Cannot connect to google compute engine virtual machine by vnc - linux

I have created a debian wheezy virtual machine in google compute engine but I am unable to connect to it with vnc.
Here is what I have done
Installed gnome and the rebooted the VM
install tightvncserver and started it
I have tried to connect using the static ip that I've attached to the VM but I'm getting the error: "the connection was refused by the host computer".
I thought it was the firewall that was the issue so I disabled iptable using the following commands
$ sudo iptables-save > /root/firewall.rules
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t mangle -X
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
and I have created rules in google firewall to allow ports 0-65535 for tcp and udp but it still does not work.
Anyone knows how to do it?
Thanks in advance

By default, all incoming traffic from outside a network is blocked and no packet is allowed into an instance without an appropriate firewall rule. To allow incoming network traffic, you need to set up firewall rules to permit these connections:
start the VNC service
look at VNC server settings or netstat -nap to find out the listening port of vnc server
under Google Developer console -> Compute Engine -> Networks -> default -> Firewall rules
create a new rule and open appropriate ports for incoming vnc connections.

VNC uses by default port 5901. In the 'VNC server' field, specify the ip address and the port 5901.
Example: VNC ***Server:
Encryption: let VNC Server choose***
Be aware that the free edition of VNC doesn't support encryption, it only encrypts your user name and password. One thing also to configure is /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file where you have to specify the user and the port that VNC server should listen to, and make sure it's not commented
VNCSERVERAR0GS[1]="-geometry 800x600 -listen tcp -5901"


How can I set SSH connection to my server via just OPENVPN

I want to connect to my server via limited ip adresses. I thought that may be I can connect to my server via OPENVPN that is installed on my server. I have modified hosts.allow and hosts.deny files in /etc
/etc/hosts.allow file :
sshd : x.x.x.x (server ip )
/etc/hosts.deny file :
sshd : ALL
But I cant connect to my server via OpenVPN at the moment. OpenVPN has different ip adress like 10.8.0.x.
How I can set SSH connection to my server via OpenVpn?
You can use the ListenAddress directive in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to force SSHD to only listen on a specific IP address, namely the OpenVPN private address of your server, e.g.:
This prevents sshd from listening on any other interfaces, including the public ones (by default sshd listens on all the available interfaces). Just make sure you restart sshd after updating the configuration.
After that to connect to SSH you will need to first establish the OpenVPN connection and then ssh into
i suggest using iptables to limit IP addresses
iptables -A INPUT -s x.x.x.x -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP

How to access node server from remote machine with in same LAN

Suppose if my ip address is : In this machine I'm running node server. I can access the webpages by using this url: http://localhost:3000/ in the same machine.
But, if I'm trying to access the node server from a remote machine having the ip It does not work. I used the below url to access the url from the remote machine:
I'm facing network connectivity issues.
Do, I need to change any settings in node.js for remote access.
Then, how can I access the node server from the remote machine.
Use this IP to open your app on all interfaces provided by your computer.
On linux server you need to open port for outside client to reach it.
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo service iptables save
$ sudo service iptables restart
Then start your server

cannot open up port using iptables to use rstudio server

I am currently trying to open port 8787 for rstudio server. I have set this up on an ubuntu host, and want to point my browser at the ip address of the ubuntu host, using port 8787 to direct it to rstudio. I can do this from the host machine, but no such luck using a different computer.
When I do
netstat - peantl | grep ":8787"
I get nothing returned, unlike when checking port 22 which is confirmed as listening. I can there ssh from external machines into the ubuntu host.
So I tried to open up port 8787 with iptables:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8787 -j ACCEPT
command runs fine, but then re-checking with netstat I still do not get any output (I was expecting similar output to port 22 as mentioned previously)
I also allowed port 8787 on ufw:
sudo ufw allow 8787
using gufw it confirms port 8787 is open.
What could be the issue? If my network has restricted port 8787 how can I tell? Am I allowing port 8787 correctly with iptables?
All your iptables and ufw commands are doing is opening ports in the firewall itself. The fact that there is no output from the netstat|grep line means that the rstudio software does not actually have the port open for anyone to connect to. This is the issue you need to fix first.

multiple port-forwarding, client-linux box-server

I've installed soap-ui software on my laptop [A] [ip: 172.30.X.X] and I'm trying to connect to a Webservice which is provided on a server [C] [ip: 10.10.X.X]. the problem is that I dont have a direct access/permission to connect directly to that server. however there is a Linux box in the network [B] [ip: 172.43.X.X] which has access to that server and it is also accessible from my laptop.
So, actually I'm looking for a way to redirect to my soap request to the server [C] by using the linux box [B]
A -> B -> C
My first try was to setup iptables on [B], but with no luck:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d 172.43.X.X --dport 9003 -j DNAT --to 10.10.X.X:8088
The easiest way I know is to use SSH Port Forwarding, per the linked manual page -
Port forwarding, or tunneling, is a way to forward otherwise insecure TCP traffic through SSH Secure Shell.
For example, if you issue the command
ssh2 -L 1234:localhost:23 username#host
all traffic coming to port 1234 on the client will be forwarded to port 23 on the server (host). Note that localhost will be resolved by the sshdserver after the connection is established. In this case localhost therefore refers to the server (host) itself.

Redirect the webservice call to http://[remote server ip]:7777 to http://[local machine ip]:8888

I have a webservice running on a remote machine available to me through ssh tunneling. Therefore I will be able to access the webservice through http://[local machine ip]:8888. But the problem here is, My source code trying to access the webservice through the public ip (http://[remote server ip]:7777). So I need all the traffic originated from my local machine to the remote machine should be redirected to http://[local machine ip]:8888.
For eg http://[remote server ip]:7777 Redirected to http://[local machine ip]:8888
Please note: the ports are different and my OS is ubuntu 12.04
Try a rule like this:
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d [remote server ip] --dport 7777 \
-j DNAT --to-destination [local machine ip]:8888
