Find the first empty cell in the same column/row - excel

I am trying to work out a formula that will give me the row number of the first empty cell in a column. Currently I am using:
This works fine, unless the formula is put in the same column as the column I am searching in, in which case it does some sort of circular reference or something. Is there a formula I can use instead which will work when placed in the same column as it searches in?

Another way to do it
you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
The difference is that this will give you the Row number of the first empty cell
The previous answer will give the position (how many rows from the starting row) of the first empty cell... Both ways are valid depending on your needs

All you have to do is count the non blank cells in a column : COUNTA
If you want to find the first blank cell from further down the column, then set the column range e.g. E23:E100 and add the cell number -1 to it.

This formula above returns the row number of the first blank cell in the current column and below the current row, but it does not need to be entered in row 1 of the worksheet.It replaces the A:A target range with a range that starts in the next row and continues to the end of the sheet and then adds the current row number to the result to add the skipped rows back in. This avoids the circular reference since it starts on the next row.
Using the INDIRECT(ref_text, [a1]) function with the second argument set to FALSE or 0 allows you to pass ref_text in R1C1 notation (eg. B5 as R5C2).
The R1C1 notation also has a lesser known syntax for describing a location as an offset from the current position. If the number following the R or C is enclosed in square braces then it is treated as a +/- offset from the current cell or zero offset if omitted (eg. "R[-1]C[-1]" in cell B5 returns A4 and "RC" in B5 returns itself B5).
The R1C1 location of R[1]C:R1048576C from the formula defines a range starting at the current cell with a RC offset of 1,0 and ending at fixed row 1048576 with a 0 column offset from the current cell. When placed in cell C3 it will be equivalent to C4:C1048576 and in A1 is equivalent to A2:A1048576. If you needed to dynamically set the max row number, you use INDIRECT("R[1]C:R"&ROWS(A:Z)&"C",0) but since current version Excel has a row limit of 1,048,576 it makes sense to just set it.


Check if text exist in rest of Column, and if so, use info from that row it is in

I'm after a way to a cell to check another cell that I'm inputting text into, and for it to see if that text value is the same anywhere else in the column, and if so, it grabs the number value which is in the same column as itself but in the row of the text that checked for.
So if you use picture, you can see I've currently got E7 selected. I'm wanting it to check the "GOLF COURSE" column for any other row that contains the same text it has in it's own row. For this it's "Course1". I'd like it to check through the rest of column B if there are any matches for "Course1" which there is in B3. If it matches I'm wanting it to then use the value that's in same column as it (E) but the same row as the matched text in column B. In this case I would want it to copy the value that is in E3.
If there wasn't a match (as it's a new course lets say) then I need to be able to just click on the cell and input the numbers needed, which I would be able to do anyway but just throwing it in for sake of info.
I've tried all sorts of googling and thinking how I could possibly do it but it's too difficult for my amateur knowledge of Excel.
I believe you are looking for INDEX/MATCH:
I added a COUNTIF check to ensure that the same course exists more than once in column B, without it, you would be getting a circular reference formula (which would also happen with the above formula if the same course appears more than once, but you use this formula on the first occurrence of that course, so make sure do not use it the first time you fill out the PAR scores for a particular course).
Merged Cells Messing With INDEX/MATCH
The Formula
Copy the following formula into cell E7:
We are creating the formula in cell E7.
Syntax: MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array,match_type)
We will use MATCH to find the position of COURSE1 in the above
cells of column B.
The 1st argument is lookup_value which will be the cell in the same
row of our row (7) in column B: B7 where we will lock only the
column (we will not be searching in other columns): $B7.
The 2nd argument lookup_array will be a range. The first cell will be
cell B3 whose row and column we'll lock, because we will always
start the search from this cell in every other cell to the left or
below: $B$3. The last cell will be B5 where we will lock only the
column: $B5.
And finally we will use 0 as the parameter of the 3rd argument
match_type to find an exact match.
Now were ready to write our MATCH formula:
Which will return 1 i.e. an exact (0) match of B7 was found
in the 1st cell of range B3:B5.
We don't want 1 (E3), but the value in the cell (5).
The INDEX function has 2 syntaxes where we will use the 2nd:
Syntax 2: INDEX(reference,row_num,column_num,area_num)
Since were using a one-column range we can safely omit the arguments row_num and column_num, which leaves us with:
Modified Syntax: INDEX(reference,area_num)
The INDEX function used this way will return the area_num-th value
of reference i.e. in our case if area_num is 1 it will return the
1st value in our column range, if it is 2, then the 2nd, etc.
The 1st argument reference will be the same sized range of our
MATCH range in column E: $E$3:$E5 where we will remove the
column locks because we also want to return results for other
columns: E$3:E5.
The 2nd argument area_num will be our MATCH formula.
Our current formula looks like this:
which will return the value of cell E3: 5.
Final Adjustments: IF, AND and ISERROR
That would have been almost (Error Checking) all if the cells in column B weren't merged. Therefore we have to use IF to determine if the row in which we're writing the formula contains either Par or Strokes and adjust our so far created formula for both conditions:
and (3rd condition) check in column B if there is a value in the row where we're creating the formula for a row containing Par, or the row above for a row containing Strokes, using AND:
Finally we have to add some error checking, because if the match was not found the formula will produce and #N/A error:
Now we are ready to copy the formula to the right and below as far as we need.

