- Choosing a Category? - samsung-mobile

How can I choose a category when submitting a new app in
Under the Category menu all I see is "Main Category" or "Galaxy Specials"
When I choose Main Category, then I get no submenu, and it won't let me submit the game
If I choose Galaxy Specials \ Other, it tells me:
The registered binaries do not meet the category conditions for GALAXY Specials. The GALAXY Specials category can be selected only if at least one binary supports GALAXY Specials. You can go to ‘Binary>Advanced Mode>Binary Details’ to check the supported GALAXY Specials options.
So, how can I submit the game?

this answer worked for me.
Its just small change in manifest file.
Content of the link:
Recently Samsung seller office has done some changes,
if you simply upload APK like Google play store it will throw error,
“The registered binaries do not meet the category conditions for GALAXY Specials.
The GALAXY Specials category can be selected
only if at least one binary supports GALAXY Specials.
You can go to ‘Binary > Advanced Mode > Binary Details’
to check the supported GALAXY Specials options.”
There is no option to disable Galaxy specials in seller office,
the simple and easy way to fix this problem is
just add a permission in your manifest file
<uses-permission android:name=””/>
Now export your APK in release mode and upload it in Samsung seller office,
a confirmation message appears, just confirm it.
Now APK will be successfully uploaded to Samsung app store.

If you have implemented one of the Samsung SDK, this line is missing in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name=""/>

Just put this line in your manifest.xml and everything will be OK. I just published this way.
<uses-permission android:name=""/>

100% works to me.
i had the same problem to upload my app on Samsung apps sellers, but after adding the following permission now it worked.
<uses-permission android:name=""/>


Will the play store icon made by Image Asset in Android Studio cause "Hi-res icon" error?

I use Image Asset in Android Studio to generate the Google Play store icon, you can see Image A.
It's 512 x 512, 32-bit PNG.
But Google Play reject it, the following information is displayed
We found an issue in the following area(s): Hi-res icon
Are there some bugs with Image Asset to generate the Google Play store icon?
Image A
Reject Details
Your app is rejected due to the policy here:
Most likely this is the policy that it breaks:
App titles and icons that are so similar to those of existing products or services that users may be misled
Google is probably worried that the icon is just an microphone icon, which is used in other places in the Android system, and may therefore mislead users that the app is related to Android or Google.
Therefore, I suggest modifying your icon to differentiate it and make it unique, and then they should accept it.

Can I do "on device testing" from europe

I am trying to test my capsule from my device.
steps taken to test it:
Privately published capsule on Bixby studio (accepted)
Linked Samsung account to Bixby team
Enabled developer options on phone (Samsung galaxy 9)
Enabled On device testing + entered revision ID as it appears on Bixby Studio
Entered command "test" to which my capsule should respond
When "test" has been entered Bixby responds with "I couldn't understand that. Here are some Capsules your can try." Unfortunately, it does NOT show me capsules I can try neither given me the expected response.
Important note (maybe): I live and try to test in an European country where the Bixby marketplace is not available yet. VPN to US does not help either.
Can I still test my capsule on my phone?
To do on-device testing from Europe, you need to provision Bixby in the US for the phone you want to do testing on.
Go to Settings -> Apps -> Bixby Voice -> Storage Clear Data
Same as(1) but for Bixby Service Plug in a US-based SIM card
If you don't have a US-based SIM card, you can pull the SIM out and
connect device via VPN to a US-based server.
Start Bixby to start new provisioning process
It should be ok to do on-device testing.
Make sure you only sync one capsule during submission.
There is an easy way to test: you can load the revision number using IDE simulator's revision override feature. See attachment.

Xamarian deploying to device

I have never deployed an app for texting in a real iOS device, only on an iPhone 7 plus simulator. I've watched some tutorials on how to do it and this is what I have done so far.
I have made an iOS Development Certificate. I made an App id, connected a device and entered the UDID. Then created a new device and at last I have made a Provisioning Profile with the iPhone 7 Device connected. The iOS development certificate connected and the App ID connected. After I did all of that, I continued to watch all the tutorials but there seems to be a change which I can't figure out.
As you can see, in the picture above there is a view detail button which you click then download your Provisioning Profile to your XCode, but for me there is no View Detail button. Instead it looks something like this.
So unfortunately, I don't know what to do from here. I tried going to Xcode > Window > Devices then right clicked on my device then it looks something like this.
So I click Show Provisioning Profiles, press "add" then add my Provisioning Profile. The next thing I did was go back to Xamarian went to info.plist, double clicked it and then entered my Bundle Identifier.
Then right clicked the 2 Calculator file, went down to Options and then set everything up, as you could see in the picture. Then I press run but it doesn't seem to work
This error message comes up:
I am pretty sure I have done everything right, but there seems to still be an error. The only possible bit I think may have gone wrong is when there wasn't the "view detail" button, so I did it a another way. Maybe the problem is I downloaded the Provisioning Profile on the iOS Device, but not in the Xcode mac or something?
I don't have a clue what I did wrong and have tried everything about 5 times but it still didn't work. It will be great if someone could help.
These are all the Certificate and stuff I did in the App development section.
Not enough reputation to comment, so I am going to take a shot in the dark here. My question to you is, did you download the certificate to your MacBook before or after you added your mobile device to it? Your Mac has to know of which devices you have allowed to develop on, so you need to make sure your .mobileprovision on your Mac has that UDID in it.
You can check if your .mobileprovision is added by looking in "~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" and sorting by "Date Modified" to see if you have a fresh one updating after you downloaded it from Xcode will assign a GUID to the name so the provisioning profile will not have the name displaying on the website.
Also, the error possibly looks certificate related. Is the certificate valid and trusted in your keychain? I noticed no mention of adding the certificate to the "Keychain Access" application.

Upsource installation - features from tutorial are missing

I am using upsource latest (
A lot of things are differnet than what I see in this tutorial.
for instance:
When I click over a line in the code (browser) I dont get the option 'Start a code review'
Browsing repository - When I hover over an entity in the code I don’t see documentation, I can’t browse to its hierarchy. When I click it I only get two actions to choose (‘comment on selection’ and ‘link to selection’)
I can’t browse revsions – I don’t have the link when I hover revision number.
My users are all granted with admin role (amnd developer, and viewer)
What am I missing?
Looks like you are referring to the video with Upsource 1.0 which is a bit different from the latest version. How to code review with Upsource - the latest one
This features are only available for Java projects, with IDEA, Maven or Gradle build systems. Corresponding settings should be also set on Upsource side, in project administration.
It might happen if revision is not indexed by Upsource yet

Liferay 6.1 : Mobile theme

I have created theme for 6.1.20.
Now I want to create theme for Mobile device. I have never created mobile theme before.
I have created one sample-Wap-theme.
I can see my sample-wap-theme under ContolePanel > Site Pages > Mobile Devices.
I have selected that theme.
but when I switch to different mobile device user agent , I can not see theme changes !!!
Do I need to do any settings for Mobile Device Rule Groups ?
I have read some where about WURFL plugin. Do I need to install it ?
any help ?
As of Liferay 6.1, you must install the WURFL plugin in order to allow the mobile device rules to work.
This guide is very detailed
