Use x86 platform in C++ projects - visual-c++

My Visual Studio 2012 solution has C# projects, VB.NET projects, C++/CLI projects and C++ projects. Currently, I have three platforms: x86, x64 and Win32. When I added x64, I noticed it was used by all projects. I'd like to do the same with x86, so that I can remove Win32.
So I went to Configuration Manager, selected a C++ project and in the platform combo box I only had the options: Win32, x64, New and Edit. If I selected New, the only option available is ARM.
So then I thought of just replacing Win32 with x86 in my .vcxproj. Didn't work (it defaulted to x64). Then I looked at the .sln file, but couldn't see how x64 manages to work for every project.

The IDEs differ too much to get a common platform name for 32-bit code. Otherwise reflective of managed code being rather fundamentally different from C++ code. Managed project platform names can only be AnyCPU, x86, x64. C++ project platform names can only be Win32, x64 and ARM. History plays a role, Win32 comes from the early 1990s, back when Windows NT introduced the 32-bit version of the winapi. Distinguished from the 16-bit version. There was no real opportunity to ever change it again without risking breaking existing projects.
The x86 platform name for managed projects isn't exactly standard either, that was a mistake in VS2010 that you appear to have inherited. VS2012 creates new projects with the AnyCPU platform name like old VS versions used to do. Which pretty accurately describes the true platform for managed code, it runs on any thanks to the jitter. The name is otherwise irrelevant, only the Project + Properties, Build tab settings matter to force a specific jitter to be used at runtime. In other words, if you don't force x86 there then your program is still going to run as a 64-bit process, even though the platform name is x86. That was the VS2010 mistake, it caused a lot of misery.
So you're pretty stuck with this. It is not a real problem, the IDE can handle the mix just fine. You already know about the Build + Configuration Manager dialog, it unambiguously shows which platforms are going to be built when you use Build + Build or press F5.


How to package/run 32-bit application built with VS 2015 using libcef.dll from Spotify

I am trying to build a few different 32-bit C++ applications with Visual Studio 2015 that use CEF. To use CEF, I am currently acquiring the CEF prebuilts from Spotify. The dll wrapper for CEF is built using Visual Studio 2015 with some modifications to its CMake files to force it to build with MD and MDd mode regardless of other settings. This was sufficient to make these C++ applications run on some machines. Any machine on which Visual Studio 2015 is installed on before anything else they can run on, however some machines seem to exist in a state such that the program will produce an error on starting when lacking the MSVC 2015 runtime (as expected), but when adding the MSVC 2015 runtime the program simply crashes; however, it only crashes after CEF is used. These programs work fine when they don't link to libcef.dll and don't include the browser functionality.
Upon investigating, I found that libcef.dll, as built by spotify, links to MSVCP110_WIN.DLL, which is from the Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable package. Naturally, the application I am building links to MSVCP140.DLL, which is from the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable package. This means that the application ultimately links to two runtimes simultaneously. I do not know if this is an issue, but so far it seems to be my best lead. Installing the Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable does not change the outcome and it continues to crash when CEF is used.
This issue has been witnessed on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 and the application works without CEF on both of those operating systems as well, so the operating system is not likely to be the cause of the failure on these systems specifically.
Has anyone else encountered this issue and does anyone know a workaround? Also, does anybody know if it is okay to mix these two runtimes and what the limitations are? It seems that the installation history of a given machine affects the success of running the application, so any hints into what combination of things leads to this failure would be helpful as well.
You have some options:
Use the lastest version of VS that will allow a selection of Platform Toolset that matches libdef.dll. For example, VS2013 might allow the selection of the 2012 CRT.
Or convince Spotify to rebuild libcef.dll such that it matches your version of CRT
Or convince Spotify to not release libraries that depend on the CRT (yes that's probably a bit of work).
Or make a small app built against the older CRT, this app can then successfully use libcef.dll. Then you get to use any IPC technique so that your main VS2015 app can talk to this wrapper. Running out-of-process is one way to segregate the unruly third party libraries.
This is open source? Well good news, you can fix this yourself, built the CEF against your favorite version of VS.

