Using Intern for nodejs only app - node.js

I was trying running intern-client for nodejs server-side application. The terminal error I receive is
"node plugin failed to load because environment is not Node.js"
I tried adding
hasCache: {
"host-node": 1, // Ensure we "force" the loader into Node.js mode
"dom": 0 // Ensure that none of the code assumes we have a DOM
configuration to my intern.js config file but no success.
Can anyone please suggest a way to configure intern for node-only apps using dojo.


How to alert user he/she does not have the correct Nodejs engine when running my app?

I'm developing and application with Node >=14
I'd like that the application wont start or at least provide a warning message:
if the nodejs engine installed on the host environment is not matching the required version.
I know I can possibly achieve it via code, at bootstrap.
I wonder if using the package json engines directive it is possible to obtain this result
"engines": {
"node": "^14"
Actually the above is not considered if I switch on my host for example to node 12
And if I run
npm run start
it will work without providing any feedback or error.
To emulate different nodejs engine version I'm using n package
ο node/14.18.0
Is it possible or the engines directive is going to be fired only on node modules install to check intra package dependencies?
If setting the Node version in package.json file doesn't work then I think you've to alert the user manually.
You can get the current node version from the process.version property.
So you'd have to do something like this:
const currentMajorVersion = +process.version.slice(1).split(".")[0];
// e.g., "v14.10.1" => 14
if(currentMajorVersion < whatever)

NodeJs Debugging Client-Side Visual Studio Code with FuseJs

I have two application which has developed with Typescript. They are server-side and client-side application. I used NodeJs for them. On client-side also used fuseJs for hot-reload feature. But I have a problem I can't debug the client-side application. I'm always writing to console and there is so much "console.log() lines".
I can debug my server-side. But I can't debug client-side.
Here is my fusejs configuration:
const { FuseBox, WebIndexPlugin, CSSPlugin, CSSResourcePlugin } = require("fuse-box");
const { src } = require("fuse-box/sparky");
const fuse = FuseBox.init({
tsConfig: "tsconfig.json",
homeDir: "src",
target: "browser#es6",
output: "dist/$name.js",
plugins: [
.instructions(" > main.ts")
I was run my client-side app like: node fuse.js but I read this docs: then I added "debugger" line to my code and I run it: node inspect fuse.js
But I can't still debugging it. Somebody suggested chrome debug extension but I don't want change my any config or don't want to be reason for it. Is there any other way before try this extension? Can anybody help me?

How can I run some code in Node prior to running a browser test with Intern?

With Intern, how can I run some setup code in Node prior to running browser tests, but not when running Node tests? I know that I could do that outside of Intern completely, but is there anything that's a part of Intern that could handle that?
For a more concrete example: I'm running tests for an HTTP library that communicates with a Python server. When running in Node, I can run spawn("python", [""]) to start the server. However, in the browser, I would need to run that command before the browser begins running the tests.
Phrased another way: is there a built-in way with Intern to run some code in the Node process prior to launching the browser tests?
By default, Intern will run the plugins configured for node regardless of which environment you're running in.
So, you could create a plugin that hooks into the runStart and runEnd events like this:
intern.on("runStart", () => {
// Setup code here
intern.on("runEnd", () => {
// Teardown code here
These handlers will run inside the Node process, and thus have access to all the available Node APIs.
Additionally, you can detect which environments are being tested by looking at intern.config.environments:
environments: [
browserName: 'chrome',
browserVersion: undefined,
version: undefined
By looking at the environments, you can determine whether or not you need to run your setup code.

App Dynamics for Angular 2 App in IIS - Node.js Agent Installation and Configuration

I am trying to assist in setting up AppDynamics with an Angular 2 app that is hosted in IIS. The app is already up and running. There is a part I am having trouble on, the instructions for that part say say:
1) From the root directory of your Node.js application, run this command:
npm install appdynamics#4.3.5
For every Node.js application you are instrumenting, insert the following call in the application source code at the first line of the main module (such as the server.js file), before any other require statements:
controllerHostName: '<controller host name>',
controllerPort: <controller port number>,
controllerSslEnabled: false, // Set to true if controllerPort is SSL
accountName: '<AppDynamics_account_name>',
accountAccessKey: '<AppDynamics_account_key>',
applicationName: 'your_app_name',
tierName: 'choose_a_tier_name',
nodeName: 'choose_a_node_name'
2) Restart you application
I did step 1 locally in the console, but I don't know what to do for step 2. If I add that script to the page I get "The Reference error: require is not defined".
I learned that that function is not meant to run on the browser. It's meant to be run server-side, but I do not see node js or any server.js files on our dev web server.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to put that snippet. Will it even work with the current setup?
It turns out the code I was given was completely wrong for angular 2 implementation. The code they gave me is for running on the web server's side with node js. Since angular 2 is an SPA that runs on the browser, it would never work.
I did some research and found this example application that I added a few tweaks to:

Sails.js application not refreshing files from assets after start

I have a Sails.JS application with Angular.JS front-end.
The angular files are stored in /assets/linker and they are injected properly on start. My issue is that when I change css or js file from assets the change doesn't appear on the server, the loaded js file is the same as when the server started. I tried to clear my browser cache and tried in another browser, but still the same.
I also tried to run the application with forever -w and nodemon, but still nothing. The application is in dev mode, anyway starting with sails lift --dev does not solve the issue neither.
I have feeling that I miss something in configuration. Is there any way to force reloading of assets?
You need to check your Gruntfile configuration. It's where the magic happen in term of linker and livereload.
Specifically, you'll need to look at the watch task and the related tasks.
By default it looks like this :
watch: {
api: {
// API files to watch:
files: ['api/**/*']
assets: {
// Assets to watch:
files: ['assets/**/*'],
// When assets are changed:
tasks: ['compileAssets', 'linkAssets']
I found the problem. I made the Angular.js structure with angular generator
which adds not only the js structure, but also karma test environment containing shell and bat scripts, karma framework and more.
Building sails application with all these files in watched folder is breaking the refresh functionality. There's no errors in console and nothing in the running application, but the files from assets are not reloaded anymore.
Tip of the day: be careful with the files you have in assets and take a look what does generators generate!
I came here looking for livereload, after a little search
Live Reloading
Enabling Live Reload in Your HTML
in current version of Sails v0.10 there is a file for watch task: tasks/config/watch.js
