Using the Reader monad with QuickCheck / monadicIO - haskell

I'd like to pass an integer as a CLI argument to a Haskell program that makes use of QuickCheck / monadicIO. That integer is going to be used inside the assert to make the tests customizable.
The problem is that once I parse the integer value in main, I don't know how to pass it inside of the monadicIO call without using something as ugly as an IORef. I would think that an elegant solution might be the Reader monad, but I couldn't find a solution to make it work, seen as quickCheck is rigid in its arguments.
Any ideas?
Later Edit 1: As requested, I'm attaching the actual code I'm trying this on, and failing. The commented-out lines represent my failed attempt. Background: the test suite is intended to exercise a very simple remote endpoint that computes the SHA512 of the randomized input generated by QuickCheck. The remote endpoint is Python/Flask based.
Later Edit 2 in response to #user2407038: I could make propHasExpectedLengthCeiling take an additional argument of type Int, but quickCheck would generate random values for it, and that's not what I want happening. My goal is to use the maxSegmentLengthCeiling that I'm taking in from the command-line arguments and use it in let testPassed = actualMaxSegmentLength <= maxSegmentLengthCeiling inside of the monadicIO block. Right now maxSegmentLengthCeiling is specified as a top-level value, which means I have to recompile the code every time I change the value. I don't yet have any code that involves IORef because that's a last resort and the essence of my question is how to avoid going the IORef route.
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List ( groupBy )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
--import Safe ( headMay
-- , readMay
-- )
--import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import Network.HTTP.Conduit ( simpleHttp )
import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary
, Property
, arbitrary
, choose
, frequency
, quickCheckWith
, stdArgs
, vectorOf
import Test.QuickCheck.Test ( Args
, maxSuccess
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( assert
, monadicIO
, run
newtype CustomInput = MkCustomInput String deriving Show
instance Arbitrary CustomInput where
arbitrary =
genCustomInput = vectorOf 20
$ frequency [ (26, choose ('0','9'))
, (10, choose ('a','z'))
MkCustomInput <$> genCustomInput
maxSegmentLengthCeiling :: Int
maxSegmentLengthCeiling = 22
urlPrefix :: String
urlPrefix = ""
propHasExpectedLengthCeiling :: CustomInput -> Property
propHasExpectedLengthCeiling (MkCustomInput input) = monadicIO $ do
testPassed <- run $ do
response <- simpleHttp $ urlPrefix ++ input
let stringResponse = LC.unpack response
let brokenDownStringResponse = groupBy ( (==) `on` isDigit ) stringResponse
let actualMaxSegmentLength = maximum $ map length brokenDownStringResponse
let testPassed = actualMaxSegmentLength <= maxSegmentLengthCeiling
putStrLn ""
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Input: " ++ input
putStrLn $ "Control sum: " ++ stringResponse
putStrLn $ "Breakdown: " ++ show brokenDownStringResponse
putStrLn $ "Max. length: " ++ show actualMaxSegmentLength
putStrLn $ "Ceiling: " ++ show maxSegmentLengthCeiling
putStrLn $ "Test result: " ++ if testPassed then "Pass" else "Fail"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn ""
return testPassed
assert $ testPassed
customArgs :: Args
customArgs = stdArgs { maxSuccess = 1000000 }
--readMayAsInt :: String -> Maybe Int
--readMayAsInt = readMay
main :: IO ()
main =
--main = do
-- cliArgs <- getArgs
-- let ceilingInputMay = headMay cliArgs >>= readMayAsInt
-- maxSegmentLengthCeiling <- case ceilingInputMay of
-- (Just lengthCeiling) -> return lengthCeiling
-- Nothing -> error "No valid number given"

Make maxSegmentLengthCeiling a parameter to propHasExpectedLengthCeiling :
propHasExpectedLengthCeiling :: Int -> CustomInput -> Property
and invoke it as
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
quickCheckWith customArgs (propHasExpectedLengthCeiling (read n))


How to convert from happs -> happstack?

