How to get list of all routes I am using in restify server - node.js

I have a app designed as follows;
//server.js =====================================================
var restify = require('restify'),
route1 = require('./routes/route1),
route2 = require('./routes/route2),
var server = restify.createServer({
name: 'xyz_server'
Now each route file looks like belwo
//route1.js =====================================================
module.exports = function(server) {
//.. do something
//..something else
Now the issue is tht we have dozen's of route files and hundreds of routes in total.
There are multiple developers working on this project and several routes are being added daily.
Is there a function in restify gives me a list of all routes in the system ?
What i am looking for is something like:
Is anyone aware of this ?

Try something like this
function listAllRoutes(server){
console.log('GET paths:');
console.log('PUT paths:');
This should list all GET and PUT paths, adding POST and DELETE should be easy :)

2019 update: server.router.routes is no longer available instead we have server.router.getRoutes() which returns a Map. So we can log all the routes using:
function listAllRoutes(server) {
Object.values(server.router.getRoutes()).forEach(value =>
`ENDPOINT REGISTERED :: ${value.method} :: ${server.url}${value.path}`

There is a router.getRoutes() method, but it returns an object which is not the best to work with for listing things. You could fiddle around with that to turn it into an array with the shape that you like.
Alternatively, you can access all the routes as an array and then map them, even better if you use a lib like better-console to give you console.table in node. The following is working nicely for me in restify#8.3.0:
import console from 'better-console';
function listRoutes(server) {
const { routes } = server.router._registry._findMyWay; // beware these are probably meant to be private APIs, they could be subject to change
const mapped ={ method, path }) => ({ method, path }));
console.table(mapped.sort((a, b) => a.method > b.method));


How to break a single node.js file into many?

I have an app on node.js which consists of a single file app.js that looks like this:
app = require("express")();
//many more variables here
function dosomething {}
//many more functions here
but since its getting a little too long I would like to break it into several files, one for variables only (variables.js) and another one for functions only (functions.js) and load them from app.js like this like when you do it with php
is it even possible to do that? Or I have to include everything in one single file like I do now?
Thank you.
You can use Module.Export to export a separate file, and import it into another file using the require statement. Please check here for details:
Happy Learning :-)
Importing API Endpoints
You can do this by using app.use(...) and point each endpoint to a specific file like so:
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
// User Functions
app.use("/api/user", require("./routes/api/user"));
//Orders functions
app.use("/api/orders/", require("./routes/api/orders"));
* Express Server Init
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000;
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server started on ${PORT}`));
Then in /routes/api/user/user.js you would have something like:
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();"/create", (req, res) => {
try {
// Create user
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router;
Add and index.js inside /routes/api/user to point at the user file to keep things pretty when importing (otherwise you have to import it like /routes/api/user/user):
const user = require("./user");
module.exports = user;
Importing Single File
Not sure your use case but variables could be a bad naming convention since these values are more like constants than variables. Either way, you create it like this:
const variables = {
varibleOne: "valueOne",
varibleTwo: "valueTwo",
varibleThree: "valueThree",
module.exports = variables;
Then wherever you want to import it you can do:
const variables = require("./variables");
and access it like so variables.variableOneand so on.
Importing functions
You can also import different functions, say you need a file called helper.js where these are commonly functions needed all over you app, you could do something like this:
const twoDecimals = (number, decimal = ",") => {
let val = (Math.round(number * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);
return decimal === "." ? val : val.replace(".", decimal);
const getRandomInt = (max) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max));
module.exports = { twoDecimals, getRandomInt };
Then wherever you needed you can import it by:
const { twoDecimals } = require("helper.js");
Now you have access to your helper functions anywhere.
You should get help from the JavaScript modular system (preferably COMMONJS).
For example, suppose we have two files:
1-module.js 2-app.js
So now let's create this files
let name = "hello world";
function printSomething(message) {
//here export all function and variable = name;
module.exports.printSomething = printSomething
ok so Well now it is enough that "require" this file in main file :
// we
const {name, printSomething} = require("./module.js");
for export all variable You need to create an object and specify your variables as a property:
let host = "localhost"
let dbname = "laravel_8"
let username = "root"
let password = "root"
function doSomething() {
module.exports = {host, dbname, username, password, doSomething}
so in main file :
const variables = require("./module.js")
let host =
let dbname = variables.dbname
//function doSomething
let doSomething = variables.doSomething;
// or directly
In fact, in php we use the "->" symbol to access properties, and in JavaScript we use "."