Why don't programs simply use the newest version of C++ Redistributable?

I've read articles explaining that programs that use C++ redistributable will install multiple versions, depending on what they need. But none of the articles I've read have explained why it's so important to have different versions. Why can't programs just use the content from the newest version?
The only problem I see is if something gets deprecated. But in that case, I think there should be some handler that can still spit out the desired result. Other than that, the only issue would be that old applications wouldn't follow this "rule" of using newest versions.
So, why isn't it that programs will just use the newest version?
Generally the VS CRT is version specific. VS 2013 Update 5 version of the CRT will work with a program built by any version of VS 2013, but it doesn't work with VS 2012 or VS 2015. This is because the language and Standard Library makes use of elements of the CRT, and as the compiler changes so does the CRT.
That said, exactly how the servicing is handled has changed over time. Back in VS 2005 / VS 2008, a side-by-side technology known as "Fusion" was employed to try to make it seamless, but it proved to be quirky and to scale poorly. Since VS 2010, "Fusion" is no longer used and programs are expected to either (a) run in the REDIST EXE/MSM to deploy the needed CRT to the %WINDIR% or (b) put the DLLs application local with your program's EXE. The first gets serviced by Windows Update, the second does not.
How to redistribute the Visual C++ Libraries with your application and
C-Runtime Deployment: Why choose AppLocal?
For VS 2015 the CRT was refactored to try to make the "compiler-specific" parts of the CRT distinct from the "platform-specific" parts distinct from the "standard functionality" parts. See The Great C Runtime (CRT) Refactoring and Introducing the Universal CRT
Note that for Universal Window Platform apps, the Windows Store takes care of deploying the CRT for you.
Due to DLL Hell problems, Side-by-side assemblies (including native DLLs, not just managed assemblies) were introduced. This resolves DLL hell problem - i.e. various installers overwriting DLLs used by other programs. With SxS, there has to be multiple versions of same DLL, so that no program would break. You cannot have both (same DLL, but SxS assemblies).
Various VC++ runtimes are nothing but SxS assemblies having GUID based DLLs placed in C:\Windows\WinSxS - your program is bound to particular version, platform - and it won't break.

How to link against msvcrt.dll instead of msvcr100.dll in VC++ 10.0?

Is it possible to link against VC6's MSVCRT.DLL in VC++10.0?
By default it seems to be linking with MSVCR100.DLL, but I don't want to redistribute yet another DLL (MSVCRT.DLL is already available in every OS that I support).
To clarify: my application is a pure C application that makes WinAPI calls. I do understand that doing C++ will require the C++ runtime, which is not bundled in Windows by default (and most probably has to match the compiler anyway). My question is about pure C usage, and only the CRT functions that exist in the earliest version of Windows that I'm targeting.
(you can find an executive summary, or TL;DR, at the bottom)
Important: This answer refers to official Microsoft toolchains only, not to something like the MinGW toolchain (GCC-based) which is also known to link against msvcrt.dll. But I doubt Microsoft would be inclined to support that toolchain anyway ;)
Short answer: no!
Don't even try using Visual C++ 2010 for the task.
There's an official and supported method: use a standalone WDK, if you need your application to link against msvcrt.dll!
You should never attempt to use a compiler toolchain that doesn't match the CRT headers and libs. Use the toolchains as Microsoft intended, not a patchwork you create. Don't mix and match. Use what's handed to you by Microsoft. But use that (and don't be afraid by the FUD).
The newest WDK which you can use to link against msvcrt.dll (7600.16385.1) uses cl.exe version 15.00.30729.207. This corresponds roughly to the compiler that comes with Visual C++ 2008! Later WDKs will link against the CRT of the Visual C++ version they require.
The msvcrt.dll you'll find on, say Windows XP or Windows 7 is not the original DLL which was included with Visual C++ 6.0 (even the most updated version of VC6).
This has also been correctly stated in other answers. No surprises there.