Can anyone help me "translate" the below from happs to happstack:
module Main where
import HAppS.Server.AlternativeHTTP
import HAppS.Server.HTTP.AltFileServe
import Control.Monad.State
import Numeric
import Contracts
instance FromData ExContr where
fromData = do c <- look "contract"
arg1 <- look "arg1"
arg2 <- look "arg2"
img <- look "image"
return $ ExContr (c, map fst $ readFloat arg1
++ readFloat arg2, read img)
main :: IO ()
main = do simpleHTTP [dir "contractEx"
[withData $ \(ExContr t) ->
[anyRequest $ liftIO $ liftM toResponse =<< renderEx (ExContr t)]
,anyRequest $ ok $ toResponse renderExDefault]
,fileServe ["Contracts.html"] "public" -- fileserving
Contracts.hs contains:
newtype ExContr = ExContr (String, [Double], Bool) deriving (Read,Show,Eq)
renderEx :: ExContr -> IO Html
renderEx exSpec#(ExContr (contractId, args, lattice)) =
let pr = evalEx exSpec
expValChart = if contractId == "probs" then noHtml -- expected value is meaningless for the probabilities it relies on
else h3 << "Expected value" +++ image ! [src (chartUrl $ expectedValuePr pr)]
imageType = "png"
in if useLatticeImage exSpec
then do baseName <- mkUniqueName baseDotFilename
exitCode <- latticeImage pr (webPath ++ tmpImgPath ++ baseName) imageType
let pageContents =
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> renderExampleForm exSpec (image ! [src latticeUrl, border 1]) expValChart
where latticeUrl = "/" ++ tmpImgPath ++ baseName ++ "." ++ imageType
_ -> p << "renderEx: error generating lattice image"
return $ renderExamplePage pageContents
else return $ renderExamplePage $ renderExampleForm exSpec (prToTable pr) expValChart
renderExDefault = renderExamplePage $
renderExampleForm (ExContr ("zcb", [fromIntegral t1Horizon, 10], True))
noHtml noHtml
Alternatively I would like to understand how to install an old version of HappS compatible with the above code. Needless to say I am very new to Haskell.
This should work, assuming your ExContr type and renderEx functions that you did not supply in your code are similar to what I have here. I cannot actually run your code to ensure that it behaves the same.
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Happstack.Server.Internal.Monads (anyRequest)
import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
import Happstack.Server.FileServe
import Numeric
-- data ExContr = ExContr (String, [Double], String)
-- renderEx :: ExContr -> IO String
-- renderEx = undefined
instance FromData ExContr where
fromData = do c <- look "contract"
arg1 <- look "arg1"
arg2 <- look "arg2"
img <- look "image"
return $ ExContr (c, map fst $ readFloat arg1
++ readFloat arg2, read img)
main :: IO ()
main = do
simpleHTTP (nullConf { port = 80 }) $ msum [
dir "contractEx" $ withData $ \(ExContr t) -> msum $ [
anyRequest $ fmap toResponse $ liftIO $ renderEx (ExContr t)
, anyRequest $ ok $ toResponse renderExDefault
, serveDirectory DisableBrowsing ["Contracts.html"] "public"
Edited: forgot the renderExDefault line.

Reading numbers inline

Imagine I read an input block via stdin that looks like this:
The first number is the number of following rows. I have to process these numbers via a function and report the results separated by a space.
So I wrote this main function:
main = do
num <- readLn
putStrLn $ intercalate " " [ show $ myFunc $ read getLine | c <- [1..num]]
Of course that function doesn't compile because of the read getLine.
But what is the correct (read: the Haskell way) way to do this properly? Is it even possible to write this function as a one-liner?
Is it even possible to write this function as a one-liner?
Well, it is, and it's kind of concise, but see for yourself:
main = interact $ unwords . map (show . myFunc . read) . drop 1 . lines
So, how does this work?
interact :: (String -> String) -> IO () takes all contents from STDIN, passes it through the given function, and prints the output.
We use unwords . map (show . myFunc . read) . drop 1 . lines :: String -> String:
lines :: String -> [String] breaks a string at line ends.
drop 1 removes the first line, as we don't actually need the number of lines.
map (show . myFunc . read) converts each String to the correct type, uses myFunc, and then converts it back to a `String.
unwords is basically the same as intercalate " ".
However, keep in mind that interact isn't very GHCi friendly.
You can build a list of monadic actions with <$> (or fmap) and execute them all with sequence.
λ intercalate " " <$> sequence [show . (2*) . read <$> getLine | _ <- [1..4]]
"2 4 6 8"
Is it even possible to write this function as a one-liner?
Sure, but there is a problem with the last line of your main function. Because you're trying to apply intercalate " " to
[ show $ myFunc $ read getLine | c <- [1..num]]
I'm guessing you expect the latter to have type [String], but it is in fact not a well-typed expression. How can that be fixed? Let's first define
getOneInt :: IO Int
getOneInt = read <$> getLine
for convenience (we'll be using it multiple times in our code). Now, what you meant is probably something like
[ show . myFunc <$> getOneInt | c <- [1..num]]
which, if the type of myFunc aligns with the rest, has type [IO String]. You can then pass that to sequence in order to get a value of type IO [String] instead. Finally, you can "pass" that (using =<<) to
putStrLn . intercalate " "
in order to get the desired one-liner:
import Control.Monad ( replicateM )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
main :: IO ()
main = do
num <- getOneInt
putStrLn . intercalate " " =<< sequence [ show . myFunc <$> getOneInt | c <- [1..num]]
myFunc = (* 3) -- for example
getOneInt :: IO Int
getOneInt = read <$> getLine
In GHCi:
λ> main
135 69 3
Is the code idiomatic and readable, though? Not so much, in my opinion...
[...] what is the correct (read: the Haskell way) way to do this properly?
There is no "correct" way of doing it, but the following just feels more natural and readable to me:
import Control.Monad ( replicateM )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- getOneInt
ns <- replicateM n getOneInt
putStrLn $ intercalate " " $ map (show . myFunc) ns
myFunc = (* 3) -- replace by your own function
getOneInt :: IO Int
getOneInt = read <$> getLine
Alternatively, if you want to eschew the do notation:
main =
getOneInt >>=
flip replicateM getOneInt >>=
putStrLn . intercalate " " . map (show . myFunc)
myFunc = (* 3) -- replace by your own function