Understanding VBScript "RC18" for decoding the formula

i am making an application for which i have to read the formulas from excel. After many search i was able to read the formula behind a field. But i was not able to understand it. Can somebody help me in this regard?
Formula is
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC18-3*(AVERAGE(C19)/1.128)"
Actually i am not uderstanding what is RC18 and C19 at clicking the specific fields it gives this formula.
how RC18 = $R27
That's Relative Cell Reference. R/C do not mean a cell address.
RC18 means "The cell in the same row, column 18"
In relative reference R means "row" and without a number next to it, means the same row as the cell wherein the formula resides. (an R without a C would mean the entire row, e.g., R1 would be Row 1.)
C18 means column 18. Similarly, without the C19 means Column 19, or, column S.
Using square brackets for the number indicates an offset, where negative would be a left offset (columns) or an up offset (rows), and otherwise offsets are right (columns) and down (rows), so:
Would be the cell one row below and one column to the right of the active cell, and likewise:
Would be the cell two rows below and three columns left of active cell.
That's because the formula is built by using R1C1 notation as explained here and here(external)
Having RC18 would mean that it refers to the 18th column from the cell you are and, when you check on a given cell in that column, the formula is "translated" to cell in 27th row for that range (the column 18). If any, please show a screen capture to keep on checking.

