Bluebird Promisfy.each reference error? - node.js

Am new to promisification and am not quite sure if .then and .each carry variables across the entire promise.
Also, I clearly define docReplies in the fourth line, yet the console logs:
Possibly unhandled ReferenceError: docReplies is not defined
Am looking to loop over each element (replyID) in the repliesIDsArray and findOneAsync the message..then for each element in the doc.replies array find the index of the replyID, setting that to index1..then for each element in the doc.replies[index1] array find the index of the username (res.locals.username), setting that to index2..then with index1 and index2, save fields to save to the doc..
(Here's a link to where this derives, with an outline of the db schema if that helps)
Promise.each(repliesIDsArray, function(replyID){
Models.Message.findOneAsync({'_id': req.params.message_id})
var docReplies = [];
pushReplies = docReplies.push(doc.replies);
}).each(docReplies, function (replyIndex){
// loop over doc.replies to find..
// ..the index(index1) of replyID at replies[index]._id
var index1;
if (docReplies[replyIndex]._id == replyID) {
index1 = replyIndex;
var docRepliesIndex1 = [];
pushRepliesIndex1 = docRepliesIndex1.push(doc.replies[index1]);
}).each(docRepliesIndex1, function (usernameIndex){
// loop over doc.replies[index1].to and find..
// ..the index(index2) of res.locals.username at replies[index1].to[index2]
var index2;
if ([usernameIndex].username === res.locals.username) {
index2 = usernameIndex;
}).then(function(index1, index2) {
console.log('index1 = ' + index1);
console.log('index2 = ' + index2);
doc.replies[index1].to[index2].read.marked = true;
doc.replies[index1].to[index2].read.datetime = req.body.datetimeRead;
doc.replies[index1].to[index2].updated= req.body.datetimeRead;
var saveFunc = Promise.promisify(, doc);
return saveFunc();
console.log('doc saved');
}).then(function(saved) {
console.log("Success! doc saved!");
console.log("Sending saved doc:");
}).catch(Promise.OperationalError, function(e){
// handle error in Mongoose findOne + save
console.error("unable to save because: ", e.message);
throw err;
// would be a 500 error, an OperationalError is probably a 4XX
throw err; // this optionally marks the chain as yet to be handled

Promises have no magic capability with your variable declarations. docReplies is defined in your first .then() callback function and is only available within that function. If you want it available across many .then() handler functions, then you will need declare it at a higher scope so it's available everywhere (normal Javascript scoping rules).
Or, in certain cases, you can return data from one promise handler to another, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're trying to do here.
In any case, normal Javascript scoping rules apply to all variable declarations, even those in promise callback functions.


In Node/Express, how to match or compare values in nested promises using csv-to-array