zip AST with bool list

I have an AST representing a haskell program and a bitvector/bool list representing the presence of strictness annotations on Patterns in order.For example, 1000 represents a program with 4 Pats where the first one is a BangPat. Is there any way that I can turn on and off the annotations in the AST according to the list?
-- EDIT: further clarify what I want editBang to do
Based on user5042's answer:
Simple.hs :=
main = do
case args of
[] -> error "blah"
[!x] -> putStrLn "one"
(!x : xs) -> putStrLn "many"
And I want editBang "Simple.hs" [True, True, True, True] to produce
main = do
case args of
[] -> error "blah"
[!x] -> putStrLn "one"
(!(!x : !xs)) -> putStrLn "many"
Given that above are the only 4 places that ! can appear
As a first step, here's how to use transformBi:
import Data.Data
import Control.Monad
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
changeNames x = transformBi change x
where change (Ident str) = Ident ("foo_" ++ str)
change x = x
test2 = do
content <- readFile "Simple.hs"
case parseModule content of
ParseFailed _ e -> error e
ParseOk a -> do
let a' = changeNames a
putStrLn $ ppShow a'
The changeNames function finds all occurrences of a Ident s and replaces it with Ident ("foo_"++s) in the source tree.
There is a monadic version called transformBiM which allows the replacement function to be monadic which would allow you to consume elements from your list of Bools as you found bang patterns.
Here is a complete working example:
import Control.Monad
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
parseHaskell path = do
content <- readFile path
let mode = ParseMode path Haskell2010 [EnableExtension BangPatterns] False False Nothing
case parseModuleWithMode mode content of
ParseFailed _ e -> error $ path ++ ": " ++ e
ParseOk a -> return a
changeBangs bools x = runState (transformBiM go x) bools
where go pp#(PBangPat p) = do
(b:bs) <- get
put bs
if b
then return p
else return pp
go x = return x
test = do
a <- parseHaskell "Simple.hs"
putStrLn $ unlines . map ("before: " ++) . lines $ ppShow a
let a' = changeBangs [True,False] a
putStrLn $ unlines . map ("after : " ++) . lines $ ppShow a'
You might also look into using rewriteBiM.
The file Simple.hs:
main = do
case args of
[] -> error "blah"
[!x] -> putStrLn "one"
(!x : xs) -> putStrLn "many"

'Either' propagation with IO()