However, the msvcrt.dll which you will find on modern systems will, contrary to what other answers suggest, allow programs that linked against the original VC6 CRT to continue to work. Even today. It's a contract. And the promotion of msvcrt.dll to a system DLL further validated that contract.
A little historical background
The toolchains used by Microsoft internally were somewhat similar to what the WDKs prior to the Windows 8 WDK provided. I will exclusively write about these and use the term WDK (or standalone WDK) uniformly, even when prior to the Vista WDK they were called DDK.
The good folks from OSR, who seem to have access to the Windows source code or people who do, confirmed during one seminar I attended some years back that the WDK used to be a trimmed down version of the toolchain used internally to build Windows around the time (~2005). Similar hints can be found from MSFT's own Larry Osterman and early works of Alex Ionescu on tinykrnl, the co-author of recent editions of "Windows Internals". BCZ likely alludes to build -cZ, a commonly used invocation with the WDKs I am describing here.
The reason it is interesting in this context is: all standalone WDKs allow you to create executables that link against msvcrt.dll by default. For the standalone WDKs msvcrt.dll is the CRT, just like for Visual C++ 2010 that's msvcr100.dll.
One should also note that the toolchains were updated alongside the Visual Studio toolchains. For example in the 3790.1830 WDK cl.exe reports as roughly on par with Visual C++ 2003:
C:\WINDDK\3790.1830\bin\x86>cl /version
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.4035 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved.
And for the 6001.18002 WDK (latest to support Windows 2000!) as roughly on par with Visual C++ 2005:
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.278 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
For the 7600.16385.1 WDK it's on par with Visual C++ 2008.
Standalone WDKs
The WDK versions starting with the one for XP and up until (and including) Windows 7 SP1 did not require Visual Studio. They came with their own toolchain.
Versions prior to Windows XP required Visual C++ to build anything. If I remember correctly VC6 for the Windows 2000 DDK.
Versions starting from the Windows 8 WDK require Visual C++ again and integrate more tightly than ever with it (including wizards and even extensions for debugging and some driver-specific tasks). That's also the reason why when you use the respective WDKs, they will link to the CRT of the respective toolchain.
During the time of the standalone WDKs it was not unheard of - and that's the very reason for DDKWizard and VisualDDK - that people tried using Visual Studio to wrap the WDK build process. Some even used the unsupported method that Microsoft recommended against and built their drivers with the Visual Studio toolchains. Those unsupported methods amount roughly to what you are trying. So don't.
Anyway, the build process using WDK's build.exe with sources and makefile and so on was cumbersome and limiting. For example to build from any source file outside the current directory or its parent directory, you'd have to write your own NMake rules. After all build.exe was a wrapper around an NMake-based build. Your local would get included by the global one provided by the WDK/DDK.
Why linking to msvcrt.dll is officially supported
As mentioned earlier, linking against msvcrt.dll is supported with the standalone WDKs.
This is perfectly fine to do as well. In fact the USE_MSVCRT=1 statement in the sources file has exactly that effect. See here. Quoting from the 7600.16385.1 WDK documentation:
Use the USE_MSVCRT macro to instruct the Build utility to use the
multithreaded runtime libraries in a DLL for your build.
Note You should never list Msvcrt.lib or Msvcrtd.lib in TARGETLIBS. However, you can list Ntdll.lib in TARGETLIBS.
Why would Microsoft even offer this path if it were not supported by them? Correct, they wouldn't!
As a matter of fact said WDKs (XP..7 SP1) have been using the system DLL msvcrt.dll as their CRT.
There's mainly one caveat. The way SEH is implemented has changed over time with newer Visual C++ versions. Since the toolchains from the standalone WDK correspond closely to specific Visual C++ version, they inherit the respective SEH handling.
For example when you use the Windows 7 SP1 WDK to target Windows 7 and with USE_MSVCRT=1, it statically imports _except_handler4_common. That function was not available on Windows Server 2003, for example. So trying to run such an application on versions of Windows prior to the targeted version may fail. So in such a case you are venturing into "unsupported territory" and all disclaimers apply. However, you have the option of using the method outlined here, i.e. linking to msvcrt_win2000.obj, msvcrt_winxp.obj and msvcrt_win2003.obj (available in the Vista and 7 WDKs) to achieve the level of (binary) backward compatibility you desire.
