how to implement GridGain GridSegmentationResolver - gridgain

I am trying to add GridSegmentationResolver to the GridConfig. But it seems it is not being invoked. Look around in the source code and I found that the open source GridSegmentationProcessor is a mock implementation which always return true.
So the question is how to add our own Segmentation handling in the open source version of GridGain? Or it requires enterprise version?

Network segmentation handling is part of GridGain enterprise edition only. It is not possible to add segmentation handling in open source edition.


Xcode warning: _startToken(startToken) will be initialized after _deleteConfigs(deleteConfigs)

I just upgraded to the C++ 4.7.2 runtime source and when I build in Xcode, I get the warning
_startToken(startToken) will be initialized after _deleteConfigs(deleteConfigs)
This is in the second constructor of NoViableAltException.
Obviously I can fix this locally (warnings are considered errors in my environment) but this should probably be propagated back into the source tree. I've no idea who does that.
You usually fork ANTLR4 on Github, make your changes and create a pull request from that. You need to have a Github account for that.
However in such a simple case I can probably do the change(s), just give me a patch.

AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 Server

Does anyone have a guide on setting up AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 server? I can find no mention of ahbot in the world.conf and no DB tables like auctionhousebot in the database or any references. It is included in TrinityCore so all the google references that I find point me back there.
Our server is just two of us and it would be nice to have some items on the auction house. At the moment, if you need a silver bar you have to go out in the world and find it. That was exciting the first couple of times... but gets old.
I followed the guide to install off github: and am using the latest release under Ubuntu linux.
Thank you for any help. You are my last hope...
AHBot is not currently an 'official' supported module of AzerothCore (which would be why you aren't finding any settings in the worldserver or anywhere else regarding it).
There is a module in development that isn't currently part of the AC list, but I've gotten it working on my personal server: Note that this is a bit different than a normal module as there is also a git patch that needs to be applied manually.
Theres a module in azerothCore repository you have to apply patch manually but it wont compile on Win x64 and unix x64 comes up with an error about 9 arguments, but seems to compile for some

Running sample projects in MvvmCross v3 (Hot Tuna)

I'm trying to run sample projects (viz. BestSellers and Conference) that are present in MvvmCross v3 branch. I resolved the strong assembly reference issues successfully. However each time I run a sample project, I get System.TypeLoadException in MvxFullBinding and MvxValueConverterRegistryFiller classes.
Exception in MvxFullBinding class:
Exception in MvxValueConverterRegistryFiller class:
Is anybody able to run the sample projects successfully? How do I get around these exceptions?
It looks like you're running this as the 'Touch' projects from Visual Studio? In which case you are way ahead of what I've managed to achieve.
If that is correct, then I suspect that what you are seeing is that you have:
built proper PCLs built in VS/Windows against the portable reference assemblies
but these cannot be executed against the current MonoTouch/Xamarin.iOS runtime.
If you try, you may see issues like: iOS black screen and MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Type.op_Equality'
For some more info see 'almost portable binaries' on
There is 'proper' PCL support currently being worked on within XamLabs - so I am hopeful that there may be a solution to this problem arriving in the Xamarin.Android Alpha channel any day now - but don't expect this to be painless initially.
Of course, I might be wrong on this - this really is new territory and I will be fascinated to hear/read about your adventures. If you want to try to find more detail, then it may help to try looking deeper into the exception details, and looking into the console log trace on your mac.
For these two particular exceptions, I can confirm that both samples...
... although that is when I'm working on my Mac.

Error serializing with ServiceStack JSON on MonoTouch

I am experimenting with ServiceStack's JSON engine. I grabbed the MonoTouch binary build, v2.20. Works fine from simulator, but from the iOS device (iPad2, iOS5) I get an exception thrown by the type initializer for JsonWriter (and not much other than that). I am using MonoTouch 5, MonoDevelop 2.8.1, and targeting iOS 5. I have disabled library linking because I am getting an error when enabled.
I created a sample and uploaded to
I'm trying to determine whether the issue is my compilation options, Service Stack, or MonoTouch. Thanks in advance.
A quick partial answer that might help:
I have disabled library linking because I am getting an error when enabled.
The current (5.0) managed linker can eliminate some unused (from a static analysis point of view) code from your application. This generally occurs when using Link all option, i.e. where user code gets processed by the linker.
One alternative is using the Link SDK assemblies only that won't touch the user code (only the code shipped with MonoTouch itself will be processed by the linker).
Another alternative is adding [Preserve] attributes on your code to ensure the serializer requirements are still met after the linker has processed your code. More information about the linker and [Preserve] attributes can be found here.
The next (5.2) release of MonoTouch will include a bit more sophisticated step in the linker to ensure the basic XML serialization and DataContract requirements are not broken. Not sure if this will solve this specific case (ServiceStack JSON) but I'll have a look into it.
As for the rest of your question I'll try to build this myself and duplicate your issue.
I ended up grabbing the ServiceStack.Text sources from GitHub, version 3.0.3. I created a new MonoTouch library project. I had to tweak ServiceStack.Text/JsConfig.cs slightly to conditionalize away the System.Drawing.Color bits. I'll send a patch and MT csproj to the authors.
After using this new assembly, my sample MT app ran fine on the device. I have updated my sample at with the new ServiceStack.Text dll.

AutoMapper and Windows Phone 7

Visual Studio 2010
WP7 SDK 7.1 RC
AutoMapper added to project via NuGet
Ask for more!
I'm getting the following error at runtime:
Could not load type 'AutoMapper.Mapper' from assembly 'AutoMapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=BE96CD2C38EF1005'.
There seems to be an open issue about this # CodePlex, but i thought that i'd ask if anyone has found any solutions to this?
As always, i'm more than happy to provide any additional info required!
AutoMapper uses Castle Dynamic Proxy which requires Reflection.Emit which is not supported on the phone.
If you want this you're going to need to look at building it all yourself. In terms of getting round the lack of reflection.Emit (if you really do need it) then you should look at using Mono.Cecil to provide this missing functionality.
Seems that automapper is working on silverlight edition so possible WP7/WP8 compatibility coming soon.
In the mean time there is a simple mapper library that you can use. It is very basic but probably meets most of your requirements for WP7 applications.
// Configure LazyMapper
Mapper.Create<SampleClass, SampleClassDto>();
// Perform mapping
var dto = Mapper.Map<SampleClass, SampleClassDto>(new SampleClass {
StringVal = "String1"});
Download at