I have a Node/Express partial that is being called with AJAX, and is supposed to send a status update back to the view, after 2 subsequent API calls are made. This workflow relies on the csv-to-array module to read a ship-orders.csv file, and determine if the second API call (POST to Shipments) has already occured. It is supposed to do this by matching the OrderNumber in the csv file to the returned OrderNumber from the FindOrders endpoint (the first API).
The problem is that I am creating 2 arrays of order numbers to compare, but matching the first set of order numbers to the second set either always returns true or always returns false, and it very clearly should show "true" for the first record in the csv, and "false" for every other.
Before getting into the bulk of the code, here's the promise that reads the csv file into an array:
var csvShipPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var csvColumns = ['ChannelName', 'OrderNumber', 'LineNumber', 'WarehouseCode', 'Qty', 'Carrier', 'TrackingNumber', 'Shipdate', 'ShipMethod'];
var csvShipArr;
var csvArr;
file: shipLog,
columns: csvColumns
}, function(err, array){
csvShipArr = array;
Next I have a long promise that gets executed when the request to the partial is made. The comparison between logged OrderNumbers and OrderNumbers that need to be posted to Shipments is the 5th "then" block (and it's commented in the code below).
router.get and chained promise:
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
//Properly format xml string
var foundData = replaceAll(findData, '<', '<');
foundData = replaceAll(foundData, '>', '>');
return foundData;
//Parse xml to JSON and stringify
var parsedFound;
parseString(foundData, function(err, result){ //uses an xml to json module
parsedFound = JSON.stringify(result);
//Parse JSON and return an array of objects
var parsedJson = JSON.parse(parsedStr);
var orders = parsedJson['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body'][0]['FindOrders'][0]['orders'][0]['order'];
return orders;
//Get only orders with a tracking number.
var trackArray = [];
var ord;
for(ord in orders){
var postObj = orders[ord];
if(postObj.TrackingNumber[0].length > 1){
return trackArray; //array of orders that contain tracking numbers
/**** This is the block that is causing problems. *****/
var tItm;
var loggedOrders = [];
for(tItm in trackArray){
var alreadyLogged = false;
var trackedItm = trackArray[tItm];
var trackedOrderNum = trackedItm.ReferenceNum;
var csv;
var loggedOrderArr = [];
for (csv in csvOrders){
var csvItm = csvOrders[csv];
var csvOrderNum = csvItm.OrderNumber; //gets the OrderNumber as expected
return loggedOrderArr; //Return a simple array of all OrderNumbers
var ord;
for (ord in loggedOrderArr){
if(trackedOrderNum == loggedOrderArr[ord]){
alreadyLogged = true;
else {
console.log('not found');
alreadyLogged = false;
return loggedOrderArr; //Simply returning this value because the alreadyLogged test isn't working.
/* Here is where the test fails.
It shouldn't, because there are, say, 4 OrderNumbers in the result of the first API call,
and only 1 Order number logged in the CSV.
So it should be true once, and false 3 times.
But it is true all the time.
console.log('found'); //Always logs true/found.
} else {
console.log('not found');
return trackArray; //Just passing the array to the view, for now.
When I console.log the values of trackArray and loggedOrderArr, I see that there should be an intersection between an array of 4 values and an array of 1 value, but for some reason the comparison, if(trackedOrderNumber == loggedOrderArr[ord]) isn't working.
Alright, I'm gonna be honest, your code made my eyes swim. but as far as I can tell, a few things pop up:
move var alreadyLogged = false; to before the loop;
then add alreadyLogged = false; after if(alreadyLogged) statement
I think it has to do with scope. You are basically checking bool value of a var that has not changed yet because your promises has not resolved at the point of if(alreadyLogged)
Might I suggest a different approach?
why not make use of array.indexOf() ?
lets say you have two arrays to compare arrA & arrB; you can see if an item exists like so:
var index = arrA.indexOf(arrB[0]);
if(index == -1){
console.log('No Match');
console.log('Match found');
no need for any preset flags to see if one array contains an element.
Hope it helps.
A bit more context:
var index = loggedOrderArray.indexOf(trackedOrderNum);
if(index == -1){
console.log('No Match');
// -1 basicaly means that there is not instance of trackedOrderNum in loggedOrderArray
console.log('Match found');
What you are attempting appears to be reasonably simple. You are just overwhelming yourself with awkward flow control and bulky code.
As it stands, asynchronous flow isn't quite right chiefly due to parseString() not being promisified. A value returned from a raw nodeback won't propagate down a .then chain.
In addition, asynchronous flow will improve with :
application of Promise.all() up front to aggregate the two essential data-delivering promises csvShipPromise and findPromise.
the realisation that wholly synchronous steps in a promise chain can be merged with next step.
And, the bulk of the synchronous code will reduce by employing several Array methods:
Boiling it down to somewhere near the bare minimum, I get the following router.get() expression:
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
return Promise.all([csvShipPromise, findPromise])
.then([csvOrders, findData] => { // destructuring
let loggedOrderArr = => order.OrderNumber);
let foundData = replaceAll(findData, '<', '<');
foundData = replaceAll(foundData, '>', '>');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // promisify parseString() on the fly
parseString(foundData, (err, result) => {
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(result['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body'][0].FindOrders[0].orders[0].order); // does this expression really return `orders` (plural)?
.then(orders => {
let trackArray = orders.filter(postObj => postObj.TrackingNumber[0].length > 1); // filter orders to eliminate those without a tracking number.
let loggedOrders = trackArray.filter(trackedItm => loggedOrderArr.includes(trackedItm.ReferenceNum));
// let unloggedOrders = trackArray.filter(trackedItm => !loggedOrderArr.includes(trackedItm.ReferenceNum));
res.send(loggedOrders); // or res.send(unloggedOrders), depending on what you want.
.catch(err => {
res.error(err); // or similar
untested - I may have made mistakes, though hopefully ones that are simple to correct

