Hosting nodejs and mongodb [closed] - node.js

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have my own physical server in a datacenter.
I have experience in hosting IIS for production. And I never done it for nodejs and mongodb.
Would like to ask, is there any standard procedure I should follow when hosting both nodejs and mongodb in my server? Or should I just setup it like how I setup in my local machine?


Is it possible to block an entire operating system from accessing a website? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I have a client who wants to block Linux users from accessing the website since they account for 1/5 of traffic and are clearly bots.
Has anyone successfully done this? Not too sure where to begin.

keep express app running on Linux cloud server [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am pretty new to node/express. In the past I've used Django and apache. Recently I developed an express app and it works great when I manually run it and test it. I've done research on how to keep a node app with mongo db up and running after logging out of the linux server and there seems to be a lot of different answers. Is there a single ideal agreed upon way of doing it?
You can use tools like pm2 to keep node process running

easiest way to deploy sailsjs API [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am currently working sailsjs and how can i deploy it on azure?
There was a blog post a couple of months ago which gives the steps needed to deploy to azure:

How to Host node application in IIS? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am developing an application in mean-stack. The only the difference is that I want to host my application in IIS rather than express.js. Is it possible or feasible to do so? What are possible advantages and disadvantages? Thanks in advance.
It seems to be possible: Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows. That site even mentions some benefits. To be honest, I have no first hand experience (or need) to run Node on IIS.

VoIP with Godaddy Server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to know how I can have VoIP on a godaddy Linux server.
I want to be able to pc-pc talk to another computer from mine.
Yet I dont want to pay for anything.
I can try and learn how to script if you put me in the right direction.
But I would like to know how i can do this. Do I use a VoIP engine or just an application that i can install on my server ?
You might want to try and install Asterisk on this server.