Well, on the other hand, if you decide to set WINVER=0x0601 you should also not be surprised to find that the resulting executable imports functions from kernel32.dll (or other system DLLs) which are not available on, say, Windows XP. So why expect different semantics with regard to msvcrt.dll?
As another side-note: even checked builds (commonly considered to correspond to debug builds) also link against msvcrt.dll, not its debug version counterpart! Because "checked" refers to the fact that assertions are left in; it does not refer to particular configurations of the CRT, such as "release" or "debug". The assumption that the unavailability of a debug build for msvcrt.dll in the standalone WDKs means it's somehow not the C runtime of those WDKs is plain and simple a misunderstanding of what checked build means.
There is another minor caveat. If you use, say, the Windows 7 WDK, to achieve linking against msvcrt.dll, you're using a toolchain unaware of developments since Windows 7. This includes import libraries, but also headers. So don't expect it to support features that were unavailable at the time it was released.
System DLL: msvcrt.dll
msvcrt.dll was promoted to the status of a system DLL some years ago, which means it comes included with the system (and can be relied on, literally) unlike other Visual C++ CRTs, for which you need to install the respective redistributable packages. Which is also the gist of the blog post by Raymond Chen quoted in another answer.
Since the standalone WDKs (XP..7 SP1) default to linking to msvcrt.dll as their CRT, there's no objective argument against it. Of course opinions vary.
A "reply"
Unfortunately this answer which has changed a lot since I first commented on it, perpetuates FUD and tries to pull quotes from purportedly authoritative sources out of context. It also links to original (MSFT) sources which - upon close inspection - do not support the statements for whose support they were linked.
Microsoft's Raymond Chen blogged on this a few years ago. From his
blog Windows is not a Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time delivery
one DLL compatible with all versions of Visual C++ was a maintenance nightmare ... At some point, the decision was made to just give up and
declare it an operating system DLL, to be used only by operating
system components.
Emphasis mine. Think again, are you really writing something that
ships with Windows? Is it THAT difficult to add a supported file to
your setup program or link the static version of CRT, instead of
depending on a system component that Microsoft gave up on compiler
compatibility more than a decade ago?
Okay, so February 2010 is more than a decade ago (time this answer was written: March 2016)? Because that's the release date of the 7600.16385.1 WDK, which officially supports linking against msvcrt.dll.
And the rest of Raymond's statements may match what Microsoft initially intended, but he even admits that they gave up on that and promoted it to a system DLL.
Also, it's quite dishonest to mix truly ancient history (Windows 9x) with recommendations in favor of using standalone WDKs, which don't even support Windows 9x. The historical background Raymond describes is pre-W2K and non-NT. The background I describe above refers to the NT lineage of Windows and I only know the standalone DDKs/WDKs (and newer) from practice, so I cannot tell how it was or was supposed to be prior to that.
All that said: his blog is not to be confused with official documentation from Microsoft, although a lot of gems can be found on his blog and I've been an avid reader for years.
And although that is more than a decade ago, the msvcrt.dll version information in Windows 2000 (SP4) says:
Description: Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library
Product: Microsoft (R) Visual C++
Prod version: 6.10.9844.0
File version: 6.10.9844.0
... contrary to Raymond's introductory statement.
Only with Windows XP did that change to:
Description: Windows NT CRT DLL
Product: Microsoft« Windows« Operating System
It is amazing how many people are still in denial of this decision.
It's fair to assume after some previous comments that this is squarely aimed at me.
Well, I am not in denial of decisions made with the release of the Windows 8 WDK. But that doesn't "unrelease" the standalone WDKs which officially supported linking to msvcrt.dll nor does it "undocument" what can be found in their respective official documentation.
Hey, it's cool with me if you're in the luxurious position to only have to support Windows 7 or 8 and newer, or something along those lines. However, I have to support earlier Windows versions as well and so I'll make full use of the official tools provided by Microsoft for these Windows versions. Be that Visual C++ 2005 with the appropriate SDK integrated or be that a standalone WDK.