Bluebird promise: loop over mongoose result

I query author data from a MongoDB via Mongoose (MEAN environment). The author data also contains an array of books that the author wrote (-> results.books). Once received, I'd like to iterate through this array of books and check for certain values. This is my code so far.
return Author.findOne({_id: req.user._id}, '-username').execAsync()
.then(function(results) {
return Promise.each(results.books) //this line causes TypeError rejection
console.log('book:'+book); // test output
//do foo
console.log('Error: '+err);
Unfortunately I can't get it to work as it keeps giving me a rejection TypeError for the line marked above. I tried to apply this solution here (Bluebird Promisfy.each, with for-loops and if-statements?) but it wouldn't work out as it also seems to be a different kind of problem.
Bluebird's Promise.each() takes an iterable AND a iterator callback function that will be called for each item in the iterable. You are not passing the callback function. The .then() handler after Promise.each() is called when the entire iteration is done. It looks like you're expecting that to be the iterator - that's not the case.
Bluebird doc for Promise.each() is here.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but perhaps this is what you want:
return Author.findOne({_id: req.user._id}, 'username').execAsync()
.then(function (results) {
return Promise.each(results.books, function(book) {
console.log('book:' + book); // test output
if (book === 'whatever‘) {
//do foo
}).then(function() {
// Promise.each() is done here
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);

nodejs and mongoskin, callback after all items have been saved

I have the following piece of code where I iterate through a collection and do another db query and construct an object within its callback. Finally I save that object to another collection.
I wish to call another function after all items have been saved, but can't figure out how. I tried using the async library, specifically async whilst when item is not null, but that just throws me in an infinite loop.
Is there a way to identify when all items have been saved?
var cursor = db.collection('user_apps').find({}, {timeout:false});
cursor.each(function (err, item) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (item) {
var appList = item.appList;
var uuid= item.uuid;
db.collection('app_categories').find({schema_name:{$in: appList}}).toArray(function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
var catCount = _.countBy(result, function (obj) {
return obj.category;
catObj['_id'] = uuid;
catObj['total_app_num'] = result.length;
catObj['app_breakdown'] = catCount;
db.collection('audiences').insert(catObj, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
else {
// do something here after all items have been saved
The key here is to use something that is going to respect the callback signal when performing the "loop" operation. The .each() as implemented here will not do that, so you need an "async" loop control that will signify that each loop has iterated and completed, with it's own callback within the callback.
Provided your underlying MongoDB driver is at least version 2, then there is a .forEach() which has a callback which is called when the loop is complete. This is better than .each(), but it does not solve the problem of knowing when the inner "async" .insert() operations have been completed.
So a better approach is to use the stream interface returned by .find(), where this is more flow control allowed. There is a .stream() method for backwards compatibility, but modern drivers will just return the interface by default:
var stream = db.collection('user_apps').find({});
stream.on("data",function(item) {
stream.pause(); // pause processing of stream
var appList = item.appList;
var uuid= item.uuid;
db.collection('app_categories').find({schema_name:{ "$in": appList}}).toArray(function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
var catCount = _.countBy(result, function (obj) {
return obj.category;
var catObj = {}; // always re-init
catObj['_id'] = uuid;
catObj['total_app_num'] = result.length;
catObj['app_breakdown'] = catCount;
db.collection('audiences').insert(catObj, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
stream.resume(); // resume stream processing
// stream complete and processing done
The .pause() method on the stream stops further events being emitted so that each object result is processed one at a time. When the callback from the .insert() is called, then the .resume() method is called, signifying that processing is complete for that item and a new call can be made to process the next item.
When the stream is complete, then everything is done so the "end" event hook is called to continue your code.
That way, both each loop is signified with an end to move to the next iteration as well as there being a defined "end" event for the complete end of processing. As the control is "inside" the .insert() callback, then those operations are respected for completion as well.
As a side note, you might consider including your "category" information in the source collection, as it seems likely your results can be more efficiently returned using .aggregate() if all required data were in a single collection.

How to use promise bluebird in nested for loop?

