Linux streaming server with playlist - linux

everybody would like to help you, I need indication of a free software for streaming video, more accurate meet some needs
A transmission enabling accurate real-time
create playlist for playback (for when not live)
able to transmit live remotely.
some good streaming video for linux requires a webcam or video files is within the own server to stream live, broadcast remotely accurate
my dedicated server will take charge of Transmit, and will get the client computer that will be in Brazil, I need remotely, so far not found it'm hoping you indicate me some good
obs: to be a free software
if someone can indicate'm very grateful, thank you for your attention.

The only big robust free software I know of is red5:
You may also want to look into the NGINX streaming module. I played with it for a little bit and it worked great. I never tested it with a high load though:
However, where I work we use Wowza. Its not free but man is it so easy and so good:
So the thing about all these is I have never done what you are saying. I've used all three of these for live streaming and they all will work but I have never done a simulated live streaming like what you are looking for. I know Wowza can do it, I would be shocked if Red5 couldnt and I have no idea about Nginx. Its not the best answer but hopefully it gives you some options.
I know VLC has some playlist to streaming abilities so if anything you can use VLC from the client side and then just push it to Red5. Hopefully this points you in the right direction!


Stream audio from place 1 to place 2 over the internet

So I'm kinda stuck here.
I have a radio station, but we are mobile. So I have a studio on wheels. The problem is, we have an antenna, but we always have to place that really close to our studio. Now I want to make an device that can stream the audio from the audio mixer to the internet and can be received by another device in another network and send that signal to the antenna (audio output).
to make this clear, I made a schema with raspberry pi's;
I want this to be plug and play So I only have to plug in the device in the modem (or network we have) on both sides and the devices should find each other.
I don't know HOW I can do this, so I need to know a couple of things:
What hardware should I use?
What software should I use?
What is the best configuration to accomplish this?
Can I use 2 raspberry pi's?
How can I let the devices find each other over the internet?
There need to be some features;
The system needs to be able to buffer the audio for 5-10 seconds
It needs to be direct, so it's live and not a file that needs to be played
The system must be failless (beside the fact the internet can die).
Plug and play is a must, I don't want to have a really messy configuration to do. (if possible, without any kind of portforwarding).
I would really appreciate help and a decent explaination.
Well, it depends on your capabilities as a programmer.
If you're really fixated on the RPi for it's convenient form factor, there's a ton of community support, so I'd start with something like this project to kick start you in the right direction. If you already know python pretty well, modify away and have fun.
If you have no programming experience, you'll probably want to put a desktop in place of the RPi and launch some instances of VLC. It's not necessarily plug n play, but you can get close enough by getting a command line VLC to launch at startup.
Either way, the more difficult problem here is the "over the internet" part. This would really need to be a server-client model, but who is your server depends on who is more stationary (I'm guessing Location 2?) because the client will need to know the IP address of the server somehow. There are dozens of ways to make this happen, but at the end of the day, you'll want to use sockets accomplish the
It needs to be direct, so it's live and not a file
... which unfortunately gets complicated. See this answer for confirmation. Would love to help with some tips on implementation, but we need more information about your willingness to "dig into the code", the necessity of the RPi, and whether the stationary location has a static web address.

If I can't use WebRTC, what can I use right now for live streaming video

I'm working on a web app in node.js to allow clients to view a live streaming video via a unique url that another client will broadcast from their webcam, i.e.,
I understand that webRTC is still not supported in enough browsers to be useful.
I would also like to save this the video stream to be viewed later within the app.
Things get somewhat confusing as I try to narrow down a solution to make this work.
I would like to get some recommendations on proven solutions out there to make this work on desktop and mobile? Any hints would be great.
I'll make a quick suggestion based on the limited details. I would use ffmpeg to encode to HLS. This format will playback natively on iOS and safari on Mac. For all other platforms, either provide an rtmp stream with a flash front end, or use jw player 6 commercial version that can play HLS. Or use a wowza server to handle this all for you.

video chat. red5 faster/needed?? why not just p2p?

Pardon my ignorance, but I am researching making a video chatroom, and what I am finding just seems really counter intuitive to me. From what I have read, it sounds like the standard is for each user to stream their video to a media server, like red5, and then the server sends the stream to the other person. Intuitively it seems like this just adds a middle man that would add lag to the video streaming because it has to go to a server, then turn around and go to a person, rather then just directly to a person. Why not just p2p with something like adobe status/Cirrus? Just use the service to get the other users ip, and then stream them your video directly? Yet, it seems like almost everyone uses an FMS like red5..
What am I failing to understand here? What is the advantage of having this "middle man"?
It would require lots of bandwidth (download speeds may be high enough but uploads are usually low) to send the video to the viewers. NAT makes it difficult to connect to a specific computer (from the public side there is only one IP for the computers under the router).

How to add live video streaming to a website?

.Hi everyone! I am looking forward to create a website with a live video streaming feature.
I have done some research and read about some applications including Flash Media Live Encoder.
Can anyone please guide me on how to start with this? Thanks!
It really depends from your requirements.
Do you need live streaming for big event or small event (what is your bandwidth)?
Do you need to stream to different devices (desktop+mobile)?
Do you have to stream your desktop/webcam or high quality camera feeds through capture cards?
Are you flexible with different Operative Systems?
Your question is too general. FMLE + FMS is a good solution, but FMS can be expensive.
Try to have a look also to Wowza.
If you just need a few live videos on your website, the solution is quite simple, Flash Media Live Encoder plus Flash Media Server are suitable.

How to program an audio/video application on network?

I want to make (for fun, challenge) a videoconference application, I have some ideas about this:
1) taking the audio/video streams (I don't know what an audio/video stream is)
2) pass this to a server that lets communicate the clients. I can figure out how to write a server(there are a lot of books and documentation about this) but I really don't know how to interact with the webcam and with the audio/video in general.
I want some links, book, suggestions about the basics of digital audio/video expecially on programming. Please help me!!!
I want to make it run on a Linux platform.
Linux makes video grabbing really nice. As long as you have a driver that outputs the video stream to the /dev/video/v* channels. All you have to do is open up a control connection to the device [an exercise for the OP] and then read in the channel like a file [given the parameters set by the control connection. Audio should be the same way, but don't quote me on it.
BTW: Video streaming from a server is a very complex issue. You have to develop or use an existing protocol. You have to be very aware of networking delays, and adjust the information sent (resize or recompress) to the client based on the link size between the client and the server.
