclear and didn't help me.

How to start application on paired android device from Google Glass?

Is there a way to send an intent from google glass and start application on paired android device ?

Nokia SDK 2.0 Emulator Won't Accept Inputs from Keyboard

I am developing app for Nokia first time. I have downloaded Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java (for s40 series). Soft keypad opens fine, but when I am trying to give input from my PC keyboard, emulator is not accepting any key.
Can anyone tell me from where I need to change the setting? Thanks.
Unfortunately the beta SDK does not allow key inputs from PC keyboard i have just confirmed. Currently nokia is working on solution. So best solution is to test on device.
Confirmation link is here
If Nokia SDK 2.0(Beta) is not working then test your application by on device debugging.