Those people caused "a lot of grief for the Visual C++ product team"
This statement refers to the aforementioned blog post by Raymond Chen, but pulls Raymond's statements out of context, specifically out of temporal context. The grief was caused by people trying approximately what the asker wants to do - and worse: reaching into the guts/internals of msvcrt.dll. And that was pre-W2K. It was not (and would not be) caused by using an official toolchain like the standalone WDKs from Microsoft.
The msvcrt version in modern versions of Windows has never been mentioned in the corresponding versions of Windows SDK.
While modern should be qualified, the use of "Windows SDK" suggests that it refers to all Windows SDKs after they were renamed from "Platform SDK". And I am inclined to readily believe that. But the poster is ignoring the standalone Windows WDKs (and prior to that DDKs) which not only mention it, but also use msvcrt.dll as their CRT. They are official toolchains from Microsoft aimed at both kernel and user mode development.
Microsoft update the CRT DLL (for example, when releasing a Windows Media Player patch) using a current toolchain that may or may not be made public.
That's correct. msvcrt.dll keeps getting updated because it has been promoted to a system DLL. And that is the contract one can rely on when using the WDKs. They're not going to break applications built with their own toolchains, just because they're patching msvcrt.dll.
You can count on them are not using the ancient WDK compiler and libs to build the msvcrt DLL in Windows
I'd not even be sure of that, but an official toolchain from 2010 isn't exactly something I'd call ancient. Besides, since Microsoft dropped support for XP and 2003 meanwhile, they only need to support Vista and onwards. That's bound to be easier with the latest Visual C++ version which directly provide the compiler and tools for the WDKs starting with the Windows 8 one.
(why ancient? Because the WDK team does not like people use their compiler to link against msvcrt either, and removed the loophole in version 8.0 to stop those "clever" people).
Oh really, does Doron actually say that at the linked forum post? Well, no:
the win7 wdk build deployed successfully because you linked against
the windows CRT (msvcrt.dll). we don't want 3rd parties doing that
anymore, so we removed that capability in the win8 wdk. it still
works for backwards compat. while it may deploy successfully, there
may be whck logo checks that make sure you use the right CRT
(emphasis mine)
The statement is about a "political decision" (and an official one at that) by Microsoft to change their stance. The "anymore" in fact implies that this only changed with the Windows 8 WDK. The first modern WDK that integrates with Visual C++ again (since the Windows 2000 DDK). So since the WDK has been demoted from a standalone toolchain to an extension that integrates with a given Visual C++ version, the new requirements are no surprise at all.
It is, btw, also dishonest to argue based on the Windows 8 WDK and newer, when the suggestions regarding standalone WDKs, which use msvcrt.dll as their CRT, were prior to that policy change. It's also dishonest to mix the history that led to the promotion of msvcrt.dll to a system DLL with the era after it had been promoted.
CRT == C/C++ runtime
3790.1830 == Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Driver Development Kit (DDK)
6001.18002 == Windows Driver Kit SP1 for Windows Server 2008/Vista
7600.16385.1 == Windows Driver Kit version 7.1.0 (Supporting Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003)
Contrary to this answer it is perfectly fine to use Microsoft's own and unchanged toolchains, such as the standalone WDKs, which support linking against msvcrt.dll (XP..7 SP1) "natively". It's even documented in the documentation that comes with those toolchains (unless you decide to not install it or close your eyes :)).
You "only" have to make sure to target the correct Windows version when building (essentially the same as defining the correct WINVER). But the same can be said for other system DLLs (e.g. kernel32.dll, user32.dll ...).
However, using any Visual C++ since 2002 to link against msvcrt.dll is bound to create trouble. Don't mix and match. Simply use the CRT matching those particular Visual C++ versions.
It's not the VC6 runtime. It's a system copy of MSVCRT.DLL that's bundled with Windows rather than Visual Studio. Each new version of Windows gets a new version of MSVCRT.DLL, as you can see by checking the file sizes.