I am learning Haskell, and having a great time. One of the things I especially enjoy is using the monad error types to propagate error conditions behind the scene in fmap or >>=. For example, in this code, I am using hoauth2 for an authenticated connection. It defines OAuth2Result using Either...
type OAuth2Result a = Either ByteString a -- from OAuth2
getEntries :: Manager -> AccessToken -> IO(OAuth2Result [Entry])
-- code omitted
filterResults :: [Entry] -> OAuth2Result [Entry]
filterResults = return $ filter hasUrl
printEntries :: [Entry] -> IO() -- What type can I use here?
printEntries Left l = -- code omitted
printEntries Right r = -- code omitted
main = do
entriesResult <- getEntries mgr token -- This is an OAuth2Result
let filtered = entriesResult >>= filterResults
printEntries filtered
The problem that I am having is when a function has IO like printEntries. In this case, I have to explicitly pattern match to do the error handling. I would sure love to be able to hide it somehow as I did with the filterResults call.
How can I do this?
Here's how to do it with runEitherT which requires some lifting and hoisting to get the types right:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Error
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
type Entry = String
type Result a = Either String a
sampleEntries = [ "good 1", "good 2", "good 3", "bad 4", "good 5", "bad 6", "good 7" ]
getEntries :: Int -> IO (Result [Entry])
getEntries n = if n >= 0 && n <= length sampleEntries
then return $ Right $ take n sampleEntries
else return $ Left $ "invalid n: " ++ show n
filterEntries :: [Entry] -> Result [Entry]
filterEntries ents = if all isGood ents
then Right $ ents
else Left "found a bad entry"
where isGood str = isInfixOf "good" str
printEntries :: [Entry] -> IO ()
printEntries ents = forM_ (zip [1..] ents) $ \(i,e) -> print (i,e)
doit n = do
ents <- (lift $ getEntries n) >>= hoistEither
filtered <- hoistEither $ filterEntries ents
lift $ printEntries filtered
main n = do result <- runEitherT $ doit n
case result of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e
Right _ -> putStrLn $ "no errors"
Note the following behavior:
main 100 fails because getEntries returns an error
main 4 fails because filterEntries returns an error
main 3 succeeds

Running an Hint evaluator on cloud haskell node, odd behavior on quickCheck

I am trying to follow along the tutorial on cloud haskell here. For my purpose, I wanted to evaluate quickcheck properties in different slaves. So I added a Hint evaluator that takes a module name to load, and an expression to evaluate within the context of that module.
Now, my problem is that when I try to run it after compiling it, I get all the messages just before evaluation, and the process seems to exit.
Sat Jan 3 09:16:34 UTC 2015 pid:// send mymodule
Sat Jan 3 09:16:34 UTC 2015 pid:// Got mymodule and test:quickCheckResult revProp
However, if I run main from cabal repl I get the expected output. So my question is, am I doing any thing wrong? How do I get it to produce the expected output in the command line?
My code
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (forkProcess, newLocalNode, initRemoteTable)
import Network.Transport.TCP (createTransport, defaultTCPParameters)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as I
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Test as Qc
import Data.Typeable
deriving instance Typeable Qc.Result
type InterpreterOutput = Either I.InterpreterError Qc.Result
localHost, localPort :: String
localHost = ""
localPort = "10501"
evaluator :: String -> String -> IO InterpreterOutput
evaluator mymodule myexpr = I.runInterpreter evM
where evM = do I.loadModules [mymodule]
ms <- I.getLoadedModules
I.setTopLevelModules ms
result <- I.interpret myexpr ( :: (Typeable a => IO a)) >>= liftIO
return result
muServer :: (ProcessId, String, String) -> Process ()
muServer (sender, mymodule, myexpr) = do
say $ "Got mymodule and test:" ++ myexpr
iResult <- liftIO (evaluator mymodule myexpr)
val <- case iResult of
Left err -> do say $ "error " ++ (show err)
return (show err)
Right out -> do say $ "success " ++ (show out)
return (show out)
say $ "Got mymodule and test:" ++ myexpr
send sender (show val)
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right t <- createTransport localHost localPort defaultTCPParameters
node <- newLocalNode t initRemoteTable
_ <- forkProcess node $ do
myPid <- spawnLocal $ forever $ do
receiveWait [match muServer]
self <- getSelfPid
say $ "send mymodule"
send myPid (self, "Examples/QuickCheckTest.hs", "quickCheckResult revProp")
m <- expectTimeout 1000000
case m of
Nothing -> die "at worker: nothing came back!"
(Just s) -> do say $ "at worker: got " ++ s ++ " back!"
return ()
liftIO $ threadDelay (1*1000000)
return ()
The sample module with quickcheck properties
module Examples.QuickCheckTest where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List
qsort :: [Int] -> [Int]
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort l ++ [x] ++ qsort r
where l = filter (< x) xs
r = filter (>= x) xs
idEmpProp xs = qsort xs == qsort (qsort xs)
revProp xs = qsort xs == qsort (reverse xs)
modelProp xs = qsort xs == sort xs
If I use just a simple module,
module Test where
mytest :: IO String
mytest = return "Hello from module Test"
and then use mytest as the evaluation string (replacing Qc.Result with string), I get the expected output from the slave.