module.exports = ({}) vs {}

I work with Koa middleware and in some code I use this code in router:
module.exports = ({router}) => {
//some code
if I do:
module.exports = {router} => {
//some code
the nodejs app throws an error. So whats the difference between these two different exports except the error part?
{(router)} is just wrong. You should see module.exports as a function so it has () where the arguments go, which in this case is an object {} of the functions you want to export (here router, but it could be multiple just as well.
I think this article gives a very clear explanation:

Node convert variable value to variable name for use in destructuring assignment

I have a models folder with an index.js file that looks like the following:
'use strict';
const {Dest1} = require('./destinations/dest1');
const {Dest2} = require('./destinations/dest2');
module.exports = {Dest1, Dest2};
I would like to dynamically load these objects based on a condition. I was thinking it might be interesting to have a middleware function that appends a value to the request that I could use to look up the correct object. I could just dynamically load the path, but I'm curious if this is possible.
function checkDestination(req,res,next){
if('destination1' in req.body){
req.path = 'Dest1'
router.get('/', checkDestination, (req,res)=>{
//convert req.path to variable name here
const {Dest1} = require('./models')
Ok, decided to go with a hashtable or dictionary look up to avoid repeating a bunch of if statements. If the above is possible, it would be less code but this is pretty clean too.
function checkDestination(req,res,next){
if('destination1' in req.body){
req.destination = 'destination1'
const {Dest1} = require('../models')
const destLookUp = {
return Dest1.create({})
.then(newDest=>return newDest})
module.exports = {destLookUp}

Restify - Best practice for accessing logger from a module

I have looked for the answer to this for a while and just have not come up with a solution. I understand that I have access to the builtin logger from req.log.xxxxx(...), but what about a module that I have required into my controller? For example:
in my controller file, someController.js
var myModule = require('myModule');
SomeController.listUsers = function listUsers(req, res, next){'Some log message'); // <---- this works just fine
In myModule.js:
module.exports = {
getUsers: function () {
// ...
// I would like to be able to log from here, but don't have access to the req object.
I don't really like the idea of passing the log object to the module's method, as that seems sloppy to me. If that's the only solution, then I'll live with it.
Restify uses bunyan to provide logging.
Looking through the documentation, the logger that's used for req.log is the one that's created at server startup (or at least a child of that logger). Since you can also create your own logger instance, I think that this should work:
// logger.js
var bunyan = require('bunyan');
module.exports = bunyan.createLogger(...);
// app.js
var server = restify.createServer({
log : require('./logger')
// someController.js
var logger = require('./logger');
This shares the same logger between the Restify server and other parts of your application. If you don't necessarily require that the logger is the same, you can also just create a new Bunyan instance in someController.js.
There aren't many options here. Typically I pass the "req" object. Another way around it is utilizing the "this" argument as a context. Something like this:
function listUsers(req, res, next) {'Some log message');{log: req.log});
module.exports = {
getUsers: function () {
(this.log || logger.log)() // ...
Usually, loggers get required into modules, implemented in the middleware, or inside a custom error object.
Another option you have in Events. Node.js is an Event driven language. You can just create a logger module that listens for log events. That's called neat programming.
However, I'd choose to require my logger into files, so that when we go into prod I have it deactivated/replaced with another more specific logger object with the exact interface.

How ensure default data in NeDB?

I'm trying to use NeDB as storage for my data in node-webkit application. I have the single collection named config.db:
var Datastore = require('nedb')
, path = require('path')
, db = new Datastore({ filename: path.join(require('nw.gui').App.dataPath, 'config.db') });
When user opens node-webkit application first time my config.db should have default data like:
color: "red",
font: 'bold'
Does NeDB have option for providing default data if there are no yet? Or What it the best way to save it if config.db is empty (in case if user opens node-webkit application first time)?
As far as I know NeDB does not have an option to create initial data.
I think the easiest way to achieve this is to simply query whether there is data. If counting documents returns 0, obviously the initial data have not yet been saved, so you should do this now.
If you include this check in the startup code of your application, it will automatically initialize the data on first run, and afterwards simply do nothing.
I came across this question while looking for a similar solution. I thought I'd share what I ended up with (this is a module):
var fs = require("fs");
module.exports = function (app) {
var customizationService = app.service("customization");
fs.readFile("./db/customization", "utf8", function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
if (data) {
// Sweet, carry on
} else {
var customOptions = {
SiteTitle: "VendoMarket",
SiteTagline: "The freshest eCommerce platform around"
// Save data to the locations service
And then in my app.js file:
// Initialize
var vendoInit = require("./src/init");
(My app.js file is at the base of my project, src is a folder next to it)