You can compile against the system copy of MSVCRT.DLL by using the Windows Driver Kit. Note that this DLL is for use "only by system-level components." What's a system-level component? Well, a driver. Or, for example, a text service:
If you're building a text service DLL ... I would recommend installing
the Vista (or XP) DDK and use the DDKWizard instead. The DDK comes
with its own C/C++ compiler that uses the C Runtime Library that ships
with the OS (and won't cause problems with other applications) ...
More information:
A question arises, what does Microsoft do? They deploy their
applications to a variety of Windows environments. A look at Windbg’s
dependencies showed it’s using MSVCRT.DLL rather than one of the newer
CRTs. Microsoft’s new Network Monitor 3.1 also uses MSVCRT.DLL.
Windows Desktop Search is also using the old, trusty CRT.
How can all these new applications be using the vintage CRT? They’re
not still using the antique, unsupported Visual C++ 6.0, are they?
Well, no. The answer is more complicated and can be found in the
Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
Update: The Windows 8 Driver Kit introduced a new MSBuild-based build system, which no longer links against the system copy of MSVCRT.DLL. However, binaries built with the Windows 7 Driver Kit still work on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
MSVCRT.DLL is still shipped with Windows 10 for backward compatibility, so it carries a File version of 7.0.#####. A component that is still being actively developed, such as user32.dll, carries a File version of 10.0.#####.
An average "Petzold-style" Win32 program only needs a few functions out of msvcrt.dll. In my case, I often need the float-point formatting routines, like _sntprintf(). And it's unlikely that the functionality of such functions ever changes. For this reason, I created an msvcrt-light.lib import library (download) as a replacement for the standard library which I include in the MSVC project.
For full-fledged C++ programs, msvcrt-light.lib may not be suitable at all. Use the DDK as stated above.
This requires CRT compatibility across major compiler releases, which Microsoft tried to accommodate (e.g. added a VC5 heap to the VC6SP2 runtime) but eventually gave up on and introduced msvcrxx.dll that are in use today. If you look at the CRT source, you will find lots of #ifndef _SYSCRT, that's the difference between Microsoft's msvcrt.dll and the one used by your compiler when generating code.
Microsoft's Raymond Chen blogged on this a few years ago.
From his blog Windows is not a Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time delivery channel:
one DLL compatible with all versions of Visual C++ was a maintenance nightmare
At some point, the decision was made to just give up and declare it an
operating system DLL, to be used only by operating system components.
Emphasis mine. Think again is it THAT difficult to add a supported file to your setup program or link the static version of CRT, instead of depending on a system component that Microsoft gave up on compiler compatibility more than a decade ago?
It is amazing how many people are still in denial of this decision. Those people caused "a lot of grief for the Visual C++ product team", and if you keep pissing them off, I won't be surprised if they piss you off sometimes like what they did in Windows XP that crashed a lot of VC6 apps. A lot of people did not follow Windows 2000 application developer guidelines and put settings/game saves in the Program Files folder. We all know what a good ending it is when Windows Vista was released.
By the way the dll is not VC6's. Using an old dll in the system would fail the Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle automatically. ( You don't realistically expect Microsoft use VC6 to compile its modern product, do you?
The msvcrt version in modern versions of Windows has never been mentioned in the corresponding versions of Windows SDK. Whatever compiler version or CRT lib version you use, it most likely won't match the majority of DLL versions on your customer's machine. Microsoft update the CRT DLL (for example, when releasing a Windows Media Player patch) using a current toolchain that may or may not be made public. You can count on them are not using the ancient WDK compiler and libs to build the msvcrt DLL in Windows (why ancient? Because the WDK team does not like people use their compiler to link against msvcrt either, and removed the loophole in version 8.0 to stop those "clever" people).

How to allow DLLs compiled against different versions of Visual Studio in the same process to use Threading Building Blocks

In my DirectShow application I have a third party DLL (a 32bit DirectShow filter) that I don't have source for that links against the 32bit Windows version of Intel Threading Building Blocks (tbb.dll).