Offset formula logic clarity

I am trying to get year to desired month total of personal expenditure sub categories. After researching stackoverflow, I found a formula seemingly appropriate for my requirements. I found it shifting the desired area by one row down during formula evaluation. I modified the formula by hit and trial on adhoc basis which is giving the correct results. To me the initially chosen formula appeared quite appropriate. I have shown below the sample data sheet and the evaluation steps of the original and modified formula. Could someone explain particularly the offset portion as to why it was going wrong for the initially chosen formula and how the modification helped in solving the problem. Somehow I am not able to get conceptual clarity on this issue.
Sample Data files
Personal_Accounts evaluated with formula A
Personal_Accounts evaluated with modified formula
Offset works by specifying:
A cell from you which you will offset (A1 in this example) then specifying how many rows and columns to move from that position, and then how tall and wide to make the range.
The number of rows to move down: In this case the number of rows down is determined by Match(). Match() here will return the number of rows down in the range A1:A9 that the value SS can be found. The answer is 5. Offset now is looking at Range A1 + 5 rows: A6
The number of columns to move across: Here we move 1 column. No funny business. New range is B6
The number of rows to include in the range from that start point: Here COUNTIFS() is used to return the number of times SS is found in the range A2:A9. The answer is 3. So the range will start at B6 and include three rows down in the range. Essentially B6:B8.
Finally, the number of columns to include in the range: Here it's 7 since that's what you have in cell A13, so your range is now B6:H8
OFfseT() returns that range and Sum sums it up
You subtracted one from the results of MATCH() and correctly moved that formula to produce B5:H7. You could have also changed the search range in MATCH() to A2:A9, which would probably make more sense from a readability standpoint.
Lastly, your COUNTIFS() could just be COUNTIF() since you are not evaluating multiple conditions.
So if I had to write this from scratch, I would use:
=Sum(Offset(A1, Match(A2:A9, A12, 0), 1, Countif(A2:A9, A12), A13)
Which will get you the same correct answer, without any math on Match() results.
Offset has two main functions - either to move to cell (target) using specified number of rows and columns from the starting point, or to select range of specified number of rows and columns starting in the target cell. Your original formula has issue in this part
matched cell is fifth therefore the offset moves 5 rows down ending in A6, because it starts in A1 + 5 rows. Then it moves 1 column to be in B6 and then creates range of 3 rows in total and 7 columns = B6:H8. So you need to deduct 1 from the result of the match function to end up in the right row.
For better understanding imagine if the SS value was in the first row of the range A1:A9 (in A1) - then the offset would move from A1 one row down to A2 although you wouldnt want it to move at all.
look at your basic offset formula definition.
so if you set your reference cell to A1 and you want to return the result in A2, you need to move down 1 row from your reference cell.
OFFSET ($A$1,1,0,1,1)
Now if we look at the match portion of your equation, MATCH return what position the information is in. So if we want to find the match position of the information in A2 in a range going from A1:A100, Match is going to tell you that the information in A2 is in the 2nd position of the column. Or more precisely it returns a value of 2.
So now we need to tell offset how far down to reach the 2nd position. We dont actually want it to move down 2 rows to get to the second position since our reference point is A1 which is the first row. As a result we really want to go down 1 row to get to the second row. So you want 1 less from your match results which you correctly did by doing Match(...)-1

Count number of blank cells in row between last cell and next non-blank cell

Is it possible (with a formula preferably) to count the number of blank cells in row, where the counting starts at a given column and counts going backward (e.g. right to left) the number of blank cells until a non-blank cell is found? In the example below, the counting begins at Column H and proceeds leftward. Using COUNTA or COUNTIF seem like reasonable tools to use, but I am unsure on how to terminate the counting once a non-blank cell is found.
You can use something like this if the values in your table are all text:
MATCH("zzzz",B2:H2) returns the column number in which the last non-blank cell is.
CHAR(97+ column number) returns the letter of that column.
Append it to the row number to give the reference where the COUNTBLANK has to start with &ROW()
&":H"&ROW()) gives the reference of the last cell, which is H plus the row number.
INDIRECT turns the concatenated text into a range that Excel can evaluate.
Try this formula
You could use nested if statements

Repeating nested functions in Excel

I am trying to use one single formula across multiple cells for calculating a value, dependent on the specific row and column of which the formula is applied, but relative to the row itself. Sounds a little cryptic, so an example:
I have the following three rows,
Row 91: 10|Wheat|60,00|0,00
Row 92: 11|Banana|91,20|1,00
Row 93: 12|Milk|200,00|182,00
Where the | represents a separation between each column, which are named by letter (as Excel does by default). So the value of cell A92 would be 11. Now, column D is generated using the following formula: =((C92/100)*D11), basically taking the value of cell C92 (91,20) dividing it by 100, and then multiplying it by whatever value is held in cell D11 (the same column as the one I am generating a value in, but using the value from column A for reference of what value to multiply by).
Now, seeing as I need to use this formula in many rows, I want to basically to something like this: =VALUE(=CONCATENATE("D"; ROW();)/100)*CELL("address")), but this is not a valid formula. To put it in words:
Get the value of cell D+current row number (for example D9 at row 9 etc.)
Divide this by 100
Multiply this by the value of current column letter+current row number (E69 at cell E69 etc.)
I hope someone has an idea of how to achieve this.
You can do this with OFFSET, but you may very well get circular references or errors if your data is not clean.
The OFFSET says: Get the value of a 1 row 1 column range that is (the value in A92 - current row number) rows offset from this row, but in the current column), which for your data is D11
I think this should do your job:
Sub Test()
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "D").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC" & ActiveCell.Column & "*RC3/100"
End Sub