I need to use bluebird in my code and I have no idea how to use it. My code contains nested loops. When the user logs in, my code will run. It will begin to look for any files under the user, and if there are files then, it will loop through to get the name of the files, since the name is stored in a dictionary. Once it got the name, it will store the name in an array. Once all the names are stored, it will be passed along in res.render().
Here is my code:'/login', function(req, res){
var username = req.body.username;
var password = req.body.password;
Parse.User.logIn(username, password, {
success: function(user){
var Files = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var object = [];
var query = new Parse.Query(Files);
query.equalTo("user", Parse.User.current());
var temp;
for(var i=0; i< results.length; i++){
var file = results[i].toJSON();
for(var k in file){
if (k ==="javaFile"){
for(var t in file[k]){
if (t === "name"){
temp = file[k][t];
var getname = temp.split("-").pop();
object[i] = getname;
res.render('filename', {title: 'File Name', FIles: object});
error: function(user, error) {
console.log("Invalid username/password");
EDIT:The code doesn't work, because on the first and second console.log(object), I get an empty array. I am suppose to get one item in that array, because I have one file saved
JavaScript code is all parsed from top to bottom, but it doesn't necessarily execute in that order with asynchronous code. The problem is that you have the log statements inside of the success callback of your login function, but it's NOT inside of the query's success callback.
You have a few options:
Move the console.log statements inside of the inner success callback so that while they may be parsed at load time, they do not execute until both callbacks have been invoked.
Promisify functions that traditionally rely on and invoke callback functions, and hang then handlers off of the returned value to chain the promises together.
The first option is not using promises at all, but relying solely on callbacks. To flatten your code you will want to promisify the functions and then chain them.
I'm not familiar with the syntax you're using there with the success and error callbacks, nor am I familiar with Parse. Typically you would do something like:
query.find(someArgsHere, function(success, err) {
But then you would have to nest another callback inside of that, and another callback inside of that. To "flatten" the pyramid, we make the function return a promise instead, and then we can chain the promises. Assuming that Parse.User.logIn is a callback-style function (as is Parse.Query.find), you might do something like:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var login = Promise.promisify(Parse.User.logIn);
var find = Promise.promisify(Parse.Query.find);
var outerOutput = [];
return login(yourArgsHere)
.then(function(user) {
return find(user.someValue);
.then(function(results) {
var innerOutput = [];
// do something with innerOutput or outerOutput and render it
This should look familiar to synchronous code that you might be used to, except instead of saving the returned value into a variable and then passing that variable to your next function call, you use "then" handlers to chain the promises together. You could either create the entire output variable inside of the second then handler, or you can declare the variable output prior to even starting this promise chain, and then it will be in scope for all of those functions. I have shown you both options above, but obviously you don't need to define both of those variables and assign them values. Just pick the option that suits your needs.
You can also use Bluebird's promisifyAll() function to wrap an entire library with equivalent promise-returning functions. They will all have the same name of the functions in the library suffixed with Async. So assuming the Parse library contains callback-style functions named someFunctionName() and someOtherFunc() you could do this:
var Parse = Promise.promisifyAll(require("Parse"));
var promiseyFunction = function() {
return Parse.someFunctionNameAsync()
.then(function(result) {
return Parse.someOtherFuncAsync(result.someProperty);
.then(function(otherFuncResult) {
var something;
// do stuff to assign a value to something
return something;
I have a few pointers. ... Btw tho, are you trying to use Parse's Promises?
You can get rid of those inner nested loops and a few other changes:
Use some syntax like this to be more elegant:
/// You could use a map function like this to get the files into an array of just thier names
var fileNames = _getJavaFile(item) {
return item && item.javaFile && // NOT NULL
&&'-')[0]; // RETURN first part of name
// Example to filter/retrieve only valid file objs (with dashes in name)
var matchedFiles = results.filter(function _hasJavaFile(item) {
return item && item.javaFile && // NOT NULL
&&'-') > -1; // and has a dash
And here is an example on using Parse's native promises (add code above to line 4/5 below, note the 'then()' function, that's effectively now your 'callback' handler):
var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore");
var query = new Parse.Query(GameScore);"score", "playerName");
query.find().then(function(results) {
// each of results will only have the selected fields available.

bluebird .all() does not call .then

I have an unknown number of async processes that might run from a request. There is a block of text to be modified by these processes.
UpdateScript is called with the text to be modified, it has a callback that I would like to run when everything is complete.
var promise = require('bluebird');
function updateScript(text, cb){
var funcChain = [],
re = some_Regular_Expression,
mods = {text: text};
while (m = re.exec(mods.text)) {
// The text is searched for keywords. If found a subprocess will fire
funcChain.push( changeTitleAsync(keyword, mods) );
// This is never called.
function changeTitle(encryptedId, mods){
// database request modifies mods.text
throw e;
var changeTitleAsync = promise.promisify(changeTitle);
The changeTitle code is called but the "then" call is not
Partly the problem is incorrect use of promisify(). This is meant to convert a node-style function that takes a callback as it's last argument into one that returns a promise (see docs here).
Instead what you can do with your function above is have it return a new Promise manually like this:
function changeTitle(encryptedId, mods) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
try {
// do something then resolve promise with results
var result = ...
} catch (e) {
// reject the promise with caught error
There is one mistake above: I assume the db call to update the text is also asynchronous, sothe try /catch block will never catch anything because it will run through just as the db kicks off intially.
So what you would have to do is promisify the DB call itself. If you're using a node db library (like Mongoose, etc) you could run Promise.promisifyAll() against it, and use the Async versions of the functions (see promisifyAll section on above link for details).
Hope this helps!!