If I want to use Threading Building Blocks in my own DLL in the same process (e.g. another 32bit DirectShow filter) does this force me to use the same version of Visual Studio that the author of this third party DLL used?
EDIT - I've realised that the version independent _mt library is probably the best one to use in this scenario. What happens if third party vendors haven't built for this _mt dll?
In my own Threading Building blocks installation I notice that there are different versions of tbb.dll for different versions of Visual Studio - 2005, 2008, 2010 and 'MT' (not sure what that is yet). One obvious reason for this is that the different versions of tbb.dll link against different versions of the Visual Studio runtime library DLLs. Is it possible to tell which version of tbb.dll is required by inspection or do I have to grub around looking for strings in the binary indicating the compiler version used (the third party DLL appears to be linking the visual studio runtimes statically)?
As far as I can tell tbb.dll doesn't use manifests and side by side versioning and is given the same name for different compiler versions. A last resort would be to rename the different tbb.dlls and hack the import library or imports to reference the renamed dlls but I'd really rather avoid this. Is there a clean way to redirect the imports with linker options?
As these DLLs are well behaved DirectShow filters they won't be passing Visual Studio runtime or TBB objects between them which would clearly be dangerous. Their interaction will be limited to calling each other via standard COM DirectShow calls.
If you are not using TBB, the question is only about Visual Studio versions, then you don't have to worry: Visual C++ Runtime DLLs have different names across versions, e.g. MSVCR70.DLL, MSVCR90.DLL etc. And, as you already discovered, /MT switch will compile/link a static version of runtime and will embed the stuff into your DLL without having to worry about sharing right DLL with a peer DLL.

Is code written in Vista 64 compatible on 32 bit os?

We are getting new dev machines and moving up to Vista 64 Ultimate to take advantage of our 8gb ram. Our manager wants us to do all dev in 32bit virtual machines to make sure there will be no problems with our code moving into production.
Is there any way to guarantee the resultant programs will work on 32bit os's?
I don't mind using virtual machines, but I don't like how they force you back into a "Single" monitor type view. I like moving my VS toolbars off to my other monitor.
EDIT: We are using Visual Studio 2005 and 2008, VB.NET and/or C#
EDIT: Using Harpreet's answer, these are the steps I used to set my Visual Studio IDE to compile x86 / 32bit:
Click Build and open Configuration Manager
Select Active Solution Platform drop down list
Select x86 if it is in the list and skip to step 5, if not Select <New...>
In the New Solution Platform dialog, select x86 and press OK
Verify the selected platform for all of your projects is x86
Click Close.
Thank you,
I do development on 64 bit machines for 32 bit Windows. It's not a problem. You should make sure that your projects are set to compile in x86 mode in order to be conservative. You'll want to go through each project in the solution and double check this. You could also use the AnyCPU setting but that's a little riskier since it will run differently on your dev machine than a 32 bit machine. You want to avoid the 64bit mode, of course.
The problems I've run into are drivers that don't work when the app is compiled for 64 bit (explicitly 64 bit or AnyCPU compiled and running on 64 bit Windows). Those problems are completely avoidable by sticking with x86 compilation. That should reveal all flaws on your dev machines.
Ideally, you could set up a build and test environment that could be executed against frequently on a 32 bit machine. That should reassure your management and let you avoid the VM as your desktop.
As long as you compile your executables as 32 bit, they will run on both 32 bit and 64 Windows machines (guaranteed). Using 64 dev machines has the advantage that you can start testing your code with 64 bit compilation (to check for things like pointers casted to 32 bit integers), this way making the transition to 64 bit easier in the future (should you your company choose to do a 64 bit version).
Compiling for a 64bit OS is an option in the compiler. You can absolutely compile to a 32bit exe from within Vista 64 bit. When you run the app, you can then see in the TaskManager that there is a "*32" next to the process...this means it's 32bit ;)
I believe your managers need some more education on what 64bit OS really means :)
Not an answer to your question, but possibly a solution to your problem: VirtualBox (and probably others) supports "seamless integration" mode, which just gives you a second start bar and lets you drag windows around freely.
Also, and this is an answer to your question, it depends on your compile settings. You can compile for different environments, and you can perfectly compile 32-bit programs on a 64-bit system with Visual Studio. Can't tell you how, but I'm sure some Visual Studio guru could help you out.
We develop a 32-bit application using VS 2005 (2008 soon) and have just purchased some new machines with XP Pro x64 or Vista Business 64-bit on them so that we can take advantage of the extra RAM whilst holding a watching brief on the possibility of doing a 64-bit port if it becomes commercially necessary to do so. We haven't had any problems with doing this other than tweaking some scripts in our development environment etc.
Those developers who weren't included in this upgrade cycle still use 32-bit machines, so these should pick up problems when the unit tests and the application test suite are run as a matter of course before a check-in.
What we also do is to make sure that we have a set of "test build" machines made up of "typical" configurations (XP/Vista, 2/4/8 cores, etc.) that build and test sets of check-ins - we have various different test suites for stability, performance, etc. - before they are added to the integration area proper. Again, these haven't picked up any problems with running a 32-bit application built on a 64-bit OS.
Anyway, as others have already said, I wouldn't expect it to be a problem because it's the compiler that generates the appropriate code for the target OS regardless of the OS that the compiler is actually running on.
yeah, like adam was saying. There's 3 options: MSIL (default), x64, and x86. You can target x64 and it will generate dll's specifically for 64-bit systems, or you can do x86 which will run on 32-bit and 64-bit, but will have the same restrictions as 32-bit on a 64-bit system.
MSIL will basically let the JITer issue the platform specific instruction (at a slight performance penalty compared to a native image)
EDIT: no language, so i'm talking about .net framework languages like and c#, c++ is a completely different animal.
Found this today:
x64 Development with .NET
Earlier this year I made the switch to a 64-bit operating system - Vista Ultimate x64 to be exact. For the most part, this process has been relatively painless, but there have been a few hiccups along the way (x64 compatible drivers, mainly, but that's not the point of this discussion).
In the world of x64 development, there have been a few struggling points that I thought I'd outline here. This list will likely grow, so expect future posts on the matter.
In the wonderful world of .NET development, applications and assemblies can be compiled to target various platforms. By default, applications and assemblies are compiled as Any CPU in Visual Studio. In this scenario, the CLR will load the assembly as whatever the default target is for the machine it is being executed on. For example, when running an executable on an x64 machine, it will be run as a 64-bit process.
Visual Studio also provides for 3 specific platform targets: x86, x64 and Itanium (IA-64). When building an executable as a specific target, it will be loaded as a process of that type. For example, an x86-targeted executable run on an x64 machine will run as a 32-bit process using the 32-bit CLR and WOW64 layer. When assemblies are loaded at runtime, they can only be loaded by a process if their target matches that of the hosting process, or it is compiled as Any CPU. For example, if x64 were set as the target for an assembly, it can only be loaded by an x64 process.
This has come into play in a few scenarios for me:
XNA - XNA is available as a set of 32-bit assemblies only. Therefore, when referencing the XNA assemblies, the executable/assembly using them must be targeted to the x86 platform. If it is targeted as x64 (or as Any CPU and run on a 64-bit machine), an error will be thrown when trying to load the XNA assemblies.
Microsoft Robotics Studio - The XInputGamepadService uses XNA internally to talk to the Xbox 360 controller. See above.
Managed DirectX - While this is already deprecated and being replaced with XNA, it still has its uses. The assemblies are not marked for a specific target, however I had difficulty with memory exceptions, especially with the Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback assembly.
Phidgets - Depending on what library you download and when, it may or may not be marked as 32-bit only. The current version (11/8/07) is marked as such, and so requires a 32-bit process to host it.
The easiest way to determine if an executable or assembly is targeted to a specific platform is to use the corflags application. To use this, open a Visual Studio Command Prompt from your Start menu and run it against the assembly you wish to check.
The easiest way to determine if an executable or assembly is targeted to a specific platform is to use the corflags application. To use this, open a Visual Studio Command Prompt from your Start menu and run it against the assembly you wish to check.
